예제 #1
        public ActionResult CreateEvent(TechnicianCreateEventModel model, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files, FormCollection coll)
            var mobileWorkOrderFactory = (new TechnicianWorkOrderFactory(Session[Constants.Security.MaintenanceConnectionStringSessionVariableName].ToString(),
            //create the work order event in RBAC -
            //get the selected event code the user chose
            var eventCode = mobileWorkOrderFactory.GetEventCode(model.SelectedFaultDescription, CurrentCity.Id);

            if (eventCode == null)
                //if we got this far, something failed. add error to model and display to user
                ModelState.AddModelError(Constants.ViewData.ModelStateStatusKey, (new ResourceFactory()).GetLocalizedTitle(ResourceTypes.StatusMessage, "Event Code not found. Try again."));

                //repopulate the options for the lists
                model.FaultDescriptions = mobileWorkOrderFactory.GetFaultDescriptions(CurrentCity.Id);
                model.AssetIdOptions    = GetAssetIdOptions();
                //send them back to the view with the error
                return(View("CreateEvent", model));

            //first check to see if the selected asset key is valid
            //message / error handling if needed

            bool assetIsValid = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SelectedAssetKey) || model.SelectedAssetKey.Split('|').Count() != 3)
                //if we got this far, something failed. add error to model and display to user
                ModelState.AddModelError(Constants.ViewData.ModelStateStatusKey, (new ResourceFactory()).GetLocalizedTitle(ResourceTypes.StatusMessage, "Invalid Asset."));

                //repopulate the options for the lists
                model.FaultDescriptions = mobileWorkOrderFactory.GetFaultDescriptions(CurrentCity.Id);
                model.AssetIdOptions    = GetAssetIdOptions();
                //send them back to the view with the error
                return(View("CreateEvent", model));

            //once it all checks out, create the work order, create the event id, and add the images, then send to the listing page
            //break out the SelectedAssetKey of the model  = CustomerId | AreaId | AssetId
            var ids = model.SelectedAssetKey.Split('|');

            var areaid  = ids[1];
            var assetid = ids[2];

            int areaID  = int.Parse(areaid);
            int assetID = int.Parse(assetid);
            //create work order
            var workOrderId = mobileWorkOrderFactory.CreateWorkOrder(assetID, model.SelectedFaultDescription, CurrentCity.Id, areaID, CurrentCity.LocalTime);

            //get event ID
            var webServiceFactory = new WebServiceFactory();
            //create the event  via the web service factory.
            //create the Create Alarm Request object to pass to the web services
            var createAlarmRequest = new CreateAlarmRequest
                AreaId      = areaID,
                AssetId     = assetID,
                CustomerId  = CurrentCity.Id,
                EventCode   = eventCode.EventCode1,
                EventSource = eventCode.EventSource,
                LocalTime   = CurrentCity.LocalTime,
                Notes       = model.Notes,
                WorkOrderId = workOrderId

            var createAlarmResponse = webServiceFactory.CreateAlarm(createAlarmRequest);

            //check the response, if it failed, (eventUID is -1 or slaDue is minvalue
            if (!createAlarmResponse.IsValid)
                //if we got this far, something failed. add error to model and display to user
                ModelState.AddModelError(Constants.ViewData.ModelStateStatusKey, (new ResourceFactory()).GetLocalizedTitle(ResourceTypes.StatusMessage, "Event could not be created: " + createAlarmResponse.ErrorMessage));
                //repopulate the options for the lists
                model.FaultDescriptions = mobileWorkOrderFactory.GetFaultDescriptions(CurrentCity.Id);
                model.AssetIdOptions    = GetAssetIdOptions();
                //send them back to the view with the error
                return(View("CreateEvent", model));

            //we found the event code, continue. just set the sla to 2 hours int he future, it will be updated below.
            var workOrderEventId = mobileWorkOrderFactory.CreateWorkOrderEvent(createAlarmResponse.EventUID, workOrderId, eventCode.EventCode1, CurrentCity.LocalTime, eventCode.EventDescVerbose,
                                                                               createAlarmResponse.SlaDue, eventCode.AlarmTier, model.Notes, false, false, (int)WorkOrderEventStatus.Open);

            //every time a event is created, resolved , etc, we have to update the sladue and highest severity, so lets do that now

            //now we need to add the images to the work order (if there are any)
            if (files != null)
                foreach (var file in files)
                    mobileWorkOrderFactory.CreateWorkOrderImage(workOrderId, ImageFactory.StreamToByteArray(file.InputStream), CurrentCity.LocalTime);

            //now that it is created correctly, send them to the listing page so they can see thier new owrk order.
예제 #2
        public ActionResult CreateEventId(DispatcherCreateEventModel model)
            //message / error handling if needed
            //once it all checks out, create the work order, create the event id,  then send to the listing page
            //break out the SelectedAssetKey of the model  = CustomerId | AreaId | AssetId
            var ids = model.SelectedAssetKey.Split('|');

            var customerId = ids[0];
            var areaid     = ids[1];
            var assetid    = ids[2];
            int customerID = int.Parse(customerId);
            //instantiate the factory with the current maintenance group and the selected city for the asset

            var selectedCustomer = CurrentCity.MaintenanceCustomers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == customerID);

            if (selectedCustomer != null)
                var workOrderFactory = (new DispatcherWorkOrderFactory(selectedCustomer.PemsConnectionStringName, CurrentCity.MaintenanceConnectionStringName));
                //create the work order event in RBAC -
                //get the selected event code the user chose
                var eventCode = workOrderFactory.GetEventCode(model.SelectedFaultDescription, selectedCustomer.Id);
                if (eventCode == null)
                    //if we got this far, something failed. add error to model and display to user
                                             (new ResourceFactory()).GetLocalizedTitle(ResourceTypes.StatusMessage,
                                                                                       "Event Code not found. Try again."));
                    //repopulate the options for the lists
                    //we have to pull a facotory for each customer, since their conneciton string could be different.
                    foreach (var maintenanceCustomer in CurrentCity.MaintenanceCustomers)
                        var woFactory = (new DispatcherWorkOrderFactory(maintenanceCustomer));
                        var customerAssetOptions = woFactory.GetAssetsForCustomer(maintenanceCustomer.Id);
                        //fix up all the customer names for the asset options
                        customerAssetOptions.ForEach(x => x.CustomerName = maintenanceCustomer.DisplayName);
                    //send them back to the view with the error
                    return(View("CreateEventId", model));

                int areaID  = int.Parse(areaid);
                int assetID = int.Parse(assetid);
                //create work order
                var workOrderId = workOrderFactory.CreateWorkOrder(assetID, model.SelectedFaultDescription, selectedCustomer.Id, areaID, selectedCustomer.LocalTime, model.CrossStreet, model.Notes);

                //get event ID
                var webServiceFactory = new WebServiceFactory();
                //create the event  via the web service factory.
                //create the Create Alarm Request object to pass to the web services
                var createAlarmRequest = new CreateAlarmRequest
                    AreaId      = areaID,
                    AssetId     = assetID,
                    CustomerId  = selectedCustomer.Id,
                    EventCode   = eventCode.EventCode1,
                    EventSource = eventCode.EventSource,
                    LocalTime   = selectedCustomer.LocalTime,
                    Notes       = model.Notes,
                    WorkOrderId = workOrderId

                var createAlarmResponse = webServiceFactory.CreateAlarm(createAlarmRequest);
                //check the response, if it failed, (eventUID is -1 or slaDue is minvalue
                if (!createAlarmResponse.IsValid)
                    //if we got this far, something failed. add error to model and display to user
                    ModelState.AddModelError(Constants.ViewData.ModelStateStatusKey, (new ResourceFactory()).GetLocalizedTitle(ResourceTypes.StatusMessage, "Event could not be created: " + createAlarmResponse.ErrorMessage));
                    //repopulate the options for the lists
                    //we have to pull a facotory for each customer, since their conneciton string could be different.
                    foreach (var maintenanceCustomer in CurrentCity.MaintenanceCustomers)
                        var woFactory = (new DispatcherWorkOrderFactory(maintenanceCustomer));
                        var customerAssetOptions = woFactory.GetAssetsForCustomer(maintenanceCustomer.Id);
                        //fix up all the customer names for the asset options
                        customerAssetOptions.ForEach(x => x.CustomerName = maintenanceCustomer.DisplayName);
                    //send them back to the view with the error
                    return(View("CreateEventId", model));

                //we found the event code, continue. just set the sla to 2 hours int he future, it will be updated below.
                var workOrderEventId = workOrderFactory.CreateWorkOrderEvent(createAlarmResponse.EventUID, workOrderId, eventCode.EventCode1, CurrentCity.LocalTime, eventCode.EventDescVerbose, createAlarmResponse.SlaDue, eventCode.AlarmTier, model.Notes, false, false, (int)WorkOrderEventStatus.Open);

                //every time a event is created, resolved , etc, we have to update the sladue and highest severity, so lets do that now

                //now that it is created correctly, send them to the listing page so they can see thier new owrk order.
                return(RedirectToAction("WorkOrderDetail", "WorkOrders", new { workOrderId }));

            //fail here, no customer found, refresh page, add error, whatever
            //if we got this far, something failed. add error to model and display to user
            ModelState.AddModelError(Constants.ViewData.ModelStateStatusKey, (new ResourceFactory()).GetLocalizedTitle(ResourceTypes.StatusMessage, "Customer Not Found. Try again."));
            //repopulate the options for the lists
            //we have to pull a facotory for each customer, since their conneciton string could be different.
            foreach (var maintenanceCustomer in CurrentCity.MaintenanceCustomers)
                var woFactory = (new DispatcherWorkOrderFactory(maintenanceCustomer));
                var customerAssetOptions = woFactory.GetAssetsForCustomer(maintenanceCustomer.Id);
                //fix up all the customer names for the asset options
                customerAssetOptions.ForEach(x => x.CustomerName = maintenanceCustomer.DisplayName);
            return(View("CreateEventId", model));