예제 #1
파일: Dykstra.cs 프로젝트: amseet/Orion
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new routing algorithm instance.
        /// </summary>
        public Dykstra(DirectedMetaGraph graph, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, DykstraSource <T> source, bool backward, T max)

            _graph         = graph;
            _source        = source;
            _backward      = backward;
            _weightHandler = weightHandler;
            _max           = max;
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new one-to-all dykstra algorithm instance.
 /// </summary>
 public Dykstra(Graph graph, Func <uint, uint> getRestriction, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler,
                IEnumerable <EdgePath <T> > sources, T sourceMax, bool backward)
     _graph          = graph;
     _sources        = sources;
     _sourceMax      = sourceMax;
     _backward       = backward;
     _getRestriction = getRestriction;
     _weightHandler  = weightHandler;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new routing algorithm instance.
        /// </summary>
        public Dykstra(DirectedMetaGraph graph, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, IEnumerable <EdgePath <T> > sources, bool backward, T max)

            _graph         = graph;
            _sources       = sources;
            _backward      = backward;
            _weightHandler = weightHandler;
            _max           = max;
예제 #4
파일: Router.cs 프로젝트: alecava58/routing
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a route.
        /// </summary>
        public override sealed Result <Route> BuildRoute <T>(Profile profile, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, RouterPoint source, RouterPoint target, EdgePath <T> path)
            if (this.CustomRouteBuilder != null)
            { // there is a custom route builder.
                return(this.CustomRouteBuilder.TryBuild(_db, profile, source, target, path));

            // use the default.
            return(CompleteRouteBuilder.TryBuild(_db, profile, source, target, path));
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new one-to-all dykstra algorithm instance.
 /// </summary>
 public DirectedDykstra(Graph graph, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, RestrictionCollection restrictions,
                        DirectedDykstraSource <T> source, T sourceMax, bool backward)
     _graph         = graph;
     _source        = source;
     _weightHandler = weightHandler;
     _sourceMax     = sourceMax;
     _backward      = backward;
     _restrictions  = restrictions;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new contracted bidirectional router.
        /// </summary>
        public BidirectionalDykstra(DirectedMetaGraph graph, RestrictionCollection restrictions, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, IEnumerable <EdgePath <T> > sources, IEnumerable <EdgePath <T> > targets)

            _graph         = graph;
            _sources       = sources;
            _targets       = targets;
            _weightHandler = weightHandler;
            _restrictions  = restrictions;
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new algorithm.
 /// </summary>
 public ManyToMany(Router router, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, Func <uint, IEnumerable <uint[]> > getRestrictions,
                   RouterPoint[] sources, RouterPoint[] targets, T maxSearch)
     _routerDb        = router.Db;
     _weightHandler   = weightHandler;
     _sources         = sources;
     _targets         = targets;
     _maxSearch       = maxSearch;
     _getRestrictions = getRestrictions;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new many-to-many algorithm instance.
 /// </summary>
 public DirectedManyToMany(Graph graph, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, RestrictionCollection restrictions,
                           DirectedDykstraSource <T>[] sources, DirectedDykstraSource <T>[] targets, T maxSearch)
     _graph         = graph;
     _sources       = sources;
     _targets       = targets;
     _weightHandler = weightHandler;
     _maxSearch     = maxSearch;
     _restrictions  = restrictions;
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new hierarchy builder.
        /// </summary>
        public HierarchyBuilder(DirectedMetaGraph graph, IPriorityCalculator priorityCalculator, IWitnessCalculator witnessCalculator,
                                WeightHandler <T> weightHandler)

            _graph = graph;
            _priorityCalculator = priorityCalculator;
            _witnessCalculator  = witnessCalculator;
            _weightHandler      = weightHandler;
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new one-to-all dykstra algorithm instance.
 /// </summary>
 public Dykstra(Graph graph, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, Func <uint, IEnumerable <uint[]> > getRestriction,
                IEnumerable <EdgePath <T> > sources, T sourceMax, List <uint> closures, bool backward)
     _graph          = graph;
     _sources        = sources;
     _weightHandler  = weightHandler;
     _sourceMax      = sourceMax;
     _backward       = backward;
     _getRestriction = getRestriction;
     _closures       = closures;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new hierarchy builder.
        /// </summary>
        public HierarchyBuilder(DirectedDynamicGraph graph, IPriorityCalculator priorityCalculator, IWitnessCalculator <T> witnessCalculator,
                                WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, Func <uint, IEnumerable <uint[]> > getRestrictions)

            _graph = graph;
            _priorityCalculator = priorityCalculator;
            _witnessCalculator  = witnessCalculator;
            _getRestrictions    = getRestrictions;
            _weightHandler      = weightHandler;
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new algorithm.
 /// </summary>
 public OneToMany(RouterDb routerDb, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, Func <uint, IEnumerable <uint[]> > getRestrictions,
                  RouterPoint source, IList <RouterPoint> targets, T maxSearch, List <uint> closures)
     _routerDb        = routerDb;
     _weightHandler   = weightHandler;
     _source          = source;
     _targets         = targets;
     _maxSearch       = maxSearch;
     _getRestrictions = getRestrictions;
     _closures        = closures;
예제 #13
        public override Result <Route> BuildRoute <T>(IProfileInstance profile, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, RouterPoint source, RouterPoint target, EdgePath <T> path)
            var route = new Route();

            route.Shape = new Coordinate[]
            return(new Result <Route>(route));
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public VertexToVertexAlgorithm(DirectedMetaGraph graph, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, DykstraSource <T>[] sources,
                                       DykstraSource <T>[] targets, T max)
            _graph         = graph;
            _sources       = sources;
            _targets       = targets;
            _weightHandler = weightHandler;
            _max           = max;

            _buckets = new Dictionary <uint, Dictionary <int, EdgePath <T> > >();
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new weight-matrix algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public WeightMatrixAlgorithm(RouterBase router, Profile profile, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, Coordinate[] locations,
                                     Func <RoutingEdge, int, bool> matchEdge)
            _router        = router;
            _profile       = profile;
            _locations     = locations;
            _matchEdge     = matchEdge;
            _weightHandler = weightHandler;

            this.SearchDistanceInMeter = Constants.SearchDistanceInMeter;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new priority calculator.
        /// </summary>
        public EdgeDifferencePriorityCalculator(DirectedDynamicGraph graph, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, IWitnessCalculator <T> witnessCalculator)
            _graph             = graph;
            _witnessCalculator = witnessCalculator;
            _contractionCount  = new Dictionary <uint, int>();
            _depth             = new Dictionary <long, int>();
            _weightHandler     = weightHandler;

            this.DifferenceFactor = 1;
            this.DepthFactor      = 2;
            this.ContractedFactor = 1;
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new routing algorithm instance.
        /// </summary>
        public Dykstra(DirectedDynamicGraph graph, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, IEnumerable <EdgePath <T> > sources,
                       Func <uint, IEnumerable <uint[]> > getRestrictions, bool backward)

            _graph           = graph;
            _getRestrictions = getRestrictions;
            _sources         = sources.Select(x => {
            _backward      = backward;
            _weightHandler = weightHandler;
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the potential shortcuts.
        /// </summary>
        public static void BuildShortcuts <T>(this VertexInfo <T> vertexinfo, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler)
            where T : struct
            var vertex    = vertexinfo.Vertex;
            var shortcuts = vertexinfo.Shortcuts;

            // loop over all edge-pairs once.
            var shortcut = new Shortcut <T>()
                Backward = weightHandler.Infinite,
                Forward  = weightHandler.Infinite
            var shortcutEdge = new OriginalEdge();

            for (var j = 1; j < vertexinfo.Count; j++)
                var edge1       = vertexinfo[j];
                var edge1Weight = weightHandler.GetEdgeWeight(edge1);
                shortcutEdge.Vertex1 = edge1.Neighbour;

                // figure out what witness paths to calculate.
                for (var k = 0; k < j; k++)
                    var edge2       = vertexinfo[k];
                    var edge2Weight = weightHandler.GetEdgeWeight(edge2);
                    shortcutEdge.Vertex2 = edge2.Neighbour;

                    if (!(edge1Weight.Direction.B && edge2Weight.Direction.F) &&
                        !(edge1Weight.Direction.F && edge2Weight.Direction.B))
                    { // impossible route, do nothing.

                    shortcut.Backward = weightHandler.Infinite;
                    shortcut.Forward  = weightHandler.Infinite;

                    if (edge1Weight.Direction.B && edge2Weight.Direction.F)
                        shortcut.Forward = weightHandler.Add(edge1Weight.Weight, edge2Weight.Weight);
                    if (edge1Weight.Direction.F && edge2Weight.Direction.B)
                        shortcut.Backward = weightHandler.Add(edge1Weight.Weight, edge2Weight.Weight);

                    shortcuts.AddOrUpdate(shortcutEdge, shortcut, weightHandler);
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the best path in this linked list.
        /// </summary>
        public EdgePath <T> Best(WeightHandler <T> weightHandler)
            var best    = this.Path;
            var current = this.Next;

            while (current != null)
                if (weightHandler.IsSmallerThan(current.Path.Weight, best.Weight))
                    best = current.Path;
                current = current.Next;
예제 #20
파일: Navigator.cs 프로젝트: windywyll/Path
 /// Interface for per-tag custom weights. This method populates a per-Navigator list of custom weight handlers.
 /// A custom weight handler is associated with a tag and will be invoked whenever Path is considering the
 /// weight of an object with the corresponding tag. A neutral return value of a WeightHandler is 1.0f.
 public void RegisterWeightHandler(string tag, WeightHandler handler)
     if (m_WeightHandlers.ContainsKey(tag))
         if (!m_WeightHandlers[tag].Contains(handler))
         m_WeightHandlers[tag] = new List <WeightHandler> ();
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new hierarchy builder.
        /// </summary>
        public FastHierarchyBuilder(DirectedMetaGraph graph,
                                    WeightHandler <T> weightHandler)

            _graph         = graph;
            _weightHandler = weightHandler;

            _vertexInfo       = new VertexInfo <T>();
            _depth            = new Dictionary <long, int>();
            _contractionCount = new Dictionary <uint, int>();

            this.DifferenceFactor = 4;
            this.DepthFactor      = 14;
            this.ContractedFactor = 1;
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new hierarchy builder.
        /// </summary>
        public HierarchyBuilder(DirectedMetaGraph graph, DykstraWitnessCalculator <T> witnessCalculator,
                                WeightHandler <T> weightHandler)

            _graph             = graph;
            _witnessCalculator = witnessCalculator;
            _weightHandler     = weightHandler;

            _vertexInfo       = new VertexInfo <T>();
            _depth            = new Dictionary <long, int>();
            _contractionCount = new Dictionary <uint, int>();

            this.DifferenceFactor = 5;
            this.DepthFactor      = 5;
            this.ContractedFactor = 8;
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new contracted bidirectional router.
        /// </summary>
        public BidirectionalDykstra(DirectedDynamicGraph graph, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, IEnumerable <EdgePath <T> > sources, IEnumerable <EdgePath <T> > targets,
                                    Func <uint, IEnumerable <uint[]> > getRestrictions)

            _graph         = graph;
            _weightHandler = weightHandler;
            _sources       = sources.Select(x => {
            _targets = targets.Select(x => {
            _getRestrictions = getRestrictions;
예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds an edge path from a path consisiting of only vertices.
        /// </summary>
        public static EdgePath <T> BuildEdgePath <T>(this RouterDb routerDb, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, RouterPoint source, RouterPoint target, List <uint> vertexPath)
            where T : struct
            if (vertexPath == null || vertexPath.Count == 0)

            var path = new EdgePath <T>(vertexPath[0]);
            var i    = 1;

            if (path.Vertex == Constants.NO_VERTEX)
            { // add first router point segment from source.
                path = source.EdgePathTo(routerDb, weightHandler, vertexPath[1]);
                i    = 2;

            var edgeEnumerator = routerDb.Network.GeometricGraph.Graph.GetEdgeEnumerator();

            for (; i < vertexPath.Count; i++)
                var vertex = vertexPath[i];
                if (vertex == Constants.NO_VERTEX)
                    if (i != vertexPath.Count - 1)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid data found in vertex path: a non-vertex id was found at an invalid location.");
                    var toTarget = target.EdgePathTo(routerDb, weightHandler, path.Vertex, true);
                    path = new EdgePath <T>(toTarget.Vertex, weightHandler.Add(toTarget.Weight, path.Weight), toTarget.Edge, path);
                T   weight;
                var best = edgeEnumerator.FindBestEdge(weightHandler, path.Vertex, vertexPath[i], out weight);
                if (best == Constants.NO_EDGE)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot build vertex path, edge {0} -> {1} not found.", path.Vertex, vertexPath[i]));

                path = new EdgePath <T>(vertexPath[i], weightHandler.Add(weight, path.Weight), best, path);
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates an edge path for the given edge.
        /// </summary>
        public static EdgePath <T> GetPathForEdge <T>(this RouterDb routerDb, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, RoutingEdge edge, bool edgeForward, bool asSource)
            where T : struct
            var weight = weightHandler.Calculate(edge.Data.Profile, edge.Data.Distance);

            if (asSource)
                if (edgeForward)
                    return(new EdgePath <T>(edge.To, weight, edge.IdDirected(), new EdgePath <T>(edge.From)));
                return(new EdgePath <T>(edge.From, weight, -edge.IdDirected(), new EdgePath <T>(edge.To)));
                if (edgeForward)
                    return(new EdgePath <T>(edge.From, weight, -edge.IdDirected(), new EdgePath <T>(edge.To)));
                return(new EdgePath <T>(edge.To, weight, edge.IdDirected(), new EdgePath <T>(edge.From)));
예제 #26
        public override Result <T[][]> TryCalculateWeight <T>(Profile profile, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler,
                                                              RouterPoint[] sources, RouterPoint[] targets, ISet <int> invalidSources, ISet <int> invalidTargets, RoutingSettings <T> settings)
            var weights = new T[sources.Length][];

            for (var s = 0; s < sources.Length; s++)
                weights[s] = new T[targets.Length];
                for (var t = 0; t < sources.Length; t++)
                    weights[s][t] = weightHandler.Calculate(0, Coordinate.DistanceEstimateInMeter(
                                                                new Coordinate(sources[s].Latitude, sources[s].Longitude),
                                                                new Coordinate(targets[t].Latitude, targets[t].Longitude)));

            foreach (var invalid in _invalidSet)

            return(new Result <T[][]>(weights));
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of search algorithm.
 /// </summary>
 public BidirectionalDykstra(Dykstra <T> sourceSearch, Dykstra <T> targetSearch, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler)
     _sourceSearch  = sourceSearch;
     _targetSearch  = targetSearch;
     _weightHandler = weightHandler;
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new contracted graph and adds it to the router db for the given profile.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddContracted <T>(this RouterDb db, Profiles.Profile profile, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, bool forceEdgeBased = false)
            where T : struct
            // create the raw directed graph.
            ContractedDb contractedDb = null;

            lock (db)
                if (forceEdgeBased)
                { // edge-based is needed when complex restrictions found.
                    var contracted           = new DirectedDynamicGraph(weightHandler.DynamicSize);
                    var directedGraphBuilder = new Itinero.Algorithms.Contracted.EdgeBased.DirectedGraphBuilder <T>(db.Network.GeometricGraph.Graph, contracted,

                    // contract the graph.
                    var priorityCalculator = new Itinero.Algorithms.Contracted.EdgeBased.EdgeDifferencePriorityCalculator <T>(contracted, weightHandler,
                                                                                                                              new Itinero.Algorithms.Contracted.EdgeBased.Witness.DykstraWitnessCalculator <T>(weightHandler, int.MaxValue));
                    priorityCalculator.DifferenceFactor = 5;
                    priorityCalculator.DepthFactor      = 5;
                    priorityCalculator.ContractedFactor = 8;
                    var hierarchyBuilder = new Itinero.Algorithms.Contracted.EdgeBased.HierarchyBuilder <T>(contracted, priorityCalculator,
                                                                                                            new Itinero.Algorithms.Contracted.EdgeBased.Witness.DykstraWitnessCalculator <T>(weightHandler, int.MaxValue), weightHandler, db.GetGetRestrictions(profile, null));

                    contractedDb = new ContractedDb(contracted);
                { // vertex-based is ok when no complex restrictions found.
                    var contracted           = new DirectedMetaGraph(ContractedEdgeDataSerializer.Size, weightHandler.MetaSize);
                    var directedGraphBuilder = new DirectedGraphBuilder <T>(db.Network.GeometricGraph.Graph, contracted, weightHandler);

                    // contract the graph.
                    var priorityCalculator = new EdgeDifferencePriorityCalculator(contracted,
                                                                                  new DykstraWitnessCalculator(int.MaxValue));
                    priorityCalculator.DifferenceFactor = 5;
                    priorityCalculator.DepthFactor      = 5;
                    priorityCalculator.ContractedFactor = 8;
                    var hierarchyBuilder = new HierarchyBuilder <T>(contracted, priorityCalculator,
                                                                    new DykstraWitnessCalculator(int.MaxValue), weightHandler);

                    contractedDb = new ContractedDb(contracted);

            // add the graph.
            lock (db)
                db.AddContracted(profile, contractedDb);
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts all the router points to vertex and weights with vertex id being the directed edge id. This results in one dykstra source of this routerpoint.
        /// </summary>
        public static DykstraSource <T>[] ToDualDykstraSources <T>(this RouterPoint[] points, RouterDb routerDb, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, bool asSource)
            where T : struct
            var results = new DykstraSource <T> [points.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) // TODO: this only reads stuff, perfect to parallelise
                results[i] = points[i].ToDualDykstraSource(routerDb, weightHandler, asSource);
예제 #30
파일: Navigator.cs 프로젝트: Joelone/Path
 /// Interface for per-tag custom weights. This method populates a per-Navigator list of custom weight handlers.
 /// A custom weight handler is associated with a tag and will be invoked whenever Path is considering the
 /// weight of an object with the corresponding tag. A neutral return value of a WeightHandler is 1.0f.
 public void RegisterWeightHandler(string tag, WeightHandler handler)
     if (m_WeightHandlers.ContainsKey (tag))
         if (!m_WeightHandlers[tag].Contains (handler))
             m_WeightHandlers[tag].Add (handler);
         m_WeightHandlers[tag] = new List<WeightHandler> ();
         m_WeightHandlers[tag].Add (handler);
예제 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the router point to vertex and weights with vertex id being the directed edge id. This results in one dykstra source of this routerpoint.
        /// </summary>
        public static DykstraSource <T> ToDualDykstraSource <T>(this RouterPoint point, RouterDb routerDb, WeightHandler <T> weightHandler, bool asSource)
            where T : struct
            var graph = routerDb.Network.GeometricGraph;
            var edge  = graph.GetEdge(point.EdgeId);

            float  distance;
            ushort profileId;

            EdgeDataSerializer.Deserialize(edge.Data[0], out distance, out profileId);
            Factor factor;
            var    edgeWeight = weightHandler.Calculate(profileId, distance, out factor);

            var offset = point.Offset / (float)ushort.MaxValue;

            if (factor.Direction == 0)
            { // bidirectional.
                return(new DykstraSource <T>
                    Vertex1 = (new DirectedEdgeId(point.EdgeId, true)).Raw,
                    Weight1 = weightHandler.Calculate(profileId, distance * offset),
                    Vertex2 = (new DirectedEdgeId(point.EdgeId, false)).Raw,
                    Weight2 = weightHandler.Calculate(profileId, distance * (1 - offset))
            else if (factor.Direction == 1)
            { // edge is forward oneway
                if (asSource)
                    return(new DykstraSource <T>
                        Vertex1 = (new DirectedEdgeId(point.EdgeId, true)).Raw,
                        Weight1 = weightHandler.Calculate(profileId, distance * offset),
                        Vertex2 = Constants.NO_VERTEX,
                        Weight2 = weightHandler.Infinite
                return(new DykstraSource <T>
                    Vertex1 = Constants.NO_VERTEX,
                    Weight1 = weightHandler.Infinite,
                    Vertex2 = (new DirectedEdgeId(point.EdgeId, false)).Raw,
                    Weight2 = weightHandler.Calculate(profileId, distance * (1 - offset))
            { // edge is backward oneway.
                if (asSource)
                    return(new DykstraSource <T>
                        Vertex1 = Constants.NO_VERTEX,
                        Weight1 = weightHandler.Infinite,
                        Vertex2 = (new DirectedEdgeId(point.EdgeId, false)).Raw,
                        Weight2 = weightHandler.Calculate(profileId, distance * (1 - offset))
                return(new DykstraSource <T>
                    Vertex1 = (new DirectedEdgeId(point.EdgeId, true)).Raw,
                    Weight1 = weightHandler.Calculate(profileId, distance * offset),
                    Vertex2 = Constants.NO_VERTEX,
                    Weight2 = weightHandler.Infinite