/// <summary> /// Инициализируем Awesomium /// </summary> private void initAwesomium() { //Инициализируем параметры запуска ядра авесомиума WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig() { LogLevel = LogLevel.None, UserAgent = compileUA() }); //Создаём сессию ss = WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences { // ProxyConfig = "https://lv-134-87-2.fri-gate.biz:443", WebSecurity = true, LoadImagesAutomatically = false, RemoteFonts = false, JavascriptApplicationInfo = false }); //Инициализируем браузер, для работы с сайтом. wv = WebCore.CreateWebView( 1680, 1050, ss, WebViewType.Offscreen); }
private Shop MakeClickNCollectOrderAlreadyPaid() { var webSession = new WebSession(); var customer = _webAuthentificationService.ConnectCustomer( "*****@*****.**", "notfunnypassword" ); webSession.ConnectCustomer(customer); var articleBarCode = "0102030405"; var article = _articlesService.GetArticles(articleBarCode).First(); webSession.AddArticle(article); var availablesShops = _shopInfosService.GetShops(); Assert.AreEqual(2, availablesShops.Count()); var selectedShop = availablesShops.First( shop => shop.Address.City == "Toulouse" ); webSession.SetClickNCollectDeliveryMode(selectedShop.Id); webSession.PayWtihBC( "4545-5555-5555-5555", "01/25", "111" ); webSession.CompleteTransaction(); return(webSession.GetSelectedShop()); }
public static void SessionLogin(string sessionID, string accountID) { WebSession sessionsBySessionID = SessionService.sessionGateway.GetSessionsBySessionID(sessionID); sessionsBySessionID.AccountID = accountID; SessionService.sessionGateway.UpdateByPK(sessionsBySessionID); }
public AuthController(ISimpleCRUDService crudService, JWTTokenProvider jwtTokenProvider, IPasswordHasher passwordHasher, WebSession webSession) { _crudService = crudService; _jwtTokenProvider = jwtTokenProvider; _passwordHasher = passwordHasher; _webSession = webSession; }
/*----------------------------------------------------*/ public void Validate_ReturnHome_NavigationItem() { if (ModuleUser.MasterNavElement != null) { cNavElement aReturnHomeNavElement = ModuleUser.MasterNavElement.Find_ChildElement("ReturnHome"); if (aReturnHomeNavElement != null) { cModuleState aModuleState = WebSession.ModuleState("Home"); if (aModuleState == null && WebSession.HasStaffUser) { aModuleState = WebSession.ModuleState("Staff"); } if (aModuleState != null) { //WebSession.Remove_ModuleState("Home"); aReturnHomeNavElement.Visible = true; aReturnHomeNavElement.Enabled = true; aReturnHomeNavElement.SourceFile = WebAppl.Remove_RootFromURL(aModuleState.LastURL); String aDefaultPageKey = ReturnHomeModuleDefaultPageKey(); aReturnHomeNavElement.SourceFile = cWebLib.AddQuerystringParameter(aReturnHomeNavElement.SourceFile, "Page", aDefaultPageKey); } else { aReturnHomeNavElement.Visible = false; } } } }
public OutlookWebAccessApplication(string virtualDirectory, WebSession webSession) : base(virtualDirectory, webSession) { webSession.SendingRequest += delegate(object sender, HttpWebRequestEventArgs e) { e.Request.Expect = null; }; }
IWebView IWebViewLifeCycleManager.Create() { if (_Session == null) { _Session = (_WebSessionPath != null) ? WebCore.CreateWebSession(_WebSessionPath, new WebPreferences()) : WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences()); WebCore.ShuttingDown += WebCore_ShuttingDown; } WebControl nw = new WebControl() { WebSession = _Session, Visibility = Visibility.Hidden, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() { Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed } }; Grid.SetColumnSpan(nw, 2); Grid.SetRowSpan(nw, 2); Panel.SetZIndex(nw, 0); this.MainGrid.Children.Add(nw); return(nw); }
public MainWindow() { if (!WebCore.IsInitialized) { WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig() { HomeURL = new Uri("http://localhost"), RemoteDebuggingPort = 8001, }); } // Create a WebSession. WebSession session = WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences() { SmoothScrolling = true }); session.AddDataSource("core", new ResourceDataSource(ResourceType.Embedded, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())); InitializeComponent(); webControl.DocumentReady += onDocumentReady; webControl.ConsoleMessage += onConsoleMessage; webControl.LoadingFrameComplete += onLoadingFrameComplete; webControl.WebSession = session; }
public WebTimeJob() { var kv = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(); kv.Add("User-Agent", UserAgent.PC); session = new WebSession(customHeader: kv); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int page = 1) { ViewBag.Title = "Activities"; var dataPage = new WebsessionPage(); try { var user = await UserManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User); var webSession = new WebSession(Configuration, Context, Logger); var dataWeb = webSession.GetWebSessionPage(page, user.Id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommonHelper.GetCookie(Request, Const.CookieSessionId))) { foreach (var web in dataWeb.Results) { if (web.Id.Equals(CommonHelper.GetCookie(Request, Const.CookieSessionId))) { web.Current = true; } } } dataPage.Pagination = dataWeb; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Logger.Error("HttpGet SendSms: " + e.Message); ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Activity"); } return(View(dataPage)); }
private Page getNextPage(Page current, WebSession session) { Page next = null; if (IsDNQ(session)) { next = new Page { Controller = "Quote", Action = "DNQ" }; } else if (IsCustomerService(session)) { next = new Page { Controller = "Quote", Action = "CustomerService" }; } while (next == null) { if (_flow.IndexOf(current) < _flow.Count - 1) { current = _flow[_flow.IndexOf(current) + 1]; } if (IsRequired(current, session)) { next = current; } } return(next); }
public string CreateWebSessionFromDiscordId(string discordUserId) { ReportUser reportUser = _wrapper.ReportUserRepository.GetOne <ReportUser>(f => f.DiscordId == discordUserId); if (reportUser != null) { WebSession webSession = this.CreateWebSession(reportUser.Username); return(webSession.SessionCookie); } else { if (SystemShouldAutoCreateAccounts()) { ReportUser newUser = new ReportUser(); newUser.PasswordHash = HashPassword(GenerationHelper.CreateRandomString(true, true, false, 20)); newUser.Username = discordUserId; newUser.IsOrganizationAdmin = false; newUser.OrganizationRoles = new List <string>(); _wrapper.ReportUserRepository.AddOne <ReportUser>(newUser); WebSession webSession = this.CreateWebSession(newUser.Username); return(webSession.SessionCookie); } else { return(""); } } }
public XElement LoadCoverages(WebSession session) { Int32 account = LoadAccount(session.Quote.getCustomer().getMarketKeyCode()); Int32 form = 3; String units = "1"; if (session.Quote.getPolicyInfo().getHoUnitsInBldg() > 0) { units = session.Quote.getPolicyInfo().getHoUnitsInBldg().ToString(); } DateTime date = session.Quote.getPolicyInfo().getEffDate(); String zip = session.Quote.getCustomer().getZipCode1().ToString("00000"); String key = "KdQuoteFlow_RenterServices_LoadCoverages_" + account + "_" + form + "_" + date + "_" + zip + "_" + units; XElement scenarios = (XElement)CacheManager.GetData(key); if (scenarios == null) { Scenarios ws = new Scenarios { Url = Environmentals.HOWebService + "/DecisionMaker/quotesvc/Scenarios.asmx" }; XElement coverages = XElement.Parse(ws.LookupCoverages(account, form, date, zip)); scenarios = coverages.Element(coverages.GetDefaultNamespace() + "Scenarios"); scenarios.Elements().Where(x => x.Attribute("Units").Value != units).Remove(); CacheManager.Add(key, scenarios, CacheManager.ExpireEveryDayAtSix); } return(scenarios); }
public void REQ_17_FinalizeOnlineBracket_WithDelieveryModeClickNCollect() { WebSession webSession = MakeWebConnectedSession(); var availablesShops = _shopsService.GetShops(); Assert.AreEqual(2, availablesShops.Count()); var selectedShop = availablesShops.First( shop => shop.Address.City == "Balma" ); webSession.SetClickNCollectDeliveryMode(selectedShop.Id); Assert.AreEqual(DeliveryMode.ClickCollect, webSession.SelectedDeliveryMode); Assert.AreEqual(DeliveryMode.ClickCollect, webSession.SelectedDeliveryMode); Assert.AreEqual(selectedShop.Id, webSession.GetSelectedShop().Id); Assert.IsFalse(webSession.CanCompleteTransaction); Assert.IsTrue( webSession.PayWtihBC( "4545-5555-5555-5555", "01/25", "111" ) ); Assert.IsTrue(webSession.CanCompleteTransaction); webSession.CompleteTransaction(); var orders = webSession.GetSelectedShop().GetClickAndCollectOrder(); Assert.AreEqual(1, orders.Count()); }
private WebSession InitializeCoreAndSession() { if (!WebCore.IsInitialized) { WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig() { AssetProtocol = "https", LogLevel = LogLevel.Normal }); } // Build a data path string. In this case, a Cache folder under our executing directory. // - If the folder does not exist, it will be created. // - The path should always point to a writeable location. string dataPath = String.Format("{0}{1}Cache", Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); // Check if a session synchronizing to this data path, is already created; // if not, create a new one. session = WebCore.Sessions[dataPath] ?? WebCore.CreateWebSession(dataPath, new WebPreferences() { }); session.AddDataSource(DataSource.CATCH_ALL, new MyDataSource()); // The core must be initialized by now. Print the core version. Debug.Print(WebCore.Version.ToString()); // Return the session. return(session); }
private Task <SynchronizationContext> InitTask(string ipath) { TaskCompletionSource <SynchronizationContext> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <SynchronizationContext>(); TaskCompletionSource <object> complete = new TaskCompletionSource <object>(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig()); WebSession session = WebCore.CreateWebSession(WebPreferences.Default); _EndTask = complete.Task; _Father._WebView = WebCore.CreateWebView(500, 500); ipath = ipath ?? "javascript\\index.html"; _Father._WebView.Source = new Uri(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetPath(), ipath)); WebCore.Started += (o, e) => { tcs.SetResult(SynchronizationContext.Current); }; while (_Father._WebView.IsLoading) { WebCore.Run(); } complete.SetResult(null); } ); return(tcs.Task); }
public void UpdateSession(WebSession webSession) { SessionId = webSession.SessionId; SteamLogin = webSession.SteamLogin; SteamLoginSecure = webSession.SteamLoginSecure; RememberLoginToken = webSession.RememberLoginToken; }
public LauncherForm(IApplicationCore AppCore) { this.AppCore = AppCore; PageStack = new Stack<Uri>(); InitializeComponent(); if (!WebCore.IsInitialized) { WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig() { HomeURL = new Uri(@"asset://bzlauncher/home"), LogLevel = LogLevel.None, RemoteDebuggingHost = @"", RemoteDebuggingPort = 8001 }, true); } session = WebCore.CreateWebSession(@".\SessionDataPath", WebPreferences.Default); DataSource = new LauncherDataSource(); ResourceInterceptor = new LauncherResourceInterceptor(); session.AddDataSource("bzlauncher", DataSource); WebCore.ResourceInterceptor = ResourceInterceptor; }
/// <summary> /// implement any cleanup here /// </summary> public void Dispose() { httpResponseHandler = null; CustomUpStreamProxyUsed = null; WebSession.FinishSession(); }
public static HttpWebRequest BuildGetRequest(Uri _addr, WebSession _session) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return(true); }; if (_session.querySessionVars != null && _session.querySessionVars.Count > 0) { _addr = new Uri(string.Format("{0}&{1}", _addr.AbsoluteUri, _session.GetCombinedVars())); } HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(_addr); httpWebRequest.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate; httpWebRequest.Method = "GET"; if (Setting.SettingInstance.Proxy != null && Setting.SettingInstance.Proxy.Address != null) { httpWebRequest.Proxy = Setting.SettingInstance.Proxy; } httpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false; httpWebRequest.KeepAlive = false; if (_session.sessionHeader != null && _session.sessionHeader.Count > 0) { httpWebRequest.Headers.Add(_session.sessionHeader); } if (_session.sessionCookie != null && _session.sessionCookie.Count > 0) { httpWebRequest.CookieContainer = _session.sessionCookie; } httpWebRequest.Timeout = Setting.SettingInstance.HttpReadWriteTimeout; return(httpWebRequest); }
public void TestCutting() { var session = new WebSession(); var buf = session.GetRaw("https://www.baidu.com/img/PCtm_d9c8750bed0b3c7d089fa7d55720d6cf.png"); var ms = new MemoryStream(buf); var img = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(ms); var eff = new EffImage(img); // 透明底rgb是0 eff.ProcessEach((_, i, j) => { var color = _.At(i, j); if (color.R == 0) { _.Set(i, j, Color.White); } }); eff.GrayScale(); eff.AdativeBinarization(); eff = EffImage.CutH(eff, 200, 330); eff = EffImage.CutV(eff, 100, 230); eff.Origin.Save("z:/cut.bmp"); }
public Boolean IsRequired(Page page, WebSession session) { switch (page.Action) { case "AccidentsViolations": if (session.HasAccidentsViolations) { return(true); } else { return(false); } case "Discounts": if (session.IsVibeState) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static void CopyCookieContainer(this WebSession session, CookieContainer container) { foreach (Cookie c in container.GetAllCookies()) { session.SetCookie(new Uri(c.Domain), String.Format("{0}={1};", c.Name, c.Value), c.HttpOnly, true); // (yn) Crossing Fingers } }
/// <summary> /// implement any cleanup here /// </summary> public void Dispose() { httpResponseHandler = null; CustomUpStreamHttpProxyUsed = null; CustomUpStreamHttpsProxyUsed = null; WebSession.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnEndRequest(HttpContext context, EventArgs e) { if (WebSession.IsInitialized) { Logger.Debug("End Session"); WebSession.EndSession(context, _cryptographicService); } }
private bool VerifyWebServiceCommand( WebSession session, string webServiceURL, TestWebServiceCall webServiceCall, int command_index) { bool success = true; UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(webServiceURL + "/" + webServiceCall.command); string fullUrl = uriBuilder.ToString(); JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string jsonResultString = ""; _logger.WriteLine("WebServiceValidator: INFO: Sending command #{0}", command_index + 1); _logger.WriteLine("url: {0}", fullUrl); try { SessionWebClient webClient = new SessionWebClient(session); object jsonResultObject = null; if (webServiceCall.queryParameters != null) { jsonResultString = webClient.POST(fullUrl, (Dictionary <string, object>)webServiceCall.queryParameters); } else { jsonResultString = webClient.GET(fullUrl); } jsonResultObject = serializer.DeserializeObject(jsonResultString); success = AreObjectsEqual("", webServiceCall.ignoreFields, webServiceCall.result, jsonResultObject); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _logger.WriteLine("WebServiceValidator: ERROR: Exception sending command"); _logger.WriteLine(ex.Message); _logger.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); success = false; } if (success) { _logger.WriteLine("WebServiceValidator: INFO: Received expected result"); } else { _logger.WriteLine("WebServiceValidator: ERROR: Received unexpected result"); } _logger.WriteLine("Result: {0}", jsonResultString); _logger.WriteLine(); return(success); }
public AwesomiumWPFWebWindowFactory(string iWebSessionPath = null) { if (_Session == null) { _Session = (iWebSessionPath != null) ? WebCore.CreateWebSession(iWebSessionPath, new WebPreferences()) : WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences()); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override bool Equals(WebSession other) { if (other is MobileSession mobileSession) { return(Equals(mobileSession)); } return(false); }
public IEnumerable <LightOrderInfo> GetOrdersToPack() { if (!WebSession.HasUserRight(OrdersPackingUserRights.ViewOrdersPackingWidget)) { return(new LightOrderInfo[0]); } return(m_ordersFacade.GetAndSyncPaidOrders(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30), true).Select(i => new LightOrderInfo(i))); }
public AwesomiumWPFWebWindowFactory(string iWebSessionPath=null) { if (_Session == null) { _Session = (iWebSessionPath != null) ? WebCore.CreateWebSession(iWebSessionPath, new WebPreferences()) : WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences()); } }
public PackingOrderModel FindOrder(string number) { WebSession.EnsureUserRight(OrdersPackingUserRights.OpenOrderPackingApplication); number = number.Trim(); if (number.Length < 3) { throw new Exception("Musí být alespoň tři čísla"); } var seek = m_orderRepository.SearchOrder(number, OrderStatus.ReadyToPack.Id); IPurchaseOrder filtered = null; if (seek != null) { filtered = m_orderRepository.GetOrder(seek.Value); } if (filtered == null) { Log.Info("Číslo objednávky nenalezeno"); Log.Info("Spojuji se se Zásilkovnou..."); var orderNumber = m_shipmentProvider.GetOrderNumberByPackageNumber(number); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderNumber)) { throw new Exception($"Objednávka {number} nebyla nalezena"); } var paid = m_orderRepository.GetOrdersByStatus( OrderStatus.ReadyToPack, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-90), DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)).ToList(); var order = paid.FirstOrDefault(o => (o.PreInvoiceId == orderNumber) || (o.OrderNumber == orderNumber)); if (order == null) { Log.Info("Aplikace nemá načtenu tuto zásilku, je třeba aktualizovat seznam zásilek z Floxu..."); paid = m_ordersFacade.GetAndSyncPaidOrders(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30)).ToList(); order = paid.FirstOrDefault(o => (o.PreInvoiceId == orderNumber) || (o.OrderNumber == orderNumber)); if (order == null) { Log.Error("Nenalezeno"); throw new Exception($"Trasovací číslo bylo nalezeno v Zásilkovně pro objednávku č. {orderNumber}, která ale není mezi objednávkami k zabalení. Zkontrolujte objednávku ve FLOXu."); } } Log.Info("Objednávka nalezena"); return(MapOrder(order)); } return(MapOrder(filtered)); }
public FrmMain() { InitializeComponent(); string dataPath = String.Format("{0}{1}Cache", Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); session = WebCore.Sessions[dataPath] ?? WebCore.CreateWebSession(dataPath, WebPreferences.Default); session.AddDataSource("local", new ResourceDataSource(ResourceType.Packed)); this.webControl1.WebSession = session; }
/*====================================================*/ public override void CorePage_Load(Object aSrc, EventArgs aEvent) { bool AdminKey = false; if (ModuleUser == null || WebSession == null) { Response.Redirect(WebAppl.LogoutURL); } if (ModuleUser.MasterNavElement != null && !WebSession.HasAdminUser) { XmlNodeList aNodeList = ModuleNode.SelectNodes("AdminNavigation/NavElement"); foreach (XmlNode aNode in aNodeList) { cNavElement aAdminNavElement = ModuleUser.MasterNavElement.Find_ChildElement(cXMLDoc.AttributeToString(aNode, "Key")); if (aAdminNavElement.Key == NavKey) { AdminKey = true; break; } foreach (cXMLNavElement aNavElement in aAdminNavElement.Elements) { if (aNavElement.Key == NavKey) { AdminKey = true; break; } } } if (AdminKey && !WebSession.HasAdminUser) { String aError = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PermissionErrorPage"]; if (aError != "") { String aRetURL = cWebLib.Get_QueryString(Request, "ReturnURL", ""); WebSession.CurrentUrl = aRetURL; String aUrl = WebAppl.Build_RootURL(aError); Response.Redirect(aUrl); } else { WebSession.LogoutAllUsers(); Response.Redirect(WebAppl.LogoutURL); } } base.CorePage_Load(aSrc, aEvent); } else { base.CorePage_Load(aSrc, aEvent); } // Update Activity Log }
public AwesomiumHTMLWindow(WebSession iSession, WebControl iWebControl) { _Session = iSession; _WebControl = iWebControl; _WebControl.SynchronousMessageTimeout = 0; _WebControl.ExecuteWhenReady(FireLoaded); _WebControl.ConsoleMessage += _WebControl_ConsoleMessage; MainFrame = new AwesomiumWebView(_WebControl); }
public AwesomiumWPFWebWindowFactory(string webSessionPath=null) { if (_Session != null) return; _Session = (webSessionPath != null) ? WebCore.CreateWebSession(webSessionPath, new WebPreferences()) : WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences()); WebCore.ShuttingDown += WebCore_ShuttingDown; }
// -------------------------------------------------- // Browser (Constructor) // -------------------------------------------------- public Browser(WebSession session=null) { // Make a session if one wasn't provided if(session == null) session = WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences()); // Create the WebView view = WebCore.CreateWebView(1024, 768, session); // view.LoadingFrameComplete += DocumentReady; view.DocumentReady += DocumentReady; view.ConsoleMessage += ConsoleMessage; view.ShowCreatedWebView += OnShowCreatedWebView; }
public Browser(BrowserSettings browserSettings) { _browserSettings = browserSettings; var preferences = new WebPreferences(); if (browserSettings.Proxy?.Length > 0) { preferences.ProxyConfig = browserSettings.Proxy; } WebCore.DoWork(() => { _session = WebCore.CreateWebSession(preferences); return default(int); }); }
public bool ValidateWebService(Command command) { bool success = true; string web_service_url= ""; string script_path = ""; TestWebServiceScript testScript= null; if (command.HasArgumentWithName("S")) { script_path= command.GetTypedArgumentByName<CommandArgument_String>("S").ArgumentValue; } else { _logger.WriteLine("WebServiceValidator: Missing expected validation script parameter"); success = false; } if (command.HasArgumentWithName("W")) { web_service_url= command.GetTypedArgumentByName<CommandArgument_String>("W").ArgumentValue; } else { _logger.WriteLine("WebServiceValidator: ERROR: No WebService URL given"); success = false; } // Deserialize the web service script if (success) { success = ParseWebServiceScript(script_path, out testScript); } if (success) { WebSession session = new WebSession(); int command_index = 0; foreach (TestWebServiceCall webServiceCall in testScript.commands) { if (!VerifyWebServiceCommand(session, web_service_url, webServiceCall, command_index)) { success = false; break; } command_index++; } } return success; }
public WebForm() { WebCore.Initialize( WebConfig.Default ); session = WebCore.CreateWebSession( WebPreferences.Default ); Debug.Print( WebCore.Version.ToString() ); // Notice that 'Control.DoubleBuffered' has been set to true // in the designer, to prevent flickering. InitializeComponent(); // Initialize the view. InitializeView( WebCore.CreateWebView( this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height, session ) ); }
public AwesomiumWPFWebWindow(WebSession iSession) { _Session = iSession; _WebControl = new WebControl() { WebSession = _Session, Visibility = Visibility.Hidden, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() { Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed } }; _AwesomiumHTMLWindow = new AwesomiumHTMLWindow(_Session, _WebControl); }
internal BrowserTab(BrowserSettings browserSettings, WebSession session) { WebCore.DoWork(() => { _webView = WebCore.CreateWebView(browserSettings.WindowWidth, browserSettings.WindowHeight, session, WebViewType.Offscreen); return default(int); }); _reloadThread = new Thread(() => { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromHours(1)); WebCore.QueueWork(() => { _webView.Reload(true); }); } }); _reloadThread.Start(); }
public FrameworkElement Initialize() { if (_session == null) { if (!WebCore.IsInitialized) { WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig { UserAgent = DefaultUserAgent, ReduceMemoryUsageOnNavigation = true, LogLevel = LogLevel.None, #if DEBUG RemoteDebuggingHost = @"", RemoteDebuggingPort = 45451, #endif AdditionalOptions = new[] { @"disable-desktop-notifications" }, CustomCSS = @" ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 8px!important; height: 8px!important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { box-shadow: none!important; border-radius: 0!important; background: #000!important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { background: #000 !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; border-radius: 0 !important; background: #333 !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #444 !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:active { background: #666 !important; }" }); } _session = WebCore.CreateWebSession(FilesStorage.Instance.GetTemporaryFilename(@"Awesomium"), new WebPreferences { EnableGPUAcceleration = true, WebGL = true, SmoothScrolling = false, FileAccessFromFileURL = true, UniversalAccessFromFileURL = true }); } _inner = new BetterWebControl { WebSession = _session, UserAgent = DefaultUserAgent }; _inner.LoadingFrame += OnLoadingFrame; _inner.LoadingFrameComplete += OnLoadingFrameComplete; _inner.LoadingFrameFailed += OnLoadingFrameComplete; _inner.DocumentReady += OnDocumentReady; return _inner; }
private WebSession InitializeCoreAndSession() { if ( !WebCore.IsRunning ) WebCore.Initialize( new WebConfig() { LogLevel = LogLevel.Normal } ); // Build a data path string. In this case, a Cache folder under our executing directory. // - If the folder does not exist, it will be created. // - The path should always point to a writeable location. string dataPath = String.Format( "{0}{1}Cache", Path.GetDirectoryName( Application.ExecutablePath ), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar ); // Check if a session synchronizing to this data path, is already created; // if not, create a new one. session = WebCore.Sessions[ dataPath ] ?? WebCore.CreateWebSession( dataPath, WebPreferences.Default ); // The core must be initialized by now. Print the core version. Debug.Print( WebCore.Version.ToString() ); // Return the session. return session; }
IWebView IWebViewLifeCycleManager.Create() { if (_Session == null) { _Session = (_WebSessionPath != null) ? WebCore.CreateWebSession(_WebSessionPath, new WebPreferences()) : WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences()); WebCore.ShuttingDown += WebCore_ShuttingDown; } WebControl nw = new WebControl() { WebSession = _Session, Visibility = Visibility.Hidden, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() { Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed } }; Grid.SetColumnSpan(nw, 2); Grid.SetRowSpan(nw, 2); Panel.SetZIndex(nw, 0); this.MainGrid.Children.Add(nw); return nw; }
// We override this to assign a WebSession to the WebUIComponent, // before it goes live. The component will go live after Start. protected override void Awake() { if ( Application.isEditor ) return; if ( !webUI ) return; // Get or create an in-memory WebSession. if ( session == null ) { session = WebCore.CreateWebSession( new WebPreferences() { SmoothScrolling = true } ); UnityEngine.Debug.Log( "Created In-Memory Session" ); } if ( session.GetDataSource( "media" ) == null ) { // Create and add a ResourceDataSource. This will be used to load assets // from the resources assembly (AwesomiumSampleResources) available with this sample. ResourceDataSource dataSource = new ResourceDataSource( ResourceType.Embedded, typeof( AwesomiumSampleResources.Loader ).Assembly ); session.AddDataSource( "media", dataSource ); UnityEngine.Debug.Log( "Added DataSource" ); } // Assign the WebSession to the WebUIComponent. webUI.WebSession = session; UnityEngine.Debug.Log( String.Format( "WebSession Assigned to {0}.", barType ) ); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool help = false; bool screens = false; string user = null, pass = null; string chatUrl = null, scriptUrl = null; string sessionPath = null; // http://geekswithblogs.net/robz/archive/2009/11/22/command-line-parsing-with-mono.options.aspx OptionSet options = new OptionSet() .Add("?|h|help", "Print this message", option => help = option != null) .Add("u=|user=|username="******"Required: StackExchange username or email", option => user = option) .Add("p=|pass=|password="******"Required: StackExchange password", option => pass = option) .Add("c=|chat-url=", "Required: Chatroom URL", option => chatUrl = option) .Add("b=|bot-script=|script-url=", "Required: The URL of a bot script", option => scriptUrl = option) .Add("s|screens|screenshot", "Display screenshots at checkpoints", option => screens = option != null) .Add("session-path=", "Path to browser session (profile), where settings are saved", option => sessionPath = option); #if DEBUG string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("account.txt"); user = lines[0]; pass = lines[1]; chatUrl = "http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/118/root-access"; scriptUrl = "https://raw.github.com/allquixotic/SO-ChatBot/master/master.js"; screens = true; sessionPath = "session"; #else try { options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException) { ShowHelp(options, "Error - usage is:"); } if (help) { ShowHelp(options, "Usage:"); } if (user == null) { ShowHelp(options, "Error: A username is required"); } if (pass == null) { ShowHelp(options, "Error: A password is required"); } if (chatUrl == null) { ShowHelp(options, "Error: A chat URL is required"); } if (scriptUrl == null) { ShowHelp(options, "Error: A bot script is required"); } if (sessionPath == null) { sessionPath = "session"; } #endif try { WebConfig config = new WebConfig(); WebCore.Initialize(config); WebPreferences prefs = new WebPreferences(); prefs.LoadImagesAutomatically = true; prefs.RemoteFonts = false; prefs.WebAudio = false; prefs.Dart = false; prefs.CanScriptsCloseWindows = false; prefs.CanScriptsOpenWindows = false; prefs.WebSecurity = false; prefs.Javascript = true; prefs.LocalStorage = true; prefs.Databases = false; // ? aweSession = WebCore.CreateWebSession(sessionPath, prefs); aweSession.ClearCookies(); aweView = WebCore.CreateWebView(1024, 768, aweSession); aweView.ResponsiveChanged += aweView_ResponsiveChanged; aweView.Crashed += aweView_Crashed; aweView.ConsoleMessage += aweView_ConsoleMessage; eView.WebView = aweView; eView.AutoScreenshot = true; eView.ScreenshotsEnabled = screens; go(user, pass, scriptUrl, chatUrl); } finally { if (aweView != null && aweView.IsResponsive) aweView.Dispose(); WebCore.Shutdown(); } }
private bool VerifyWebServiceCommand( WebSession session, string webServiceURL, TestWebServiceCall webServiceCall, int command_index) { bool success= true; UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(webServiceURL + "/" + webServiceCall.command); string fullUrl = uriBuilder.ToString(); JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string jsonResultString = ""; _logger.WriteLine("WebServiceValidator: INFO: Sending command #{0}", command_index+1); _logger.WriteLine("url: {0}", fullUrl); try { SessionWebClient webClient = new SessionWebClient(session); object jsonResultObject= null; if (webServiceCall.queryParameters != null) { jsonResultString = webClient.POST(fullUrl, (Dictionary<string, object>)webServiceCall.queryParameters); } else { jsonResultString = webClient.GET(fullUrl); } jsonResultObject = serializer.DeserializeObject(jsonResultString); success = AreObjectsEqual("", webServiceCall.ignoreFields, webServiceCall.result, jsonResultObject); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _logger.WriteLine("WebServiceValidator: ERROR: Exception sending command"); _logger.WriteLine(ex.Message); _logger.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); success = false; } if (success) { _logger.WriteLine("WebServiceValidator: INFO: Received expected result"); } else { _logger.WriteLine("WebServiceValidator: ERROR: Received unexpected result"); } _logger.WriteLine("Result: {0}", jsonResultString); _logger.WriteLine(); return success; }
private void ReloadWebCore() { //if (WebCore.IsRunning) // WebCore.Shutdown(); if (_aweWebView != null && _aweWebView.Surface != null && !((BitmapSurface)_aweWebView.Surface).IsDisposed) { ((BitmapSurface)_aweWebView.Surface).Dispose(); } if (_aweWebView != null && !_aweWebView.IsDisposed) { _aweWebView.Dispose(); _aweWebView = null; } if (!WebCore.IsRunning) { // webcore moze da se iniciajlizuje samo jednom u okviru procesa. cak ni shutdown ne pomaze. // awesomium setup var cnfg = new WebConfig(); cnfg.AdditionalOptions = new string[] { "--enable-accelerated-filters" , "--enable-accelerated-painting" , "--enable-accelerated-plugins" , "--enable-threaded-compositing" , "--gpu-startup-dialog" }; cnfg.UserAgent = Settings.BrowserUserAgent; //cnfg.AutoUpdatePeriod = 50; WebCore.Initialize(cnfg); WebPreferences webPreferences = WebPreferences.Default; webPreferences.ProxyConfig = "auto"; _aweWebSession = WebCore.CreateWebSession( String.Format("{0}{1}Cache", Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), webPreferences); } }
public SessionWebClient(WebSession session) { Session = session; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new visual to render. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private WebControl CreateRenderable() { // Get the web control. var pControl = new WebControl(); // Create a web-session with our settings. if (pWebSession == null) { pWebSession = WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences() { EnableGPUAcceleration = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableGPUAcceleration, Databases = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebDatabases, WebGL = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebGL, WebSecurity = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebSecurity, FileAccessFromFileURL = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebFileAccessFromFileURL, Plugins = true, }); } pControl.WebSession = pWebSession; // Set the render dimensions. pControl.Width = this.RenderResolution.X; pControl.Height = this.RenderResolution.Y; // Hide the surface while we load. if (ActiveSurface != null) ActiveSurface.ContentOpacity = 0.01; // When the process has been createad, bind the global JS objects. // http://awesomium.com/docs/1_7_rc3/sharp_api/html/M_Awesomium_Core_IWebView_CreateGlobalJavascriptObject.htm pControl.ProcessCreated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { // CALLING window.Surface = {} in JS here has no effect. // Bind all the Authority.request and Authority.call methods. Log.Write("Display Process Created (1)", this.ToString(), Log.Type.AppError); BindAPIFunctions(pControl); }; UrlEventHandler p = null; p = new UrlEventHandler((object senderOuter, UrlEventArgs eOuter) => { // Unbind this handler. pControl.DocumentReady -= p; // Force a re-load so the $(document).ready will have access to our Authority.request etc. pControl.Reload(false); // CALLING window.Surface = {} in JS here has no effect. //SignalSurfacePropertiesChanged(); Log.Write("Display DocReady (1)", this.ToString(), Log.Type.AppError); // Bind the other events. #region Events // Handle navigating away from the URL in the load instruction. pControl.AddressChanged += (object sender, UrlEventArgs e) => { // Rebind the API methods? Log.Write("Display has changed web address. " + e.Url, this.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayInfo); }; // Handle console messages. pControl.TitleChanged += (object sender, TitleChangedEventArgs e) => { this.Title = e.Title; }; // Document ready.. do we beat JQuery? pControl.DocumentReady += (object sender, UrlEventArgs e) => { // Show the surface now we are loaded. if (ActiveSurface != null) ActiveSurface.ContentOpacity = 1.0; // CALLING window.Surface = {} in JS here does not work quick enough. Log.Write("Display DocReady (2)", this.ToString(), Log.Type.AppError); SignalSurfacePropertiesChanged(); // EXPERIMENTAL - this sort of works.. depends on how the page detects touch events.. // SEE: Nice example: http://paulirish.com/demo/multi // SEE: Nicer example: Bing maps! // Try to inject multi-touch into the page. if (ActiveSurface.AttemptMultiTouchInject) { pControl.ExecuteJavascript(Properties.Resources.MultiTouchInject); } }; // Handle changes in responsiveness. pControl.ResponsiveChanged += (object sender, ResponsiveChangedEventArgs e) => { // If it is not responsive, log the problem. if (!e.IsResponsive) { Log.Write("Display is not responsive. Try reloading.", this.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayError); //this.Reload(false, true); } else { Log.Write("Ready", this.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayError); } }; // Handle crashes by reloading. pControl.Crashed += (object sender, CrashedEventArgs e) => { // Log the crash. Log.Write("Display crashed - forcing reload. Termination Status = " + e.Status.ToString(), this.LoadInstruction, Log.Type.DisplayError); // Force a hard-reload. This will remove then re-create the entire web control. this.Reload(true); }; /* // Handle javascript updates. pControl.JSConsoleMessageAdded += (object sender, Awesomium.Core.JSConsoleMessageEventArgs e) => { Log.Write("JS line " + e.LineNumber + ": " + e.Message, pActiveDisplay.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayInfo); }; // Handle pop-up messages (like alert). pControl.ShowPopupMenu += (object sender, PopupMenuEventArgs e) => { }; */ #endregion }); pControl.DocumentReady += p; // Set the load instruction. // n.b. we have to then re-load it later to get access to our value pControl.Source = new Uri(this.LoadInstruction); // Return the created control. return pControl; }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); Session = WebCore.CreateWebSession( String.Format("{0}{1}Cache", Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), new WebPreferences() { SmoothScrolling = true, WebGL = true, // Windowed views, support full hardware acceleration. EnableGPUAcceleration = true, }); webControl1.WebSession = Session; //this.Hide(); }
public void ProcessRequest(WebSession conn) { AddPendingCall(); try { new WebRequest(this, conn).Process(); } finally { RemovePendingCall(); } }