public static WatiN.Core.RadioButton check(this WatiN.Core.RadioButton radioButton, bool value) { if (radioButton != null) { try { radioButton.Checked = value; } catch//(Exception ex) { //ex.log("in WatiN.Core.RadioButton value::"); // there is an public WatiN exception that occurs after the value is set } } return(radioButton); }
public static string value(this WatiN.Core.RadioButton radioButton) { return((radioButton != null) ? radioButton.TextAfter : null); }
public static string name(this WatiN.Core.RadioButton radioButton) { return((radioButton != null) ? radioButton.attribute("name") : ""); }
public static string id(this WatiN.Core.RadioButton radioButton) { return((radioButton != null) ? radioButton.Id : ""); }
public static WatiN.Core.RadioButton @checked(this WatiN.Core.RadioButton radioButton, bool value) { return(radioButton.check(value)); }
public static bool @checked(this WatiN.Core.RadioButton radioButton) { return(radioButton.Checked); }