static WaterML11.TimeSeriesResponseType LoadDataValueInfo(string siteCode, string varCode, WaterML11.WaterOneFlowClient WofClient, DateTime beginDateTime, DateTime endDateTime, ref string queryParam, ref string errMsg) { string beginDT = string.Format("{0:s}", beginDateTime); string endDT = string.Format("{0:s}", endDateTime); errMsg = ""; queryParam = String.Format(" <{0}--{1}> ", beginDT, endDT); Console.WriteLine("......Getting values from <{0}> to <{1}>.", beginDT, endDT); WaterML11.TimeSeriesResponseType tsRt = null; try { tsRt = WofClient.GetValuesObject(siteCode, varCode, beginDT, endDT, ""); } catch (Exception e) { errMsg = "Exception@LoadData: " + e.Message; Console.WriteLine(errMsg); } return(tsRt); }
static WaterML11.seriesCatalogType[] LoadOnesiteInfo(WaterML11.WaterOneFlowClient WofClient, string url, string siteCode, ref string errMsg) { WaterML11.SiteInfoResponseType rt = null; WaterML11.seriesCatalogType[] sctAll = null; errMsg = ""; try { rt = WofClient.GetSiteInfoObject(siteCode, ""); sctAll =[0].seriesCatalog; } catch (Exception e) { errMsg = "Exception@LoadOneSite: " + e.Message; } return(sctAll); }
// Get DataValueInfo for 3 time periods: begin, middle, end. // As corresponding to the first, mid, and last 30 data values static WaterML11.TimeSeriesResponseType[] LoadDataValueInfoSplit(string siteCode, string varCode, WaterML11.WaterOneFlowClient WofClient, int valuecount, DateTime beginDateTime, DateTime endDateTime, ref string queryParam, ref string errMsg) { queryParam = ""; errMsg = ""; WaterML11.TimeSeriesResponseType[] tsRtAll = new WaterML11.TimeSeriesResponseType[3]; string beginDT = string.Format("{0:s}", beginDateTime); string endDT = string.Format("{0:s}", endDateTime); Console.WriteLine("......Getting values from <{0}> to <{1}>.", beginDT, endDT); DateTime[] fromDateTime = new DateTime[3]; DateTime[] toDateTime = new DateTime[3]; string fromDT, toDT; int[] count = new int[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; // Timespan between beginDT and endDT TimeSpan delta = endDateTime - beginDateTime; double step0 = delta.TotalSeconds * Program.CompareRecordCount * 2 / valuecount; // The first 30 records fromDateTime[0] = beginDateTime; toDateTime[0] = beginDateTime.AddSeconds(step0); // The middle 30 records fromDateTime[1] = beginDateTime.AddSeconds(delta.TotalSeconds / 2); toDateTime[1] = fromDateTime[1].AddSeconds(step0); // The last 30 records fromDateTime[2] = endDateTime.AddSeconds(-step0); toDateTime[2] = endDateTime; //...Site[25] UCRB_USBR:USBR_LNH with 1 catalogs from //......Series[0] varCode: UCRB_USBR:STOR valCount: 995 //......Getting values from <2009-06-09T00:00:00> to <2012-02-29T00:00:00>. //... //......Getting values from <2008-04-16T00:00:00> to <2012-02-29T00:00:00>. //......Series[3] varCode: UCRB_USBR:ELEV valCount: 7048 //......Getting values from <1992-11-12T00:00:00> to <2012-02-29T00:00:00>. //......Getting values, Segment <1>: from <1992-11-12T00:00:00> to <1993-01-11T00:00:00>. //......Getting values, Segment <2>: from <2002-07-07T00:00:00> to <2002-09-05T00:00:00>. //......Getting values, Segment <3>: from <2011-12-31T00:00:00> to <2012-02-29T00:00:00>. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { bool lastTry = false; tsRtAll[i] = null; double step = step0; while (!lastTry) { if ((i < 2) && (DateTime.Compare(toDateTime[i], endDateTime) >= 0)) { toDateTime[i] = endDateTime; lastTry = true; } else if ((i == 2) && (DateTime.Compare(fromDateTime[i], beginDateTime) <= 0)) { fromDateTime[i] = beginDateTime; lastTry = true; } fromDT = string.Format("{0:s}", fromDateTime[i]); toDT = string.Format("{0:s}", toDateTime[i]); Console.WriteLine("......Getting values, Segment <{0}>: from <{1}> to <{2}>.", i + 1, fromDT, toDT); try { tsRtAll[i] = WofClient.GetValuesObject(siteCode, varCode, fromDT, toDT, ""); } catch (Exception e) { errMsg = "Exception@LoadDataSplit: " + e.Message; Console.WriteLine(errMsg); return(null); } if (tsRtAll[i].timeSeries[0].values[0].value != null) { count[i] = tsRtAll[i].timeSeries[0].values[0].value.Count(); } if (count[i] >= Program.CompareRecordCount) { queryParam += String.Format(" <{0}--{1}> ", fromDT, toDT); break; } else { step *= 2; if (i < 2) { toDateTime[i] = toDateTime[i].AddSeconds(step); } else { fromDateTime[i] = fromDateTime[i].AddSeconds(-step); } } } } return(tsRtAll); }