//The below methods are legacy. Use the QualityCheck class for exception handled actions with reporting. #region Field ID Checkers /// <summary> /// Checks to see if a field is present by trying to click on it. If not it will return false. /// </summary> /// <param name="instancedriver">The current web driver.</param> /// <param name="fieldID">The field ID to check for.</param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool IDPresent(string fieldID) { try { selenium.Highlight(fieldID); passedcheck++; return(true); } catch (Exception) { field = fieldID; failedcheck++; error += "\n Test: " + id + ": " + fieldID + " field not present."; return(false); // throw; } finally { } }
public void Highlight(string fieldID) { counter++; try { selenium.Highlight(fieldID); test.passedcheck++; } catch// (Exception) { ErrorReport(fieldID, CheckType.Element); test.failedcheck++; } }