예제 #1
        private void SetupStreams()
            // We need to get all the different types of requests that belong to the user.
            // - Once we have all the request.  Divide them up into categories by object type.
            // - Display each type using the Request List control.
            WebService.StreamService            streamService = new WebService.StreamService();
            Affine.Data.Managers.IStreamManager streamMan     = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.StreamManager.Instance;
            Affine.Data.json.UserSetting[]      freindRequest = streamMan.GetFriendRequests(this.UserSettings.Id);
            Affine.Data.json.UserSetting[]      groupInvite   = streamMan.GetGroupInviteRequests(this.UserSettings.Id);
            string json  = streamMan.ToJsonWithPager(freindRequest);
            string json2 = streamService.getNotifications(UserSettings.Id, 0, 50);
            string js    = string.Empty;

            if (Request["n"] != null)
                aqufitEntities entities     = new aqufitEntities();
                long           nid          = Convert.ToInt64(Request["n"]);
                Notification   notification = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType <Notification>().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id == nid);
                if (notification != null)
                    notification.PublishSettings = (int)Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.PublishSettings.NOTIFICATION_READ;  // this will take it out of the top menu since the user clicked to deal with it..
                    js += "var $sel = $('#atiStreamItem" + Request["n"] + "');";
                    js += "var targetOffset = $sel.offset().top; ";
                    js += "$sel.css('background-color','#ffcc99').css('border', '2px solid #e47526'); ";
                    js += "$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 500);";
            if (groupInvite.Length > 0)
                atiGroupJoinRequest.Visible = true;
                string json3 = streamMan.ToJsonWithPager(groupInvite);
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "GroupInviteList", "$(function(){ Aqufit.Page.atiGroupJoinRequest.generateStreamDom('" + json3 + "'); });", true);
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "NotificationList", "$(function(){ Aqufit.Page.atiFriendRequestScript.generateStreamDom('" + json + "'); Aqufit.Page.atiStreamScript.generateStreamDom('" + json2 + "'); " + js + " });", true);
예제 #2
 private void SetupStreams()
     // We need to get all the different types of requests that belong to the user.
     // - Once we have all the request.  Divide them up into categories by object type.
     // - Display each type using the Request List control.
     WebService.StreamService streamService = new WebService.StreamService();
     Affine.Data.Managers.IStreamManager streamMan = Affine.Data.Managers.LINQ.StreamManager.Instance;
     Affine.Data.json.UserSetting[] freindRequest = streamMan.GetFriendRequests(this.UserSettings.Id);
     Affine.Data.json.UserSetting[] groupInvite = streamMan.GetGroupInviteRequests(this.UserSettings.Id);
     string json = streamMan.ToJsonWithPager(freindRequest);
     string json2 = streamService.getNotifications(UserSettings.Id, 0, 50);
     string js = string.Empty;
     if (Request["n"] != null)
         aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities();
         long nid = Convert.ToInt64(Request["n"]);
         Notification notification = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType<Notification>().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id == nid);
         if (notification != null)
             notification.PublishSettings = (int)Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.PublishSettings.NOTIFICATION_READ;  // this will take it out of the top menu since the user clicked to deal with it..
             js += "var $sel = $('#atiStreamItem" + Request["n"] + "');";
             js += "var targetOffset = $sel.offset().top; ";
             js += "$sel.css('background-color','#ffcc99').css('border', '2px solid #e47526'); ";
             js += "$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 500);";
     if (groupInvite.Length > 0)
         atiGroupJoinRequest.Visible = true;
         string json3 = streamMan.ToJsonWithPager(groupInvite);
         ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "GroupInviteList", "$(function(){ Aqufit.Page.atiGroupJoinRequest.generateStreamDom('" + json3 + "'); });", true);
     ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "NotificationList", "$(function(){ Aqufit.Page.atiFriendRequestScript.generateStreamDom('" + json + "'); Aqufit.Page.atiStreamScript.generateStreamDom('" + json2 + "'); " + js + " });", true);