예제 #1
 public void CheckProposal()
     var abi =
         @"[{ ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""proposals"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""recipient"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""amount"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""description"", ""type"": ""string"" }, { ""name"": ""votingDeadline"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""open"", ""type"": ""bool"" }, { ""name"": ""proposalPassed"", ""type"": ""bool"" }, { ""name"": ""proposalHash"", ""type"": ""bytes32"" }, { ""name"": ""proposalDeposit"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""newCurator"", ""type"": ""bool"" }, { ""name"": ""yea"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""nay"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""creator"", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_spender"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_amount"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""approve"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""minTokensToCreate"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""rewardAccount"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""daoCreator"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""totalSupply"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""divisor"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""divisor"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""extraBalance"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_proposalID"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""_transactionData"", ""type"": ""bytes"" }], ""name"": ""executeProposal"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_from"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_to"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_value"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""transferFrom"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""unblockMe"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""totalRewardToken"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""actualBalance"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_actualBalance"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""closingTime"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""allowedRecipients"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_to"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_value"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""transferWithoutReward"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""refund"", ""outputs"": [], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_recipient"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_amount"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""_description"", ""type"": ""string"" }, { ""name"": ""_transactionData"", ""type"": ""bytes"" }, { ""name"": ""_debatingPeriod"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""_newCurator"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""name"": ""newProposal"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_proposalID"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""DAOpaidOut"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""minQuorumDivisor"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_newContract"", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""newContract"", ""outputs"": [], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_owner"", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""balanceOf"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""balance"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_recipient"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_allowed"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""name"": ""changeAllowedRecipients"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""halveMinQuorum"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""paidOut"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_proposalID"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""_newCurator"", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""splitDAO"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""DAOrewardAccount"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""proposalDeposit"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""numberOfProposals"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_numberOfProposals"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""lastTimeMinQuorumMet"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_toMembers"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""name"": ""retrieveDAOReward"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""receiveEther"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_to"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_value"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""transfer"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""isFueled"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_tokenHolder"", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""createTokenProxy"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_proposalID"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""getNewDAOAddress"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_newDAO"", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_proposalID"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""_supportsProposal"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""name"": ""vote"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_voteID"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""getMyReward"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""rewardToken"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_from"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_to"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_value"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""transferFromWithoutReward"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""success"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_owner"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_spender"", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""allowance"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""remaining"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_proposalDeposit"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""changeProposalDeposit"", ""outputs"": [], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""blocked"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""curator"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_proposalID"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""_recipient"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_amount"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""_transactionData"", ""type"": ""bytes"" }], ""name"": ""checkProposalCode"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_codeChecksOut"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""constant"": true, ""inputs"": [], ""name"": ""privateCreation"", ""outputs"": [{ ""name"": """", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""type"": ""function"" }, { ""inputs"": [{ ""name"": ""_curator"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_daoCreator"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""name"": ""_proposalDeposit"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""_minTokensToCreate"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""_closingTime"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""name"": ""_privateCreation"", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""type"": ""constructor"" }, { ""anonymous"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""_from"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""_to"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""_amount"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""Transfer"", ""type"": ""event"" }, { ""anonymous"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""_owner"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""_spender"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""_amount"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""Approval"", ""type"": ""event"" }, { ""anonymous"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""value"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""FuelingToDate"", ""type"": ""event"" }, { ""anonymous"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""to"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""amount"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""CreatedToken"", ""type"": ""event"" }, { ""anonymous"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""to"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""value"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""Refund"", ""type"": ""event"" }, { ""anonymous"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""proposalID"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""recipient"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""amount"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""newCurator"", ""type"": ""bool"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""description"", ""type"": ""string"" }], ""name"": ""ProposalAdded"", ""type"": ""event"" }, { ""anonymous"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""proposalID"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""position"", ""type"": ""bool"" }, { ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""voter"", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""Voted"", ""type"": ""event"" }, { ""anonymous"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""proposalID"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""result"", ""type"": ""bool"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""quorum"", ""type"": ""uint256"" }], ""name"": ""ProposalTallied"", ""type"": ""event"" }, { ""anonymous"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""_newCurator"", ""type"": ""address"" }], ""name"": ""NewCurator"", ""type"": ""event"" }, { ""anonymous"": false, ""inputs"": [{ ""indexed"": true, ""name"": ""_recipient"", ""type"": ""address"" }, { ""indexed"": false, ""name"": ""_allowed"", ""type"": ""bool"" }], ""name"": ""AllowedRecipientChanged"", ""type"": ""event"" }]";
     var contractAddress = "0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413";
     var web3 = new Web3();
     var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, contractAddress);
     var proposalsFunction = contract.GetFunction("proposals");
     var result = proposalsFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync<Proposal>(5).Result;
     Assert.True(result.Creator == "0xd68ba7734753e2ee54103116323aba2d94c78dc5");
        public async void ShouldDeployUsingMultipleParameters()
            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var web3 = new Web3(ClientFactory.GetClient());

            var gethTester = GethTesterFactory.GetLocal(web3);

            await web3.Miner.Start.SendRequestAsync(6);
            var transaction =
                    web3.Eth.DeployContract.SignAndSendRequestAsync(gethTester.Password, abi, contractByteCode,
                        gethTester.Account, new HexBigInteger(900000), 7, 8);

            var receipt = await gethTester.GetTransactionReceipt(transaction);

            await web3.Miner.Stop.SendRequestAsync();

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);

            //get the function by name
            var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");

            //do a function call (not transaction) and get the result
            var callResult = await multiplyFunction.CallAsync<int>(69);
            Assert.Equal(3864, callResult);
        public async Task<bool> ShouldSignAndSendRawTransaction()
            var privateKey = "0xb5b1870957d373ef0eeffecc6e4812c0fd08f554b37b233526acc331bf1544f7";
            var senderAddress = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59daE5baed380d84830c";
            var receiveAddress = "0x13f022d72158410433cbd66f5dd8bf6d2d129924";
            var web3 = new Web3();

            var txCount = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionCount.SendRequestAsync(senderAddress);
            var encoded = web3.OfflineTransactionSigning.SignTransaction(privateKey, receiveAddress, 10,


            Assert.Equal(senderAddress.ToLower(), "0x" + web3.OfflineTransactionSigning.GetSenderAddress(encoded));

            var txId = await web3.Eth.Transactions.SendRawTransaction.SendRequestAsync("0x" + encoded);
            await web3.Miner.Start.SendRequestAsync(4);
            var receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(txId);
            while (receipt == null)
                receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(txId);
            await web3.Miner.Stop.SendRequestAsync();
            Assert.Equal(txId, receipt.TransactionHash);
            return true;
        public async void ShouldDeployAContractAndPerformACall()
            //The compiled solidity contract to be deployed
            //contract test { function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) { return a * 7; } }
            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var web3 = new Web3(ClientFactory.GetClient());
            var gethTester = GethTesterFactory.GetLocal(web3);

            var receipt = await gethTester.DeployTestContractLocal(contractByteCode);

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);

            //get the function by name
            var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");
            //do a function call (not transaction) and get the result
            var callResult = await multiplyFunction.CallAsync<int>(69);
            Assert.Equal(483, callResult);

        public void ShouldDecodeMultipleParamsIncludingArray()

            var abi =
                @"[{""constant"":false,""inputs"":[{""name"":""a"",""type"":""uint256""},{""name"":""b"",""type"":""string""},{""name"":""c"",""type"":""uint[3]""} ],""name"":""test"",""outputs"":[{""name"":""d"",""type"":""uint256""}],""type"":""function""}]";

            var web3 = new Web3(ClientFactory.GetClient());

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, "ContractAddress");
            //get the function by name
            var testFunction = contract.GetFunction("test");
            var array = new int[] {1, 2, 3};

            var str = "hello";
            var data = testFunction.GetData(69, str, array);
            var decode = testFunction.DecodeInput(data);

            Assert.Equal(69, (BigInteger)decode[0].Result);
            Assert.Equal(str, (string)decode[1].Result);

            var listObjects = decode[2].Result as List<object>;

            if (listObjects != null)
                var newArray = System.Array.ConvertAll(listObjects.ToArray(), x => (int)((BigInteger)x));
                Assert.Equal(array, newArray);
예제 #6
        public async Task<TransactionReceipt[]> SendAndMineTransactionsAsync(Web3.Web3 web3, string addressFrom,
            string pass, params Func<Task<string>>[] transactionsTask)
            var result = await web3.Personal.UnlockAccount.SendRequestAsync(addressFrom, pass, new HexBigInteger(600000));
            if (result != true) throw new Exception("Acccount not unlocked");

            result = await web3.Miner.Start.SendRequestAsync(6);

            if (result != true) throw new Exception("Could not start mining");

            var txIds = new List<string>();

            foreach (var transactionTask in transactionsTask)
               var txId = await transactionTask();

            var receipts = new List<TransactionReceipt>();

            foreach (var txId in txIds)
                receipts.Add(await TransactionReceipt(web3, txId));

            result = await web3.Miner.Stop.SendRequestAsync();

            if (result != true) throw new Exception("Could not stop mining");
            return receipts.ToArray();
        public async void Test()
             contract Hashes{
                function sha3Test(string _myvalue) returns (bytes32 val){
                    return sha3(_myvalue);
                bytes32 public myHash;
                function storeMyHash(bytes32 _myHash){
                    myHash = _myHash;    

            var text = "code monkeys are great";
            var hash = "0x1c21348936d43dc62d853ff6238cff94e361f8dcee9fde6fd5fbfed9ff663150";
            var web3 = new Web3(ClientFactory.GetClient());

            var sha3Hello = web3.Sha3(text);
            Assert.Equal(hash, "0x" + sha3Hello);

            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var gethTester = GethTesterFactory.GetLocal(web3);

            var receipt = await gethTester.DeployTestContractLocal(contractByteCode);

            //"0x350b79547251fdb18b64ec17cf3783e7d854bd30" (prev deployed contract)

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);

            var sha3Function = contract.GetFunction("sha3Test");
            var result = await sha3Function.CallAsync<byte[]>(text);
            Assert.Equal(hash, "0x" + result.ToHex());

            var storeMyHash = contract.GetFunction("storeMyHash");
            await gethTester.StartMining();
            await gethTester.UnlockAccount();
            var txn = await storeMyHash.SendTransactionAsync(gethTester.Account, hash.HexToByteArray());
            await gethTester.GetTransactionReceipt(txn);
            await gethTester.StopMining();

            var myHashFuction = contract.GetFunction("myHash");
            result = await myHashFuction.CallAsync<byte[]>();
            Assert.Equal(hash, "0x" + result.ToHex());

        public async Task<string> Test()
            //The compiled solidity contract to be deployed
               contract test { 

               uint _multiplier;

               function test(uint multiplier){
                   _multiplier = multiplier;

               function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) { return a * _multiplier; }


            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var addressFrom = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59dae5baed380d84830c";

            var web3 = new Web3();

            //deploy the contract, including abi and a paramter of 7. 
            var transactionHash = await web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(abi, contractByteCode, addressFrom, 7);

            //the contract should be mining now

            //get the contract address 
            TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
            //wait for the contract to be mined to the address
            while (receipt == null)
                await Task.Delay(500);
                receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);

            //get the function by name
            var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");

            //do a function call (not transaction) and get the result
            var result = await multiplyFunction.CallAsync<int>(69);
            //visual test 
            return "The result of deploying a contract and calling a function to multiply 7 by 69 is: " + result +
                   " and should be 483";
예제 #9
        public async void GetBlock()
            var web3 = new Web3(ClientFactory.GetClient());
            var block = await web3.Eth.Blocks.GetBlockWithTransactionsHashesByNumber.SendRequestAsync(new HexBigInteger(1139657));
            var transaction =

            var receipt = await
예제 #10
        public void MordenTest()
            string abi = @"[{""constant"":false,""inputs"":[{""name"":""multihash"",""type"":""bytes""}],""name"":""uploadBatch"",""outputs"":[{""name"":"""",""type"":""bool""}],""type"":""function""},{""constant"":false,""inputs"":[{""name"":""_blockHeight"",""type"":""uint256""},{""name"":""_contentBy"",""type"":""address""},{""name"":""_changeCount"",""type"":""uint256""},{""name"":""_totalRexRewarded"",""type"":""uint256""}],""name"":""issueContentReward"",""outputs"":[],""type"":""function""},{""constant"":false,""inputs"":[{""name"":""_address"",""type"":""address""}],""name"":""updateCoordinator"",""outputs"":[],""type"":""function""},{""constant"":true,""inputs"":[],""name"":""uploadCount"",""outputs"":[{""name"":"""",""type"":""uint256""}],""type"":""function""},{""inputs"":[{""name"":""_dataFeedCoordinatorAddress"",""type"":""address""},{""name"":""feedCode"",""type"":""bytes4""}],""type"":""constructor""},{""anonymous"":false,""inputs"":[{""indexed"":false,""name"":"""",""type"":""address""},{""indexed"":false,""name"":"""",""type"":""bytes""}],""name"":""BatchUploaded"",""type"":""event""},{""anonymous"":false,""inputs"":[{""indexed"":false,""name"":""blockHeight"",""type"":""uint256""},{""indexed"":false,""name"":""contentBy"",""type"":""address""},{""indexed"":false,""name"":""changeCount"",""type"":""uint256""},{""indexed"":false,""name"":""totalRewards"",""type"":""uint256""}],""name"":""ContentRewarded"",""type"":""event""}]";
            string contractAddress = "0xe8d75008917c6a460473e62d5d4cefd3bbe4d85b";

            var web3 = new Web3("http://localhost:8545");
            var dataFeedContract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, contractAddress);

            //var filterAllContract = dataFeedContract.CreateFilterAsync().Result;
            //var logs = web3.Eth.Filters.GetFilterChangesForEthNewFilter.SendRequestAsync(filterAllContract).Result;

            Nethereum.Web3.Event e = dataFeedContract.GetEvent("BatchUploaded");
            var filterId = e.CreateFilterAsync(new Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs.BlockParameter(500000)).Result;
            var changes = e.GetAllChanges<EventBatchUploaded>(filterId).Result;
예제 #11
        public async Task<TransactionReceipt> MineAndGetReceiptAsync(Web3.Web3 web3, string transactionHash){

          var miningResult = await web3.Miner.Start.SendRequestAsync(6);
          var receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);

          while(receipt == null){
              receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);
          miningResult = await web3.Miner.Stop.SendRequestAsync();
          return receipt;
        public void ShouldDecodeInt()
            var abi =

            var web3 = new Web3(ClientFactory.GetClient());
            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, "ContractAddress");

            //get the function by name
            var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");
            var data = multiplyFunction.GetData(69);
            var decode = multiplyFunction.DecodeInput(data);
            Assert.Equal((BigInteger)decode[0].Result, 69);

        public async Task ShouldIntereceptContractDeploymentAndContractTrasanctionWithRawTransaction()
            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var privateKey = "0xb5b1870957d373ef0eeffecc6e4812c0fd08f554b37b233526acc331bf1544f7";
            var senderAddress = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59daE5baed380d84830c";

            var web3 = new Web3();
            var transactionInterceptor = new TransactionRequestToOfflineSignedTransactionInterceptor(senderAddress, privateKey, web3);
            web3.Client.OverridingRequestInterceptor = transactionInterceptor;

            var txId = await web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(abi, contractByteCode, senderAddress, new HexBigInteger(900000), 7);

            await web3.Miner.Start.SendRequestAsync(4);
            var receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(txId);
            while (receipt == null)
                receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(txId);

            Assert.Equal(txId, receipt.TransactionHash);

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);
            var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");

            txId = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(senderAddress, new HexBigInteger(900000), new HexBigInteger(0), 69);

            receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(txId);
            while (receipt == null)
                receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(txId);

            await web3.Miner.Stop.SendRequestAsync();

            Assert.Equal(txId, receipt.TransactionHash);
        public async Task ShouldIntereceptAndSendRawTransaction()
            var privateKey = "0xb5b1870957d373ef0eeffecc6e4812c0fd08f554b37b233526acc331bf1544f7";
            var senderAddress = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59daE5baed380d84830c";
            var receiveAddress = "0x13f022d72158410433cbd66f5dd8bf6d2d129924";
            var web3 = new Web3();
            var transactionInterceptor = new TransactionRequestToOfflineSignedTransactionInterceptor(senderAddress, privateKey, web3);
            web3.Client.OverridingRequestInterceptor = transactionInterceptor;

            var txId = await web3.Eth.Transactions.SendTransaction.SendRequestAsync(new RPC.Eth.DTOs.TransactionInput() { From = senderAddress, To = receiveAddress, Value = new Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(10) });

            await web3.Miner.Start.SendRequestAsync(4);
            var receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(txId);
            while (receipt == null)
                receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(txId);
            await web3.Miner.Stop.SendRequestAsync();
            Assert.Equal(txId, receipt.TransactionHash);

        public async void ShouldDeployAContractWithConstructor()
            //The compiled solidity contract to be deployed
               contract test { 

               uint _multiplier;

               function test(uint multiplier){
                   _multiplier = multiplier;

               function getMultiplier() constant returns(uint d){
                    return _multiplier;

               function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) { return a * _multiplier; }

               string public contractName = "Multiplier";

            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var addressFrom = "0x398e41717cfe68eeef4938677676a63667f35c4e";
            var pass = "******";

            var web3 = new Web3(ClientFactory.GetClient());
            var result = true;
            result = await web3.Personal.UnlockAccount.SendRequestAsync(addressFrom, pass, new HexBigInteger(600));
            Assert.True(result, "Account should be unlocked");

            //deploy the contract, including abi and a paramter of 7. 
            var transactionHash = await web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(abi, contractByteCode, addressFrom, new HexBigInteger(900000), 7);


           // result = await web3.Personal.LockAccount.SendRequestAsync(addressFrom);
            Assert.True(result, "Account should be locked");

            result = await web3.Miner.Start.SendRequestAsync();
            Assert.True(result, "Mining should have started");
            ////the contract should be mining now

            //get the contract address 
            TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
            //wait for the contract to be mined to the address
            while (receipt == null)
                receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);


            result = await web3.Miner.Stop.SendRequestAsync();
            Assert.True(result, "Mining should have stopped");

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);
            //get the function by name
            var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");

            //do a function call (not transaction) and get the result
            var callResult = await multiplyFunction.CallAsync<int>(69);
            Assert.Equal(483, callResult);

            var multiplierFunction = contract.GetFunction("getMultiplier");

            var multiplier = await multiplierFunction.CallAsync<int>();

            Assert.Equal(7, multiplier);

            var contractNameFunction = contract.GetFunction("contractName");

            var name = await contractNameFunction.CallAsync<string>();

            Assert.Equal("Multiplier", name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deploy smart contract, other than contract's abi, bytecode, sender address,
        /// it must include any parameters for contract's constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Contract name</param>
        /// <param name="abi"></param>
        /// <param name="byteCode"></param>
        /// <param name="senderAddress">Contract owner</param>
        /// <param name="senderPassword"></param>
        /// <param name="gas"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <DeploymentResult> Deploy(
            string name,
            string abi,
            string byteCode,
            string senderAddress,
            string senderPassword,
            BigInteger gas)
            // var isNameUnique = CheckUniqueContractName(name);
            // if(!isNameUnique)
            //     return new DeployResponse(){
            //     Success = false,
            //     StatusMessage = "Name exists. Please choose another name"};

            var account = new ManagedAccount(senderAddress, senderPassword);
            var web3    = new Web3(account, Config.GetSection(Constants.GETH_RPC).Value);

            string transactionHash = null;

                transactionHash = await web3.Eth.DeployContract
                                  .SendRequestAsync(abi, byteCode, senderAddress, new HexBigInteger(gas));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogError("Deployment failed!\n" + ex.StackTrace);
                return(new DeploymentResult()
                    Success = false, StatusMessage = "Deployment failed!"

            var transactionReceipt = await TryGetReceipt(web3, transactionHash);

            string contractAddress = null;

                contractAddress = transactionReceipt.ContractAddress;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogError("Error retrieving address: \n" + ex.StackTrace);

            var contract = await Task.Run(() => web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, contractAddress));

            ContractDAO contractDAO = new ContractDAO()
                Contract        = contract,
                Name            = name,
                Address         = contractAddress,
                Abi             = abi,
                CodeHash        = byteCode,
                StorageHash     = byteCode,
                CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()
            await Task.Run(() => SaveContractToXml(contractDAO, name));

            List <ContractDAO> contractList = null;

            if (!Cache.TryGetValue(Constants.CACHE_CONTRACT_LIST, out contractList))
                contractList = new List <ContractDAO>();

            Cache.Set(Constants.CACHE_CONTRACT_LIST, contractList);

            return(new DeploymentResult()
                ContractAddress = contractAddress,
                TransactionReceipt = transactionReceipt,
                TransactionHash = transactionHash,
                DeployedAtBlock = transactionReceipt.BlockNumber,
                OwnerAddress = senderAddress,
                GasPrice = transactionReceipt.GasUsed,
                Success = true
예제 #17
        protected virtual async Task <Dictionary <string, TransactionReceipt> > DeployContract(Web3 web3, IEnumerable <string> contracts, bool isMining,
                                                                                               Action <Dictionary <string, TransactionReceipt> > saveContract = null)
            var receipts = new Dictionary <string, TransactionReceipt>();

            var unlockResult =
                await web3.Personal.UnlockAccount.SendRequestAsync(AccountAddress, PassPhrase, 120);


            foreach (var contract in contracts)
                string deploy;
                switch (contract)
                    deploy = await web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(Abi[contract], Code[contract], AccountAddress, new HexBigInteger(2000000));


                var receipt = await MineAndGetReceiptAsync(web3, deploy, isMining);

                receipts.Add(contract, receipt);


예제 #18
        public static async Task <TheOtherService> DeployContractAndGetServiceAsync(Web3 web3, TheOtherDeployment theOtherDeployment, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = null)
            var receipt = await DeployContractAndWaitForReceiptAsync(web3, theOtherDeployment, cancellationTokenSource).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(new TheOtherService(web3, receipt.ContractAddress));
 public BankDemoAppR3Service(Web3 web3, string address)
     this.web3     = web3;
     this.contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(ABI, address);
예제 #20
 public StorageVsMemoryService(Web3 web3, string address)
     this.web3     = web3;
     this.contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(ABI, address);
예제 #21
        protected override async Task <TransactionReceipt> ExecuteAsync(RuntimeContext context, string contractAddress, Web3 web3)
            var algoStream = new AlgoStream(contractAddress, web3, context.GasPriceProvider);

            return(await algoStream.TerminateAsync());
 public StandardTokenService(Web3 web3, string address)
     this.Web3            = web3;
     this.Contract        = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, address);
     this.ContractHandler = web3.Eth.GetContractHandler(address);
예제 #23
 public EthereumClient(Web3 web3, NethereumOptions nethereumOptions)
     _web3 = web3;
     _expectedConfirmationsCount = nethereumOptions.TransactionConfirmationsCount ?? DefaultTransactionConfirmationsCount;
예제 #24
 public NonceCalculator(Web3 web3)
     _getTransactionCount = new EthGetTransactionCount(web3.Client);
     _client = web3.Client;
예제 #25
 public static GethTester GetLocal(Web3 web3)
     return new GethTester(web3, "0x12890d2cce102216644c59dae5baed380d84830c", "password");
 public Contract GetContract(Web3 web3, string contractAddress)
     _contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(_abi, contractAddress);
예제 #27
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if(! File.Exists(@"settings.json"))
                Console.WriteLine("Error a settings.json file must be provided with required settings");
            Console.WriteLine("Settings file is " + Path.GetFullPath("settings.json"));
            IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
              .AddJsonFile(Path.GetFullPath("settings.json"), true, true)

            /*"searchpath": [ "C:\\inuka_proj\\gitStorageDecodegit\\contracttest\\contracts" ],
               "inputfile": "C:\\inuka_proj\\gitStorageDecodegit\\contracttest\\contracts\\TestClassSimple.sol",
               "MapVariables": {
                    "simpleMap": [ "4", "5", "6", "7" ],
                    "var2": [ "7", "8", "9" ]
            List<string> searchpath = config.GetSection("searchpath").Get<List<string>>();
            String inputfile = config.GetSection("inputfile").Value;
            Console.WriteLine("inuput file is " + inputfile);
            var varsection = config.GetSection("MapVariables").GetChildren();
            foreach(var chld in varsection)
                List<string> keys= chld.Get<List<string>>();
                foreach (string ky in keys)
                    MultiKeyDecodeList.AddKey(chld.Key, ky);
            string address = config["address"];
            string ethURL = config["ethURL"];
                Console.WriteLine("address field is required");
                Console.WriteLine("URL to the ethereum node or Ganache must be provided");
            /*check node and web3 connectivity */
            Web3 web = new Web3(ethURL);
                var currentBlock = web.Eth.Blocks.GetBlockNumber.SendRequestAsync();
            catch(Exception exp)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: not able to connect to Ethereum node or Ganache with the following error "+exp.Message);
            string className = config["className"]; //for the case where multiple contracts are in the same file.
            string isdebug = config["debug"];
            if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isdebug) && isdebug.ToLower()=="true")
                ethGlobal.IsDebug = true;
            if (!File.Exists(inputfile))
                Console.WriteLine("Error the input file does not exist :" + inputfile);
            Dictionary<string, string> subContracts = SplitContractFiles(inputfile);
            if(subContracts.Keys.Count>1 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
                Console.WriteLine("Error class name needs to be provied for file containing multiple contracts");
            RunDecodingAndPrint(inputfile, address, ethURL, searchpath, subContracts, className);

예제 #28
 protected abstract Task <TransactionReceipt> ExecuteAsync(RuntimeContext context, Web3 web3);
 public static Task <string> DeployContractAsync(Web3 web3, string addressFrom, HexBigInteger gas = null, HexBigInteger valueAmount = null)
     return(web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(ABI, BYTE_CODE, addressFrom, gas, valueAmount));
예제 #30
        async Task IMusicAssetTransferService.UpdateLicenceTransaction(Guid id, Guid musicId)
            var transfer = musicAssetTransferRepository.GetSC(id);

            if (transfer == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Id does not exist in the system.", nameof(id));
            uint currentTime = (uint)DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTimestamp();

            var music = musicRepository.Get(musicId);

            if (music == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Music Id does not exist in the system.", nameof(musicId));

            transfer.IsConfirmed     = true;
            transfer.DateTransferred = currentTime;
            transfer.Key2            = music.Key2;

            var  deployContract    = ethereumService.DeployContract();
            bool isCreatedContract = false;

                var receipt = deployContract.Result;
                if (receipt == null)
                if (receipt.Status.Value == (new HexBigInteger(1)).Value)
                    isCreatedContract = true;

                    var function        = ethereumService.GetFunction(EthereumFunctions.AddTransactionMusic);
                    var transactionHash = await function.SendTransactionAsync(
                        new HexBigInteger(6000000),
                        new HexBigInteger(Nethereum.Web3.Web3.Convert.ToWei(10, UnitConversion.EthUnit.Gwei)),
                        new HexBigInteger(0),
                        functionInput : new object[] {

                    transfer.ContractAddress = ethereumService.GetMasterContractAddress();
                    transfer.TransactionHash = transactionHash;

                    music.OwnerId = (uint)transfer.BuyerId;
            }while (isCreatedContract != true);

            var privateKey = musicAssetTransferRepository.GetUserInfo(transfer.BuyerId).OwnerPrivateKey;
            //var privateKey = "0xC40B82DCA66F1B0F117851AEF8E40D197F55499B09858B89AF2F8FF3B4FE83F3";
            var  account     = new Account(privateKey);
            Web3 web3        = new Web3(account, "https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/aaceb4b7c236404e9eb5416bef5292e0");
            var  transaction = web3.Eth.GetEtherTransferService().TransferEtherAndWaitForReceiptAsync(transfer.ToId.ToString(), transfer.AmountValue);

            BackgroundJob.Schedule <IMusicAssetTransferUndergroundJob>(
                job => job.WaitForTransactionToSuccessThenFinishCreating(transfer),
예제 #31
 public static Task <string> DeployContractAsync(Web3 web3, TheOtherDeployment theOtherDeployment)
     return(web3.Eth.GetContractDeploymentHandler <TheOtherDeployment>().SendRequestAsync(theOtherDeployment));
예제 #32
        async Task <Guid> IMusicAssetTransferService.Create(Guid musicId, string fromUserId, string toUserId, int buyerId, TranTypes tranType, FanTypes fanType, int duration, decimal amountValue, string key2)
            var      music            = musicRepository.Get(musicId);
            DateTime startDate        = DateTime.UtcNow;
            uint     currentTime      = (uint)startDate.ToUnixTimestamp();
            DateTime endDate          = startDate.AddDays(duration);
            uint     endDateTimeStamp = (uint)endDate.ToUnixTimestamp();

            var transfer = new MusicAssetTransfer()
                MusicId         = music.Id,
                FromId          = fromUserId,
                ToId            = toUserId,
                BuyerId         = buyerId,
                Key2            = key2,
                DateTransferred = currentTime,
                TranType        = tranType,
                FanType         = fanType,
                DateStart       = currentTime,
                DateEnd         = endDateTimeStamp,
                IsPermanent     = false,
                IsConfirmed     = true,
                DateCreated     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                AmountValue     = amountValue

            var newTransferId = musicAssetTransferRepository.CreateAndReturnId(transfer);

            var  deployContract    = ethereumService.DeployContract();
            bool isCreatedContract = false;

                var receipt = deployContract.Result;
                if (receipt == null)
                if (receipt.Status.Value == (new HexBigInteger(1)).Value)
                    isCreatedContract = true;

                    var function = ethereumService.GetFunction(EthereumFunctions.AddTransactionMusic);

                    var transactionHash = await function.SendTransactionAsync(
                        new HexBigInteger(6000000),
                        new HexBigInteger(Nethereum.Web3.Web3.Convert.ToWei(10, UnitConversion.EthUnit.Gwei)),
                        new HexBigInteger(0),
                        functionInput : new object[] {

                    var privateKey = musicAssetTransferRepository.GetUserInfo(buyerId).OwnerPrivateKey;
                    //var privateKey = "0xC40B82DCA66F1B0F117851AEF8E40D197F55499B09858B89AF2F8FF3B4FE83F3";
                    var  account     = new Account(privateKey);
                    Web3 web3        = new Web3(account, "https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/aaceb4b7c236404e9eb5416bef5292e0");
                    var  transaction = web3.Eth.GetEtherTransferService().TransferEtherAndWaitForReceiptAsync(transfer.ToId.ToString(), amountValue);

                    transfer.TransactionHash = transactionHash;
                    transfer.ContractAddress = ethereumService.GetMasterContractAddress();
            }while (isCreatedContract != true);

            BackgroundJob.Schedule <IMusicAssetTransferUndergroundJob>(
                job => job.WaitForTransactionToSuccessThenFinishCreating(transfer),

예제 #33
 public TheOtherService(Web3 web3, string contractAddress)
     Web3            = web3;
     ContractHandler = web3.Eth.GetContractHandler(contractAddress);
예제 #34
 public static Task <TransactionReceipt> DeployContractAndWaitForReceiptAsync(Web3 web3, Constructor10Deployment constructor10Deployment, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = null)
     return(web3.Eth.GetContractDeploymentHandler <Constructor10Deployment>().SendRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(constructor10Deployment, cancellationTokenSource));
예제 #35
 public NethereumTestsBase(IEnumerable <string> contracts)
     Contracts = contracts;
     Web3      = new Web3();
예제 #36
        public static async Task <Constructor10Service> DeployContractAndGetServiceAsync(Web3 web3, Constructor10Deployment constructor10Deployment, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = null)
            var receipt = await DeployContractAndWaitForReceiptAsync(web3, constructor10Deployment, cancellationTokenSource);

            return(new Constructor10Service(web3, receipt.ContractAddress));
예제 #37
 public GethTester(Web3 web3, string account, string password)
     this.Web3     = new Web3(new ManagedAccount(account, password), web3.Client);
     this.Account  = account;
     this.Password = password;
예제 #38
        public async Task <HexBigInteger> GetBalance(string address)
            var web3 = new Web3(this.Network);

            return(await web3.Eth.GetBalance.SendRequestAsync(address));
예제 #39
 public static Task <string> DeployContractAsync(Web3 web3, Constructor10Deployment constructor10Deployment)
     return(web3.Eth.GetContractDeploymentHandler <Constructor10Deployment>().SendRequestAsync(constructor10Deployment));
예제 #40
 public async Task<TransactionReceipt> SendAndMineTransactionAsync(Web3.Web3 web3, string addressFrom,
     string pass, Func<Task<string>> transactionTask)
     var receitps =  await SendAndMineTransactionsAsync(web3, addressFrom, pass, transactionTask);
     return receitps[0];
예제 #41
 public Constructor10Service(Web3 web3, string contractAddress)
     Web3            = web3;
     ContractHandler = web3.Eth.GetContractHandler(contractAddress);
예제 #42
        private static async Task<TransactionReceipt> TransactionReceipt(Web3.Web3 web3, string transaction)
            var receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transaction);

            while (receipt == null)
                receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transaction);
            return receipt;
예제 #43
        public async Task<string> Test()
            //The compiled solidity contract to be deployed
            contract test { 
                uint _multiplier;
                event Multiplied(uint indexed a);
                function test(uint multiplier){
                    _multiplier = multiplier;
                function multiply(uint a, uint id) returns(uint d) { 
                    return a * _multiplier; 

            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var addressFrom = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59dae5baed380d84830c";

            var web3 = new Web3();

            //deploy the contract, including abi and a paramter of 7. 
            var transactionHash = await web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(abi, contractByteCode, addressFrom, 7);


            //the contract should be mining now

            //get the contract address 
            TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
            //wait for the contract to be mined to the address
            while (receipt == null)
                await Task.Delay(5000);
                receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);

            var multipliedEvent = contract.GetEvent("Multiplied");
            var filterAll = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync();
            //filter first indexed parameter
            var filter69 = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync(new object[] {69});

            await Task.Delay(2000);

            //get the function by name
            var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");
            var transaction69 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, null, 69);
            var transaction18 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, null, 18);
            var transaction7 =  await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, null, 7);

            TransactionReceipt receiptTransaction = null;

            while (receiptTransaction == null)
                await Task.Delay(5000);
                receiptTransaction = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transaction7);

            var logsAll = await web3.Eth.Filters.GetFilterChangesForEthNewFilter.SendRequestAsync(filterAll);
            var logs69 = await web3.Eth.Filters.GetFilterChangesForEthNewFilter.SendRequestAsync(filter69);

            return "All logs :" + logsAll.Length + " Logs for 69 " + logs69.Length;

예제 #44
        public async Task<string> Test()
            //The compiled solidity contract to be deployed
           contract test { 
                uint _multiplier;
                event Multiplied(uint indexed a, uint indexed result);
                event MultipliedLog(uint indexed a, uint indexed result, address sender, string hello );
                function test(uint multiplier){
                    _multiplier = multiplier;
                function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) {
                    d = a * _multiplier;
                    Multiplied(a, d);
                    MultipliedLog(a, d, msg.sender, "Hello world");
                    return d;
                function multiply1(uint a) returns(uint d) {
                    return a * _multiplier;
                function multiply2(uint a, uint b) returns(uint d){
                    return a * b;

            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var addressFrom = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59dae5baed380d84830c";
            var web3 = new Web3();
            var eth = web3.Eth;
            var transactions = eth.Transactions;

            //deploy the contract, including abi and a paramter of 7. 
            var transactionHash = await eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(abi, contractByteCode, addressFrom, new HexBigInteger(900000), 7);

            //the contract should be mining now

            //get the contract address 
            TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
            //wait for the contract to be mined to the address
            while (receipt == null)
                await Task.Delay(5000);
                receipt = await transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);

            var code = await web3.Eth.GetCode.SendRequestAsync(receipt.ContractAddress);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                throw new Exception("Code was not deployed correctly, verify bytecode or enough gas was uto deploy the contract");
            var contract = eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);

            var multipliedEvent = contract.GetEvent("Multiplied");
            var filterAllContract = await contract.CreateFilterAsync();
            var filterAll = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync();
            //filter on the first indexed parameter
            var filter69 = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync(69);
            //filter on the second indexed parameter
            var filter49 = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync<object, int>(null, 49);
            //filter OR on the first indexed parameter
            var filter69And18 = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync(new[] { 69, 18 });

            var multipliedEventLog =  contract.GetEvent("MultipliedLog");
            var filterAllLog = await multipliedEventLog.CreateFilterAsync();

            //get the function by name
            var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");
            var transaction69 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, 69);
            var transaction18 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, 18);
            var transaction7 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, 7);

            var multiplyFunction2 = contract.GetFunction("multiply2");
            var callResult = await multiplyFunction2.CallAsync<int>(7, 7);

            TransactionReceipt receiptTransaction = null;

            while (receiptTransaction == null)
                await Task.Delay(5000);
                receiptTransaction = await transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transaction7);

            var logs = await eth.Filters.GetFilterChangesForEthNewFilter.SendRequestAsync(filterAllContract);    
            var eventLogsAll = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filterAll);
            var eventLogs69 = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filter69);
            var eventLogsResult49 = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filter49);
            var eventLogsFor69and18 = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filter69And18);

            var multipliedLogEvents = await multipliedEventLog.GetFilterChanges<EventMultipliedSenderLog>(filterAllLog);

            return "All logs :" + eventLogsAll.Count + " Multiplied by 69 result: " +
                   eventLogs69.First().Event.Result + " Address is " + multipliedLogEvents.First().Event.Sender;
 public RegistryService(Web3 web3, string key, string address)
     this.web3 = web3;
     this._transactionService = new ConstantGasTransactionService(key, web3);
     this.contract            = web3.Eth.GetContract(ABI, address);
예제 #46
        protected override async Task <object> ExecuteAsync(RuntimeContext context, string contractAddress, Web3 web3)
            var algoToken = new AlgoTokenV1(contractAddress, web3, context.GasPriceProvider);

            return(await algoToken.TotalSupplyAsync());
예제 #47
 public async Task<string> DeployContract(Web3.Web3 web3, string addressFrom, string pass, string bytecode, bool mineIt)
     if (mineIt) return await DeployContract(web3, addressFrom, pass, bytecode);
     var receipt = await SendTransactionAsync(web3, addressFrom, pass, () => web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(bytecode, addressFrom, new HexBigInteger(900000)));
     return receipt.ContractAddress;
예제 #48
 public AttributeFacade(Web3 web3, ICertificateFacade certificateFacade, IContentService contentService, IAccountService accountService) : base(web3, accountService)
     _certificateFacade = certificateFacade;
     _contentService    = contentService;
예제 #49
 public TokenBalanceService(HttpClient httpClient, Web3 web3)
     _httpClient = httpClient;
     _web3       = web3;
예제 #50
        public async Task Test()
            //The compiled solidity contract to be deployed
          contract test { 
                uint _multiplier;
                event Multiplied(uint indexed a, uint indexed result);
                event MultipliedLog(uint indexed a, uint indexed result, string indexed hello, address sender );
                function test(uint multiplier){
                    _multiplier = multiplier;
                function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) {
                    d = a * _multiplier;
                    Multiplied(a, d);
                    MultipliedLog(a, d, "Hello world", msg.sender);
                    return d;
                function multiply1(uint a) returns(uint d) {
                    return a * _multiplier;
                function multiply2(uint a, uint b) returns(uint d){
                    return a * b;

            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var addressFrom = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59dae5baed380d84830c";
            var pass = "******";

            var web3 = new Web3(ClientFactory.GetClient());

            var result = await web3.Personal.UnlockAccount.SendRequestAsync(addressFrom, pass, new HexBigInteger(600000));
            Assert.True(result, "Account should be unlocked");


            var eth = web3.Eth;
            var transactions = eth.Transactions;

            //deploy the contract, including abi and a paramter of 7. 
            var transactionHash = await eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(abi, contractByteCode, addressFrom, new HexBigInteger(900000), 7);


            result = await web3.Miner.Start.SendRequestAsync(4);
            Assert.True(result, "Mining should have started");

            //the contract should be mining now

            //get the contract address 
            TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
            //wait for the contract to be mined to the address
            while (receipt == null)
                await Task.Delay(5000);
                receipt = await transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);

            var code = await web3.Eth.GetCode.SendRequestAsync(receipt.ContractAddress);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                throw new Exception("Code was not deployed correctly, verify bytecode or enough gas was uto deploy the contract");
            var contract = eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);

            var multipliedEvent = contract.GetEvent("Multiplied");
            var filterAllContract = await contract.CreateFilterAsync();
            var filterAll = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync();
            //filter on the first indexed parameter
            var filter69 = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync(69);
            //filter on the second indexed parameter
            var filter49 = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync<object, int>(null, 49);
            //filter OR on the first indexed parameter
            var filter69And18 = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync(new[] { 69, 18 });

            var multipliedEventLog =  contract.GetEvent("MultipliedLog");
            var filterAllLog = await multipliedEventLog.CreateFilterAsync();

            //get the function by name
            var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");
            var gas = await multiplyFunction.EstimateGasAsync(69);
            var transaction69 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, 69);
            var transaction18 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, 18);
            var transaction7 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, 7);

            var multiplyFunction2 = contract.GetFunction("multiply2");
            var callResult = await multiplyFunction2.CallAsync<int>(7, 7);

            TransactionReceipt receiptTransaction = null;

            while (receiptTransaction == null)
                await Task.Delay(5000);
                receiptTransaction = await transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transaction7);

            result = await web3.Miner.Stop.SendRequestAsync();
            Assert.True(result, "Mining should have stopped");

            var logs = await eth.Filters.GetFilterChangesForEthNewFilter.SendRequestAsync(filterAllContract);    
            var eventLogsAll = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filterAll);
            var eventLogs69 = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filter69);
            var eventLogsResult49 = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filter49);
            var eventLogsFor69and18 = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filter69And18);

            var multipliedLogEvents = await multipliedEventLog.GetFilterChanges<EventMultipliedSenderLog>(filterAllLog);

            Assert.Equal(eventLogs69.First().Event.Result, 483);
            Assert.Equal(multipliedLogEvents.First().Event.Hello, "0xed6c11b0b5b808960df26f5bfc471d04c1995b0ffd2055925ad1be28d6baadfd"); //The sha3 keccak of "Hello world" as it is an indexed string
            Assert.Equal(multipliedLogEvents.First().Event.Sender, addressFrom);

예제 #51
 public GethTester(Web3 web3, string account, string password)
     Web3 = web3;
     Account = account;
     Password = password;
예제 #52
 public ConsoleService(Web3 web3, CoffeeEconomyService coffeeEconomyService)
     _web3 = web3;
     _coffeeEconomyService = coffeeEconomyService;
예제 #53
        public async Task<string> Test()
            //The compiled solidity contract to be deployed
              contract test { 
                function test1() returns(int) { 
                   int d = 3457987492347979798742;
                   return d;
                  function test2(int d) returns(int) { 
                   return d;
                function test3(int d)returns(int){
                    int x = d + 1 -1;
                    return x;
                function test4(int d)returns(bool){
                    return d == 3457987492347979798742;
                function test5(int d)returns(bool){
                    return d == -3457987492347979798742;
                function test6(int d)returns(bool){
                    return d == 500;
                function test7(int256 d)returns(bool){
                    return d == 74923479797565;
                function test8(int256 d)returns(bool){
                    return d == 9223372036854775808;

            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var addressFrom = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59dae5baed380d84830c";

            var web3 = new Web3();

            var pass = "******";
            var result = await web3.Personal.UnlockAccount.SendRequestAsync(addressFrom, pass, new HexBigInteger(600));

            //deploy the contract, including abi and a paramter of 7. 
            var transactionHash =
                    web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(contractByteCode, addressFrom,
                        new HexBigInteger(900000));

            //get the contract address 
            TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
            //wait for the contract to be mined to the address
            while (receipt == null)
                await Task.Delay(500);
                receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);
            var test1 = contract.GetFunction("test1");
            Assert.Equal("3457987492347979798742", (await test1.CallAsync<BigInteger>()).ToString());
            var test2 = contract.GetFunction("test2");
            Assert.Equal("3457987492347979798742", (await test2.CallAsync<BigInteger>(BigInteger.Parse("3457987492347979798742"))).ToString());

            var test3 = contract.GetFunction("test3");
            Assert.Equal("3457987492347979798742", (await test3.CallAsync<BigInteger>(BigInteger.Parse("3457987492347979798742"))).ToString());

            var test4 = contract.GetFunction("test4");
            Assert.True(await test4.CallAsync<bool>(BigInteger.Parse("3457987492347979798742")));

            var test5 = contract.GetFunction("test5");
            Assert.True(await test5.CallAsync<bool>(BigInteger.Parse("-3457987492347979798742")));

            var test6 = contract.GetFunction("test6");
            Assert.True(await test6.CallAsync<bool>(BigInteger.Parse("500")));

            var test8 = contract.GetFunction("test8");
            Assert.True(await test8.CallAsync<bool>(BigInteger.Parse("9223372036854775808")));

            return "OK";
예제 #54
        public RecoverModel EcRecover(Address sender, Signature signature, byte[] data)
            var hash = Hash.Of(Web3.Sha3(System.Convert.ToBase64String(data)));

            return(EcRecover(sender, signature, hash));
        public async void ShouldDeployAContractWithValueAndSendAValue()
            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var web3 = new Web3(ClientFactory.GetClient());

            var gethTester = GethTesterFactory.GetLocal(web3);

            await gethTester.StartMining();
            await gethTester.UnlockAccount();
            var transaction =
                    web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(abi, contractByteCode,
                        gethTester.Account, new HexBigInteger(900000), new HexBigInteger(10000));

            var receipt = await gethTester.GetTransactionReceipt(transaction);

            await gethTester.StopMining();

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);

            //get the function by name
            var valueFuntion = contract.GetFunction("value");

            //do a function call (not transaction) and get the result
            var callResult = await valueFuntion.CallAsync<int>();
            Assert.Equal(5000, callResult);

            var confirmPurchaseFunction = contract.GetFunction("confirmPurchase");
            var tx = await confirmPurchaseFunction.SendTransactionAsync(gethTester.Account,
                new HexBigInteger(900000), new HexBigInteger(10000));
            await gethTester.StartMining();
            receipt = await gethTester.GetTransactionReceipt(tx);
            await gethTester.StopMining();

            var stateFunction = contract.GetFunction("state");
            callResult = await stateFunction.CallAsync<int>();
            Assert.Equal(1, callResult);

예제 #56
        public async Task<string> Test()

            var web3 = new Web3("");
            var address = "0x63c2ee74201b99de5e76198a7b2e6540bca83347";
            var pass = "******";
            var result = await web3.Personal.UnlockAccount.SendRequestAsync(address, pass, new HexBigInteger(600));
            var newAccount = await web3.Personal.NewAccount.SendRequestAsync("password");
            var accounts = await web3.Personal.ListAccounts.SendRequestAsync();
            return "New account : " + newAccount + " all accounts: " + string.Join(",", accounts);