//Checks for the Navigation Parameter and changes the ViewModel to the requested Website. private void ContentDialog_Opened(ContentDialog sender, ContentDialogOpenedEventArgs args) { Result = RenameResult.Nothing; long iD = Convert.ToInt64(sender.AccessKey); try { Website = WebsiteViewModel.FromWebsite(WebsiteDataSource.GetWebsite(iD)); } catch { Website = WebsiteViewModel.FromWebsite(WebsiteDataSource.GetDefault()); } }
//Checks for the Navigation Parameter and changes the WebView.Source to the requested Website. protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); long iD; try { iD = Convert.ToInt64(e.Parameter); Website = WebsiteViewModel.FromWebsite(WebsiteDataSource.GetWebsite(iD)); } catch { Website = WebsiteViewModel.FromWebsite(WebsiteDataSource.GetDefault()); } }
private async Task PinTileAsync(long iD) { string tileId = "website" + iD; string displayName = WebsiteDataSource.GetWebsite(iD).Name; string arguments = iD.ToString(); // Initialize the tile with required arguments SecondaryTile tile = new SecondaryTile( tileId, displayName, arguments, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Square150x150Logo.png"), TileSize.Default); // Pin the tile bool isPinned = await tile.RequestCreateAsync(); // TODO: Update UI to reflect whether user can now either unpin or pin }