예제 #1
        public UserDto FromUserToUserDto(User user)
            UserDto userDto = new UserDto()
                Id               = user.Id,
                Login            = user.Login,
                FirstName        = user.FirstName,
                SecondName       = user.SecondName,
                MiddleName       = user.MiddleName,
                Rating           = user.Rating,
                Birthday         = user.BirthDate,
                RegistrationDate = user.RegistrationDate
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            int      age = now.Year - userDto.Birthday.Year;

            userDto.Age = age;
            foreach (Wall wall in user.Walls)
                WallDto wallDto = FromWallToWallDto(wall);

            userDto.ScoredPosts = FindScoredPosts(user);
예제 #2
        public WallDto GetWallDto(int wallId)
            Wall    wall    = pageManager.GetWall(wallId);
            WallDto wallDto = mapper.FromWallToWallDto(wall);

예제 #3
        public UserDto FromUserToUserDto(User user)
            UserDto userDto = new UserDto()
                Id               = user.Id,
                Login            = user.Login,
                FirstName        = user.FirstName,
                SecondName       = user.SecondName,
                MiddleName       = user.MiddleName,
                Rating           = user.Rating,
                Birthday         = user.BirthDate,
                RegistrationDate = user.RegistrationDate,
                Banned           = user.Banned,
                RoleId           = user.SystemRoleId
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            int      age = now.Year - userDto.Birthday.Year;

            userDto.Age = age;
            foreach (Wall wall in user.Walls)
                WallDto wallDto = FromWallToWallDto(wall);

            userDto.Friends = GetFriendsInDto(user.Friendships);
            userDto.SentFriendshipRequests     = GetFriendshipsRequestsDto(user.SentRequests.ToList());
            userDto.ReceivedFriendshipRequests = GetFriendshipsRequestsDto(user.ReceivedRequests.ToList());
            userDto.ScoredPosts = FindScoredPosts(user);
        public static WallDto GetWallDto(Wall wall)
            var dto = new WallDto()
                Id          = wall.WallId,
                StartVertex = new Vertex(wall.StartVertexX, wall.StartVertexY),
                EndVertex   = new Vertex(wall.EndVertexX, wall.EndVertexY)

예제 #5
        public void UpdateWallMessage(int id, string message)
            // init db
            Db db = new Db();

            // update wall
            WallDto wall = db.Wall.Find(id);

            wall.Message    = message;
            wall.DateEdited = DateTime.Now;

예제 #6
        public async Task Wall_GetWall_Should_Return_View_Model()
            var wallId = 1;
            var wall   = new WallDto
                Id = wallId

            _wallService.WallDetails(0, null).ReturnsForAnyArgs(Task.Run(() => wall));

            var response = await _wallController.GetWall(wallId);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <OkNegotiatedContentResult <WallListViewModel> >(response);
예제 #7
        public WallDto FromWallToWallDto(Wall wall)
            WallDto wallDto = new WallDto();

            wallDto.Id       = wall.Id;
            wallDto.WallType = wall.WallType.Title;

            foreach (Post post in wall.Posts)
                PostDto postDto = FromPostToPostDto(post);
예제 #8
        public ActionResult Wall(int wallId)
            WallDto wallDto = pageService.GetWallDto(wallId);

예제 #9
 public WallViewModel(WallDto dto)
     Id         = dto.Id;
     Message    = dto.Message;
     DateEdited = dto.DateEdited;
예제 #10
 //Very bad how i'm not injecting the main thread dispatcher... but this is a prototype and I'm running out of time.
 public static UcWall GetUcWallFromDtoWall(WallDto dtoWall, float pixelToUnityUnitScale, Vector3 wallCenterLocation, IUnityMainThreadDispatcher unityMainThreadDispatcher)
     return(new UcWall(dtoWall.Name, dtoWall.Width, dtoWall.Height, new ObservableCollection <UcSourceInstance>(), pixelToUnityUnitScale, wallCenterLocation, unityMainThreadDispatcher, dtoWall.Id));
예제 #11
        public ActionResult ShowMessagesWall(int wallId)
            WallDto wallDto = pageService.GetWallDto(wallId);

            return(PartialView("Wall", wallDto));
예제 #12
 public ActionResult ShowAlbumWall(WallDto wall)
     return(PartialView("Wall", wall));
예제 #13
        public ActionResult CreateAccount(UserViewModel model, HttpPostedFileBase imageFile)
            // init db
            Db db = new Db();

            // check model state
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Index", model));

            // make sure username is unique
            if (db.Users.Any(x => x.Username.Equals(model.Username)))
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Username" + model.Username + " is taken.");
                model.Username = "";
                return(View("Index", model));

            // create user dto
            UserDTO userDTO = new UserDTO()
                FirstName    = model.FirstName,
                LastName     = model.LastName,
                EmailAddress = model.EmailAddress,
                Username     = model.Username,
                Password     = model.Password

            // add to DTO

            // save

            // get inserted id
            int userId = userDTO.Id;

            // login user
            FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Username, false);

            // set uploads directory
            var uploadsDir = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("{0}Uploads", Server.MapPath(@"\")));

            // check if file was uploaded
            if (imageFile != null && imageFile.ContentLength > 0)
                // get extension
                string ext = imageFile.ContentType.ToLower();

                // verify extension
                if (ext != "image/jpg" &&
                    ext != "image/jpeg" &&
                    ext != "image/pjpeg" &&
                    ext != "image/gif" &&
                    ext != "image/x-png" &&
                    ext != "image/png")
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "The image was not uploaded - wrong image extension.");
                    return(View("Index", model));

                // set image name - the user's id w/the jpg extension
                string imageName = userId + "jpg";

                // set image path
                var path = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", uploadsDir, imageName);

                // save image

            // add to wall
            WallDto wall = new WallDto();

            wall.Id         = userId;
            wall.Message    = "";
            wall.DateEdited = DateTime.Now;


            // redirect
            return(Redirect("~/" + model.Username));
예제 #14
        public ActionResult Username(string username = "")
            // init db
            Db db = new Db();

            // check if user exists
            if (!db.Users.Any(x => x.Username.Equals(username)))

            // viewbag username
            ViewBag.Username = username;

            // get logged in user's username
            string user = User.Identity.Name;

            // viewbag user's full name
            UserDTO userDTO = db.Users.Where(x => x.Username.Equals(user)).FirstOrDefault();

            ViewBag.FullName = userDTO.FirstName + " " + userDTO.LastName;

            // get user's id
            int userId = userDTO.Id;

            // ViewBag user's id
            ViewBag.UserId = userId;

            // get viewing full name
            UserDTO userDTO2 = db.Users.Where(x => x.Username.Equals(username)).FirstOrDefault();

            ViewBag.ViewingFullName = userDTO2.FirstName + " " + userDTO2.LastName;

            // get username's image
            ViewBag.UsernameImage = userDTO2.Username + ".jpg";

            // viewbag user type
            string userType = "guest";

            if (username.Equals(user))
                userType = "owner";

            ViewBag.UserType = userType;

            // check friend status
            if (userType == "guest")
                UserDTO user1 = db.Users.Where(x => x.Username.Equals(user)).FirstOrDefault();
                int     id1   = user1.Id;

                UserDTO user2 = db.Users.Where(x => x.Username.Equals(username)).FirstOrDefault();
                int     id2   = user2.Id;

                FriendDto friend1 = db.Friends.Where(x => x.User1 == id1 && x.User2 == id2).FirstOrDefault();
                FriendDto friend2 = db.Friends.Where(x => x.User2 == id1 && x.User1 == id2).FirstOrDefault();

                if (friend1 == null && friend2 == null)
                    ViewBag.NotFriends = "True";

                if (friend1 != null)
                    if (!friend1.Active)
                        ViewBag.NotFriends = "Pending";

                if (friend2 != null)
                    if (!friend2.Active)
                        ViewBag.NotFriends = "Pending";

            // get friend request count
            var friendRequests = db.Friends.Count(x => x.User2 == userId && x.Active == false);

            if (friendRequests > 0)
                ViewBag.FriendRequest = friendRequests;

            /*** GET FRIENDS COUNT ***/
            // get Id of user whose page is being viewed
            UserDTO userDto    = db.Users.Where(x => x.Username.Equals(username)).FirstOrDefault();
            int     usernameId = userDto.Id;

            var friendCount = db.Friends
                              .Count(x => x.User2 == usernameId && x.Active == true || x.User1 == usernameId && x.Active == true);

            ViewBag.FriendCount = friendCount;

            // Get message count
            var messageCount = db.Messages.Count(x => x.To == userId && x.Read == false);

            ViewBag.MessageCount = messageCount;

            // viewBag user wall
            WallDto wall = new WallDto();

            ViewBag.WallMessage = db.Wall.Where(x => x.Id == userId).Select(x => x.Message).FirstOrDefault();

            // ViewBag friend walls
            List <int> friendsIds1 = db.Friends.Where(x => x.User1 == userId && x.Active == true)
                                     .ToArray().Select(x => x.User2).ToList();

            List <int> friendsIds2 = db.Friends.Where(x => x.User2 == userId && x.Active == true)
                                     .ToArray().Select(x => x.User1).ToList();

            List <int> allFriendIds = friendsIds1.Concat(friendsIds2).ToList();

            List <WallViewModel> walls = db.Wall.Where(x => allFriendIds.Contains(x.Id))
                                         .ToArray().OrderByDescending(x => x.DateEdited).Select(x => new WallViewModel(x)).ToList();

            ViewBag.Walls = walls;
