private void UpdateRecharge()
            if (solarCount > 0)
                DayNightCycle daynight = DayNightCycle.main;
                if (daynight == null)
                float num = Mathf.Clamp01((Constants.kMaxSolarChargeDepth + parentVehicle.transform.position.y) / Constants.kMaxSolarChargeDepth);
                float localLightScalar = daynight.GetLocalLightScalar();
                float amount           = Constants.kSeamothSolarChargePerSecond * localLightScalar * num * (float)solarCount;
                parentVehicle.relay.ModifyPower(amount, out float modified);

            if (thermalCount > 0)
                WaterTemperatureSimulation waterSim = WaterTemperatureSimulation.main;
                if (waterSim != null)
                    float temperature = waterSim.GetTemperature(parentVehicle.transform.position);
                    float num         = thermalReactorCharge.Evaluate(temperature) * thermalCount;
                    parentVehicle.relay.ModifyPower(num * Time.deltaTime, out float modified);
예제 #2
 private void Awake()
     cachedOxygenManager = Player.main.oxygenMgr;
     cachedDayNight      = DayNightCycle.main;
     cachedTemp          = WaterTemperatureSimulation.main;
     SeraLogger.Message(Main.modName, "SpecialtyTanks is Awake() and running!");
        /// <summary>
        ///  Gets the amount of available energy provided by the current ambient heat.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cyclops">The cyclops.</param>
        /// <returns>The currently available thermal energy.</returns>
        private static float GetThermalChargeAmount(ref SubRoot cyclops)
            // This code mostly replicates what the UpdateThermalReactorCharge() method does from the SubRoot class
            WaterTemperatureSimulation main = WaterTemperatureSimulation.main;
            float temperature = (!(main != null)) ? 0f : main.GetTemperature(cyclops.transform.position);

            float thermalCharge         = cyclops.thermalReactorCharge.Evaluate(temperature) * ThermalChargingFactor;
            float thermalChargeOverTime = thermalCharge * Time.deltaTime;

            UWE.Utils.Assert(thermalChargeOverTime >= 0f, "ThermalReactorModule must produce positive amounts", cyclops);

예제 #4
        private void Update()
            TechType tankSlot ="Tank");

            if (Player.main.IsSwimming() && GameModeUtils.RequiresOxygen())
                float playerDepth = Ocean.main.GetDepthOf(Player.main.gameObject);
                if ((tankSlot == O2TanksCore.PhotosynthesisSmallID || tankSlot == O2TanksCore.PhotosynthesisTankID) && playerDepth < 200f)
                    if (cachedDayNight == null) // Safety check
                        cachedDayNight = DayNightCycle.main;
                    float lightScalar = cachedDayNight.GetLocalLightScalar();
                    if (lightScalar > 0.9f)
                        lightScalar = 0.9f;
                    float percentage = (200f - playerDepth) / 200f;
                    cachedOxygenManager.AddOxygen(Time.deltaTime * lightScalar * percentage);

                if (tankSlot == O2TanksCore.ChemosynthesisTankID)
                    if (cachedTemp == null) // Safety check
                        cachedTemp = WaterTemperatureSimulation.main;
                        float waterTemp = cachedTemp.GetTemperature(Player.main.transform.position);
                        if (waterTemp > 30f)
                            float oxygenAdded = waterTemp * Time.deltaTime * .01f;