public void ForEachAsyncReleasesProcessedItemsInMemory()
        WeakReference <SmallObject> deallocReference = null;
        SmallObject obj = null;

        var lazyCollection = GetLazyCollection(
            weakRef => deallocReference = weakRef,
            delegate { },             //...
            delegate { },             //Making sure that all of the objects have gone through pipeline
            delegate { },             //so that the first one can be deallocated
            delegate { },             //Various GC roots prevent several of previous (2 or 3)
            delegate { },             //items in the lazy Enumerable from deallocation during forced GC
            delegate { },             //...
            GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true);
            deallocReference.TryGetTarget(out obj);

        var index          = CreateIndexName();
        var observableBulk = Client.BulkAll(lazyCollection, f => f
                                            .BufferToBulk((r, buffer) => r.IndexMany(buffer)));

        observableBulk.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), delegate { });
