예제 #1
        public void AttributeIsCaseInsensitive()
            WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass();

            c.Attributes ["hola"] = "hello";
            c.Attributes ["HOla"] = "hi";
            Assert.AreEqual("hi", c.Attributes ["hoLA"], "#01");
예제 #2
        public void CreateControlStyle()
            WebControlTestClass w = new WebControlTestClass();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "CreateControlStyle#1");
            Style s = w.DoCreateControlStyle();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "CreateControlStyle#2");
            s = w.ControlStyle;
            Assert.AreEqual(true, w.ControlStyleCreated, "CreateControlStyle#3");
예제 #3
        public void RenderClientId()
            NamingContainer     container = new NamingContainer();
            WebControlTestClass child     = new WebControlTestClass();

            container.ID = "naming";
            child.ID     = "fooid";

            Assert.AreEqual("<span id=\"naming_fooid\"></span>", child.Render(), "A1");
예제 #4
        public void EnabledViewState()
            WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass();

            c.Enabled = false;
            object o = c.Save();

            c = new WebControlTestClass();
            Assert.IsFalse(c.Enabled, "not enabled");
예제 #5
        public void EnabledViewState2()
            WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass();

            c.Enabled = false;
            c.Width = 100;             // to cause saveviewstate return not null
            object o = c.Save();

            c         = new WebControlTestClass();
            c.Enabled = false;
            Assert.IsFalse(c.Enabled, "not enabled");
예제 #6
        public void Constructors()
            WebControlTestClass w;

            w = new WebControlTestClass();
            Assert.AreEqual(Color.Empty, w.BackColor, "C1");
            Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Span, w.TagKey, "C2");
            Assert.AreEqual("span", w.TagName, "C3");

            w = new WebControlTestClass("Small");
            Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown, w.TagKey, "C4");
            Assert.AreEqual("Small", w.TagName, "C5");

            w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small);
            Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small, w.TagKey, "C5");
            Assert.AreEqual("small", w.TagName, "C6");
예제 #7
        public void CopyEnabled()
            Label l = new Label(), ll = new Label();

            l.Enabled = false;
            Assert.IsFalse(ll.Enabled, "enabled should be copied");

            WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass();

            object o = c.Save();

            c = new WebControlTestClass();
            Assert.IsFalse(c.Enabled, "enabled should be copied#2");
예제 #8
        public void Defaults()
            WebControlTestClass w;

            w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small);

            Assert.AreEqual("", w.AccessKey, "D1");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, w.Attributes.Count, "D2");
            Assert.AreEqual(Color.Empty, w.BackColor, "D3");
            Assert.AreEqual(Color.Empty, w.BorderColor, "D4");
            Assert.AreEqual(BorderStyle.NotSet, w.BorderStyle, "D5");
            Assert.AreEqual(Unit.Empty, w.BorderWidth, "D6");
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, w.CssClass, "D7");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, w.Enabled, "D8");
            Assert.AreEqual(Color.Empty, w.ForeColor, "D9");
            Assert.AreEqual(Unit.Empty, w.Height, "D10");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, w.Style.Count, "D11");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, w.TabIndex, "D12");
            Assert.AreEqual("", w.ToolTip, "D13");
            Assert.AreEqual(Unit.Empty, w.Width, "D14");
예제 #9
        public void Methods()
            WebControlTestClass w;
            WebControlTestClass w_copy;

            w      = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml);
            w_copy = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml);

            w.Enabled            = true;
            w.AccessKey          = "I";
            w.Attributes["Argl"] = "Arglbla";
            w.Attributes.Add("Style", "background: black; text-align: left;");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Attributes.Count, "M1");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Style.Count, "M2");
            w_copy.TabIndex           = 10;
            w_copy.Attributes["Blah"] = "blahblah";

            Assert.AreEqual(0, w.TabIndex, "M3");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, w_copy.TabIndex, "M4");

            Assert.AreEqual(10, w_copy.TabIndex, "M5");
            Assert.AreEqual("blahblah", w_copy.Attributes["Blah"], "M6");
            Assert.AreEqual("Arglbla", w_copy.Attributes["Argl"], "M7");

            // Styles should make it over, too
            Assert.AreEqual("black", w_copy.Style["background"], "M8");

            // Check the bag
            string[] expect =

            IsEqual(expect, w_copy.KeyValuePairs(), "M9");

            Assert.AreEqual("<xml accesskey=\"I\" Argl=\"Arglbla\" style=\"background: black; text-align: left;\">\n\n</xml>", w.Render(), "M10");
            Assert.AreEqual("<xml accesskey=\"I\" tabindex=\"10\" Blah=\"blahblah\" Argl=\"Arglbla\" style=\"background: black; text-align: left;\">\n\n</xml>", w_copy.Render(), "M11");
예제 #10
        public void StyleCreation()
            WebControlTestClass w;

            w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small);
            Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small, w.TagKey, "C5");
            Assert.AreEqual("small", w.TagName, "C6");

            Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C7");                // No style
            Assert.AreEqual(Color.Empty, w.BackColor, "C8");                    // Force style creation?
            Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C9");                // Nope, 'get' access didn't create it

            w.BackColor = Color.Red;                                            // Forces style creation!
            Assert.AreEqual(Color.Red, w.BackColor, "C10");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C11");                // Now we have a style

            w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Script);
            Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Script, w.TagKey, "C12");
            Assert.AreEqual("script", w.TagName, "C13");
            Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C14");               // Double-check
            Assert.IsNotNull(w.ControlStyle, "C15");                            // Grab style, forcing creation
            Assert.AreEqual(true, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C16");                // Double-check
예제 #11
        public void ViewState()
            WebControlTestClass w;
            WebControlTestClass w_copy;
            object state;

            w      = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml);
            w_copy = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml);

            w.BackColor          = Color.Red;
            w.Attributes["test"] = "testme";
            w.BorderColor        = Color.Green;
            w.BorderStyle        = BorderStyle.Dotted;
            w.BorderWidth        = new Unit("12px");
            w.Enabled            = false;
            w.ForeColor          = Color.BlueViolet;
            w.Height             = new Unit(6.5);
            w.TabIndex           = 10;
            w.ToolTip            = "I am a tip";
            w.Width   = new Unit(6.5, UnitType.Cm);
            w.Enabled = true;
            w.Attributes["PrivateTag"] = "blah";
            w.Attributes["Style"]      = "background-color: #ff00ff";

            state = w.Save();


            /* MS: <xml tabindex="10" title="I am a tip" test="testme" PrivateTag="blah"
             *      style="color:BlueViolet;background-color:Red;border-color:Green;border-width:12px;border-style:Dotted;height:6px;width:6.5cm;background-color: #ff00ff">
             *      </xml>
            HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual(w.Render(), w_copy.Render(), "VS1");
예제 #12
		public void NullStringTag ()
			WebControlTestClass wc = new WebControlTestClass (null);
			Assert.AreEqual ("<>\n\n</>", wc.Render ());
예제 #13
		public void EmptyStringTag ()
			WebControlTestClass wc = new WebControlTestClass (String.Empty);
			Assert.AreEqual ("<>\n\n</>", wc.Render ());
예제 #14
		public void ViewState() {
			WebControlTestClass	w;
			WebControlTestClass	w_copy;
			object			state;

			w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml);
			w_copy = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml);

			w.SetTrackingVS ();
			w.BackColor = Color.Red;
			w.Attributes["test"] = "testme";
			w.BorderColor = Color.Green;
			w.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Dotted;
			w.BorderWidth = new Unit("12px");
			w.Enabled = false;
			w.ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet;
			w.Height = new Unit(6.5);
			w.TabIndex = 10;
			w.ToolTip = "I am a tip";
			w.Width = new Unit(6.5, UnitType.Cm);
			w.Enabled = true;
			w.Attributes["PrivateTag"] = "blah";
			w.Attributes["Style"] = "background-color: #ff00ff";

			state = w.Save();

			/* MS: <xml tabindex="10" title="I am a tip" test="testme" PrivateTag="blah" 
				style="color:BlueViolet;background-color:Red;border-color:Green;border-width:12px;border-style:Dotted;height:6px;width:6.5cm;background-color: #ff00ff">
			HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (w.Render(), w_copy.Render(), "VS1");
예제 #15
		public void RenderClientId ()
			NamingContainer container = new NamingContainer ();
			WebControlTestClass child = new WebControlTestClass ();

			container.Controls.Add (child);
			container.ID = "naming";
			child.ID = "fooid";

			Assert.AreEqual ("<span id=\"naming_fooid\"></span>", child.Render (), "A1");
예제 #16
		public void CopyEnabled ()
			Label l = new Label (), ll = new Label ();
			l.Enabled = false;
			ll.CopyBaseAttributes (l);
			Assert.IsFalse (ll.Enabled, "enabled should be copied");

			WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass ();
			c.SetTrackingVS ();
			c.CopyBaseAttributes (l);
			object o = c.Save ();
			c = new WebControlTestClass ();
			c.Load (o);
			Assert.IsFalse (c.Enabled, "enabled should be copied#2");
예제 #17
		public void Methods() {
			WebControlTestClass	w;
			WebControlTestClass	w_copy;

			w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml);
			w_copy = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml);

			w.Enabled = true;
			w.AccessKey = "I";
			w.Attributes["Argl"] = "Arglbla";
			w.Attributes.Add("Style", "background: black; text-align: left;");
			Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Attributes.Count, "M1");
			Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Style.Count, "M2");
			w_copy.TabIndex = 10;
			w_copy.Attributes["Blah"] = "blahblah";

			Assert.AreEqual(0, w.TabIndex, "M3");
			Assert.AreEqual(10, w_copy.TabIndex, "M4");

			Assert.AreEqual(10, w_copy.TabIndex, "M5");
			Assert.AreEqual("blahblah", w_copy.Attributes["Blah"], "M6");
			Assert.AreEqual("Arglbla", w_copy.Attributes["Argl"], "M7");

			// Styles should make it over, too
			Assert.AreEqual("black", w_copy.Style["background"], "M8");

			// Check the bag
			string[]	expect = {
							 "AccessKey=I" };

			IsEqual(expect, w_copy.KeyValuePairs(), "M9");

			Assert.AreEqual("<xml accesskey=\"I\" Argl=\"Arglbla\" style=\"background: black; text-align: left;\">\n\n</xml>", w.Render(), "M10");
			Assert.AreEqual("<xml accesskey=\"I\" tabindex=\"10\" Blah=\"blahblah\" Argl=\"Arglbla\" style=\"background: black; text-align: left;\">\n\n</xml>", w_copy.Render(), "M11");
예제 #18
        public void UnknownTag()
            WebControlTestClass wc = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown);

            Assert.AreEqual("<>\n\n</>", wc.Render());
예제 #19
		public void Defaults () {
			WebControlTestClass	w;

			w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small);

			Assert.AreEqual ("", w.AccessKey, "D1");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, w.Attributes.Count, "D2");
			Assert.AreEqual (Color.Empty, w.BackColor, "D3");
			Assert.AreEqual (Color.Empty, w.BorderColor, "D4");
			Assert.AreEqual (BorderStyle.NotSet, w.BorderStyle, "D5");
			Assert.AreEqual (Unit.Empty, w.BorderWidth, "D6");
			Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, w.CssClass, "D7");
			Assert.AreEqual (true, w.Enabled, "D8");
			Assert.AreEqual (Color.Empty, w.ForeColor, "D9");
			Assert.AreEqual (Unit.Empty, w.Height, "D10");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, w.Style.Count, "D11");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, w.TabIndex, "D12");
			Assert.AreEqual ("", w.ToolTip, "D13");
			Assert.AreEqual (Unit.Empty, w.Width, "D14");
예제 #20
		public void StyleCreation () {
			WebControlTestClass	w;

			w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small);
			Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small, w.TagKey, "C5");
			Assert.AreEqual("small", w.TagName, "C6");

			Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C7");	// No style
			Assert.AreEqual(Color.Empty, w.BackColor, "C8");	// Force style creation?
			Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C9");	// Nope, 'get' access didn't create it

			w.BackColor = Color.Red;				// Forces style creation!
			Assert.AreEqual(Color.Red, w.BackColor, "C10");
			Assert.AreEqual(true, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C11");	// Now we have a style

			w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Script);
			Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Script, w.TagKey, "C12");
			Assert.AreEqual("script", w.TagName, "C13");
			Assert.AreEqual(false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C14");	// Double-check
			Assert.IsNotNull(w.ControlStyle, "C15");		// Grab style, forcing creation
			Assert.AreEqual(true, w.ControlStyleCreated, "C16");	// Double-check
예제 #21
		public void Constructors ()
			WebControlTestClass	w;

			w = new WebControlTestClass();
			Assert.AreEqual(Color.Empty, w.BackColor, "C1");
			Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Span, w.TagKey, "C2");
			Assert.AreEqual("span", w.TagName, "C3");

			w = new WebControlTestClass("Small");
			Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown, w.TagKey, "C4");
			Assert.AreEqual("Small", w.TagName, "C5");

			w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small);
			Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small, w.TagKey, "C5");
			Assert.AreEqual("small", w.TagName, "C6");
예제 #22
        void RunAssignmentTests()
            WebControlTestClass w;

            w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small);

            w.BackColor = Color.Red;
            Assert.AreEqual(Color.Red, w.BackColor, "A1");

            w.Attributes["test"] = "testme";
            Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A2");
            Assert.AreEqual("testme", w.Attributes["test"], "A3");

            w.BorderColor = Color.Green;
            Assert.AreEqual(Color.Green, w.BorderColor, "A4");

            w.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Dotted;
            Assert.AreEqual(BorderStyle.Dotted, w.BorderStyle, "A5");

            w.BorderWidth = new Unit("12px");
            Assert.AreEqual(12, w.BorderWidth.Value, "A6");

            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, w.CssClass, "A7");

            w.Enabled = false;
            Assert.AreEqual(false, w.Enabled, "A8");

            w.ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet;
            Assert.AreEqual(Color.BlueViolet, w.ForeColor, "A9");

            w.Height = new Unit(6.5);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, w.Height.Value, "A10");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, w.Style.Count, "A11");

            w.TabIndex = 10;
            Assert.AreEqual(10, w.TabIndex, "A12");

            w.ToolTip = "I am a tip";
            Assert.AreEqual("I am a tip", w.ToolTip, "A13");

            w.Width = new Unit(6.5, UnitType.Cm);
            Assert.AreEqual(6.5, w.Width.Value, "A14");

            Assert.AreEqual(false, w.IsTrackingVS(), "A15");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, w.IsTrackingVS(), "A16");

            w.Enabled = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(true, w.Enabled, "A17");

            w.Attributes["PrivateTag"] = "blah";
            Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Attributes.Count, "A18");

            w.Attributes["Style"] = "background-color: #ff00ff";
            Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A19");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Style.Count, "A20");

            w.Attributes.Add("Style", "foreground-color=#ff00ff");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A21");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, w.Style.Count, "A22");

            w.Attributes.Add("Style", "background: black; text-align: left;");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A23");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Style.Count, "A24");

            w.Attributes["Style"] = "background: black; text-align: left; foreground: white;";
            Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A25");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, w.Style.Count, "A26");

            w.Style["background-color"] = Color.Purple.ToString();
            Assert.AreEqual(4, w.Style.Count, "A27");

            w.AccessKey = "I";
            Assert.AreEqual("I", w.AccessKey, "A28");

            // Check the bag
            string[] expect =
                "ForeColor=Color [BlueViolet]",
                "BorderColor=Color [Green]",
                "ToolTip=I am a tip",
                "BackColor=Color [Red]",

            IsEqual(expect, w.KeyValuePairs(), "A29");
예제 #23
		public void EnabledViewState2 () {
			WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass ();
			c.Enabled = false;
			c.SetTrackingVS ();
			c.Width = 100; // to cause saveviewstate return not null
			object o = c.Save ();
			c = new WebControlTestClass ();
			c.Enabled = false;
			c.Load (o);
			Assert.IsFalse (c.Enabled, "not enabled");
예제 #24
        public void EmptyStringTag()
            WebControlTestClass wc = new WebControlTestClass(String.Empty);

            Assert.AreEqual("<>\n\n</>", wc.Render());
예제 #25
		public void UnknownTag ()
			WebControlTestClass wc = new WebControlTestClass (HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown);
			Assert.AreEqual ("<>\n\n</>", wc.Render ());
예제 #26
		void RunAssignmentTests ()
			WebControlTestClass	w;

			w = new WebControlTestClass(HtmlTextWriterTag.Small);

			w.BackColor = Color.Red;
			Assert.AreEqual (Color.Red, w.BackColor, "A1");

			w.Attributes["test"] = "testme";
			Assert.AreEqual (1, w.Attributes.Count, "A2");
			Assert.AreEqual ("testme", w.Attributes["test"], "A3");

			w.BorderColor = Color.Green;
			Assert.AreEqual (Color.Green, w.BorderColor, "A4");

			w.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Dotted;
			Assert.AreEqual (BorderStyle.Dotted, w.BorderStyle, "A5");

			w.BorderWidth = new Unit("12px");
			Assert.AreEqual (12, w.BorderWidth.Value, "A6");

			Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, w.CssClass, "A7");

			w.Enabled = false;
			Assert.AreEqual (false, w.Enabled, "A8");

			w.ForeColor = Color.BlueViolet;
			Assert.AreEqual (Color.BlueViolet, w.ForeColor, "A9");

			w.Height = new Unit(6.5);
			Assert.AreEqual (6, w.Height.Value, "A10");

			Assert.AreEqual (0, w.Style.Count, "A11");

			w.TabIndex = 10;
			Assert.AreEqual (10, w.TabIndex, "A12");

			w.ToolTip = "I am a tip";
			Assert.AreEqual ("I am a tip", w.ToolTip, "A13");

			w.Width = new Unit(6.5, UnitType.Cm);
			Assert.AreEqual (6.5, w.Width.Value, "A14");

			Assert.AreEqual(false, w.IsTrackingVS (), "A15");
			w.SetTrackingVS ();
			Assert.AreEqual(true, w.IsTrackingVS (), "A16");

			w.Enabled = true;
			Assert.AreEqual(true, w.Enabled, "A17");

			w.Attributes["PrivateTag"] = "blah";
			Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Attributes.Count, "A18");

			w.Attributes["Style"] = "background-color: #ff00ff";
			Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A19");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Style.Count, "A20");

			w.Attributes.Add("Style", "foreground-color=#ff00ff");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A21");
			Assert.AreEqual(0, w.Style.Count, "A22");

			w.Attributes.Add("Style", "background: black; text-align: left;");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A23");
			Assert.AreEqual(2, w.Style.Count, "A24");

			w.Attributes["Style"] = "background: black; text-align: left; foreground: white;";
			Assert.AreEqual(1, w.Attributes.Count, "A25");
			Assert.AreEqual(3, w.Style.Count, "A26");

			w.Style["background-color"] = Color.Purple.ToString();
			Assert.AreEqual(4, w.Style.Count, "A27");

			w.AccessKey = "I";
			Assert.AreEqual("I", w.AccessKey, "A28");

			// Check the bag
			string[]	expect = {
							  "ForeColor=Color [BlueViolet]",
							  "BorderColor=Color [Green]",
							  "ToolTip=I am a tip",
							  "BackColor=Color [Red]",
							  "Enabled=True" };

			IsEqual(expect, w.KeyValuePairs(), "A29");
예제 #27
		public void EnabledViewState ()
			WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass ();
			c.SetTrackingVS ();
			c.Enabled = false;
			object o = c.Save ();
			c = new WebControlTestClass ();
			c.Load (o);
			Assert.IsFalse (c.Enabled, "not enabled");
예제 #28
        public void NullStringTag()
            WebControlTestClass wc = new WebControlTestClass(null);

            Assert.AreEqual("<>\n\n</>", wc.Render());
예제 #29
		public void AttributeIsCaseInsensitive ()
			WebControlTestClass c = new WebControlTestClass ();
			c.Attributes ["hola"] = "hello";
			c.Attributes ["HOla"] = "hi";
			Assert.AreEqual ("hi", c.Attributes ["hoLA"], "#01");
예제 #30
		public void CreateControlStyle () {
			WebControlTestClass w = new WebControlTestClass ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "CreateControlStyle#1");
			Style s = w.DoCreateControlStyle ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, w.ControlStyleCreated, "CreateControlStyle#2");
			s = w.ControlStyle;
			Assert.AreEqual (true, w.ControlStyleCreated, "CreateControlStyle#3");