/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the btnWSConnect control. /// Creates the instance of the <see cref="WebSocket"/> class and sets the event listeners for it. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void btnWSConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { webSocket.Connect(tbWSAddress.Text); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { try { Console.Write("是否使用wss agent? (y.是, 其他.不是): "); var wss = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim().ToLower() == "y"; using (IWebSocketAgent agent = new WebSocketAgent($"{(wss ? "wss" : "ws")}://") { // 本地绑定地址 BindAddress = "", // 支持连接超时时间设置, 单位毫秒 ConnectionTimeout = 3000, // 忽略压缩扩展, 不忽略支持数据包压缩解压缩 IgnoreCompressionExtensions = false, // 最大封包大小 MaxPacketSize = 0x4000, // 浏览器User-Agent, 默认chrome78.0.3904.97的User-Agent UserAgent = "hp-socket5.7 websocket agent", // 升级websocket协议的时候可以附带cookie Cookie = "key=hello;value=world", // 子协议 SubProtocols = null, }) { if (wss) { // wss请开启此设置, 设置ssl配置, 会自动初始化ssl环境 agent.SslConfiguration = new SslConfiguration { // 不从内存加载证书 FromMemory = false, // 不验证证书 VerifyMode = SslVerifyMode.None, }; } // agent 的 http 对象, 本质上是 IHttpAgent var httpAgent = (IHttpAgent)agent.Http; Console.WriteLine($"IsUseCookie: {httpAgent.IsUseCookie}"); // 当然也就可以设置代理, http和socks5代理可以同时混用, 会随机挑选代理服务器, 支持无限多个 /* * httpAgent.ProxyList = new List<IProxy> * { * // 支持http隧道代理 * new HttpProxy * { * Host = "", * Port = 1080, * // 支持帐号和密码, 可选 * // UserName = "******", * // Password = "******" * }, * // 也支持socks5代理 * new Socks5Proxy * { * Host = "", * Port = 1080, * // 支持帐号和密码, 可选 * // UserName = "******", * // Password = "******" * } * }; */ // 打开连接 agent.OnOpen += (sender, id) => { Console.WriteLine($"OnOpen({id}), hp-socket version: { sender.Version}"); return(HandleResult.Ok); }; // 消息到达 agent.OnMessage += (sender, id, final, opCode, mask, data) => { Console.WriteLine($"OnMessage({id}), final: {final}, op code: {opCode}, data length: {data.Length}"); lock (ConsoleLock) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.WriteLine($"服务器说: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data)}"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } SendByInput(sender, id); return(HandleResult.Ok); }; // 连接关闭 agent.OnClose += (sender, id, socketOperation, errorCode) => { Console.WriteLine($"OnClose({id}), socket operation: {socketOperation}, error code: {errorCode}"); // 延时1秒 Thread.Sleep(1000); // 重连 sender.Connect(); return(HandleResult.Ok); }; // 要先启动服务 agent.Start(); // 连接服务器, 该组件不支持连接不同ws服务器 agent.Connect(); // 等待服务停止 await agent.WaitAsync(); } Console.WriteLine("Bye!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception :{ex.Message}\r\n\t{ex.StackTrace}"); } }