async Task ExecuteGetWeather() { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; try { var client = new WeatherAPIClient(BaseUrl, new HttpClient()); var items = await client.WeatherForecastAsync(); foreach (var item in items) { Items.Add(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { await DisplayAlert("Error!", $"Something has gone wrong: {ex.Message}", "OK"); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
public static async Task Main() { // Create a new WeatherAPI API client with API key. var weatherApiClient = new WeatherAPIClient(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("API_KEY")); var sports = await weatherApiClient.Sports.GetSportsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (sports.Cricket == null || sports.Cricket.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("There aren't currently any cricket events available."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Found {sports.Cricket.Length} cricket events:"); foreach (var cricket in sports.Cricket) { Console.WriteLine($"{cricket.Match}, {cricket.Start}"); } } Console.WriteLine(); if (sports.Football == null || sports.Football.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("There aren't currently any football events available."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Found {sports.Football.Length} football events:"); foreach (var football in sports.Football) { Console.WriteLine($"{football.Match}, {football.Start}"); } } Console.WriteLine(); if (sports.Golf == null || sports.Golf.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("There aren't currently any golf events available."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Found {sports.Golf.Length} golf events:"); foreach (var golf in sports.Golf) { Console.WriteLine($"{golf.Match}, {golf.Start}"); } } // Keeps the console window open at the end of the program. Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //We share the same EXE for both the main program and the task //Decide which one to start based on the command line parameters if (args != null && args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "--Task") { WeatherAPIClient.TaskMain(args).Wait(); } else { Job.JobMain(args); } }
public static async Task Main() { // Create a new WeatherAPI API client with API key. var weatherApiClient = new WeatherAPIClient(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("API_KEY")); var ipLookup = await weatherApiClient.IPLookup.LookIPAddressAsync(IPAddress).ConfigureAwait(false); var stringFormat = "The IP address is located within {0}, {1}, {2}."; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(stringFormat, ipLookup.City, ipLookup.Country, ipLookup.Continent)); // Keeps the console window open at the end of the program. Console.ReadLine(); }
public static async Task Main() { // Create a new WeatherAPI API client with API key. var weatherApiClient = new WeatherAPIClient(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("API_KEY")); var timeZone = await weatherApiClient.TimeZones.GetTimeZoneAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var stringFormat = "The local time in {0}, {1} is {2}."; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(stringFormat, timeZone.Location.Name, timeZone.Location.Country, timeZone.Location.LocalTime)); // Keeps the console window open at the end of the program. Console.ReadLine(); }
public static async Task Main() { // Create a new WeatherAPI API client with API key. var weatherApiClient = new WeatherAPIClient(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("API_KEY")); var request = new RequestEntity() .WithCityName("London"); var astronomyResponse = await weatherApiClient.Astronomy.GetAstronomyAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); var stringFormat = "Sunrise in {0}, {1} is {2}, and the moon phase is {3}."; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(stringFormat, astronomyResponse.Location.Name, astronomyResponse.Location.Country, astronomyResponse.Astronomy.Astro.Sunrise, astronomyResponse.Astronomy.Astro.MoonPhase)); // Keeps the console window open at the end of the program. Console.ReadLine(); }
public static async Task Main() { // Create a new WeatherAPI API client with API key. var weatherApiClient = new WeatherAPIClient(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("API_KEY")); var request = new HistoryRequestEntity() .WithDate(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5)); var history = await weatherApiClient.History.GetHistoryAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); var stringFormat = "The forecast in {0}, {1} was:"; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(stringFormat, history.Location.Name, history.Location.Country)); foreach (var forecast in history.Forecast.ForecastDay) { Console.WriteLine($"{forecast.Date} - {forecast.Day.Condition.Description}"); } // Keeps the console window open at the end of the program. Console.ReadLine(); }
public static async Task Main() { // Create a new WeatherAPI API client with API key. var weatherApiClient = new WeatherAPIClient(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("API_KEY")); var currentWeather = await weatherApiClient.Realtime.GetCurrentAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var stringFormat = "The weather in {0}, {1} is {2} degrees C and {3}!"; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(stringFormat, currentWeather.Location.Name, currentWeather.Location.Country, currentWeather.Current.TemperatureC, currentWeather.Current.Condition.Description)); var request = new RealtimeRequestEntity() .WithAirQualityData(true) .WithCityName("London") .WithLanguage("fr"); var londonWeather = await weatherApiClient.Realtime.GetCurrentAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(stringFormat, londonWeather.Location.Name, londonWeather.Location.Country, londonWeather.Current.TemperatureC, londonWeather.Current.Condition.Description)); // Keeps the console window open at the end of the program. Console.ReadLine(); }
public static async Task Main() { // Create a new WeatherAPI API client with API key. var weatherApiClient = new WeatherAPIClient(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("API_KEY")); var request = new ForecastRequestEntity() .WithCityName("London") .WithAlerts(true) .WithDays(5); var forecastResponse = await weatherApiClient.Forecast.GetForecastAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); var stringFormat = "The forecast in {0}, {1} is:"; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(stringFormat, forecastResponse.Location.Name, forecastResponse.Location.Country)); foreach (var forecast in forecastResponse.Forecast.ForecastDay) { Console.WriteLine($"{forecast.Date} - {forecast.Day.Condition.Description}"); } // Keeps the console window open at the end of the program. Console.ReadLine(); }
public static async Task Main() { // Create a new WeatherAPI API client with API key. var weatherApiClient = new WeatherAPIClient(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("API_KEY")); var searchResults = await weatherApiClient.Search.SearchAsync(SearchQuery).ConfigureAwait(false); if (searchResults != null && searchResults.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Search found {searchResults.Length} results for \"{SearchQuery}\":"); foreach (var result in searchResults) { Console.WriteLine(result.Name); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Search was not able to find any results for \"{SearchQuery}\"."); } // Keeps the console window open at the end of the program. Console.ReadLine(); }