protected override async Task Execute(IDMCommandContext context) { string webrequest = WebRequestService.EDSM_MultipleSystemsInfo_URL(new string[] { SystemA_name, SystemB_name }, showId: true, showCoords: true); RequestJSONResult requestResult = await WebRequestService.GetWebJSONAsync(webrequest); if (requestResult.IsSuccess) { if (requestResult.JSON.IsArray && requestResult.JSON.Array.Count < 1) { await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync("System not found in database!", true); } else { if (printJson) { await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync("General System Info", string.Format("```json\n{0}```", requestResult.JSON.Build(true).MaxLength(2037))); } EmbedBuilder distanceEmbed = GetDistanceEmbed(requestResult.JSON); await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync(distanceEmbed); } } else if (requestResult.IsException) { await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync(string.Format("Could not connect to EDSMs services. Exception Message: `{0}`", requestResult.ThrownException.Message), true); } else { await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync(string.Format("Could not connect to EDSMs services. HTTP Error: `{0} {1}`", (int)requestResult.Status, requestResult.Status.ToString()), true); } }
public async Task <bool> GetBestStation(string hideMinorFaction = null) { string request = WebRequestService.EDSM_SystemStations_URL(Name); RequestJSONResult result = await WebRequestService.GetWebJSONAsync(request); if (result.IsSuccess) { // Setup Stations if ((result.JSON != null) && result.JSON.TryGetArrayField("stations", out JSONContainer stationsJSON)) { foreach (JSONField stationField in stationsJSON.Array) { if (stationField.IsObject) { StationInfo info = new StationInfo(); if (info.FromJSON(stationField.Container)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hideMinorFaction) || info.ControllingFaction != hideMinorFaction) { if (BestStation == null) { BestStation = info; } else if (info.IsBetterThan(BestStation)) { BestStation = info; } } } } } return(true); } } return(false); }
protected override async Task Execute(IDMCommandContext context) { string radiusRequest = WebRequestService.EDSM_MultipleSystemsRadius(SystemName, 50); RequestJSONResult requestResultRadius = await WebRequestService.GetWebJSONAsync(radiusRequest); if (!requestResultRadius.IsSuccess) { if (requestResultRadius.IsException) { await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync(string.Format("Could not connect to EDSMs services. Exception Message: `{0}`", requestResultRadius.ThrownException.Message), true); } else { await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync(string.Format("Could not connect to EDSMs services. HTTP Error: `{0} {1}`", (int)requestResultRadius.Status, requestResultRadius.Status.ToString()), true); } return; } if (requestResultRadius.JSON.IsObject) { await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync("System not found in database!", true); return; } Dictionary <string, System> systemInfos = GetNames(requestResultRadius.JSON); List <System> allSystems = new List <System>(systemInfos.Values); foreach (System system in allSystems) { system.SetETTA(JumpRange); } allSystems.Sort(new SystemComparer() { RawDistance = true }); const int requestCnt = 20; System[] requestSystems = new System[requestCnt]; allSystems.CopyTo(0, requestSystems, 0, requestCnt); string infoRequest = WebRequestService.EDSM_MultipleSystemsInfo_URL(requestSystems.Select(system => { return(system.Name); }), true, true, true, true); RequestJSONResult requestResultInfo = await WebRequestService.GetWebJSONAsync(infoRequest); if (!requestResultInfo.IsSuccess) { if (requestResultInfo.IsException) { await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync(string.Format("Could not connect to EDSMs services. Exception Message: `{0}`", requestResultInfo.ThrownException.Message), true); } else { await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync(string.Format("Could not connect to EDSMs services. HTTP Error: `{0} {1}`", (int)requestResultInfo.Status, requestResultInfo.Status.ToString()), true); } return; } System targetSystem = default; if (requestResultInfo.JSON.IsArray) { foreach (JSONField systemField in requestResultInfo.JSON.Array) { if (systemField.IsObject) { if (systemField.Container.TryGetField("name", out string name)) { if (systemInfos.TryGetValue(name, out System system)) { system.FromJSON(systemField.Container); if (system.Distance == 0) { targetSystem = system; } } } } } } if (targetSystem.Name == null) { await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync(string.Format("Internal Error! " + Macros.GetCodeLocation(), true)); return; } string hideFaction = Mode == CommandMode.Crime ? targetSystem.Name : null; List <System> validSystems = new List <System>(); foreach (System system in requestSystems) { if (await system.GetBestStation()) { system.SetETTA(JumpRange); validSystems.Add(system); } } validSystems.Sort(new SystemComparer()); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Url = targetSystem.GetEDSM_URL(), Name = $"Suggestions for a temporary base near {targetSystem.Name}" }, Color = BotCore.EmbedColor }; for (int i = 0; i < 5 && i < validSystems.Count; i++) { System system = validSystems[i]; embed.AddField($"\"{system.Name}\" - \"{system.BestStation.Name}\"", $"{(system.RequirePermit ? $"{UnicodeEmoteService.Warning} Permit: `{system.PermitName}` " : string.Empty)} {system.BestStation.Services_Link}"); } await context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync(embed); }