// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start () { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); int i = 0; w.SendString(PackMessage("Hi there", i)); while (true) { string reply = w.RecvString(); if (reply != null) { Message msg = UnpackMessage (reply); Debug.Log ("Received: " + msg.msg + ", " + msg.no); w.SendString (PackMessage ("Hi there", i)); } if (w.error != null) { Debug.LogError ("Error: " + w.error); break; } ++i; yield return 0; } w.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Start the Birb Client. /// </summary> /// <returns>Nothing right now.</returns> IEnumerator Start() { gameStateManager = GetComponent<GameStateManager>(); Uri server = new Uri("ws://birb.herokuapp.com"); Uri localhost = new Uri("ws://localhost:5000"); socket = new WebSocket(server); callbacks = new Dictionary<BirbMessageCode, Callback>(); yield return StartCoroutine(socket.Connect()); int i = 0; // Testing //RunUnitTests(); while (true) { string reply = socket.RecvString(); if (reply != null) { Debug.Log("Received: " + reply); Process(reply); } if (socket.Error != null) { Debug.LogError("Error: " + socket.Error); break; } yield return 0; } socket.Close(); }
public override void ExecuteCommand(WebSocket session, WebSocketCommandInfo commandInfo) { string description; if (!session.ProtocolProcessor.VerifyHandshake(session, commandInfo, out description)) { session.Close(session.ProtocolProcessor.CloseStatusCode.ProtocolError, description); return; } session.OnHandshaked(); }
public WsClient () { bool success = TestConnection(); if (success) { Debug.Log ("Server check ok"); string server = String.Format("wss://{0}:{1}/", ip, port ); using (conn = new WebSocket (server,"game")); conn.Connect (); conn.OnOpen += (sender, e) => conn.Send ("Server Connected"); conn.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("Websocket Error"); conn.Close (); }; conn.OnClose += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("Websocket Close"); conn.Close (); }; } else { Debug.Log ("Server check failed"); return; } conn.SslConfiguration.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { // Do something to validate the server certificate. Debug.Log ("Cert: " + certificate); return true; // If the server certificate is valid. }; }
public override void ExecuteCommand(WebSocket session, WebSocketCommandInfo commandInfo) { //Close handshake was sent from client side, now got a handshake response if (session.StateCode == WebSocketStateConst.Closing) { session.CloseWithoutHandshake(); return; } //Got server side closing handshake request, send response now var statusCode = commandInfo.CloseStatusCode; if (statusCode <= 0) statusCode = session.ProtocolProcessor.CloseStatusCode.NoStatusCode; session.Close(statusCode, commandInfo.Text); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start () { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); w.SendString("UnityTest"); int i=0; while (true) { string reply = w.RecvString(); if (reply != null) { Debug.Log ("Received: "+reply); w.SendString("UnityTest " + i++); } if (w.Error != null) { Debug.LogError ("Error: "+w.Error); break; } yield return 0; } w.Close(); }
public override void ExecuteCommand(WebSocket session, WebSocketCommandInfo commandInfo) { //Close handshake was sent from client side, now got a handshake response if (session.State == WebSocketState.Closing) { //Not NormalClosure if (commandInfo.CloseStatusCode != session.ProtocolProcessor.CloseStatusCode.NormalClosure && (commandInfo.CloseStatusCode > 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandInfo.Text))) { session.FireError(new Exception(string.Format("{0}: {1}", commandInfo.CloseStatusCode, commandInfo.Text))); } session.CloseWithouHandshake(); return; } //Got server side closing handshake request, send response now var statusCode = commandInfo.CloseStatusCode; if (statusCode <= 0) statusCode = session.ProtocolProcessor.CloseStatusCode.NoStatusCode; session.Close(statusCode, commandInfo.Text); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start() { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); w.SendString("Hi there"); int i = 0; while(true) { string reply = w.RecvString(); if(reply != null) { Debug.Log("Received: " + reply); w.SendString("Hi there" + i++); } if(w.Error != null) { Debug.LogError("Error: " + w.Error); break; } yield return 0; } w.Close(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var client = new WebSocket("", 8080); client.Opened += (sender, eventArgs) => Console.WriteLine("Connection open!"); client.Closed += (sender, eventArgs) => Console.WriteLine("Connection closed"); client.MessageReceived += (sender, eventArgs) => Console.WriteLine(((WebSocketEventArgs)eventArgs).Data); var exit = false; while (!exit) { var cmd = Console.ReadLine(); switch (cmd) { case "/close": client.Close(); break; case "/exit": exit = true; break; case "/open": client.Open(); break; case "/send": client.SendMdnString(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown command " + cmd); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start() { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); int i=0; while (true) { string reply = w.RecvString(); if (reply != null) { float newAccelerationTarget = parseAcceleration(reply); if(newAccelerationTarget > 0.1f){ accelerationTargetReached = false; accelerationTarget = 1.0f; } moveCharacter(); Debug.Log ("Received: "+reply); } if (w.Error != null) { Debug.LogError ("Error: "+w.Error); break; } yield return 0; } w.Close(); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator StartWebSocket_CR() { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); w.SendString("Ctrl Connected"); while (true) { string res = w.RecvString(); if (res != null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.Log("Received: " + res); #endif //w.SendString("Hi there" + i++); char[] delimiterChars = { ' ' ,'\t' }; string[] parseStr = res.Split(delimiterChars); switch(parseStr[0]){ case "m+":{ _crowdSim.globalAttentionMean = SetValueFromString(_crowdSim.globalAttentionMean, true, parseStr); break; } case "m-":{ _crowdSim.globalAttentionMean = SetValueFromString(_crowdSim.globalAttentionMean, false, parseStr); break; } case "d+":{ _crowdSim.globalAttentionStDev = SetValueFromString(_crowdSim.globalAttentionStDev, true, parseStr); break; } case "d-":{ _crowdSim.globalAttentionStDev = SetValueFromString(_crowdSim.globalAttentionStDev, false, parseStr); break; } case "u+":{ _crowdSim.seatPosAttentionUpper = SetValueFromString(_crowdSim.seatPosAttentionUpper, true, parseStr); break; } case "u-":{ _crowdSim.seatPosAttentionUpper = SetValueFromString(_crowdSim.seatPosAttentionUpper, false, parseStr); break; } case "l+":{ _crowdSim.seatPosAttentionLower = SetValueFromString(_crowdSim.seatPosAttentionLower, true, parseStr); break; } case "l-":{ _crowdSim.seatPosAttentionLower = SetValueFromString(_crowdSim.seatPosAttentionLower, false, parseStr); break; } } w.SendString("|Unity> currStat: m=" + _crowdSim.globalAttentionMean + ", dev=" + _crowdSim.globalAttentionStDev + ", A_up=" + _crowdSim.seatPosAttentionUpper + ", A_Low=" + _crowdSim.seatPosAttentionLower + "." ); //w.SendString("|Unity> blar blar" + res); } if (w.Error != null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.Log("Error: " + w.Error); #endif break; } yield return 0; } w.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Subscribes to the provided <paramref name="outgoing"/> stream, sending all events to the provided <paramref name="socket"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="outgoing">The outgoing stream.</param> /// <param name="socket"> /// The socket. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="Task"/> which will complete when either the observable completes (or errors) or the socket is closed (or errors). /// </returns> private static async Task OutgoingMessagePump(IObservable<string> outgoing, WebSocket socket) { var completion = new TaskCompletionSource<int>(); var subscription = new IDisposable[] { null }; Action complete = () => { subscription[0]?.Dispose(); completion.TrySetResult(0); }; // Until the socket is closed, pipe messages to it, then complete. subscription[0] = outgoing.TakeWhile(_ => !socket.IsClosed).SelectMany( next => socket.Send(ResponseKind.Next + next).ToObservable(), error => socket.Send(ResponseKind.Error + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(error.ToDetailedString())).ToObservable(), () => { if (socket.IsClosed) { return Observable.Empty<Unit>(); } // Send and close the socket. var send = socket.Send(ResponseKind.Completed.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToObservable(); return send.SelectMany(_ => socket.Close((int)WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "onCompleted").ToObservable()); }).Subscribe(_ => { }, _ => complete(), complete); await completion.Task; }
private static void ListenToMtgox() { var ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + Dns.GetHostAddresses("websocket.mtgox.com").First().ToString() + ":80/mtgox", "*"); var observableWs = new ObservableWebsocket(ws); if (!ws.Connect()) { Console.WriteLine("Not connected"); Console.ReadLine(); } else { Console.Clear(); Connected(observableWs); ws.Close(); } }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start () { w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://ec2-54-213-60-9.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:16248")); w.OnError += OnError; w.OnLogMessage += OnLogMessage; Debug.Log("Trying to connect"); yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); Debug.Log(w.isConnected ? "Connected!" : "Couldn't connect"); while (true) { if (w.lastError != null) break; var reply = w.Recv(); if (reply != null) { //var stringData = "["; //for (var i = 0; i < reply.Length; ++i) //{ // if (i % 4 == 0) // stringData += "\n"; // var c = reply[i]; // stringData += " " + c.ToString("000"); //} //stringData += " ]"; //Debug.Log("Received from the server: " + stringData); uint spec = BitConverter.ToUInt32(reply, 0); switch (spec) { case specInitialize: { uint id = BitConverter.ToUInt32(reply, 4); player.id = id; uint otherPlayerCount = BitConverter.ToUInt32(reply, 8); int byteIndex = 12; for (int i = 0; i < otherPlayerCount; ++i) { var other = new Player(); other.id = BitConverter.ToUInt32(reply, byteIndex); other.name = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(reply, byteIndex + 4, nameLength); float x = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, byteIndex + nameLength + 4); float y = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, byteIndex + nameLength + 8); float z = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, byteIndex + nameLength + 12); other.pos = new Vector3(x, y, z); other.health = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, byteIndex + nameLength + 16); otherPlayers[other.id] = other; byteIndex += 4 + nameLength + 16; } Debug.Log("Received ID: " + id + " and game start info. There are " + otherPlayerCount + " other players."); if (onGameInfoReceived != null) onGameInfoReceived(id, otherPlayers); break; } case specDisconnect: { uint id = BitConverter.ToUInt32(reply, 4); Player other = null; if (otherPlayers.TryGetValue(id, out other)) { Debug.Log(other.name + " disconnected."); if (onPlayerDisconnected != null) onPlayerDisconnected(other); } else Debug.Log("player" + id + " disconnected."); otherPlayers.Remove(id); break; } case specAnnounceConnect: { uint id = BitConverter.ToUInt32(reply, 4); if (id == player.id) break; Player other = new Player(); other.id = id; other.name = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(reply, 8, nameLength); float x = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, 8 + nameLength); float y = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, 12 + nameLength); float z = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, 16 + nameLength); other.pos = new Vector3(x, y, z); otherPlayers[id] = other; Debug.Log(other.name + " has connected (id " + other.id + ", pos " + other.pos + ")"); if (onPlayerConnected != null) onPlayerConnected(other); break; } case specUpdatePosition: { uint id = BitConverter.ToUInt32(reply, 4); float x = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, 8); float y = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, 12); float z = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, 16); var pos = new Vector3(x, y, z); Player other = null; if (player.id == id) break; if (otherPlayers.TryGetValue(id, out other)) { //Debug.Log(other.name + " is now at position " + pos); other.pos = pos; if (onPlayerMoved != null) onPlayerMoved(other); } break; } case specMessage: { uint id = BitConverter.ToUInt32(reply, 4); string message = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(reply, 8, reply.Length - 8); string name = null; if (id == player.id) name = player.name; if (name == null) { Player other = null; if (otherPlayers.TryGetValue(id, out other)) { name = other.name; if (onPlayerMessage != null) onPlayerMessage(other, message); } } if (name != null) Debug.Log(name + ": " + message); else Debug.Log("player" + id + ": " + message); break; } case specHeartbeat: { SendHeartbeatResponse(); break; } case specUpdateHealth: { uint id = BitConverter.ToUInt32(reply, 4); float health = BitConverter.ToSingle(reply, 8); Player updatedPlayer = null; if (id == player.id) { updatedPlayer = player; } else { Player other = null; if (otherPlayers.TryGetValue(id, out other)) { updatedPlayer = other; } } if (updatedPlayer != null) { updatedPlayer.health = health; if (onPlayerUpdateHealth != null) onPlayerUpdateHealth(updatedPlayer, health); } break; } case specUpdateState: { uint id = BitConverter.ToUInt32(reply, 4); int stateSize = reply.Length - 8; byte[] state = new byte[stateSize]; Buffer.BlockCopy(reply, 8, state, 0, stateSize); Player updatedPlayer = null; if (id == player.id) { updatedPlayer = player; } else { Player other = null; if (otherPlayers.TryGetValue(id, out other)) { updatedPlayer = other; } } if (updatedPlayer != null) { updatedPlayer.state = state; if (onPlayerUpdateState != null) onPlayerUpdateState(updatedPlayer, state); } break; } } } else { yield return 0; } } w.Close(); }
/// Use this for initialization IEnumerator StartCommunicator() { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); if(!testLocally) { yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); w.SendString("Hi there, I'm the communicator"); } int i=0; while (true) { sendingIntervalCountdown -= Time.deltaTime; if(sendingIntervalCountdown < 0) { sendingIntervalCountdown = sendingInterval; String toSend = "{\"x\":"+ball.position.x+",\"y\":"+ball.position.z+",\"z\":"+ball.position.y+"}"; Debug.Log(toSend); if(!testLocally) { w.SendString (toSend); } } string reply = null; if(!testLocally) { reply = w.RecvString(); } else { reply = localTestCommand; localTestCommand = null; } if (reply != null) { Debug.Log ("Received: "+reply); Vector3 force = Vector3.zero; /*if(reply != null && reply.Length == ) { if(reply[0] == '#') { } }*/ switch(reply) { case "jump": force = new Vector3(0, 300, 0); break; case "left": force = new Vector3(500, 0, 0); break; case "right": force = new Vector3(-500, 0, 0); break; case "forward": force = new Vector3(0, 0, 500); break; case "backward": force = new Vector3(0, 0, -500); break; case "color": force = new Vector3(0, 0, -500); break; } //Debug.Log (force); ball.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(force); //w.SendString("Hi there"+i++); } if (!testLocally && w.error != null) { Debug.LogError ("Error: "+w.error); break; } yield return 0; } w.Close(); }
// Call this second client to actually send random commands. IEnumerator StartGenerateData() { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); if(!testLocally) { yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); w.SendString("Hi there, I'm the random generator"); } int i=0; while (true) { String[] elements = {"jump", "left", "right", "forward", "backward"}; String randomElem = elements[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,elements.Length)]; Debug.Log(randomElem); if(!testLocally) { w.SendString(randomElem); } else { localTestCommand = randomElem; } if (!testLocally && w.error != null) { Debug.LogError ("Error: "+w.error); break; } yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); } w.Close(); }