예제 #1
        private void locationBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                locationName = locationBox.Text.Trim();
                locationInfo = gMapsRef.locationReturn(locationName);

                //Get the city from location information for the weather
                cityFromGAPI = fc.FindCity(locationInfo.Address);

                //Get the country from location information for the weather
                countryFromGAPI = fc.FindCountry(locationInfo.Address);

                if (cityFromGAPI == "False Entry" || countryFromGAPI == "False Entry")
                    outputRich.Text = "Try a place, not a city or country!";
                    weatherReport = oWeatherRef.WeatherReturn(cityFromGAPI, countryFromGAPI);

                    outputRich.Text =
                        "Address: " + locationInfo.Address + "\n" +
                        "Location Name: " + locationInfo.Name + "\n" +
                        "Rating: " + locationInfo.Rating + "\n\n" +
                        "Weather Description: " + weatherReport.Description + "\n" +
                        "High Of: " + weatherReport.TempMax + " degrees\n" +
                        "Low Of: " + weatherReport.TempMin + " degrees\n";
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #2
        public WeatherReport weatherReport()
            var report = new WeatherReport
                City    = "Vancouver",
                details = new List <Detail>()
                    new Detail {
                        Date            = DateTime.Parse("2020-04-17"),
                        MeanTemperature = 10
                    new Detail {
                        Date            = DateTime.Parse("2020-04-18"),
                        MeanTemperature = 20
                    new Detail {
                        Date            = DateTime.Parse("2020-04-19"),
                        MeanTemperature = 17
                    new Detail {
                        Date            = DateTime.Parse("2020-04-25"),
                        MeanTemperature = 16

        public async Task <IActionResult> PutWeatherReport(Guid id, WeatherReport weatherReport)
            if (id != weatherReport.WeatherReportId)

            _context.Entry(weatherReport).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!WeatherReportExists(id))

        public async Task <ActionResult <WeatherReport> > PostWeatherReport(WeatherReport weatherReport)
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetWeatherReport", new { id = weatherReport.WeatherReportId }, weatherReport));
예제 #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] Contracts.WeatherReport weatherReport)
            var stadium = await context.Stadiums.Where(s => s.Name == weatherReport.Stadium).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            if (stadium == null)
                return(BadRequest($"No stadium could be found by name {weatherReport.Stadium}"));

            var model = new WeatherReport()
                CreatedDate  = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                EmailAddress = weatherReport.EmailAddress,
                ReportTime   = weatherReport.ReportTime.Value,
                Stadium      = stadium,
                TemperatureDegreesFahrenheit = weatherReport.TemperatureDegreesFahrenheit.Value,
                WeatherDescription           = weatherReport.WeatherDescription

            stadium.CurrentWeather = model;

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #6
        public List <WeatherReport> GetWeatherForAllNodes(DateTime?time = null)
            List <WeatherReport> reports = new List <WeatherReport>();

            foreach (var matchingNode in _config.Nodes)
                if (matchingNode == null)
                var fixedPointLat = matchingNode.Latitude;
                var fixedPointLon = matchingNode.Longitude;

                var lat = FixedPointCoordConversion.ToFloat(fixedPointLat);
                var lon = FixedPointCoordConversion.ToFloat(fixedPointLon);

                var request  = time.HasValue ? new ForecastIORequest(_config.APIKey, lat, lon, time.Value, Unit.us) : new ForecastIORequest(_config.APIKey, lat, lon, Unit.us);
                var response = request.Get();
                var report   = new WeatherReport();
                report.Hourly = response.hourly?.data?.Select(x => MapWeatherHourly(x, fixedPointLat, fixedPointLon)).ToList();
                report.Daily  = response.daily?.data?.Select(x => MapWeatherDaily(x, fixedPointLat, fixedPointLon)).ToList();
예제 #7
        public async Task Send(WeatherReport data)
            // simulate delay
            await Task.Delay(100);

            await Clients.All.SendAsync("Receive", data);
예제 #8
        public WeatherReport GetWeather(string city)
            var weatherClient = new OpenWeatherMapClient();
            var weatherObject = weatherClient.GetWeather(city);

            WeatherReport report = new WeatherReport();

            Temperature tempatureInfo = new Temperature
                Current = weatherObject.Result.main.temp,
                Low     = weatherObject.Result.main.temp_min,
                High    = weatherObject.Result.main.temp_max

            report.Temperatures = tempatureInfo;

            report.Pressure = weatherObject.Result.main.pressure;
            report.Humidity = weatherObject.Result.main.humidity;

            Winds wind = new Winds
                Speed     = weatherObject.Result.wind.speed,
                Direction = weatherObject.Result.wind.deg

            report.Winds = wind;

            report.Description = "Here is today's weather data for " + city + "!";

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the data from a sensor type in the blob storage
        /// according to the date, device and sensor type that are
        /// entered as the parameters and packs the data in as a weather report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dateText"></param>
        /// <param name="deviceName"></param>
        /// <param name="sensorName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public WeatherReport GetWeatherReport(string dateText, string deviceName, string sensorName)
            List <SensorType> data = GetDataFromFile(dateText, deviceName, sensorName);

            if (data == null)

            DateTime date   = DateTime.Parse(dateText);
            var      device = new Device
                DeviceName = deviceName,
                Date       = date

            List <SensorList> sensorTypes = new List <SensorList>();
            SensorList        sensorList  = new SensorList();

            sensorList.sensorName = sensorName;
            sensorList.sensorList = data;

            WeatherReport report = new WeatherReport();

            report.Device      = device;
            report.SensorTypes = sensorTypes;

예제 #10
        //Removing stale data from city report
        private WeatherReport RemoveStaleWeatherData(WeatherReport existingCityDetails, WeatherReport model)
                List <Detail> removedDetails = existingCityDetails.details.Where(x => !model.details.Any(y => y.Date == x.Date)).ToList();
                for (int i = existingCityDetails.details.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                    Detail detail = existingCityDetails.details[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j <= removedDetails.Count() - 1; j++)
                        Detail removedDetail = removedDetails[j];
                        if (detail.Date == removedDetail.Date)
                _sharedMemory.weatherReports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.City == model.City).details = existingCityDetails.details;

                return(_sharedMemory.weatherReports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.City == model.City));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error removing stale data for existing city \n" + ex.Message);
예제 #11
        //updating existing report for already present days
        private WeatherReport UpdateTemeperatureForExistingDay(WeatherReport existingCityDetails, WeatherReport model)
            List <Detail> updatedTemperatureDetails;

                updatedTemperatureDetails = model.details.Where(x => existingCityDetails.details.Any(y => y.Date == x.Date && y.MeanTemperature != x.MeanTemperature)).ToList();
                if (updatedTemperatureDetails != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < updatedTemperatureDetails.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < existingCityDetails.details.Count(); j++)
                            if (existingCityDetails.details[j].Date == updatedTemperatureDetails[i].Date)
                                existingCityDetails.details[j].MeanTemperature = updatedTemperatureDetails[i].MeanTemperature;
                _sharedMemory.weatherReports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.City == model.City).details = existingCityDetails.details;
                return(_sharedMemory.weatherReports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.City == model.City));

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error updating existing temperature for the day \n" + ex.Message);
예제 #12
        //Save Weather Report
        public WeatherReport SaveWeatherReport(WeatherReport model)
            if (model == null)
                throw new ValidationException("request body can not be empty.");

            List <DateTime> duplicateDates = model.details.Select(x => x.Date).Distinct().ToList();

            if (duplicateDates.Count < model.details.Count)
                throw new DuplicateReportForSameDay("Duplicate weather record for same day is found. Please check");

                var isExists = _sharedMemory.weatherReports.Any(x => x.City == model.City);
                if (!isExists)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("error updating existing city details \n" + ex.Message);
            return(_sharedMemory.weatherReports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.City == model.City));
        public async Task <List <WeatherReport> > PostAsync([FromBody] CityInput cityInput)
            List <WeatherReport> weatherReportList = new List <WeatherReport>();

            using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler())
                using (var client = new HttpClient(handler))
                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://api.openweathermap.org/");
                        new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                    foreach (var city in cityInput.Cities)
                        var response = await client.GetAsync("/data/2.5/weather?id=" + city.id + "&appid=aa69195559bd4f88d79f9aadeb77a8f6");

                        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            WeatherReport weatherReport = new WeatherReport();
                            weatherReport = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <WeatherReport>();

예제 #14
        public WeatherInfo GetWeatherInfo(double lat, double lon)
            WeatherReport weatherReport = new WeatherReport();

            var client = new RestClient(uriString);

            var request = new RestRequest("/weather", Method.GET);

            request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;

            request.AddParameter("lat", lat);
            request.AddParameter("lon", lon);

            IRestResponse <WeatherReport> response = client.Execute <WeatherReport>(request);

            weatherReport = response.Data;

            WeatherInfo weatherInfo = new WeatherInfo();

            if (weatherReport != null)
                weatherInfo.TemperatureDegF = weatherReport.KelvinToDegF(weatherReport.main.temp);
                weatherInfo.LastUpdate      = weatherReport.LongToDateTime(weatherReport.dt);
                if (weatherReport.weather.Count > 0)
                    weatherInfo.Conditions   = weatherReport.weather[0].description;
                    weatherInfo.IconName     = weatherReport.IconToIconName(weatherReport.weather [0].icon);
                    weatherInfo.IconURL      = weatherReport.IconToUrl(weatherReport.weather[0].icon);
                    weatherInfo.LocationName = weatherReport.name;

예제 #15
        public static WeatherReportDto ToWeatherReportDto(WeatherReport weatherReport)
            var forecastConditions = weatherReport.Report.Forecast.Conditions.FirstOrDefault();

            return(new WeatherReportDto
                DateIssued = weatherReport.Report.Conditions.DateIssued,
                FlightRules = weatherReport.Report.Conditions.FlightRules,
                Pressure = weatherReport.Report.Conditions.PressureHg,
                Temperature = weatherReport.Report.Conditions.TempC,
                VisibilityDistance = weatherReport.Report.Conditions.Visibility.DistanceSm,
                WindDirection = weatherReport.Report.Conditions.Wind.Direction.ToString(),
                WindSpeed = weatherReport.Report.Conditions.Wind.SpeedKts.ToString(),
                Text = weatherReport.Report.Conditions.Text,
                TafReport = new WeatherForeCastReport
                    DateIssued = weatherReport.Report.Forecast.DateIssued,
                    DateStart = weatherReport.Report.Forecast.Period.DateStart,
                    DateEnd = weatherReport.Report.Forecast.Period.DateEnd,
                    FlightRules = forecastConditions.FlightRules,
                    VisibilityDistance = forecastConditions.Visibility.DistanceSm,
                    WindDirection = forecastConditions.Wind.Direction.ToString(),
                    WindSpeed = forecastConditions.Wind.SpeedKts.ToString(),
                    Text = weatherReport.Report.Forecast.Text
예제 #16
        public ActionResult <WeatherReport> SaveWeatherReport(WeatherReport model)
            var authorizationHeader  = Request.Headers["Authorization"];
            var weatherReportService = new WeatherReportService(_sharedMemory, _config);
            //validating user access
            bool validUser = weatherReportService.ValidateUserToken(authorizationHeader);

            if (!validUser)
                _logger.LogError("Unauthorized/Invalid user detected while accessing save report API.");

            //saving weather rport
            if (model == null)
                _logger.LogError("request body can not be empty.");
                throw new ValidationException("request body can not be empty.");

            _logger.LogInformation("Calling weatherReportService to save weather report.");
            var weatherReport = weatherReportService.SaveWeatherReport(model);

예제 #17
        //Updating existing city report
        private void UpdateExistingCityReport(WeatherReport model)
            var existingCityDetails = _sharedMemory.weatherReports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.City == model.City);

            existingCityDetails = UpdateTemeperatureForExistingDay(existingCityDetails, model);
            existingCityDetails = UpdateExistingCityReportWithNewDays(existingCityDetails, model);
            existingCityDetails = RemoveStaleWeatherData(existingCityDetails, model);
예제 #18
        public void TestGlobalWeather()
            GlobalWeather gw = new GlobalWeather();
            WeatherReport wr = gw.getWeatherReport("LEBL");

            Assert.AreEqual("LEBL", wr.station.icao);
            Assert.AreEqual("Barcelona / Aeropuerto", wr.station.name);
예제 #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
             * More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern
             * What problems can the Observer design pattern solve?
             * A one-to-many dependency between objects should be defined without making the objects tightly coupled.
             * It should be ensured that when one object changes state an open-ended number of dependent objects are updated automatically.
             * It should be possible that one object can notify an open-ended number of other objects.
             * Defining a one-to-many dependency between objects by defining one object (subject)
             * that updates the state of dependent objects directly is inflexible because it commits (tightly couples) the subject to particular dependent objects.
             * Tightly coupled objects are hard to implement, change, test,
             * and reuse because they refer to and know about (how to update) many different objects with different interfaces.

            #region Observer pattern

            // Configure Observer pattern

            ConcreteSubject subject = new ConcreteSubject();

            subject.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(subject, "X"));

            subject.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(subject, "Y"));

            subject.Attach(new ConcreteObserver(subject, "Z"));

            // Change subject and notify observers

            subject.SubjectState = "ABC";



            #region .Net implementation of observer pattern

            var publisherWeatherStation = new WeatherReport();

            var subscriberGermanyWeatherStation     = new GermanyWeatherStation();
            var subscriberIranWeatherStation        = new IranWeatherStation();
            var subscriberUnitedStateWeatherStation = new UnitedStateWeatherStation();

            publisherWeatherStation.WeatherChanged += subscriberGermanyWeatherStation.GermanyWeatherChanged;
            publisherWeatherStation.WeatherChanged += subscriberIranWeatherStation.IranWeatherChanged;
            publisherWeatherStation.WeatherChanged += subscriberUnitedStateWeatherStation.UnitedStateWeatherChanged;

            publisherWeatherStation.ReportWeather(new WeatherEventArgs(temperature: 30));


예제 #20
        public void ThenICreateAReportWithMinAndMaxTemperatureFor(string cityName)
            var    file     = new FileHelper();
            var    htmlPage = new WeatherReport();
            string data     = htmlPage.ConstructCurrentWeatherReportInHtml(minTemp, maxTemp, cityName);
            string fileName = file.GetWorkingDirectory() + @"\WeatherReportFiles\CurrentWeatherReport-" + cityName + ".html";

            file.CreateAndWriteToFile(fileName, data);
예제 #21
        public void ThenICreateTheWeatherReportFor(string cityName)
            var    file     = new FileHelper();
            var    htmlPage = new WeatherReport();
            string data     = htmlPage.ConstructWeatherReportInHtml(weatherObj, hottestDay);
            string fileName = file.GetWorkingDirectory() + @"\WeatherReportFiles\WeeklyWeatherReport-" + cityName + ".html";

            file.CreateAndWriteToFile(fileName, data);
예제 #22
        public void Initalize()
            var testHelper = new TestHelper();

            _config              = testHelper.Configuration;
            _sharedMemory        = new SharedMemory();
            _weatherReport       = testHelper.weatherReport();
            weatherReportService = new WeatherReportService(_sharedMemory, _config);
        public IActionResult sortDays(WeatherReport weatherReport)
            var listofDays = _context.DailyData
                             .Where(d => d.temperatureMax > 30)

            ViewData["days"] = listofDays;

예제 #24
        public void Should_GetMinTemperatureOf2_When_GetSmallestTemperatureSpreadIsRun()
            // Arrange
            var report = new WeatherReport <IDailyTemperature>(MockedData.GetExpectedTemperatures());

            // Act
            var min = report.GetSmallestTemperatureSpread();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, min);
예제 #25
        public void Should_GetMaxTemperatureOf54_When_GetLargestTemperatureSpreadIsRun()
            // Arrange
            var report = new WeatherReport <IDailyTemperature>(MockedData.GetExpectedTemperatures());

            // Act
            var max = report.GetLargestTemperatureSpread();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(54, max); // 86 vs. 32 degrees in weather.dat
예제 #26
        public IActionResult GetAllSensorTypesAsync(string date, string deviceName)
            WeatherReport report = _weatherRepository.GetWeatherReport(date, deviceName);

            if (report == null)
                return(NotFound("No records found..."));

        // todo: consider making a generic method that these all call.
        // given more time perhaps I could make these generic. On the other hand this
        // can make things a bit unreadable and over optimized. It will do for now.
        // meeting the requirement is my priority for now.

        private static List <string> GetWeatherDescriptions(WeatherReport src)
            var result = new List <string>();

            foreach (var weather in src.weather)

예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a weather report object out of a ipma object
        /// that comes from IPMA's API, extracting only the relevant information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipma">IPMA object from JSON deserialization of IPMA's API response</param>
        /// <param name="date">The weather forecast date of the report</param>
        /// <param name="locationcode">The location code of the city in the weather report</param>
        /// <returns>The WeatherReport object constructed from IPMA info</returns>
        private WeatherReport IPMAToWeatherReport(IPMA ipma, DateTime date, string locationcode)
            WeatherReport wr = new WeatherReport();

            wr.Location    = locationCodes[locationcode];
            wr.Date        = date;
            wr.TempMax     = ipma.tMax.ToString();
            wr.TempMin     = ipma.tMin.ToString();
            wr.WeatherType = forecastDescPT[int.Parse(ipma.idTipoTempo)];

예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a map with forecast info and suggests whether to drink beer there or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">Location query string.</param>
        /// <param name="blobName">Blob name on Azure blob storage.</param>
        /// <returns>ImageFile object with blob name.</returns>
        private async Task <ImageFile> CreateMap(string location, string blobName)
            SearchAddressResult result    = _mapServices.SearchAddress(location);
            ImageFile           imageFile = _mapServices.GetMapImage(result.Position.Lon, result.Position.Lat, _mapZoom, blobName);

            // Add the weather report to the map
            WeatherReport weatherReport = await _openWeatherService.GetWeatherReport(result.Position.Lat, result.Position.Lon);

            imageFile.Bytes = AddReportToMap(imageFile.Bytes, weatherReport);

예제 #30
        public void TestLoadWeatherReport()
            string        xml    = ReadFile(Path.Combine(testFilesLocation, "SampleReport.xml"));
            WeatherReport report = XmlLoader.ParseWeatherReport(xml, defaultZip);

            Assert.AreEqual(defaultZip, report.ZipCode);
            Assert.AreEqual("97.0", report.HighTemp);
            Assert.AreEqual("78.0", report.LowTemp);
            Assert.AreEqual("76.0", report.CurrentTemp);
            Assert.AreEqual("75.0", report.ApparentTemp);
            Assert.AreEqual("11.0", report.ChanceOfPrecipitation);
            Assert.AreEqual("Mostly Clear", report.CurrentConditions);
예제 #31
        public void SetWunderground(WundergroundData data)
            if (data.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[0].high.celsius.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())

            this.wunderground = data;

            this.weatherReport = new WeatherReport()
                Temp = data.current_observation.temp_c,
                WindDir = data.current_observation.wind_dir,
                WindSpeed = data.current_observation.wind_kph,
                Icon = weatherIcons.Where(x=>x.Wunderground.Equals(data.current_observation.icon)).Select(y=>y.Css).FirstOrDefault(),
                Daily = new List<WeatherDayForecast>(),
                Hourly = new List<WeatherHourForecast>()

            for(int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++)
                weatherReport.Daily.Add(new WeatherDayForecast() {
                    RainChance = data.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[i].pop,
                    Date = data.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[i].date,
                    TempHigh = data.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[i].high.celsius,
                    TempLow = data.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[i].low.celsius

            foreach(HourlyForecast hf in data.hourly_forecast)
                weatherReport.Hourly.Add(new WeatherHourForecast()
                    Hour = int.Parse(hf.FCTTIME.hour),
                    RainFall = double.Parse(hf.qpf.metric),
                    RainChance = int.Parse(hf.pop)
예제 #32
 public UserNewsFeed(string friendsActivities, WeatherReport weatherReport)
     this.FriendsActivities = friendsActivities;
     this.WeatherReport = weatherReport;
예제 #33
        public static WeatherReport WundergroundQuery()
            using (var client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler(), true))
                string apikey = "1859ccf0821879ad";
                string backupapikey = "5defeac1eb748efd";
                string pws = "IZUIDHOL158";
                string query = string.Format("http://api.wunderground.com/api/{0}/conditions/forecast/hourly/q/pws:{1}.json", backupapikey, pws);

                var json = client.GetStringAsync(query).Result;

                var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WundergroundData>(json);

                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-day-sunny", Wunderground = "sunny" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-day-sunny", Wunderground = "clear" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-day-sunny", Wunderground = "mostlysunny" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-day-sunny", Wunderground = "partlysunny" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-cloudy", Wunderground = "cloudy" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-cloudy", Wunderground = "mostlycloudy" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-cloudy", Wunderground = "partlycloudy" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-rain", Wunderground = "rain" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-rain", Wunderground = "chancerain" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-sleet", Wunderground = "chancesleet" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-sleet", Wunderground = "sleet" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-thunderstorm", Wunderground = "chancetstorms" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-thunderstorm", Wunderground = "tstorms" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-snow", Wunderground = "chanceflurries" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-snow", Wunderground = "chancesnow" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-snow", Wunderground = "flurries" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-snow", Wunderground = "snow" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-fog", Wunderground = "fog" });
                weatherIcons.Add(new WeatherIcon { Css = "wi-fog", Wunderground = "hazy" });

                var weatherReport = new WeatherReport()
                    Temp = data.current_observation.temp_c,
                    WindDir = data.current_observation.wind_dir,
                    WindSpeed = data.current_observation.wind_kph,
                    Icon = weatherIcons.Where(x => x.Wunderground.Equals(data.current_observation.icon)).Select(y => y.Css).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Daily = new List<WeatherDayForecast>(),
                    Hourly = new List<WeatherHourForecast>()

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    weatherReport.Daily.Add(new WeatherDayForecast()
                        RainChance = data.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[i].pop,
                        Date = data.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[i].date,
                        TempHigh = data.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[i].high.celsius,
                        TempLow = data.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[i].low.celsius

                foreach (HourlyForecast hf in data.hourly_forecast)
                    weatherReport.Hourly.Add(new WeatherHourForecast()
                        Hour = int.Parse(hf.FCTTIME.hour),
                        RainFall = double.Parse(hf.qpf.metric),
                        RainChance = int.Parse(hf.pop)

                return weatherReport;