static void Main(string[] args) { // Create the WcfClient connector WcfConnectionStringBuilder builder = new WcfConnectionStringBuilder(); builder.EndpointName = "ApplicationClient"; WcfClientConnector client = new WcfClientConnector(builder.GenerateConnectionString()); // Endpoint name should match the ep name in app.config // Setup the formatter client.Formatter = new MARC.Everest.Formatters.XML.ITS1.Formatter(); client.Formatter.GraphAides.Add(new DatatypeFormatter()); // We want the service to validate our messages, not the formatter, so lets just turn off the // formatter validation for now (client.Formatter as MARC.Everest.Formatters.XML.ITS1.Formatter).ValidateConformance = false; // Open the connection client.Open(); // Start the async send IAsyncResult iaSendResult = client.BeginSend(CreateInstance(), null, null); Console.WriteLine("Formatting and sending, please wait..."); iaSendResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); // Wait until the response is received // Now we have to check that the message was actually sent to the remote system WcfSendResult sndResult = client.EndSend(iaSendResult) as WcfSendResult; // The result of sending the message wasn't good. if (sndResult.Code != ResultCode.Accepted && sndResult.Code != ResultCode.AcceptedNonConformant) { Console.WriteLine("The message wasn't sent!"); } else // The connector has sent the message { // Receive the result (this involves waiting...) IAsyncResult iaRcvResult = client.BeginReceive(sndResult, null, null); Console.WriteLine("Parsing result..."); iaRcvResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); // Wait for deserialization WcfReceiveResult rcvResult = client.EndReceive(iaRcvResult) as WcfReceiveResult; // Now lets print out the structure client.Formatter.Graph(Console.OpenStandardOutput(), rcvResult.Structure); } // Close the connection client.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message ProcessInboundMessage(System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message m) { #if DEBUG Trace.TraceInformation("Received message on transport..."); #endif if (ListenConnector == null && OperationContext.Current.Host is WcfServiceHost) { ListenConnector = (OperationContext.Current.Host as WcfServiceHost).ConnectorHost; } if (ListenConnector != null) // In process { // Is this channel one way or two way? if (!(OperationContext.Current.Channel is IOutputChannel)) // Input only { return(null); } #if DEBUG Trace.TraceInformation("Message handoff to WcfServerConnector completed"); #endif WcfSendResult processResult = ListenConnector.ProcessMessage(m); Message retVal = null; // There is an error, so the return value must be a fault! if (processResult == null || processResult.Code != ResultCode.Accepted && processResult.Code != ResultCode.AcceptedNonConformant) { // Web based context? if (WebOperationContext.Current != null) { WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusDescription = "Internal Server Error"; } List <String> details = new List <string>(); if (processResult != null) { details = new List <String>(); foreach (var dtl in processResult.Details) { details.Add(dtl.Message); // Append details } } if (processResult == null) { retVal = Message.CreateMessage(m.Version, MessageFault.CreateFault(FaultCode.CreateReceiverFaultCode(processResult.Code.ToString(), ""), new FaultReason("The receiver has constructed an invalid response that cannot be sent to the sender"), details), m.Headers.Action); } else { retVal = Message.CreateMessage(m.Version, MessageFault.CreateFault(FaultCode.CreateSenderFaultCode("EPIC", ""), new FaultReason("Catastrophic failure occurred in the WcfServer send pipeline. This usually occurs when the connector does not receive a message in the allocated amount of time"), details), m.Headers.Action); } } else { retVal = processResult.Message; if (processResult.Headers != null) { retVal.Headers.Clear(); retVal.Headers.CopyHeadersFrom(processResult.Headers); } } #if DEBUG Trace.TraceInformation("Message sent to client"); #endif return(retVal); } else { // Get settings if (settings == null) { settings = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.GetSection("marc.everest.connectors.wcf") as MARC.Everest.Connectors.WCF.Configuration.ConfigurationSection; } // Now format the message and pass it on ... MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); System.Xml.XmlWriter xw = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(ms); // Write to message memory stream for classification matching m.WriteMessage(xw); xw.Flush(); // Flush the Xml Writer ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Seek to start XPathDocument xpd = new XPathDocument(ms); // load xpath document XPathNavigator xpn = xpd.CreateNavigator(); IMessageReceiver receiver = null; // The receiver to use // Determine the receiver foreach (KeyValuePair <String, IMessageReceiver> kv in settings.Receiver) { if (xpn.SelectSingleNode(kv.Key) != null) { receiver = kv.Value; break; } } // Was a receiver found? if (receiver == null) { // Create a not implemented exception if (WebOperationContext.Current != null) { WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented; } return(Message.CreateMessage(m.Version, MessageFault.CreateFault(FaultCode.CreateSenderFaultCode( "NotImplemented", ""), new FaultReason("No receiver understands the request message.")), m.Headers.Action)); } // Create a streams for deserialization ms = new MemoryStream(); XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings(); xws.Indent = true; xw = XmlWriter.Create(ms, xws); // Deserialize body WcfReceiveResult rcv = new WcfReceiveResult(); try { // Because of classification, we need to process this in a wierd way, // Basically the formatter will classify the message based on the root element name // it receives. Because a SOAP message's root isn't what we really want to process, // the first child node under the 'body' must be passed to the xml writer xpn.SelectSingleNode("//*[local-name() = 'Body']/child::node()").WriteSubtree(xw); xw.Flush(); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var serResult = settings.Formatter.Parse(ms); rcv.Structure = serResult.Structure; rcv.Details = serResult.Details; if (rcv.Details.Count() == 0) { rcv.Code = ResultCode.Accepted; } else { rcv.Code = ResultCode.AcceptedNonConformant; } } catch (Exception e) { rcv.Code = ResultCode.Error; rcv.Details = new IResultDetail[] { new ResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, e) }; } // Process on the receiver IGraphable obj = receiver.MessageReceived(rcv.Structure, rcv.Code, rcv.Details); // Graph this back XmlSerializerSurrogate surrogate = new XmlSerializerSurrogate((IXmlStructureFormatter)settings.Formatter); // Serialize the response Message result = Message.CreateMessage(m.Version, m.Headers.Action, obj, surrogate); // Validate surrogate.WriteObject(new MemoryStream(), obj); // Surrogate result code is acceptable? if (surrogate.ResultCode != ResultCode.Accepted && surrogate.ResultCode != ResultCode.AcceptedNonConformant) { if (WebOperationContext.Current != null) { WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusDescription = "Internal Server Error"; } List <string> details = new List <String>(); foreach (var itm in surrogate.Details) { details.Add(itm.Message); // Append details } return(Message.CreateMessage(m.Version, MessageFault.CreateFault(FaultCode.CreateReceiverFaultCode(surrogate.ResultCode.ToString(), ""), new FaultReason("The receiver has constructed an invalid response that cannot be returned to the sender"), details), m.Headers.Action)); } else { return(result); } } }