예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the People or Publications report
        /// </summary>
        private void PeopleOrPublicationsReport(WhichReport whichReport, bool ContinuePreviousReport, Reports reports)
            ArrayList SetnbsToSkip = null;

            string Filename = Folder.Text + "\\";

            if (whichReport == WhichReport.People)
                Filename += People.Text;
                Filename += Publications.Text;

            // If we're continuing the previous report, rename it to a backup filename,
            // then copy every person in it to the file to append -- except for the
            // last person, which we'll restart.
            if (ContinuePreviousReport && File.Exists(Filename))
                    SetnbsToSkip = Reports.BackupReportAndGetSetnbs(Filename);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    AddLogEntry("An error occurred while creating the report '" + Filename + "': " + ex.Message);

            // Make an anonymous callback function that keeps track of the callback data
            Reports.ReportStatus StatusCallback = delegate(int number, int total, Person person, bool StatusBarOnly)
                toolStripProgressBar1.Minimum = 0;
                toolStripProgressBar1.Maximum = total;
                toolStripProgressBar1.Value   = number;
                if (!StatusBarOnly)
                    AddLogEntry("Writing " + person.Last + " " + person.Setnb + " (" + number.ToString() + " of " + total.ToString() + ")");

            // Make an anonymous callback function to receive message
            Reports.ReportMessage MessageCallback = delegate(string Message)

            // Write the Stars report
            StreamWriter writer;

                // Open the writer to append the file only if continuing from a previous report
                writer = new StreamWriter(Filename, ContinuePreviousReport);
            catch (Exception ex)
                AddLogEntry("An error occurred while creating the report '" + Filename + "': " + ex.Message);
                if (whichReport == WhichReport.People)
                    reports.PeopleReport(SetnbsToSkip, writer, StatusCallback, MessageCallback);
                    reports.PubsReport(SetnbsToSkip, writer, StatusCallback, MessageCallback);
            catch (Exception ex)
                AddLogEntry("An error occurred while creating the report '" + Filename + "': " + ex.Message);
예제 #2
        public System.Collections.IEnumerable getReportItems(WhichReport whichReport, string siteLocationId, string equipment)
            var query = string.Empty;

            switch (whichReport)
            case WhichReport.InventorySummary:
                query = "SELECT DISTINCT ItemType.name as description, (SELECT SUM(count) FROM Item AS I2 Where Item.id=I2.id) AS quantity, VehicleLocation.name AS location, IfNULL((SELECT IT2.name FROM Item AS I2 INNER JOIN ItemType AS IT2 ON I2.itemTypeId=IT2.id WHERE I2.id=Item.parentId), '') as binOrModule, expirationDate FROM (Item INNER JOIN ItemType ON Item.itemTypeId=ItemType.id) LEFT JOIN VehicleLocation ON Item.vehicleLocationId=VehicleLocation.id ORDER BY binOrModule, description;";

            case WhichReport.ItemStatus:
                query = "SELECT DISTINCT ItemStatus.name as status, ItemType.name as description, " +
                        "(SELECT SUM(count) FROM Item AS I2 Where Item.id = I2.id) AS quantity, " +
                        "IfNULL((SELECT IT2.name FROM Item AS I2 INNER JOIN ItemType AS IT2 ON I2.itemTypeId = IT2.id WHERE I2.id = Item.parentId), '') as binOrModule, " +
                        "ItemInstance.itemNumber " +
                        "FROM (ItemStatus INNER JOIN(ItemInstance INNER JOIN(Item INNER JOIN ItemType ON Item.itemTypeId = ItemType.id) ON ItemInstance.itemId = Item.id) ON ItemStatus.id = ItemInstance.statusId) " +
                        $"WHERE ItemInstance.siteLocationId = '{siteLocationId}' AND " +
                        $"Item.unitTypeName = '{equipment}' ORDER BY binOrModule, status, description;";

            case WhichReport.VendorCost:

            case WhichReport.Weight:
                query =
                    "SELECT DISTINCT VehicleLocation.name AS location, ItemType.name as col1, NULL as col2, NULL as description, ItemType.weight " +
                    "FROM (VehicleLocation INNER JOIN(ItemInstance INNER JOIN(Item INNER JOIN ItemType ON Item.itemTypeId = ItemType.id) ON ItemInstance.itemId = Item.id) ON VehicleLocation.id = Item.vehicleLocationId) " +
                    $"WHERE ItemInstance.siteLocationId = '{siteLocationId}' AND Item.unitTypeName = '{equipment}' AND Item.parentId IS null AND (isBin=1) UNION " +
                    "SELECT DISTINCT VehicleLocation.name AS location, NULL as col1, ItemType.name as col2, NULL as description, ItemType.weight " +
                    "FROM (VehicleLocation INNER JOIN(ItemInstance INNER JOIN(Item INNER JOIN ItemType ON Item.itemTypeId = ItemType.id) ON ItemInstance.itemId = Item.id) ON VehicleLocation.id = Item.vehicleLocationId) " +
                    $"WHERE ItemInstance.siteLocationId = '{siteLocationId}' AND Item.unitTypeName = '{equipment}' AND Item.parentId IS null AND (isModule=1) UNION " +
                    "SELECT DISTINCT VehicleLocation.name AS location, NULL as col1, NULL as col2, ItemType.name as description, ItemType.weight " +
                    "FROM (VehicleLocation INNER JOIN(ItemInstance INNER JOIN(Item INNER JOIN ItemType ON Item.itemTypeId = ItemType.id) ON ItemInstance.itemId = Item.id) ON VehicleLocation.id = Item.vehicleLocationId) " +
                    $"WHERE ItemInstance.siteLocationId = '{siteLocationId}' AND Item.unitTypeName = '{equipment}' AND Item.parentId IS null AND (isBin<>1 AND isModule<>1) " +
                    "ORDER BY location, description, col2, col1;";

            case WhichReport.Expiration:
                query = "SELECT DISTINCT ItemType.name as description, (SELECT SUM(count) FROM Item AS I2 Where Item.id=I2.id) AS quantity, VehicleLocation.name AS location, expirationDate FROM (Item INNER JOIN ItemType ON Item.itemTypeId=ItemType.id) LEFT JOIN VehicleLocation ON Item.vehicleLocationId=VehicleLocation.id WHERE expirationDate IS NOT NULL ORDER BY expirationDate, description;";

            case WhichReport.Service:

            case WhichReport.Deployment:

            case WhichReport.DamagedOrMissing:

            case WhichReport.MainBoxContents:
                //MessageBox.Show("Unsupported report selected, please report.", "Error - unknown report:", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            if (query == string.Empty)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <ReportItemsView>());
                return(db.QueryAsync <ReportItemSummaryView>(query).Result);