public ObjectResult Put(string id, [FromForm] WebAPIEvent apiEvent) { var i = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity; var updatedEvent = (CitaOdontologica)apiEvent; var dbEvent = _context.CitaOdontologica.Find(id); //dbEvent.CodigoPaciente = updatedEvent.CodigoPaciente; dbEvent.CodigoPaciente = updatedEvent.CodigoPaciente; dbEvent.CodigoPersonal = updatedEvent.CodigoPersonal; dbEvent.FechaCreacion = Funciones.ObtenerFechaActual("SA Pacific Standard Time"); dbEvent.Observaciones = updatedEvent.Observaciones; dbEvent.FechaInicio = Convert.ToDateTime(updatedEvent.FechaInicio); dbEvent.FechaFin = Convert.ToDateTime(updatedEvent.FechaFin); dbEvent.HoraInicio = new TimeSpan(updatedEvent.FechaInicio.Hour, updatedEvent.FechaInicio.Minute, updatedEvent.FechaInicio.Second); dbEvent.HoraFin = new TimeSpan(updatedEvent.FechaFin.Hour, updatedEvent.FechaFin.Minute, updatedEvent.FechaFin.Second); dbEvent.Estado = "M"; dbEvent.UsuarioCreacion = i.Name; dbEvent.RegistroRecetaMedica = false; _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(new { action = "updated" })); }
public ObjectResult Put(int id, [FromForm] WebAPIEvent apiEvent) { var updatedEvent = (SchedulerEvent)apiEvent; var dbEvent = _context.Event.Find(id); dbEvent.Title = updatedEvent.Title; dbEvent.Description = updatedEvent.Description; dbEvent.StartDate = updatedEvent.StartDate; dbEvent.EndDate = updatedEvent.EndDate; dbEvent.Venue = updatedEvent.Venue; dbEvent.Type = updatedEvent.Type; dbEvent.Category = updatedEvent.Category; dbEvent.EventPID = updatedEvent.EventPID; dbEvent.RecType = updatedEvent.RecType; dbEvent.EventLength = updatedEvent.EventLength; _context.SaveChanges(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(updatedEvent.RecType) && updatedEvent.RecType != "none") { //all modified occurrences must be deleted when we update a recurring series // _context.Event.RemoveRange( _context.Event.Where(e => e.EventPID == id) ); } _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(new { action = "updated" })); }
public ObjectResult Post([FromForm] WebAPIEvent apiEvent) { var newEvent = (SchedulerEvent)apiEvent; _context.Events.Add(newEvent); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(new { tid = newEvent.Id, action = "inserted" })); }
public IHttpActionResult CreateSchedulerEvent(WebAPIEvent webAPIEvent) { var newSchedulerEvent = (SchedulerEvent)webAPIEvent; db.SchedulerEvents.Add(newSchedulerEvent); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(new { tid = newSchedulerEvent.Id, action = "inserted" })); }
public IHttpActionResult EditSchedulerEvent(int id, WebAPIEvent webAPIEvent) { var updatedSchedulerEvent = (SchedulerEvent)webAPIEvent; updatedSchedulerEvent.Id = id; db.Entry(updatedSchedulerEvent).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(new { action = "updated" })); }
public ObjectResult Put(int id, [FromForm] WebAPIEvent apiEvent) { var updatedEvent = (SchedulerEvent)apiEvent; var dbEvent = _context.Events.Find(id); dbEvent.Name = updatedEvent.Name; dbEvent.StartDate = updatedEvent.StartDate; dbEvent.EndDate = updatedEvent.EndDate; _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(new { action = "updated" })); }
public IHttpActionResult CreateSchedulerEvent(WebAPIEvent webAPIEvent) { var Creator = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var newSchedulerEvent = (SchedulerEvent)webAPIEvent; newSchedulerEvent.Creator = Creator; db.SchedulerEvents.Add(newSchedulerEvent); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(new { tid = newSchedulerEvent.Id, action = "inserted" })); }
public ObjectResult Post([FromForm] WebAPIEvent apiEvent) { var newEvent = (CitaOdontologica)apiEvent; var i = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity; Int64 maxCodigo = 0; maxCodigo = Convert.ToInt64(_context.CitaOdontologica.Max(f => f.Codigo)); maxCodigo += 1; newEvent.Codigo = maxCodigo.ToString("D8"); newEvent.CodigoPaciente = apiEvent.paciente; newEvent.CodigoPersonal =; newEvent.FechaCreacion = Funciones.ObtenerFechaActual("SA Pacific Standard Time"); newEvent.Observaciones = apiEvent.observaciones; newEvent.FechaInicio = Convert.ToDateTime(apiEvent.start_date); newEvent.FechaFin = Convert.ToDateTime(apiEvent.end_date); //Convert.ToDateTime(apiEvent.end_date); newEvent.HoraInicio = new TimeSpan(newEvent.FechaInicio.Hour, newEvent.FechaInicio.Minute, newEvent.FechaInicio.Second); newEvent.HoraFin = new TimeSpan(newEvent.FechaFin.Hour, newEvent.FechaFin.Minute, newEvent.FechaFin.Second); newEvent.Estado = "C"; newEvent.UsuarioCreacion = i.Name; newEvent.RegistroRecetaMedica = false; _context.CitaOdontologica.Add(newEvent); _context.SaveChanges(); //enviar el mail PlantillaCorreoElectronico correo = new PlantillaCorreoElectronico(); correo = _context.PlantillaCorreoElectronico.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Asunto.Contains("Cita")); var paciente = _context.Paciente.Where(p => p.Codigo == apiEvent.paciente).FirstOrDefault(); var doctor = _context.Personal.Where(d => d.Codigo ==; var soloFecha = (newEvent.FechaInicio.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); ///Convert.ToDateTime(newEvent.FechaInicio.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); //var fechaLarga = soloFecha.ToLongDateString(); var hora = newEvent.FechaInicio.ToString("HH:mm"); // newEvent.FechaInicio.TimeOfDay.ToString();//newEvent.FechaInicio.Hour.ToString() + ":" + newEvent.FechaInicio.Minute.ToString();//newEvent.FechaInicio.ToString("hh:mm"); //envio del email string cuerpo = FuncionesEmail.AsuntoCitaOdontologica(correo.Cuerpo, paciente.NombreCompleto, soloFecha, hora, doctor.NombreCompleto); var correoMensaje = FuncionesEmail.EnviarEmail(_emailSender, paciente.MailEpn + ',' + paciente.MailPersonal, correo.Asunto, cuerpo); return(Ok(new { tid = newEvent.Codigo, action = "inserted" })); }
public IHttpActionResult EditSchedulerEvent(int id, WebAPIEvent webAPIEvent) { var updatedSchedulerEvent = (SchedulerEvent)webAPIEvent; updatedSchedulerEvent.Id = id; if (updatedSchedulerEvent.Creator.Equals(User.Identity.GetUserId()) || User.IsInRole("Admin")) { db.Entry(updatedSchedulerEvent).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } else { return(Ok(new { action = "failed" + updatedSchedulerEvent.Creator })); } return(Ok(new { action = "updated" })); }
public ObjectResult Post([FromForm] WebAPIEvent apiEvent) { var newEvent = (SchedulerEvent)apiEvent; _context.Event.Add(newEvent); _context.SaveChanges(); var ev = _context.Event.Find(newEvent.Id); if ((ev.Id == newEvent.Id) && (newEvent.Type == "Startup")) { string select = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserRole='Startup'"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(select); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string fname = row.Field <string>("FullName"); string email = row.Field <string>("Email"); string template = @"Hi {0},<br/><br/> You are invited to the event - <b>{1}</b><br/><br/> Start Date and Time : <b>{2}</b><br/><br/> End Date and Time : <b>{3}</b><br/><br/>"; string title = "Invitation to Attend Program"; string message = String.Format(template, fname, newEvent.Title, newEvent.StartDate, newEvent.EndDate); string result; EmailUtl.SendEmail(email, title, message, out result); } } else if ((ev.Id == newEvent.Id) && (newEvent.Type == "Alumni")) { string select = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserRole='Alumni'"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(select); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string fname = row.Field <string>("FullName"); string email = row.Field <string>("Email"); string template = @"Hi {0},<br/><br/> You are invited to the event - <b>{1}</b><br/><br/> Start Date and Time : <b>{2}</b><br/><br/> End Date and Time : <b>{3}</b><br/><br/> Venue : <b>{4}</b>"; string title = "Invitation to Attend Program"; string message = String.Format(template, fname, newEvent.Title, newEvent.StartDate, newEvent.EndDate, newEvent.Venue); string result; EmailUtl.SendEmail(email, title, message, out result); } } else if ((ev.Id == newEvent.Id) && (newEvent.Type == "Both")) { string select = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserRole='Startup' AND UserRole='Alumni'"; DataTable dt = DBUtl.GetTable(select); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string fname = row.Field <string>("FullName"); string email = row.Field <string>("Email"); string template = @"Hi {0},<br/><br/> You are invited to the event - <b>{1}</b><br/><br/> Start Date and Time : <b>{2}</b><br/><br/> End Date and Time : <b>{3}</b><br/><br/>"; string title = "Invitation to Attend Program"; string message = String.Format(template, fname, newEvent.Title, newEvent.StartDate, newEvent.EndDate); string result; EmailUtl.SendEmail(email, title, message, out result); } } // delete a single occurrence from a recurring series var resultAction = "inserted"; if (newEvent.RecType == "none") { resultAction = "deleted"; } return(Ok(new { tid = newEvent.Id, action = resultAction })); }