Summary description for WhartonEWSResponse
예제 #1
    public WhartonEWSResponse DeleteContact(
        String apiKey,
        String strUniqueId,
        String emlUserAddress
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            // Initialize EWS service.
            ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            Contact contact = Contact.Bind(service, new ItemId(strUniqueId));

        catch (Exception e)
            if (e.Message == "The specified object was not found in the store.")
                rsp.Msg = e.Message;
                rsp.StatusCode = 404;
                if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                    //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                    rsp.StatusCode = 500;
                rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\", \"UniqueId\":\"" + strUniqueId + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "DeleteContact", success, miscData);

        rsp.SimpleData = success;

        return rsp;
예제 #2
    public WhartonEWSResponse GetCalendarItemsDetailed(
        String apiKey,
        String emlUserAddress,
        String dtRangeBegin,
        String dtRangeEnd
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            // Initialize EWS service.
            ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            FindItemsResults<Appointment> myAppointments = getCalItemsBase(apiKey, emlUserAddress, dtRangeBegin, dtRangeEnd);

            // Create a DataTable.
            DataTable table = new DataTable("Appointments");

            #region table column definitions

            DataColumn dcSubject = new DataColumn();
            dcSubject.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcSubject.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcSubject.Caption = "Subject";
            dcSubject.ColumnName = "Subject";
            dcSubject.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcLocation = new DataColumn();
            dcLocation.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcLocation.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcLocation.Caption = "Location";
            dcLocation.ColumnName = "Location";
            dcLocation.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcLink = new DataColumn();
            dcLink.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcLink.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcLink.Caption = "Link";
            dcLink.ColumnName = "Link";
            dcLink.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcStart = new DataColumn();
            dcStart.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime");
            dcStart.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcStart.Caption = "Start";
            dcStart.ColumnName = "Start";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcEnd = new DataColumn();
            dcEnd.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime");
            dcEnd.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcEnd.Caption = "End";
            dcEnd.ColumnName = "End";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcAllDay = new DataColumn();
            dcAllDay.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcAllDay.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcAllDay.Caption = "AllDay";
            dcAllDay.ColumnName = "AllDay";
            dcAllDay.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcBody = new DataColumn();
            dcBody.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcBody.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcBody.Caption = "Body";
            dcBody.ColumnName = "Body";
            dcBody.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcCategories = new DataColumn();
            dcCategories.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcCategories.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcCategories.Caption = "Categories";
            dcCategories.ColumnName = "Categories";
            dcCategories.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcReqAttendees = new DataColumn();
            dcReqAttendees.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcReqAttendees.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcReqAttendees.Caption = "ReqAttendees";
            dcReqAttendees.ColumnName = "ReqAttendees";
            dcReqAttendees.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcOptAttendees = new DataColumn();
            dcOptAttendees.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcOptAttendees.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcOptAttendees.Caption = "OptAttendees";
            dcOptAttendees.ColumnName = "OptAttendees";
            dcOptAttendees.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcId = new DataColumn();
            dcId.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcId.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcId.Caption = "Id";
            dcId.ColumnName = "Id";
            dcId.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.


            // Add rows and set values.
            DataRow row;

            //load properties
            List<Item> items = new List<Item>();
            if (myAppointments.Items.Count > 0)
                foreach (Appointment a in myAppointments)
            service.LoadPropertiesForItems(items, PropertySet.FirstClassProperties);

            ////Write out the subject of each appointment I have this week
            foreach (Appointment appointment in myAppointments)
                string openItemUrl = ItemUrlProtocol + service.Url.Host + ItemUrlFolder + appointment.WebClientReadFormQueryString;

                row = table.NewRow();
                row["Subject"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(appointment.Subject);
                row["Location"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(appointment.Location);
                row["Start"] = appointment.Start;
                row["End"] = appointment.End;
                row["Body"] = appointment.Body.Text;
                row["Categories"] = appointment.Categories;
                row["Id"] = appointment.Id;

                //required attendees
                AttendeeCollection req = appointment.RequiredAttendees;
                StringList tmp = new StringList();
                foreach (Attendee att in req)
                row["ReqAttendees"] = tmp.ToString();

                //optional attendees
                AttendeeCollection opt = appointment.OptionalAttendees;
                tmp = new StringList();
                foreach (Attendee att in opt)
                row["OptAttendees"] = tmp.ToString();

                    row["AllDay"] = appointment.IsAllDayEvent.ToString();
                catch (Exception e)
                    row["AllDay"] = false; //default to false
                row["Link"] = openItemUrl;

                // Be sure to add the new row to the
                // DataRowCollection.

            rsp.TableData = table;
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                rsp.StatusCode = 500;
            rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "GetCalendarItems", success, miscData);

        return rsp;
예제 #3
    public WhartonEWSResponse CreateTask(
        String apiKey,
        String emlUserAddress,
        String strTaskSubject,
        String strTaskStartDate,
        String strTaskDueDate,
        String strTaskImportance,
        String strTaskStatus,
        String strTaskBody
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            // Initialize EWS service.
            ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            //parse task dates
            DateTime realStartDate = DateTime.Parse(strTaskStartDate);
            DateTime realDueDate = DateTime.Parse(strTaskDueDate);

            //parse task importance
            Importance realTskImportance;
            if (strTaskImportance.ToLower() == "high")
                realTskImportance = Importance.High;
            else if (strTaskImportance.ToLower() == "low")
                realTskImportance = Importance.Low;
                realTskImportance = Importance.Normal;

            //parse task status
            TaskStatus realTskStatus;
            if (strTaskStatus.ToLower() == "inprogress")
                realTskStatus = TaskStatus.InProgress;
            else if (strTaskStatus.ToLower() == "completed")
                realTskStatus = TaskStatus.Completed;
            else if (strTaskStatus.ToLower() == "deferred")
                realTskStatus = TaskStatus.Deferred;
            else if (strTaskStatus.ToLower() == "waitingonothers")
                realTskStatus = TaskStatus.WaitingOnOthers;
                realTskStatus = TaskStatus.NotStarted;

            //compose task object
            Task t = new Task(service);
            t.Subject = strTaskSubject;
            t.StartDate = realStartDate;
            t.DueDate = realDueDate;
            t.Importance = realTskImportance;
            t.Status = realTskStatus;
            t.Body = strTaskBody;

            //save to exchange

            rsp.SimpleData = true;
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                rsp.StatusCode = 500;
            rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "CreateTask", success, miscData);

        return rsp;
예제 #4
    public WhartonEWSResponse CreateCalendarItem(
        String apiKey,
        String emlUserAddress, 
        String lstReqAttendeeEmail,
        String lstOptAttendeeEmail,
        String dtCalItemStart, 
        String dtCalItemEnd, 
        String strCalItemSubject, 
        String strCalItemLocation, 
        String strCalItemBody,
        Boolean blnAllDayFlag,
        String strCalItemCategories
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            // Initialize EWS service.
            ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            //parse input date/time values into native DateTime types
            DateTime rangeStart = DateTime.Parse(dtCalItemStart);
            DateTime rangeEnd = DateTime.Parse(dtCalItemEnd);

            //create the appointment object
            Appointment newAppointment = new Appointment(service);

            //fill in the details
            newAppointment.Subject = strCalItemSubject;
            newAppointment.Body = strCalItemBody;
            newAppointment.Body.BodyType = BodyType.Text;
            newAppointment.Start = rangeStart;
            newAppointment.End = rangeEnd;
            newAppointment.Location = strCalItemLocation;
            newAppointment.IsAllDayEvent = blnAllDayFlag;

            if (lstReqAttendeeEmail.Length > 0)
                lstReqAttendeeEmail.Replace(';', ',');
                String[] reqAttendees = lstReqAttendeeEmail.Split(',');
                foreach (String a in reqAttendees)
            if (lstOptAttendeeEmail.Length > 0)
                lstOptAttendeeEmail.Replace(';', ',');
                String[] optAttendees = lstOptAttendeeEmail.Split(',');
                foreach (String a in optAttendees)

            if (strCalItemCategories.Length > 0)
                String[] cats = strCalItemCategories.Split(',');
                foreach (String cat in cats)

            //save it!

            rsp.SimpleData = true;
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                rsp.StatusCode = 500;
            rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "CreateCalendarItem", success, miscData);

        return rsp;
예제 #5
    public WhartonEWSResponse UpdateContact(
        String apiKey,
        String strUniqueId,
        String emlUserAddress,
        String strCtctGivenName,
        String strCtctSurname,
        String strCtctCompanyName,
        String strCtctHomePhone,
        String strCtctWorkPhone,
        String strCtctMobilePhone,
        String emlCtctEmail1,
        String emlCtctEmail2,
        String emlCtctEmail3,
        String strCtctHomeAddrStreet,
        String strCtctHomeAddrCity,
        String strCtctHomeAddrStateAbbr,
        String strCtctHomeAddrPostalCode,
        String strCtctHomeAddrCountry,
        String strCtctWorkAddrStreet,
        String strCtctWorkAddrCity,
        String strCtctWorkAddrStateAbbr,
        String strCtctWorkAddrPostalCode,
        String strCtctWorkAddrCountry
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

        ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            Contact c = Contact.Bind(service, new ItemId(strUniqueId));

            c.GivenName = strCtctGivenName;
            c.Surname = strCtctSurname;
            c.FileAsMapping = FileAsMapping.SurnameCommaGivenName;

            //add company name if supplied
            if (strCtctCompanyName.Length > 0)
                c.CompanyName = strCtctCompanyName;
                c.CompanyName = null;

            //add suppied phone numbers
            if (strCtctHomePhone.Length > 0)
                c.PhoneNumbers[PhoneNumberKey.HomePhone] = strCtctHomePhone;
                c.PhoneNumbers[PhoneNumberKey.HomePhone] = null;

            if (strCtctWorkPhone.Length > 0)
                c.PhoneNumbers[PhoneNumberKey.BusinessPhone] = strCtctWorkPhone;
                c.PhoneNumbers[PhoneNumberKey.BusinessPhone] = null;

            if (strCtctMobilePhone.Length > 0)
                c.PhoneNumbers[PhoneNumberKey.MobilePhone] = strCtctMobilePhone;
                c.PhoneNumbers[PhoneNumberKey.MobilePhone] = null;

            //add supplied email addresses
            if (emlCtctEmail1.Length > 0)
                c.EmailAddresses[EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress1] = new EmailAddress(emlCtctEmail1);
                c.EmailAddresses[EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress1] = null;

            if (emlCtctEmail2.Length > 0)
                c.EmailAddresses[EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress2] = new EmailAddress(emlCtctEmail2);
                c.EmailAddresses[EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress2] = null;

            if (emlCtctEmail3.Length > 0)
                c.EmailAddresses[EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress3] = new EmailAddress(emlCtctEmail3);
                c.EmailAddresses[EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress3] = null;

            //Home address
            int homeAddrLength = 0;
            homeAddrLength += strCtctHomeAddrStreet.Length;
            homeAddrLength += strCtctHomeAddrCity.Length;
            homeAddrLength += strCtctHomeAddrStateAbbr.Length;
            homeAddrLength += strCtctHomeAddrPostalCode.Length;
            homeAddrLength += strCtctHomeAddrCountry.Length;
            if (homeAddrLength > 0)
                PhysicalAddressEntry paEntry1 = new PhysicalAddressEntry();

                //add whichever fields are supplied
                if (strCtctHomeAddrStreet.Length > 0)
                    paEntry1.Street = strCtctHomeAddrStreet;
                    paEntry1.Street = null;

                if (strCtctHomeAddrCity.Length > 0)
                    paEntry1.City = strCtctHomeAddrCity;
                    paEntry1.City = null;

                if (strCtctHomeAddrStateAbbr.Length > 0)
                    paEntry1.State = strCtctHomeAddrStateAbbr;
                    paEntry1.State = null;

                if (strCtctHomeAddrPostalCode.Length > 0)
                    paEntry1.PostalCode = strCtctHomeAddrPostalCode;
                    paEntry1.PostalCode = null;

                if (strCtctHomeAddrCountry.Length > 0)
                    paEntry1.CountryOrRegion = strCtctHomeAddrCountry;
                    paEntry1.CountryOrRegion = null;

                c.PhysicalAddresses[PhysicalAddressKey.Home] = paEntry1;
                c.PhysicalAddresses[PhysicalAddressKey.Home] = null;

            //Work address
            int workAddrLength = 0;
            workAddrLength += strCtctWorkAddrStreet.Length;
            workAddrLength += strCtctWorkAddrCity.Length;
            workAddrLength += strCtctWorkAddrStateAbbr.Length;
            workAddrLength += strCtctWorkAddrPostalCode.Length;
            workAddrLength += strCtctWorkAddrCountry.Length;
            if (workAddrLength > 0)
                PhysicalAddressEntry paEntry2 = new PhysicalAddressEntry();

                //add whichever fields are supplied
                if (strCtctWorkAddrStreet.Length > 0)
                    paEntry2.Street = strCtctWorkAddrStreet;
                    paEntry2.Street = null;

                if (strCtctWorkAddrCity.Length > 0)
                    paEntry2.City = strCtctWorkAddrCity;
                    paEntry2.City = null;

                if (strCtctWorkAddrStateAbbr.Length > 0)
                    paEntry2.State = strCtctWorkAddrStateAbbr;
                    paEntry2.State = null;

                if (strCtctWorkAddrPostalCode.Length > 0)
                    paEntry2.PostalCode = strCtctWorkAddrPostalCode;
                    paEntry2.PostalCode = null;

                if (strCtctWorkAddrCountry.Length > 0)
                    paEntry2.CountryOrRegion = strCtctWorkAddrCountry;
                    paEntry2.CountryOrRegion = null;

                c.PhysicalAddresses[PhysicalAddressKey.Business] = paEntry2;
                c.PhysicalAddresses[PhysicalAddressKey.Business] = null;

            //save the contact

            rsp.SimpleData = true;
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                rsp.StatusCode = 500;
            rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "CreateContact", success, miscData);

        return rsp;
예제 #6
    public WhartonEWSResponse CreateEmail(
        String apiKey,
        String emlUserAddress, 
        String emlTORecipients, //comma-delimited list
        String emlCCRecipients, //comma-delimited list
        String emlBCCRecipients, //comma-delimited list
        String strSubject, 
        String strBody, 
        String strImportance
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            // Initialize EWS service.
            ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            //create the message object
            EmailMessage msg = new EmailMessage(service);

            //fill in its properties
            msg.Subject = strSubject;
            msg.Body = strBody;

            if (strImportance.ToLower() == "high")
                msg.Importance = Importance.High;
            else if (strImportance.ToLower() == "low")
                msg.Importance = Importance.Low;
            else if (strImportance.ToLower() == "normal")
                msg.Importance = Importance.Normal;
                rsp.Msg = "Unrecognized importance level, using 'Normal'";
                msg.Importance = Importance.Normal;

            //add TO address(es). TO is required for all emails, so return false if none have been supplied.
            if (emlTORecipients.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("400 - TO recipients is empty. You must specify at least one TO recipient. Mail not sent.");
                emlTORecipients.Replace(';', ',');
                String[] TOaddresses = emlTORecipients.Split(',');
                foreach (String e in TOaddresses)
            if (emlCCRecipients.Length > 0)
                emlCCRecipients.Replace(';', ',');
                String[] CCaddresses = emlCCRecipients.Split(',');
                foreach (String e in CCaddresses)
            if (emlBCCRecipients.Length > 0)
                emlBCCRecipients.Replace(';', ',');
                String[] BCCaddresses = emlBCCRecipients.Split(',');
                foreach (String e in BCCaddresses)

            //send the email and save a copy to the sent items folder

        catch (Exception e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                rsp.StatusCode = 500;
            rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "CreateEmail", success, miscData);

        return rsp;
예제 #7
    public WhartonEWSResponse UpdateCalendarItem(
        String apiKey,
        String strUniqueId,
        String emlUserAddress,
        String lstReqAttendeeEmail,
        String lstOptAttendeeEmail,
        String dtCalItemStart,
        String dtCalItemEnd,
        String strCalItemSubject,
        String strCalItemLocation,
        String strCalItemBody,
        Boolean blnAllDayFlag,
        String strCalItemCategories
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            // Initialize EWS service.
            ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            Appointment a = GetAppointment(service, strUniqueId);

            //parse input date/time values into native DateTime types
            DateTime rangeStart = DateTime.Parse(dtCalItemStart);
            DateTime rangeEnd = DateTime.Parse(dtCalItemEnd);

            //create the appointment object
            Appointment newAppointment = new Appointment(service);

            //fill in the details
            a.Subject = strCalItemSubject;
            a.Body = strCalItemBody;
            a.Body.BodyType = BodyType.Text;
            a.Start = rangeStart;
            a.End = rangeEnd;
            a.Location = strCalItemLocation;
            a.IsAllDayEvent = blnAllDayFlag;

            if (lstReqAttendeeEmail.Length > 0)
                lstReqAttendeeEmail.Replace(';', ',');
                String[] reqAttendees = lstReqAttendeeEmail.Split(',');
                foreach (String att in reqAttendees)
            if (lstOptAttendeeEmail.Length > 0)
                lstOptAttendeeEmail.Replace(';', ',');
                String[] optAttendees = lstOptAttendeeEmail.Split(',');
                foreach (String att in optAttendees)

            if (strCalItemCategories.Length > 0)
                String[] cats = strCalItemCategories.Split(',');
                foreach (String cat in cats)

            //save it!
            a.Update(ConflictResolutionMode.AlwaysOverwrite, SendInvitationsOrCancellationsMode.SendOnlyToAll);

            rsp.SimpleData = true;

        catch (Exception e)
            if (e.Message == "The specified object was not found in the store.")
                rsp.Msg = e.Message;
                rsp.StatusCode = 404;
                if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                    //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                    rsp.StatusCode = 500;
                rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\", \"UniqueId\":\"" + strUniqueId + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "GetCalendarItemById", success, miscData);

        rsp.SimpleData = success;

        return rsp;
예제 #8
    public WhartonEWSResponse GetTasks(
        String apiKey,
        String emlUserAddress
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            int maxTasks = 10000;

            // Initialize EWS service.
            ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            //Bind to the logged on user's tasks folder
            TasksFolder myTasks = TasksFolder.Bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.Tasks);

            //Query for items
            FindItemsResults<Item> taskList = myTasks.FindItems(new ItemView(maxTasks));

            DataTable table = new DataTable("Tasks");

            #region table column definitions

            DataColumn dcSubject = new DataColumn();
            dcSubject.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcSubject.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcSubject.Caption = "Subject";
            dcSubject.ColumnName = "Subject";
            dcSubject.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcCreated = new DataColumn();
            dcCreated.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcCreated.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcCreated.Caption = "Created";
            dcCreated.ColumnName = "Created";
            dcCreated.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcStartDate = new DataColumn();
            dcStartDate.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcStartDate.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcStartDate.Caption = "StartDate";
            dcStartDate.ColumnName = "StartDate";
            dcStartDate.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcDueDate = new DataColumn();
            dcDueDate.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcDueDate.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcDueDate.Caption = "DueDate";
            dcDueDate.ColumnName = "DueDate";
            dcDueDate.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcImportance = new DataColumn();
            dcImportance.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcImportance.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcImportance.Caption = "Importance";
            dcImportance.ColumnName = "Importance";
            dcImportance.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcStatus = new DataColumn();
            dcStatus.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcStatus.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcStatus.Caption = "Status";
            dcStatus.ColumnName = "Status";
            dcStatus.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcLink = new DataColumn();
            dcLink.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcLink.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcLink.Caption = "Link";
            dcLink.ColumnName = "Link";
            dcLink.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.


            DataRow row;
            foreach (Task t in taskList)
                String openItemUrl = ItemUrlProtocol + service.Url.Host + ItemUrlFolder + t.WebClientReadFormQueryString;

                row = table.NewRow();
                row["Subject"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(t.Subject);
                row["Created"] = t.DateTimeCreated.ToShortDateString() + " " + t.DateTimeCreated.ToShortTimeString();
                row["StartDate"] = t.StartDate.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + t.StartDate.Value.ToShortTimeString();
                row["DueDate"] = t.DueDate.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + t.DueDate.Value.ToShortTimeString();
                row["Importance"] = t.Importance.ToString();
                row["Status"] = t.Status.ToString();
                row["Link"] = openItemUrl;


            rsp.TableData = table;
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                rsp.StatusCode = 500;
            rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "GetTasks", success, miscData);

        return rsp;
예제 #9
    public WhartonEWSResponse GetEmailUnreadCount(
        String apiKey,
        String emlUserAddress
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            ExchangeService svc = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);
            Folder root = Folder.Bind(svc, WellKnownFolderName.Inbox);
            int unread = root.UnreadCount;
            rsp.SimpleData = unread;
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                rsp.StatusCode = 500;
            rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "GetEmailUndreadCount", success, miscData);

        return rsp;
예제 #10
    public WhartonEWSResponse GetEmail(
        String apiKey,
        String emlUserAddress, 
        int intNumMessages
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            // Initialize EWS service.
            ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            FindItemsResults<Item> messages = getEmailMessages(apiKey, emlUserAddress, intNumMessages);

            // Create a DataTable.
            DataTable table = new DataTable("Items");

            #region table column definitions

            DataColumn dcFrom = new DataColumn();
            dcFrom.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcFrom.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcFrom.Caption = "From";
            dcFrom.ColumnName = "From";
            dcFrom.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcTo = new DataColumn();
            dcTo.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcTo.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcTo.Caption = "To";
            dcTo.ColumnName = "To";
            dcTo.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcSubject = new DataColumn();
            dcSubject.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcSubject.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcSubject.Caption = "Subject";
            dcSubject.ColumnName = "Subject";
            dcSubject.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcLink = new DataColumn();
            dcLink.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcLink.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcLink.Caption = "Link";
            dcLink.ColumnName = "Link";
            dcLink.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcDateTimeSent = new DataColumn();
            dcDateTimeSent.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime");
            dcDateTimeSent.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcDateTimeSent.Caption = "DateTimeSent";
            dcDateTimeSent.ColumnName = "DateTimeSent";


            // Add the column to the table.

            // Add rows and set values.
            DataRow row;
            foreach (EmailMessage msg in messages)
                string openItemUrl = ItemUrlProtocol + service.Url.Host + ItemUrlFolder + msg.WebClientReadFormQueryString;

                row = table.NewRow();
                row["From"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(msg.From.Name);
                row["To"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(msg.DisplayTo);
                row["Subject"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(msg.Subject);
                row["Link"] = openItemUrl;
                row["DateTimeSent"] = msg.DateTimeSent;

                // Be sure to add the new row to the
                // DataRowCollection.

            rsp.TableData = table;
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                rsp.StatusCode = 500;
            rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "GetEmail", success, miscData);

        return rsp;
예제 #11
    public WhartonEWSResponse GetContacts(
        String apiKey,
        String emlUserAddress
        WhartonEWSResponse rsp = new WhartonEWSResponse();

        Boolean success = true;
        String miscData = "";

            int maxContacts = 10000;

            // Initialize EWS service.
            ExchangeService service = getService(emlUserAddress, apiKey);

            //Bind to the logged on user's calendar folder
            ContactsFolder myContacts = ContactsFolder.Bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.Contacts);

            //Query for items
            FindItemsResults<Item> contactList = myContacts.FindItems(new ItemView(maxContacts));

            // Create a DataTable.
            DataTable table = new DataTable("Contacts");

            #region table column definitions

            DataColumn dcFileAs = new DataColumn();
            dcFileAs.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcFileAs.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcFileAs.Caption = "FileAs";
            dcFileAs.ColumnName = "FileAs";
            dcFileAs.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcLink = new DataColumn();
            dcLink.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcLink.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcLink.Caption = "Link";
            dcLink.ColumnName = "Link";
            dcLink.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcGivenName = new DataColumn();
            dcGivenName.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcGivenName.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcGivenName.Caption = "GivenName";
            dcGivenName.ColumnName = "GivenName";
            dcGivenName.DefaultValue = "";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcSurname = new DataColumn();
            dcSurname.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcSurname.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcSurname.Caption = "Surname";
            dcSurname.ColumnName = "Surname";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcCompanyName = new DataColumn();
            dcCompanyName.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcCompanyName.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcCompanyName.Caption = "CompanyName";
            dcCompanyName.ColumnName = "CompanyName";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcEmails = new DataColumn();
            dcEmails.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String[]");
            dcEmails.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcEmails.Caption = "Emails";
            dcEmails.ColumnName = "Emails";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcMobilePhone = new DataColumn();
            dcMobilePhone.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcMobilePhone.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcMobilePhone.Caption = "MobilePhone";
            dcMobilePhone.ColumnName = "MobilePhone";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcBusPhone = new DataColumn();
            dcBusPhone.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcBusPhone.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcBusPhone.Caption = "BusPhone";
            dcBusPhone.ColumnName = "BusPhone";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcHomePhone = new DataColumn();
            dcHomePhone.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcHomePhone.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcHomePhone.Caption = "HomePhone";
            dcHomePhone.ColumnName = "HomePhone";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcHomeStreet = new DataColumn();
            dcHomeStreet.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcHomeStreet.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcHomeStreet.Caption = "HomeStreet";
            dcHomeStreet.ColumnName = "HomeStreet";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcHomeCity = new DataColumn();
            dcHomeCity.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcHomeCity.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcHomeCity.Caption = "HomeCity";
            dcHomeCity.ColumnName = "HomeCity";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcHomeState = new DataColumn();
            dcHomeState.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcHomeState.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcHomeState.Caption = "HomeState";
            dcHomeState.ColumnName = "HomeState";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcHomeZip = new DataColumn();
            dcHomeZip.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcHomeZip.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcHomeZip.Caption = "HomeZip";
            dcHomeZip.ColumnName = "HomeZip";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcHomeCountry = new DataColumn();
            dcHomeCountry.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcHomeCountry.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcHomeCountry.Caption = "HomeCountry";
            dcHomeCountry.ColumnName = "HomeCountry";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcWorkStreet = new DataColumn();
            dcWorkStreet.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcWorkStreet.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcWorkStreet.Caption = "WorkStreet";
            dcWorkStreet.ColumnName = "WorkStreet";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcWorkCity = new DataColumn();
            dcWorkCity.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcWorkCity.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcWorkCity.Caption = "WorkCity";
            dcWorkCity.ColumnName = "WorkCity";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcWorkState = new DataColumn();
            dcWorkState.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcWorkState.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcWorkState.Caption = "WorkState";
            dcWorkState.ColumnName = "WorkState";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcWorkZip = new DataColumn();
            dcWorkZip.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcWorkZip.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcWorkZip.Caption = "WorkZip";
            dcWorkZip.ColumnName = "WorkZip";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcWorkCountry = new DataColumn();
            dcWorkCountry.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcWorkCountry.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcWorkCountry.Caption = "WorkCountry";
            dcWorkCountry.ColumnName = "WorkCountry";
            // Add the column to the table.

            DataColumn dcUniqueId = new DataColumn();
            dcUniqueId.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dcUniqueId.AllowDBNull = true;
            dcUniqueId.Caption = "UniqueId";
            dcUniqueId.ColumnName = "UniqueId";
            // Add the column to the table.


            //build table of contact data
            DataRow row;
            foreach (Object o in contactList)
                if (o.GetType().Name.ToString() != "Contact")
                    continue; //skip this record, it's a distribution list or something like that

                Contact c = (Contact)o;

                string openItemUrl = ItemUrlProtocol + service.Url.Host + ItemUrlFolder + c.WebClientReadFormQueryString;

                row = table.NewRow();
                row["FileAs"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(c.FileAs);
                row["GivenName"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(c.GivenName);
                row["Surname"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(c.Surname);
                row["CompanyName"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(c.CompanyName);
                row["Link"] = openItemUrl;
                row["UniqueId"] = c.Id.UniqueId;

                //home address
                PhysicalAddressEntry addressEntry;
                PhysicalAddressKey addressKey = PhysicalAddressKey.Home;
                if (c.PhysicalAddresses.TryGetValue(addressKey, out addressEntry))
                    if (addressEntry.Street != null)
                        row["HomeStreet"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(addressEntry.Street.ToString());
                    if (addressEntry.City != null)
                        row["HomeCity"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(addressEntry.City.ToString());
                    if (addressEntry.State != null)
                        row["HomeState"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(addressEntry.State.ToString());
                    if (addressEntry.PostalCode != null)
                        row["HomeZip"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(addressEntry.PostalCode.ToString());
                    if (addressEntry.CountryOrRegion != null)
                        row["HomeCountry"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(addressEntry.CountryOrRegion.ToString());

                //work address
                addressEntry = null;
                addressKey = PhysicalAddressKey.Business;
                if (c.PhysicalAddresses.TryGetValue(addressKey, out addressEntry))
                    if (addressEntry.Street != null)
                        row["WorkStreet"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(addressEntry.Street.ToString());
                    if (addressEntry.City != null)
                        row["WorkCity"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(addressEntry.City.ToString());
                    if (addressEntry.State != null)
                        row["WorkState"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(addressEntry.State.ToString());
                    if (addressEntry.PostalCode != null)
                        row["WorkZip"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(addressEntry.PostalCode.ToString());
                    if (addressEntry.CountryOrRegion != null)
                        row["WorkCountry"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(addressEntry.CountryOrRegion.ToString());

                //phone numbers
                String phoneEntry = null;
                PhoneNumberKey phoneKey = PhoneNumberKey.HomePhone;
                if (c.PhoneNumbers.TryGetValue(phoneKey, out phoneEntry))
                    row["HomePhone"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(phoneEntry);
                phoneEntry = null;
                phoneKey = PhoneNumberKey.BusinessPhone;
                if (c.PhoneNumbers.TryGetValue(phoneKey, out phoneEntry))
                    row["BusPhone"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(phoneEntry);
                phoneEntry = null;
                phoneKey = PhoneNumberKey.MobilePhone;
                if (c.PhoneNumbers.TryGetValue(phoneKey, out phoneEntry))
                    row["MobilePhone"] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(phoneEntry);

                String[] Emails = new String[3];
                EmailAddress emailEntry = null;
                EmailAddressKey emailKey = EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress1;
                if (c.EmailAddresses.TryGetValue(emailKey, out emailEntry))
                    Emails[0] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(emailEntry.ToString());
                emailEntry = null;
                emailKey = EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress2;
                if (c.EmailAddresses.TryGetValue(emailKey, out emailEntry))
                    Emails[1] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(emailEntry.ToString());
                emailEntry = null;
                emailKey = EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress3;
                if (c.EmailAddresses.TryGetValue(emailKey, out emailEntry))
                    Emails[2] = cleanHighAsciiForXML(emailEntry.ToString());
                row["Emails"] = Emails;


            rsp.TableData = table;
        catch (Exception e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(e.Message, out rsp.StatusCode)))
                //if the parsing fails, then set a default value of 500
                rsp.StatusCode = 500;
            rsp.Msg = e.Message;

            success = false;
            miscData = "{ \"ErrMsg\":\"" + rsp.Msg + "\" }";
            rsp.StackTrace = e.StackTrace;
            if (e.InnerException != null) { rsp.InnerException = e.InnerException.ToString(); }

        addAuditLog(apiKey, emlUserAddress, "GetContacts", success, miscData);

        return rsp;