private static WebApiSkill CreateWebApiSkill()
            List <InputFieldMappingEntry> inputMappings = new List <InputFieldMappingEntry>();

            inputMappings.Add(new InputFieldMappingEntry(
                                  name: "name",
                                  source: "/document/file_name"));

            List <OutputFieldMappingEntry> outputMappings = new List <OutputFieldMappingEntry>();

            outputMappings.Add(new OutputFieldMappingEntry(
                                   name: "greeting",
                                   targetName: "greeting"));

            Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            // headers.Add("Accept", "*/*");
            // headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/plain");

            WebApiSkill webApiSkill = new WebApiSkill(
                description: "Hello World custom skill",
                uri: "",
                batchSize: 1,
                context: "/document",
                inputs: inputMappings,
                outputs: outputMappings,
                httpMethod: "POST",
                httpHeaders: headers

        private static WebApiSkill CreateTopTenWordsSkill()
            List <InputFieldMappingEntry> inputMappings = new List <InputFieldMappingEntry>();

            inputMappings.Add(new InputFieldMappingEntry(
                                  name: "text",
                                  source: "/document/merged_text"));

            inputMappings.Add(new InputFieldMappingEntry(
                                  name: "languageCode",
                                  source: "/document/languageCode"));

            List <OutputFieldMappingEntry> outputMappings = new List <OutputFieldMappingEntry>();

            outputMappings.Add(new OutputFieldMappingEntry(
                                   name: "words",
                                   targetName: "top_10_words"));

            Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            TimeSpan    timeSpan    = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 215);
            WebApiSkill webApiSkill = new WebApiSkill(
                description: "Top Words skill",
                uri: "",
                batchSize: 1,
                timeout: timeSpan,
                context: "/document",
                inputs: inputMappings,
                outputs: outputMappings,
                httpMethod: "POST",
                httpHeaders: headers

        private static List <Skill> CreateSkills()
            OcrSkill                 ocrSkill               = CreateOcrSkill();
            MergeSkill               mergeSkill             = CreateMergeSkill();
            LanguageDetectionSkill   languageDetectionSkill = CreateLanguageDetectionSkill();
            SentimentSkill           sentimentSkill         = CreateSentimentSkill();
            KeyPhraseExtractionSkill keyPhraseSkill         = CreateKeyPhraseExtractionSkill();
            EntityRecognitionSkill   entityRecognitionSkill = CreateEntityRecognitionSkill();
            ImageAnalysisSkill       imageAnalysisSkill     = CreateImageAnalysisSkill();
            WebApiSkill              webApiSkill            = CreateWebApiSkill();
            WebApiSkill              topTenWordsSkill       = CreateTopTenWordsSkill();

            List <Skill> skills = new List <Skill>();

예제 #4
        private static WebApiSkill CreateCustomSkill()
            Console.WriteLine("  - Custom skill");
            // inputs
            List <InputFieldMappingEntry> customInputs = new List <InputFieldMappingEntry>();

            customInputs.Add(new InputFieldMappingEntry(
                                 name: "text",
                                 source: "/document/mergedText"));
            customInputs.Add(new InputFieldMappingEntry(
                                 name: "language",
                                 source: "/document/language"));
            // outputs
            List <OutputFieldMappingEntry> customOutputs = new List <OutputFieldMappingEntry>();

            customOutputs.Add(new OutputFieldMappingEntry(
                                  name: "text",
                                  targetName: "topWords"));
            // Create skill
            WebApiSkill customSkill = new WebApiSkill(
                name: "get-top-words",
                description: "custom skill to get top 10 most frequent words.",
                uri: customSkillUri,
                context: "/document",
                inputs: customInputs,
                outputs: customOutputs);

예제 #5
        private static void AddCustomTranslateSkill(ref Index index, ref Indexer indexer, ref Skillset skillset, string functionAppUrl, string functionAppKey)
            var targetField = "textTranslated";

            // Create the custom translate skill
            var translateSkill = new WebApiSkill
                Description = "Custom translator skill",
                Context     = "/document",
                Uri         = $"{functionAppUrl}/api/Translate?code={functionAppKey}",
                BatchSize   = 1,
                Inputs      = new List <InputFieldMappingEntry>
                    new InputFieldMappingEntry("text", "/document/text"),
                    new InputFieldMappingEntry("language", "/document/language")
                Outputs = new List <OutputFieldMappingEntry> {
                    new OutputFieldMappingEntry("text", targetField)


            // Update all the other skills, except for the LanguageDetectionSkill, to use the new textTranslated field.
            foreach (var skill in skillset.Skills)
                var type     = skill.GetType();
                var typeName = type.Name;

                if (typeName != "WebApiSkill" && typeName != "LanguageDetectionSkill")
                    foreach (var input in skill.Inputs)
                        if (input.Source == "/document/text")
                            input.Source = $"/document/{targetField}";

            // Create a new index field
            var sentimentField = new Field
                Name          = targetField,
                Type          = DataType.String,
                IsSearchable  = true,
                IsFilterable  = true,
                IsRetrievable = true,
                IsSortable    = true,
                IsKey         = false,
                Analyzer      = AnalyzerName.StandardLucene


            indexer.OutputFieldMappings.Add(CreateFieldMapping($"/document/{targetField}", targetField));
예제 #6
        private static Skillset CreateTestSkillsetWebApiSkill(bool includeHeader = true)
            var skills = new List <Skill>();

            var inputs = new List <InputFieldMappingEntry>()
                new InputFieldMappingEntry
                    Name   = "text",
                    Source = "/document/text"

            var outputs = new List <OutputFieldMappingEntry>()
                new OutputFieldMappingEntry
                    Name       = "coolResult",
                    TargetName = "myCoolResult"

            var skill = new WebApiSkill(
                uri: "",
                name: "mywebapi",
                description: "A simple web api skill",
                context: RootPathString)
                HttpMethod          = "POST",
                DegreeOfParallelism = 7

            if (includeHeader)
                skill.HttpHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    ["x-ms-example"] = "example"


            return(new Skillset("webapiskillset", "Skillset for testing", skills));
        public void CreateSkillset()
            IConfigurationRoot configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            var inputMappings = new List <InputFieldMappingEntry>
                new InputFieldMappingEntry(
                    name: "text",
                    source: "/document/Content")

            var outputMappings = new List <OutputFieldMappingEntry>
                new OutputFieldMappingEntry(name: "persons", "Persons"),
                new OutputFieldMappingEntry(name: "locations", "Locations"),
                new OutputFieldMappingEntry(name: "urls", "Urls"),

            var entityCategory = new List <EntityCategory>()
                EntityCategory.Location, EntityCategory.Person, EntityCategory.Url

            var entityRecognitionSkill = new EntityRecognitionSkill(
                description: "Recognize organizations",
                context: "/document",
                inputs: inputMappings,
                outputs: outputMappings,
                categories: entityCategory,
                defaultLanguageCode: EntityRecognitionSkillLanguage.En);

            var keyPhraseSkill = new KeyPhraseExtractionSkill(
                name: "keyphraseextractionskill",
                description: "Key Phrase Extraction Skill",
                context: "/document",
                inputs: new[] { new InputFieldMappingEntry("text", "/document/Content") },
                outputs: new[] { new OutputFieldMappingEntry("keyPhrases", "KeyPhrases") }

            var imageSkill = new ImageAnalysisSkill(
                name: "imageanalysisskill",
                context: "/document/normalized_images/*",
                inputs: new[] { new InputFieldMappingEntry("image", "/document/normalized_images/*") },
                outputs: new[] {
                new OutputFieldMappingEntry("/document/normalized_images/*/tags/*", "Tags"),
                new OutputFieldMappingEntry("/document/normalized_images/*/description", "Description")

            var ocrSkill = new OcrSkill(
                name: "ocrskill",
                context: "/document/normalized_images/*",
                inputs: new[] { new InputFieldMappingEntry("image", "/document/normalized_images/*") },
                outputs: new[] { new OutputFieldMappingEntry("text", "OcrText") }

            var mergeTextSkill = new MergeSkill(
                name: "mergeTextSkill",
                context: "/document",
                inputs: new[] {
                new InputFieldMappingEntry("text", "/document/Content"),
                new InputFieldMappingEntry("itemsToInsert", "/document/normalized_images/*/OcrText")
                outputs: new[] {
                new OutputFieldMappingEntry("mergedText", "MergedText")

            /*Microsoft.Rest.Azure.CloudException : One or more skills are invalid. Details: Skill 'mergeTextSkill' is not allowed to have recursively defined inputs

            //public SentimentSkill(IList<InputFieldMappingEntry> inputs, IList<OutputFieldMappingEntry> outputs, string name = null, string description = null, string context = null, SentimentSkillLanguage? defaultLanguageCode = null);
            var sentimentskill = new SentimentSkill(
                name: "sentimentskill",
                description: "Our favorite Sentiment Skill",
                context: "/document",
                defaultLanguageCode: SentimentSkillLanguage.En,
                inputs: new[] { new InputFieldMappingEntry("text", "/document/Content") },
                outputs: new[] { new OutputFieldMappingEntry("score", "Sentiment") }

            var commonWordsSkill = new WebApiSkill(
                name: "commonWordsSkill",
                description: "No description for you",
                batchSize: 1,
                httpMethod: "POST",
                uri: configuration["CommonWordsApiUrl"],
                context: "/document",
                inputs: new[] { new InputFieldMappingEntry("text", "/document/MergedText") },
                outputs: new[] { new OutputFieldMappingEntry("words", "CommonWords") }

            var ss = new Skillset("fastracoontravelskillset", "self describing",
                                  skills: new List <Skill>()
                entityRecognitionSkill, keyPhraseSkill, sentimentskill, ocrSkill, mergeTextSkill, commonWordsSkill
                                  cognitiveServices: new CognitiveServicesByKey(configuration["CogServicesKey"])

            using (var serviceClient = CreateSearchServiceClient(configuration))