public ActionResult Process(int?id, int?param) { Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1)); Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); if (Session != null) { if (Session["AdminUser"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("AdminLogin", "Home")); } else { WebApplication.Models.ThreatReportViewModel viewModel = new WebApplication.Models.ThreatReportViewModel(); if (id == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } viewModel = user.GetThreatRequest(id, param); person = user.GetUser(param, 0); viewModel.Users = person; viewModel = Initialize(viewModel); viewModel = InitializeWhoToNotify(viewModel); if (viewModel.Threat == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(viewModel)); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("AdminLogin", "Home")); } }
public ActionResult Process(WebApplication.Models.ThreatReportViewModel viewModel) { /*Gettig values form text boxex*/ //=================================Email Body Creation fo sending email=====================================// long parentid = viewModel.Threat.ThreatReport_Id; string level = viewModel.Threat.Level_Of_Threat; string threatdetail = dateval; string sourceofthreat = viewModel.ThreatDetails.Source; string details = viewModel.ThreatDetails.Details; Boolean witness = viewModel.ThreatDetails.Witness; string witnessvalues = "No"; if (witness == true) { witnessvalues = "Yes"; } string Reason = viewModel.ThreatDetails.Any_Personal_Reason; string nameofsuspects = "<b>Name of Suspects are as follows: </b> <br />"; for (int i = 0; i < textboxitems.Count(); i++) { int val = i + 1; nameofsuspects += val.ToString() + ". " + textboxitems[i] + "<br />"; } nameofsuspects += "<br />"; string whounotifyto = "<b>To whom you notified:</b> <br/>"; if (viewModel.SelectedCheckBoxes != null) { foreach (var item in viewModel.SelectedCheckBoxes) { whounotifyto += ". " + item.ToString() + "<br/>"; } } whounotifyto += "<br/>"; string towhommuhafiznotify = "<b>To whom Muhafiz notify:</b> <br/>"; int initiall = 0; if (viewModel.SelectedCheckBoxesNotify != null) { foreach (var item in viewModel.SelectedCheckBoxesNotify) { int val = initiall + 1; towhommuhafiznotify += ". " + item.ToString() + "<br/>"; } } towhommuhafiznotify += "<br/>"; string response = viewModel.ThreatDetails.Response; viewModel.Users = person; // =============================================End===============================================// // if (ModelState.IsValid) // { string ConfirmCode = user.InsertReportDetails(viewModel, textboxitems, dateval); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfirmCode)) { string url = Url.Action("ConfirmationDetails", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary(new { id = ConfirmCode }), //url param HttpContext.Request.Url.Scheme, HttpContext.Request.Url.Host); string Messagebody = "Dear " + person.UserName + "<br/><br/>" + "You have reported a threat using Muhafiz. Please review the details of the threat and then click the link below to verify that these details are accurate, to the best of your knowledge:<br/><br/>" + "<b>Parent threat number</b>: " + parentid.ToString() + "<br /><br />" + "<b>Level of threat</b>: " + level + "<br /><br />" + "<b>Date of threat:</b> " + threatdetail + "<br/><br />" + "<b>Source of threat:</b> " + sourceofthreat + "<br/><br />" + "<b>Details of threat:</b> " + details + "<br/><br />" + "<b>Witnesses of threat:</b> " + witnessvalues + "<br/><br />" + "<b>Any personal reason:</b> " + Reason + "<br/><br />" + nameofsuspects + whounotifyto + "<b>Response of Authorities:</b> " + response + "<br/><br />" + towhommuhafiznotify + "<b>Link:</b> <br/>I hereby verify that the aforementioned details are correct and accurate, to the best of my knowledge at this time" + "<br/>" + url; Models.Admin.SendEmail(, "ConfirmationDetails", Messagebody); } return(RedirectToAction("GetAllThreathRequests")); // } // var message = "Error occurred while submitting credentials try again. "; // return RedirectToAction("GetAllThreathRequests" , new { returnmessage = message }); }