예제 #1
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> Post2(SocketChannel channel, [Remainder] string post_string = "")
            var post_channel = Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(channel.Id);
            await post_channel.SendMessageAsync("Posted by " + Context.User.Mention + "\n" + post_string);

예제 #2
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> Post(string channel_string = "", [Remainder] string post_string = "")
            var channel = Context.Guild.TextChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == channel_string);
            await channel.SendMessageAsync("Posted by " + Context.User.Mention + "\n" + post_string);

예제 #3
            public async Task <RuntimeResult> Delete([Remainder] ulong ID)
                if (ID == 0)
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid user entered.");

                    return(WestbotCommandResult.ErrorReact(null, true));

                    int result = DatabaseHandler.VerifyUserExists(ID);
                    if (result == 0)
                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid user entered.");

                        return(WestbotCommandResult.ErrorReact(null, true));

                    //Valid user found.
                    //Delete the user's role and channel, and then remove from the database.

                    ulong PersonalChannel = DatabaseHandler.GetPersonalChannel((int)ID);
                    var   Channel         = Context.Guild.GetChannel(PersonalChannel);
                    if (Channel != null)
                        await Channel.DeleteAsync();

                    ulong PersonalRole = DatabaseHandler.GetPersonalRole((int)ID);
                    var   Role         = Context.Guild.GetRole(PersonalRole);
                    if (Role != null)
                        await Role.DeleteAsync();


                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("User removed.");

                    return(WestbotCommandResult.AcceptReact(null, true));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //display error message
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Exception: " + ex.Message);

                    return(WestbotCommandResult.ErrorReact(null, true));
예제 #4
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> Capcom([Remainder] string postString = "")
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(MySQLConnString.Get()))
                    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("GetChannelID", conn))
                        SqlParameter returnValue = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.BigInt)
                            Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
                        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@serverID", Context.Guild.Id.ToString()));
                        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@target_channel", "Stream"));

                        command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        //command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", (Int64)ID));



                        long   result2 = (long)returnValue.Value;
                        UInt64 result  = (UInt64)result2;

                        var stream_channel = Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(result);
                        await stream_channel.SendMessageAsync("Posted by " + Context.User.Mention + "\n" + "https://twitch.tv/capcomfighters");

            catch (Exception ex)
                //display error message
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Exception: " + ex.Message);

                return(WestbotCommandResult.ErrorReact(null, true));
예제 #5
            public async Task <RuntimeResult> clear([Remainder] string remainder = "")
                    string sql = "DELETE FROM UsersInTournament";


                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Tournament table cleared.");

                    return(WestbotCommandResult.AcceptReact(null, true));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //display error message
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Exception: " + ex.Message);

                    return(WestbotCommandResult.ErrorReact(null, true));
예제 #6
            public async Task <RuntimeResult> CheckIn([Remainder] string roleArgument = "")
                //Check the database table
                //Get the user's database ID
                var userDiscordID = Context.User.Id;
                var userID        = DatabaseHandler.GetUserID(userDiscordID);

                if (userID == 0) //User didn't exist
                    await Setup((IGuildUser)Context.User);

                    userID = DatabaseHandler.GetUserID(userDiscordID);

                    //Get the folder
                    var tournamentFolderID = DatabaseHandler.GetFolderID("Tournament");
                    var tournamentFolder   = Context.Guild.CategoryChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == tournamentFolderID);

                    //Get the role
                    var userPersonalRoleID = DatabaseHandler.GetPersonalRole(userID);
                    var userPersonalRole   = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userPersonalRoleID);

                    //Setup the permission
                    await tournamentFolder.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(userPersonalRole, new Discord.OverwritePermissions(viewChannel: Discord.PermValue.Allow));

                    return(WestbotCommandResult.AcceptReact("Added user to tournament."));
                    var result = DatabaseHandler.VerifyIfUserIsInTournament(userID);

                    if (result == 1) //User was in tournament already
                        await ReplyAsync($"You're already in the tournament, {Context.User.Mention}.");

                        return(WestbotCommandResult.ErrorReact("User in tournament"));

                    else if (result == 0) //User needs to be added

                        //Get the folder
                        ulong tournamentFolderID = DatabaseHandler.GetFolderID("Tournament");
                        var   tournamentFolder   = Context.Guild.CategoryChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == tournamentFolderID);

                        //Get the role
                        var userPersonalRoleID = DatabaseHandler.GetPersonalRole(userID);
                        var userPersonalRole   = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userPersonalRoleID);

                        //Setup the permission
                        await tournamentFolder.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(userPersonalRole, new Discord.OverwritePermissions(viewChannel: Discord.PermValue.Allow));

                        await ReplyAsync($"You've been added to the tournament, {Context.User.Mention}.");

                        return(WestbotCommandResult.AcceptReact("Added user to tournament."));

                return(WestbotCommandResult.ErrorReact("Should not reach this"));
예제 #7
            public async Task <RuntimeResult> Color([Remainder] string arg = "")
                if (arg == "")
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Go to https://www.color-hex.com/ and pick a color. Then type: ```.color #123456```");

                    return(WestbotCommandResult.AcceptReact(null, true));

                    var userID = DatabaseHandler.GetUserID(Context.User.Id);
                    if (userID == 0)
                        await Setup(arg);

                        return(WestbotCommandResult.AcceptNoReaction(null, true));

                    ulong roleID = DatabaseHandler.GetPersonalRole(userID);

                    var role = Context.Guild.GetRole(roleID);
                    arg = arg.TrimStart('#');

                    var mention = Context.User.Mention;

                    var color = new Color(Convert.ToUInt32(arg, 16));

                    int r = color.R;
                    int b = color.B;
                    int g = color.G;

                    List <int> colors = new List <int>

                    int max = colors.Max();
                    int min = colors.Min();

                    bool deny_color       = false;
                    int  total_difference = 0;

                    if (max > 200)
                        //Since there is a color above 200, we need to make sure the difference of these colors...
                        //Is great enough to prevent a whitish color from being chosen.
                        //To do this, just ensure that the difference of all rbg values adds up to greater than 30.

                        foreach (var i in colors)
                            if (i != max)
                                total_difference += Math.Abs(max - i);
                        if (total_difference <= 50)
                            deny_color = true;

                    else if (max > 175)
                        //Since there is a color above 200, we need to make sure the difference of these colors...
                        //Is great enough to prevent a whitish color from being chosen.
                        //To do this, just ensure that the difference of all rbg values adds up to greater than 30.

                        foreach (var i in colors)
                            if (i != max)
                                total_difference += Math.Abs(max - i);
                        if (total_difference <= 20)
                            deny_color = true;

                    if (deny_color)
                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"That color was too white, {mention}.");

                        return(WestbotCommandResult.ErrorReact(null, true));

                    //from stackoverflow
                    await role.ModifyAsync(x =>
                        x.Color = new Color(Convert.ToUInt32(arg, 16));

                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"I set your color for you, {mention}.");

                    return(WestbotCommandResult.AcceptReact(null, true));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //display error message
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Exception: " + ex.Message);

                    return(WestbotCommandResult.ErrorReact(null, true));
예제 #8
            public async Task <RuntimeResult> Setup(IGuildUser user, [Remainder] String arg = "")
                    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(MySQLConnString.Get()))
                        var mention = user.Mention;

                        string resultString = $"Setting up {mention}:\n";

                        //User ID section
                        int userID = DatabaseHandler.GetUserID(user.Id);

                        //If the user doesn't exist, create and insert him.
                        if (userID == 0)
                            userID        = DatabaseHandler.AddUser(user.Id, Context.Guild.Id, user.Username);
                            resultString += "User ID created.\n";
                            resultString += "User ID already exists.\n";

                        //Personal role section
                        ulong result = DatabaseHandler.GetPersonalRole(userID);

                        Discord.Rest.RestRole role = null;

                        //Check if we got a result.
                        if (result == 0)
                        {   //No result was found
                            var name = user.Username.ToString();

                            //Create the role in discord.
                            role = await Context.Guild.CreateRoleAsync(name);

                            //Add the role to the user who called this command.

                            //Add the role to the database
                            DatabaseHandler.AddPersonalRole(userID, role.Id);

                            //Command complete.
                            resultString += "Personal role created.\n";

                            if (arg != "")
                                arg = arg.TrimStart('#');

                                await role.ModifyAsync(x =>
                                    x.Color = new Color(Convert.ToUInt32(arg, 16));

                                resultString += "I set your color for you.\n";
                            resultString += "Personal role already exists.\n";

                        //Personal Channel section
                        ulong personalChannel = DatabaseHandler.GetPersonalChannel(userID);

                        if (personalChannel == 0)
                            ulong adminBotRoleID = DatabaseHandler.GetAdminbotRoleID();

                            var adminBot = Context.Guild.GetRole(adminBotRoleID);

                            var newChannel = await Context.Guild.CreateTextChannelAsync(user.Username.ToString(), x =>
                                x.Topic    = $"Your personal channel to talk to the bot.";
                                x.Position = 2;

                            var newChannelID = newChannel.Id;

                            var everyone = Context.Guild.EveryoneRole;

                            await newChannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(adminBot, new Discord.OverwritePermissions(viewChannel: Discord.PermValue.Allow));

                            await newChannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(role, new Discord.OverwritePermissions(viewChannel: Discord.PermValue.Allow));

                            await newChannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(everyone, new Discord.OverwritePermissions(viewChannel: Discord.PermValue.Deny));

                            await newChannel.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(role, new Discord.OverwritePermissions(manageMessages: Discord.PermValue.Allow));

                            DatabaseHandler.AddPersonalChannel(userID, newChannelID);
                            resultString += "Channel created.\n";
                            resultString += "Channel already exists.\n";

                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(resultString);

                        return(WestbotCommandResult.AcceptReact(null, true));
                catch (Exception ex)
                {   //Display exception.
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Exception: " + ex.Message);

                    return(WestbotCommandResult.ErrorReact(null, true));
예제 #9
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> NewChallengers([Remainder] string postString = "")
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("https://discord.com/invite/newchallenger");
