public ActionResult CreateAuto(Walk walk) { // ----This should really be done by a customised Model Binder----------- Walk oWalk = new Walk(); WalkingStick.FillWalkFromFormVariables(ref oWalk, Request.Form); int iWalkID = this.repository.AddWalk(oWalk); // ---Add hill ascents----------------- List <HillAscent> arHillAscents = WalkingStick.FillHillAscentsFromFormVariables(iWalkID, this.Request.Form); repository.AddWalkSummitsVisited(arHillAscents); // ---Add the associated files----- // --TODO - this needs to change to pull files from disk rather than form variable List <Walk_AssociatedFile> arWalkAssociatedFiles = WalkingStick.FillWalkAssociatedFilesByExaminingDirectory( iWalkID, this.Request.Form, this.Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/").Replace("\\", "/")); repository.AddWalkAssociatedFiles(arWalkAssociatedFiles); //---Redirect to the newly created walk to continue editing return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = iWalkID })); }
public JsonResult HillSuggestions(string term, string areaid = "") { var hillsuggestions = new List <AutocompleteSuggestionOption>(); IQueryable <Hill> IQHillsAboveHeight; if (areaid.Equals("") && areaid.Length < 2) { IQHillsAboveHeight = this.repository.FindHillsByNameLike(term); } else { IQHillsAboveHeight = this.repository.FindHillsInAreaByNameLike(term, areaid); } foreach (Hill item in IQHillsAboveHeight) { var optionlabel = WalkingStick.FormatHillSummaryAsLine(item); var optionvalue = optionlabel + "|" + item.Hillnumber; hillsuggestions.Add(new AutocompleteSuggestionOption { label = optionlabel, value = optionvalue }); } return(Json(hillsuggestions, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Create(Walk walk) { // ----This should really be done by a customised Model Binder----------- Walk oWalk = new Walk(); WalkingStick.FillWalkFromFormVariables(ref oWalk, Request.Form); int iWalkID = this.repository.AddWalk(oWalk); // ---Add hill ascents----------------- List <HillAscent> arHillAscents = WalkingStick.FillHillAscentsFromFormVariables(iWalkID, this.Request.Form); repository.AddWalkSummitsVisited(arHillAscents); // ---Add the associated files----- List <Walk_AssociatedFile> arAssociatedFiles = WalkingStick.FillHillAssociatedFilesFromFormVariables( iWalkID, this.Request.Form, this.Server.MapPath("/")); repository.AddWalkAssociatedFiles(arAssociatedFiles); // ---update any markers created by ajax call with walk id, and add any marker observations---------------- repository.AssociateMarkersWithWalk(Request.Form, iWalkID); if ((walk.HillAscents.Count > 0)) { return(RedirectToAction("HillsByArea", new { id = oWalk.Area.Arearef.Trim(), page = 1 })); } return(RedirectToAction("WalksByDate", new { OrderBy = "DateDesc" })); }
public ActionResult Details(int id) { Walk oWalk = this.repository.GetWalkDetails(id); string strTotalTime = WalkingStick.ConvertTotalTimeToString(oWalk.WalkTotalTime, false); ViewData["TotalTime"] = strTotalTime; return(this.View(oWalk)); }
public ActionResult Create(Marker oFormMarker) { Marker oNewMarker = WalkingStick.FillMarkerFromFormVariables(oFormMarker, Request.Form); this.repository.CreateMarker(oNewMarker); var oMarkerStatusii = this.repository.GetAllMarkerStatusOptions().AsEnumerable(); ViewData["MarkerStatusii"] = new SelectList(oMarkerStatusii, "Marker_Status1", "Marker_Status1"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public override void _Ready() { _stats = GetNode <Stats>("PlayerStats"); _stats.Connect("NoHealth", this, nameof(Death)); _animationTree = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree"); _animationState = (AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback)_animationTree.Get("parameters/playback"); _animationTree.Active = true; _blinkAnimationPlayer = GetNode <AnimationPlayer>("BlinkAnimationPlayer"); _hurtBox = GetNode <HurtBox>("HurtBox"); _walkingStickHitBox = GetNode <WalkingStick>("HitboxPivot/WalkingStickHitBox"); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // WalkSuggestions // Used as the AJAX server side for an autocomplete function on a client side textbox - Create Marker // ----------------------- public JsonResult WalkSuggestions(string term) { var IQWalks = repository.FindWalksByTitleLike(term); var suggestedWalks = new List <AutocompleteSuggestionOption>(); foreach (Walk oWalk in IQWalks) { var walkTitle = WalkingStick.FormatWalkAsLine(oWalk); suggestedWalks.Add(new AutocompleteSuggestionOption { label = walkTitle, value = walkTitle + " | " + oWalk.WalkID }); } return(Json(suggestedWalks, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // MarkerSuggestions // Used as the AJAX server side for an autocomplete function on a client side textbox // ----------------------- public JsonResult MarkerSuggestions(string term) { var markeroptions = new List <AutocompleteSuggestionOption>(); var IQMarkers = repository.FindMarkersByNameLike(term); foreach (Marker item in IQMarkers) { markeroptions.Add(new AutocompleteSuggestionOption { label = WalkingStick.FormatMarkerAsLine(item) + ("|" + (item.MarkerID.ToString().Trim())), value = WalkingStick.FormatMarkerAsLine(item) + ("|" + (item.MarkerID.ToString().Trim())) }); } return(Json(markeroptions, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// Called from Create walk and Edit walk jQuery UI autocomplete widget /// </summary> /// <param name="term">at least two characters of the walk area</param> /// <param name="options"></param> /// <returns>JSON formatted results</returns> public JsonResult WalkAreaSuggestions(string term, string options = "") { var IQWalkAreas = this.repository.FindWalkAreasByNameLike(term); var areaoptions = new List <AutocompleteSuggestionOption>(); foreach (Area item in IQWalkAreas) { areaoptions.Add(new AutocompleteSuggestionOption { label = WalkingStick.FormatWalkAreaAsLine(item), value = WalkingStick.FormatWalkAreaAsLine(item) + " | " + item.Arearef }); } var myjson = Json(areaoptions, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); return(myjson); }
public ActionResult WalkingAreasByCountry(string strCountryCode, string strAreaType = "") { string strCountryName = WalkingStick.CountryNameFromCountryCode(strCountryCode); string strAreaTypeName = ""; ViewData["CountryName"] = strCountryName; IQueryable <Area> iqWalkingAreas; if (strAreaType.Equals("")) { iqWalkingAreas = this.repository.GetAllWalkingAreas(strCountryCode); } else { iqWalkingAreas = this.repository.GetAllWalkingAreas(strCountryCode, strAreaType); strAreaTypeName = repository.GetWalkAreaTypeNameFromType(strAreaType); } ViewData["AreaTypeName"] = strAreaTypeName; return(this.View(iqWalkingAreas)); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CheckImages // Used as the AJAX server side to check that images are present in specified directory // ----------------------- public JsonResult CheckImages(string imagepath, string options = "") { string strAtWork = "False"; if (SessionSingleton.Current.UsageLocation == WalkingConstants.AT_WORK) { strAtWork = "True"; } imagepath = imagepath.Replace("\\", "/"); int iLoc; try { iLoc = imagepath.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal); } catch (Exception) { iLoc = 0; } string strPath = imagepath.Substring(0, iLoc); string strRootPath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/").Replace("\\", "/"); // -----Check that the path specified is valid------------------------ if (!WalkingStick.DetermineIfDirectoryExists(strRootPath + strPath)) { ViewData["checkresults"] = "{\"Error\" | \"Directory Not Found.\"}"; return(Json(new { Error = "Directory [" + strRootPath + strPath + "] Not Found." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } // ----Now check that images are found in this directory------------------ var oResults = WalkingStick.CheckFilesInDirectory(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/"), strPath, imagepath.Substring((iLoc + 1), ((imagepath.Length - iLoc) - 1)), ref strRootPath, bool.Parse(strAtWork)); return(Json(oResults, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }