예제 #1
        protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
            //We need to create and manually resolve the dependencies for the AuthService since it uses a different GladNet2 implementation as the other
            //session objects
            builder.Register(con =>
                IConnectionDetails details = new GladNet.PhotonServer.Server.PhotonServerIConnectionDetailsAdapter(IPAddress.Any.ToString(), 5, 5);                 //this is a hack. We need an AUID

                //Publisher: INetworkReciever, SubService and etc.
                NetworkMessagePublisher publisher = new NetworkMessagePublisher();

                //TODO: Change this to a task-based/async multithreaded strategy when it's implemented
                //This is the message sending service for web clients
                //It doesn't usually need a publisher but right now we use a singlethreaded blocking implementation

                //TODO: Make it so that we don't need to resolve the routeback service.
                WebPeerClientMessageSender webMessageSender = new WebPeerClientMessageSender(new RestSharpCurrentThreadEnqueueRequestHandlerStrategy(OutboundConnectionSettings.Default.AuthServiceIP, con.Resolve <IDeserializerStrategy>(), publisher, details.ConnectionID, con.Resolve <INetworkMessageRouteBackService>()));

                //Because this differs in GladNet implementation we must resolve some of these depencencies manually
                AuthServiceClientPeer peer = new AuthServiceClientPeer(con.Resolve <ILog>(), webMessageSender, new WebClientPeerDetails(OutboundConnectionSettings.Default.AuthServiceIP, -1, details.ConnectionID), publisher, con.Resolve <IDisconnectionServiceHandler>(), con.Resolve <INetworkMessageRouteBackService>(), con.Resolve <IResponseMessageHandlerService <AuthServiceClientPeer> >());

                //TODO: Use ping the webserver so we can give a real status
                //Because this is web service we don't really connect to it like the other RUDP connections so we should spoof the NetStatus
                publisher.OnNetworkMessageReceive(new GladNet.PhotonServer.Common.PhotonStatusMessageAdapter(NetStatus.Connected), null);

        }                                                                                             //we have to have a setter, can't use C#6 readonly prop because FasterFlect when using SceneJect will complain that it can't find a setter.

        //call on Start, not awake.
        public virtual void Start()
            //Uses HTTPS so default to established encryption
            Status = NetStatus.EncryptionEstablished;

            enqueuStrat = new RestSharpCurrentThreadEnqueueRequestHandlerStrategy(BaseUrl, deserializer, serializer, this, 0, new DefaultNetworkMessageRouteBackService(new AUIDServiceCollection <INetPeer>(1), classLogger));

            NetworkSendService = new WebPeerClientMessageSender(enqueuStrat);

            PeerDetails = new WebClientPeerDetails(BaseUrl, 0, 0);