예제 #1
            public WaldoAttackVesselData(WaldoAttackVesselData vd)
                name       = vd.name;
                id         = vd.id;
                craftURL   = vd.craftURL;
                craftPart  = vd.craftPart;
                flagURL    = vd.flagURL;
                vesselType = vd.vesselType;
                body       = vd.body;
                orbit      = vd.orbit;
                latitude   = vd.latitude;
                longitude  = vd.longitude;
                altitude   = vd.altitude;
                height     = vd.height;
                orbiting   = vd.orbiting;
                owned      = vd.owned;
                pqsCity    = vd.pqsCity;
                pqsOffset  = vd.pqsOffset;
                heading    = vd.heading;
                pitch      = vd.pitch;
                roll       = vd.roll;

                foreach (CrewData cd in vd.crew)
                    crew.Add(new CrewData(cd));
예제 #2
        private void SpawnVesselFromCraftFile(string craftURL, Vector3d gpsCoords, float heading, float pitch, List <ProtoCrewMember> crewData = null)
            WaldoAttackVesselData newData = new WaldoAttackVesselData();

            newData.craftURL  = craftURL;
            newData.latitude  = gpsCoords.x + _lat_;
            newData.longitude = gpsCoords.y + _lon_;
            newData.altitude  = gpsCoords.z + 5;

            Debug.Log("[Spawn OrX Waldo Attack] SpawnVesselFromCraftFile Altitude: " + newData.altitude);

            newData.body     = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody;
            newData.heading  = heading;
            newData.pitch    = pitch;
            newData.orbiting = false;

            newData.flagURL    = flagURL;
            newData.owned      = true;
            newData.vesselType = VesselType.SpaceObject;

            SpawnVessel(newData, crewData);
예제 #3
        private void SpawnVessel(WaldoAttackVesselData WaldoAttackVesselData, List <ProtoCrewMember> crewData = null)
            //      string gameDataDir = KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath;
            Debug.Log("[Spawn OrX Waldo Attack] Spawning " + WaldoAttackVesselData.name);

            // Set additional info for landed vessels
            bool landed = false;

            if (!landed)
                landed = true;
                if (WaldoAttackVesselData.altitude == null || WaldoAttackVesselData.altitude < 0)
                    WaldoAttackVesselData.altitude = 5;//LocationUtil.TerrainHeight(WaldoAttackVesselData.latitude, WaldoAttackVesselData.longitude, WaldoAttackVesselData.body);
                Debug.Log("[Spawn OrX Waldo Attack] SpawnVessel Altitude: " + WaldoAttackVesselData.altitude);

                //Vector3d pos = WaldoAttackVesselData.body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(WaldoAttackVesselData.latitude, WaldoAttackVesselData.longitude, WaldoAttackVesselData.altitude.Value);
                Vector3d pos = WaldoAttackVesselData.body.GetRelSurfacePosition(WaldoAttackVesselData.latitude, WaldoAttackVesselData.longitude, WaldoAttackVesselData.altitude.Value);

                WaldoAttackVesselData.orbit = new Orbit(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, WaldoAttackVesselData.body);
                WaldoAttackVesselData.orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, WaldoAttackVesselData.body.getRFrmVel(pos), WaldoAttackVesselData.body, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime());

            ConfigNode[]  partNodes;
            ShipConstruct shipConstruct = null;
            bool          hasClamp      = false;
            float         lcHeight      = 0;
            ConfigNode    craftNode;
            Quaternion    craftRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WaldoAttackVesselData.craftURL))
                // Save the current ShipConstruction ship, otherwise the player will see the spawned ship next time they enter the VAB!
                ConfigNode currentShip = ShipConstruction.ShipConfig;

                shipConstruct = ShipConstruction.LoadShip(WaldoAttackVesselData.craftURL);
                if (shipConstruct == null)
                    Debug.Log("[Spawn OrX Waldo Attack] ShipConstruct was null when tried to load '" + WaldoAttackVesselData.craftURL +
                              "' (usually this means the file could not be found).");

                craftNode     = ConfigNode.Load(WaldoAttackVesselData.craftURL);
                lcHeight      = ConfigNode.ParseVector3(craftNode.GetNode("PART").GetValue("pos")).y;
                craftRotation = ConfigNode.ParseQuaternion(craftNode.GetNode("PART").GetValue("rot"));

                // Restore ShipConstruction ship
                ShipConstruction.ShipConfig = currentShip;

                // Set the name
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WaldoAttackVesselData.name))
                    WaldoAttackVesselData.name = WaldoVesselName;

                // Set some parameters that need to be at the part level
                uint missionID = (uint)Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode();
                uint launchID  = HighLogic.CurrentGame.launchID++;
                foreach (Part p in shipConstruct.parts)
                    p.flightID  = ShipConstruction.GetUniqueFlightID(HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState);
                    p.missionID = missionID;
                    p.launchID  = launchID;
                    p.flagURL   = flagURL;

                    // Had some issues with this being set to -1 for some ships - can't figure out
                    // why.  End result is the vessel exploding, so let's just set it to a positive
                    // value.
                    p.temperature = 1.0;

                // Create a dummy ProtoVessel, we will use this to dump the parts to a config node.
                // We can't use the config nodes from the .craft file, because they are in a
                // slightly different format than those required for a ProtoVessel (seriously
                // Squad?!?).
                ConfigNode  empty       = new ConfigNode();
                ProtoVessel dummyProto  = new ProtoVessel(empty, null);
                Vessel      dummyVessel = new Vessel();
                dummyVessel.parts    = shipConstruct.parts;
                dummyProto.vesselRef = dummyVessel;

                // Create the ProtoPartSnapshot objects and then initialize them
                foreach (Part p in shipConstruct.parts)
                    dummyProto.protoPartSnapshots.Add(new ProtoPartSnapshot(p, dummyProto));
                foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot p in dummyProto.protoPartSnapshots)

                // Create the ship's parts

                List <ConfigNode> partNodesL = new List <ConfigNode>();
                foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot snapShot in dummyProto.protoPartSnapshots)
                    ConfigNode node = new ConfigNode("PART");
                partNodes = partNodesL.ToArray();
                // Create crew member array
                ProtoCrewMember[] crewArray = new ProtoCrewMember[WaldoAttackVesselData.crew.Count];

                 *      int i = 0;
                 *      foreach (CrewData cd in WaldoAttackVesselData.crew)
                 *      {
                 * /*
                 *        // Create the ProtoCrewMember
                 *        ProtoCrewMember crewMember = HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.GetNewKerbal(ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType.Crew);
                 *        if (cd.name != null)
                 *        {
                 *          crewMember.KerbalRef.name = cd.name;
                 *        }
                 *        crewArray[i++] = crewMember;
                 *      }
                // Create part nodes
                uint flightId = ShipConstruction.GetUniqueFlightID(HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState);
                partNodes    = new ConfigNode[1];
                partNodes[0] = ProtoVessel.CreatePartNode(WaldoAttackVesselData.craftPart.name, flightId, crewArray);

                // Default the size class
                //sizeClass = UntrackedObjectClass.A;

                // Set the name
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WaldoAttackVesselData.name))
                    WaldoAttackVesselData.name = WaldoAttackVesselData.craftPart.name;

            // Create additional nodes
            ConfigNode[] additionalNodes = new ConfigNode[0];
            //DiscoveryLevels discoveryLevel = WaldoAttackVesselData.owned ? DiscoveryLevels.Owned : DiscoveryLevels.Unowned;
            //additionalNodes[0] = ProtoVessel.CreateDiscoveryNode(discoveryLevel, sizeClass, contract.TimeDeadline, contract.TimeDeadline);

            // Create the config node representation of the ProtoVessel
            ConfigNode protoVesselNode = ProtoVessel.CreateVesselNode(WaldoAttackVesselData.name, WaldoAttackVesselData.vesselType, WaldoAttackVesselData.orbit, 0, partNodes, additionalNodes);

            // Additional seetings for a landed vessel
            if (!WaldoAttackVesselData.orbiting)
                Vector3d norm = WaldoAttackVesselData.body.GetRelSurfaceNVector(WaldoAttackVesselData.latitude, WaldoAttackVesselData.longitude);

                double terrainHeight = 0.0;
                if (WaldoAttackVesselData.body.pqsController != null)
                    terrainHeight = WaldoAttackVesselData.body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(norm) - WaldoAttackVesselData.body.pqsController.radius;
                bool splashed = false;// = landed && terrainHeight < 0.001;

                // Create the config node representation of the ProtoVessel
                // Note - flying is experimental, and so far doesn't worx
                protoVesselNode.SetValue("sit", (splashed ? Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED : landed ?
                                                 Vessel.Situations.LANDED : Vessel.Situations.FLYING).ToString());
                protoVesselNode.SetValue("landed", (landed && !splashed).ToString());
                protoVesselNode.SetValue("splashed", splashed.ToString());
                protoVesselNode.SetValue("lat", WaldoAttackVesselData.latitude.ToString());
                protoVesselNode.SetValue("lon", WaldoAttackVesselData.longitude.ToString());
                protoVesselNode.SetValue("alt", WaldoAttackVesselData.altitude.ToString());
                protoVesselNode.SetValue("landedAt", WaldoAttackVesselData.body.name);

                // Figure out the additional height to subtract
                float lowest = float.MaxValue;
                if (shipConstruct != null)
                    foreach (Part p in shipConstruct.parts)
                        foreach (Collider collider in p.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>())
                            if (collider.gameObject.layer != 21 && collider.enabled)
                                lowest = Mathf.Min(lowest, collider.bounds.min.y);
                    foreach (Collider collider in WaldoAttackVesselData.craftPart.partPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>())
                        if (collider.gameObject.layer != 21 && collider.enabled)
                            lowest = Mathf.Min(lowest, collider.bounds.min.y);

                if (lowest == float.MaxValue)
                    lowest = 0;

                // Figure out the surface height and rotation
                Quaternion normal   = Quaternion.LookRotation((Vector3)norm);// new Vector3((float)norm.x, (float)norm.y, (float)norm.z));
                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity;
                float      heading  = WaldoAttackVesselData.heading;
                if (shipConstruct == null)
                    rotation = rotation * Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.back);
                else if (shipConstruct.shipFacility == EditorFacility.SPH)
                    rotation = rotation * Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, -Vector3.forward);
                    heading += 180.0f;
                    rotation = rotation * Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward);
                    rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, -Vector3.up) * rotation;

                    //rotation = craftRotation;

                    WaldoAttackVesselData.heading = 0;
                    WaldoAttackVesselData.pitch   = 0;

                rotation = rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(heading, Vector3.back);
                rotation = rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(WaldoAttackVesselData.roll, Vector3.down);
                rotation = rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(WaldoAttackVesselData.pitch, Vector3.left);

                // Set the height and rotation
                if (landed || splashed)
                    float hgt = (shipConstruct != null ? shipConstruct.parts[0] : WaldoAttackVesselData.craftPart.partPrefab).localRoot.attPos0.y - lowest;
                    hgt += WaldoAttackVesselData.height;
                    protoVesselNode.SetValue("hgt", hgt.ToString(), true);
                protoVesselNode.SetValue("rot", KSPUtil.WriteQuaternion(normal * rotation), true);

                // Set the normal vector relative to the surface
                Vector3 nrm = (rotation * Vector3.forward);
                protoVesselNode.SetValue("nrm", nrm.x + "," + nrm.y + "," + nrm.z, true);

                protoVesselNode.SetValue("prst", false.ToString(), true);

            // Add vessel to the game
            ProtoVessel protoVessel = HighLogic.CurrentGame.AddVessel(protoVesselNode);

            //protoVessel.vesselRef.transform.rotation = protoVessel.rotation;

            // Store the id for later use
            WaldoAttackVesselData.id = protoVessel.vesselRef.id;

            //protoVessel.vesselRef.currentStage = 0;
            hasClamp = false;

            StartCoroutine(PlaceSpawnedVessel(protoVessel.vesselRef, !hasClamp));

            // Associate it so that it can be used in contract parameters
            //ContractVesselTracker.Instance.AssociateVessel(WaldoAttackVesselData.name, protoVessel.vesselRef);

            //destroy prefabs
            foreach (Part p in FindObjectsOfType <Part>())
                if (!p.vessel)