예제 #1
 public ActionResult AdvanceSearchMovie(String title, String actor, String realisator, String genre, String country, String language, String year)
     using (var webflixContext = new WebflixContext())
         return(Json(webflixContext.AdvanceSearchMovie(title, actor, realisator, genre, country, language, year)));
예제 #2
 //ajax needs to be change to start searching from 3 characters min.
 public ActionResult SearchMovie(String query)
     using (var webflixContext = new WebflixContext())
예제 #3
 public ActionResult AdvanceSearchMovie(String title, String actor, String realisator, String genre, String country, String language, String year)
     using (var webflixContext = new WebflixContext())
         return Json(webflixContext.AdvanceSearchMovie(title, actor, realisator, genre, country, language, year));
예제 #4
        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Message = "Modify this template to jump-start your ASP.NET MVC application.";

            using (var webflixContext = new WebflixContext())
                var films = webflixContext.FILMs.ToList().Take(30);
                return View(films);
예제 #5
        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Message = "Modify this template to jump-start your ASP.NET MVC application.";

            using (var webflixContext = new WebflixContext())
                var films = webflixContext.FILMs.ToList().Take(30);
예제 #6
        public ActionResult RentMovie(int idFilm, int idClient)
            CLIENT client;
            COPIE  copie;
            FILM   film;
            String message;

            using (var webflixContext = new WebflixContext())
                client = webflixContext.CLIENTs.Find(idClient);
                film   = webflixContext.FILMs.Find(idFilm);
                copie  = film.COPIEs.Where(c => c.DISPONIBLE == true).FirstOrDefault();
                int      clientMaxLoaction      = (int)client.FORFAIT.LOCATIONSMAX;
                int      nombreLocationCourante = client.LOCATIONs.Count(l => l.DATERETOUR == null);
                LOCATION location = new LOCATION();
                if (copie != null && nombreLocationCourante < clientMaxLoaction)
                    location.CLIENT         = client;
                    location.COPIE          = copie;
                    location.DATEDELOCATION = DateTime.Now;
                        copie.DISPONIBLE = false; // Apres la location
                        return(RedirectToAction("ShowRentMovie", "Film", new { id = location.IDLOCATION, type = 'S', message = "Votre location a été effectué avec success le" + location.DATEDELOCATION }));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        message = e.Message;
                        return(RedirectToAction("ShowRentMovie", "Film", new { id = film.IDFILM, type = 'E', message = message }));
                else if (nombreLocationCourante >= clientMaxLoaction)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ShowRentMovie", "Film", new { id = film.IDFILM, type = 'E', message = "Vous avez atteint le nombre de copie permis par votre forfait." }));
                    return(RedirectToAction("ShowRentMovie", "Film", new { id = film.IDFILM, type = 'E', message = "Il n'y a plus de copie disponible pour le film que vous souhaitez louer." }));
예제 #7
        public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
            var            courriel  = model.Courriel;
            var            pwd       = model.Password;
            WebflixContext context   = new WebflixContext();
            var            user      = (Session["IDPERSONNE"] == null) ? context.PERSONNEs.Where(p => p.COURRIEL == courriel) : context.PERSONNEs.Where(p => p.IDPERSONNE == (int)Session["IDPERSONNE"]);
            var            storedPwd = user.Select(u => u.MOTDEPASSE).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user.Count() == 1 && ValidateMD5Password(pwd, storedPwd))
                Session["IDPERSONNE"] = user.Select(u => u.IDPERSONNE).First();
                Session["NOM"]        = user.Select(u => u.NOM).First();
                Session["PRENOM"]     = user.Select(u => u.PRENOM).First();
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
            ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
예제 #8
        public ActionResult ShowRentMovie(int id, char type, String message)
            WebflixContext    wfcontext = new WebflixContext();
            RentFilmViewModel rwm;

            if (type == 'S')
                var location      = wfcontext.LOCATIONs.Find(id);
                var idRealisateur = location.COPIE.FILM.IDREALISATEUR;
                var realisateur   = wfcontext.PERSONNESFILMs.Find(idRealisateur);
                rwm = new RentFilmViewModel(location, realisateur, type, message);
                var film          = wfcontext.FILMs.Find(id);
                var idRealisateur = film.IDREALISATEUR;
                var realisateur   = wfcontext.PERSONNESFILMs.Find(idRealisateur);
                rwm = new RentFilmViewModel(film, realisateur, type, message);

예제 #9
        public ActionResult ShowFilm(int id)
            WebflixContext wfcontext     = new WebflixContext();
            var            film          = wfcontext.FILMs.Find(id);
            var            idRealisateur = film.IDREALISATEUR;
            var            realisateur   = wfcontext.PERSONNESFILMs.Find(idRealisateur);
            var            cote          = new WebflixContext().Database.SqlQuery <Cote>("Select moyenne, idfilm from ma_vue_moyenne where idfilm = " + film.CODE).FirstOrDefault();
            // film_j = id film recommander
            var recommendations = new WebflixContext().Database.SqlQuery <FilmRecommendation>("Select vu.correlation, CASE vu.id_film_j WHEN " + film.CODE + " THEN  vu.id_film_k ELSE vu.id_film_J END AS film from ma_vue_correlations vu where (vu.id_film_k = " + film.CODE + " OR vu.id_film_j = " + film.CODE + ") AND CASE VU.ID_FILM_J WHEN " + film.CODE + " THEN vu.id_film_k ELSE vu.id_film_J END NOT IN((SELECT code FROM FILM INNER JOIN COPIE ON COPIE.IDFILM = FILM.IDFILM INNER JOIN LOCATION ON LOCATION.IDCOPIE = COPIE.IDCOPIE WHERE LOCATION.IDCLIENT = 13 )) Order By correlation desc OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 3 ROWS ONLY").ToList();

            List <FILM> all_recommendation = new List <FILM>();

            foreach (var recommendation in recommendations)
                var recommendationss = recommendation.film.ToString();
                all_recommendation.Add(wfcontext.FILMs.Where(f => f.CODE == recommendationss).FirstOrDefault());

            ShowFilmViewModel sfvm = new ShowFilmViewModel(film, realisateur, cote, all_recommendation);

예제 #10
        public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
            var courriel = model.Courriel;
            var pwd = model.Password;
            WebflixContext context = new WebflixContext();
            var user = (Session["IDPERSONNE"] == null) ? context.PERSONNEs.Where(p => p.COURRIEL == courriel) : context.PERSONNEs.Where(p => p.IDPERSONNE == (int)Session["IDPERSONNE"]);
            var storedPwd = user.Select(u => u.MOTDEPASSE).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user.Count() == 1 && ValidateMD5Password(pwd, storedPwd))
                Session["IDPERSONNE"] = user.Select(u => u.IDPERSONNE).First();
                Session["NOM"] = user.Select(u => u.NOM).First();
                Session["PRENOM"] = user.Select(u => u.PRENOM).First();
                return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
            ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
            return View(model);