public static void Postfix(MFDPTacticalSituationDisplay __instance, Actor a) { Vector3 position =; Vector3 position2 = a.position; int num = Mathf.RoundToInt(VectorUtils.Bearing(position, position2)); int num2 = Mathf.RoundToInt(__instance.measurements.ConvertedDistance(Vector3.Distance(position, position2))); if (__instance.measurements.distanceMode == MeasurementManager.DistanceModes.Feet || __instance.measurements.distanceMode == MeasurementManager.DistanceModes.Meters) { num2 /= 1000; } float num3 = Mathf.RoundToInt(__instance.measurements.ConvertedAltitude(WaterPhysics.GetAltitude(position2)) / 100f) / 10f; __instance.braNumsText.text = string.Format("{0}\n{1}\n{2}", num, num2, num3); }
public IEnumerator main() { Vector3 PitchYawRoll = new Vector3(); bool tiltC = false; while (VTMapManager.fetch == null || !VTMapManager.fetch.scenarioReady) { yield return(null); } foreach (var thing in FindObjectsOfType <AIPilot>()) { Stuff += + " "; } goOn = true; while (GoOn == false) { Stuff = ""; foreach (var thing in FindObjectsOfType <AIPilot>()) { Stuff += + " "; } yield return(null); } AIPilot toControl = new AIPilot(); bool found = false; AIPilot[] wut = FindObjectsOfType <AIPilot>(); for (int i = 0; i < wut.Length; i++) { if (wut[i] { toControl = wut[i]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { Debug.LogError("Couldn't find AIPilot, defaulting to 0."); toControl = wut[0]; } toControl.commandState = AIPilot.CommandStates.Override; foreach (var thing in FindObjectsOfType <AIPilot>()) { Debug.Log(thing); } GameObject targetVehicle = toControl.gameObject; if (targetVehicle != null) { Debug.Log("GOT THE TARGET VEHICLE!!!"); } TiltController TC = targetVehicle.GetComponent <TiltController>(); if (TC != null) { tiltC = true; } Transform transform = FlightSceneManager.instance.playerActor.transform; FloatingOriginShifter playerfos = transform.GetComponent <FloatingOriginShifter>(); if (playerfos) { playerfos.enabled = false; } GameObject empty = new GameObject(); GameObject Cammy = Instantiate(empty, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Actor targetActor = targetVehicle.GetComponent <Actor>(); // = Teams.Allied; Camera CammyCam = Cammy.AddComponent <Camera>(); CameraFollowMe cam = Cammy.AddComponent <CameraFollowMe>(); cam.targets = new List <Transform>(); Debug.Log("Target list created."); cam.AddTarget(targetActor.transform); Debug.Log("Added our actor to the target."); if (targetActor.transform == null) { Debug.LogError("Actor transform is null."); } if (cam.gameObject == null) { Debug.LogError("cam gameObject is null."); } = CammyCam; cam.gameObject.SetActive(true); cam.AddTarget(FlightSceneManager.instance.playerActor.transform); GameSettings.SetGameSettingValue("HIDE_HELMET", true, true); Debug.Log("Cam should be set."); VehicleInputManager control = targetVehicle.AddComponent <VehicleInputManager>(); AutoPilot AP = targetVehicle.GetComponent <AutoPilot>(); control.pyrOutputs = AP.outputs; AP.steerMode = AutoPilot.SteerModes.Aim; List <ModuleEngine> Engines = AP.engines; AP.enabled = false; control.wheelSteerOutputs = targetVehicle.GetComponents <WheelsController>(); GearAnimator gear = toControl.gearAnimator; targetVehicle.GetComponent <AIPilot>().enabled = false; Radar targetRadar = toControl.detectionRadar; LockingRadar lTargetRadar = new LockingRadar(); if (targetRadar != null) { targetRadar.teamsToDetect = Radar.DetectionTeams.Both; lTargetRadar = toControl.lockingRadar; radarActive = true; } if (lTargetRadar != null) { lockingRadar = true; } foreach (var thing in targetVehicle.GetComponents(typeof(Component))) { Debug.Log(thing); } WeaponManager wm = targetVehicle.GetComponent <WeaponManager>(); if (wm != null) { hasWM = true; wm.SetMasterArmed(true); foreach (var internalBays in wm.internalWeaponBays) { internalBays.openOnAnyWeaponMatch = true; } } MissileDetector rwr = toControl.rwr; MeasurementManager MM = MeasurementManager.instance; float t = 0f; float v = 0f; CameraScreenshot CS = new CameraScreenshot(); PitchYawRoll = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); FlightInfo FI = targetActor.flightInfo; // RefuelPlane rPlane = targetVehicle.GetComponent<RefuelPlane>(); float x = 0f; float y = 0f; float z = 0f; float flaps = 0f; float brakes = 0f; int idx = -1; int p = 2; float headingNum = 0; bool locked = false; bool tDep = false; bool hDep = false; if (toControl.tailHook != null) { tDep = toControl.tailHook.isDeployed; } if (toControl.catHook != null) { hDep = toControl.catHook.deployed; } infAmmo iA = targetVehicle.AddComponent <infAmmo>(); iA.wepMan = wm; iA.enabled = false; Actor lockSelection = new Actor(); Debug.Log("Controlling " + targetVehicle); while (true) { // Pitch Yaw Roll controls if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) { x = -1f; } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) { x = 1f; } else { x = 0f; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { y = -1f; } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { y = 1f; } else { y = 0f; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) { z = -1f; } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q)) { z = 1f; } else { z = 0f; } // Tilt Controller if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z)) { if (v >= 90) { } else { if (TC) { v += 1; TC.SetTiltImmediate(v); } } } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.X)) { if (v <= 0) { } else { if (tiltC) { v -= 1; TC.SetTiltImmediate(v); } } } // Screen Shot if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) { try { if ( == null) { =; Debug.Log("NULL in assigning cam to CS"); } CS.Screenshot(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { Debug.Log("This dude really tried screenshotting without having the debug cam on, LOSER!"); } } // WeaponManager code if (wm != null) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { wm.CycleActiveWeapons(); } if (iA.enabled) { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) { if (wm.currentEquip is HPEquipIRML || wm.currentEquip is HPEquipRadarML) { wm.SingleFire(); } else { wm.StartFire(); } } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { if (!(wm.currentEquip is HPEquipIRML || wm.currentEquip is HPEquipRadarML)) { wm.EndFire(); } } } else { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { if (wm.currentEquip is HPEquipIRML || wm.currentEquip is HPEquipRadarML) { wm.SingleFire(); } else { wm.StartFire(); } } if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { if (!(wm.currentEquip is HPEquipIRML || wm.currentEquip is HPEquipRadarML)) { wm.EndFire(); } } } Weapon =; Ammo = wm.currentEquip.GetCount().ToString(); } // Gear Toggle if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G)) { if (gear != null) { gear.Toggle(); } } // Thrrottle code if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) // Increase { if (t > 0) { t -= 0.0125f; } } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift)) // Decrease { if (t < 1) { t += 0.0125f; } } // CMS dispenser if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.C)) { toControl.FireFlares(); toControl.FireChaff(); } // Radar code if (targetRadar != null) { if (lTargetRadar != null) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)) // Move right in the array { idx += 1; if (idx > targetRadar.detectedUnits.Count - 1) { idx = targetRadar.detectedUnits.Count - 1; } if (targetRadar.detectedUnits.Count > 0) { lockSelection = targetRadar.detectedUnits[idx]; sRadarTargets = lockSelection.actorName; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N)) // Move left in the array { idx -= 1; if (idx < 0) { idx = 0; } if (targetRadar.detectedUnits.Count > 0) { lockSelection = targetRadar.detectedUnits[idx]; sRadarTargets = lockSelection.actorName; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.J)) // Lock { if (!locked) { if (targetRadar.detectedUnits.Count > 0) { if (idx >= 0) { if (lTargetRadar.GetLock(lockSelection)) { lRadarTargets = lockSelection.ToString(); locked = !locked; } } } } else { lTargetRadar.Unlock(); lRadarTargets = "No lock"; locked = !locked; } } if (!lTargetRadar.IsLocked()) { lRadarTargets = "Lock Dropped"; if (locked) { locked = !locked; } } } radarTargets = ""; foreach (var thing in targetRadar.detectedUnits) { headingNum = Mathf.Round(VectorUtils.SignedAngle(Vector3.forward, thing.transform.forward, Vector3.right)); if (headingNum < 0) { headingNum += 360; } radarTargets += thing + " " + headingNum.ToString() + " " + MM.ConvertedDistance(Mathf.Round((targetRadar.transform.position - thing.position).magnitude)).ToString() + " " + DistanceLabel() + " " + MM.ConvertedAltitude(Mathf.Round((WaterPhysics.GetAltitude(thing.position)))).ToString() + " " + AltitudeLabel() + "\n"; } } // RWR code if (rwr != null) { Missiles = ""; if (rwr.missileDetected) { MissileDetected = true; foreach (var Missile in rwr.detectedMissiles) { headingNum = Mathf.Round(VectorUtils.SignedAngle(Vector3.forward, Missile.transform.forward, Vector3.right)); if (headingNum < 0) { headingNum += 360; } Missiles += Missile.ToString() + " " + headingNum.ToString() + " " + MM.ConvertedDistance(Mathf.Round((rwr.transform.position - Missile.transform.position).magnitude)).ToString() + " " + DistanceLabel() + " " + MM.ConvertedAltitude(Mathf.Round((WaterPhysics.GetAltitude(Missile.transform.position)))).ToString() + " " + AltitudeLabel() + "\n"; } } } // Flaps if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) { if (flaps == 0f) { flaps = .5f; } else if (flaps == .5f) { flaps = 1f; } else { flaps = 0f; } foreach (var thing in toControl.autoPilot.outputs) { thing.SetFlaps(flaps); } } // Brakes if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) { if (brakes == 0f) { brakes = 1f; } else { brakes = 0f; } foreach (var thing in toControl.autoPilot.outputs) { thing.SetBrakes(brakes); } } // Wing Folding if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.K)) { if (toControl.wingRotator != null) { if (toControl.wingRotator.deployed) { toControl.wingRotator.SetDefault(); } else { toControl.wingRotator.SetDeployed(); } } } // Tail Hook if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.H)) { if (toControl.tailHook != null) { if (tDep) { toControl.tailHook.RetractHook(); tDep = !tDep; } else { toControl.tailHook.ExtendHook(); tDep = !tDep; } } } // Launch Bar if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) { if (toControl.catHook != null) { if (hDep) { toControl.catHook.Retract(); hDep = !hDep; } else { toControl.catHook.Extend(); hDep = !hDep; } } } // Debug if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O)) { iA.enabled = !iA.enabled; } // Misc Stuff PitchYawRoll.Set(x, y, z); control.SetJoystickPYR(PitchYawRoll); foreach (ModuleEngine Engine in Engines) { Engine.SetThrottle(t); } headingNum = VectorUtils.SignedAngle(Vector3.forward, targetActor.transform.forward, Vector3.right); if (headingNum < 0f) { headingNum += 360f; } heading = FI.heading.ToString(); altitude = MM.ConvertedAltitude(FI.altitudeASL).ToString() + " " + AltitudeLabel(); speed = MM.ConvertedSpeed(FI.surfaceSpeed).ToString() + " " + SpeedLabel(); yield return(null); } }