예제 #1
        public async Task OpenSpecialWaifuBox()
            if (!_config.SpecialWaifuActive)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("There are no special waifus active right now :/");

            // Check user cash
            var sc = _coinRepo.GetCoins(Context.User.Id);

            if (sc < _WAIFU_BOX_SPECIAL_COST)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed($"You don't have enough Sora Coins! You need {_WAIFU_BOX_SPECIAL_COST.ToString()} SC.");


            var special = await _waifuService.GetRandomSpecialWaifu(Context.User.Id, _config.SpecialWaifuType).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (special == null)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("You already have all the special waifus. Pls try again another time.");

            List <Waifu> waifusUnboxed = new List <Waifu>();

            int additional = _WAIFU_AMOUNT_IN_BOX - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < additional; i++)
                waifusUnboxed.Add(await _waifuService.GetRandomWaifu().ConfigureAwait(false));
            if (waifusUnboxed.Count != _WAIFU_AMOUNT_IN_BOX)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("There don't seem to be Waifus to unbox at the moment. Sorry :/");


            // Now lets try to give everything to the user before we continue doing anything else
            if (!await _waifuService.TryGiveWaifusToUser(Context.User.Id, waifusUnboxed, _WAIFU_BOX_SPECIAL_COST).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("Failed to give Waifus :( Please try again");

            // We gave him the waifus. Now we just have to tell him :)
            waifusUnboxed.Sort((x, y) => - x.Rarity.CompareTo(y.Rarity));

            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                Title       = "Congrats! You've got some nice waifus",
                Description = $"You opened a {WaifuFormatter.GetRarityString(_config.SpecialWaifuType)} WaifuBox for {_WAIFU_BOX_SPECIAL_COST.ToString()} SC.",
                Footer      = RequestedByFooter(Context.User),
                Color       = Purple,
                ImageUrl    = waifusUnboxed[0].ImageUrl

            foreach (var waifu in waifusUnboxed)
                eb.AddField(x =>
                    x.IsInline = true;
                    x.Name     = waifu.Name;
                    x.Value    = $"Rarity: {WaifuFormatter.GetRarityString(waifu.Rarity)}\n" +
                                 $"[Image Url]({waifu.ImageUrl})\n" +
                                 $"*ID: {waifu.Id}*";

            await ReplyAsync("", embed : eb.Build());
예제 #2
        private async Task WaifuTradeComp(IUser tradeUser, int wantId, int offerId)
            // First we gotta make sure that the users have the respective waifus
            var wantUserWaifu = await _waifuService.GetUserWaifu(tradeUser.Id, wantId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (wantUserWaifu == null)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("The user does not have the Waifu you want.");

            var offerUserWaifu = await _waifuService.GetUserWaifu(Context.User.Id, offerId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (offerUserWaifu == null)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("You do not have the Waifu that you offer!");


            // They both have both. So we can actually ask for the trade.
            // No further preparations or queries until the user actually accepts the trade
            var wantWaifu = await _waifuService.GetWaifuById(wantId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var offerWaifu = await _waifuService.GetWaifuById(offerId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (wantWaifu == null || offerWaifu == null)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed(
                    "Could not find one of the Waifus. They might have been removed from the DB...");

            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                Title       = "Waifu Trade Request",
                Footer      = RequestedByFooter(Context.User),
                Description = $"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(Context.User)} wishes to trade with you.",
                Color       = Purple,
                ImageUrl    = offerWaifu.ImageUrl,

            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.IsInline = true;
                x.Name     = "User offers";
                x.Value    =
                    $"{offerWaifu.Name}\n{WaifuFormatter.GetRarityString(offerWaifu.Rarity)}\n_ID: {offerWaifu.Id}_";
            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.IsInline = true;
                x.Name     = "User wants";
                x.Value    =
                    $"{wantWaifu.Name}\n{WaifuFormatter.GetRarityString(wantWaifu.Rarity)}\n_ID: {wantWaifu.Id}_";
            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.IsInline = false;
                x.Name     = "Accept?";
                x.Value    = "You can accept this trade request by writing `y` or `yes` (nothing else). " +
                             "If you write anything else Sora will count that as declining the offer.";

            await ReplyAsync("", embed : eb.Build());

            // Now wait for response.
            var criteria = InteractiveServiceExtensions.CreateEnsureFromUserInChannelCriteria(tradeUser.Id, Context.Channel.Id);
            var resp     = await _interactiveService.NextMessageAsync(Context, criteria, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45))

            if (resp == null)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed($"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(tradeUser)} didn't answer in time >.<");

            if (!InteractiveServiceExtensions.StringIsYOrYes(resp.Content))
                await ReplyFailureEmbed($"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(tradeUser)} declined the trade offer.");


            // User accepted offer.
            if (!await _waifuService.TryTradeWaifus(Context.User.Id, tradeUser.Id, offerId, wantId)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("Failed to make trade. Please try again");


            await ReplySuccessEmbedExtended("Successfully traded Waifus!", $"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(Context.User)} got {wantWaifu.Name}\n" +
                                            $"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(tradeUser)} got {offerWaifu.Name}");
예제 #3
        public async Task OpenWaifuBox()
            // Check the user cash
            var sc = _coinRepo.GetCoins(Context.User.Id);

            if (sc < _WAIFU_BOX_COST)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed($"You don't have enough Sora Coins! You need {_WAIFU_BOX_COST.ToString()} SC.");


            // Get the waifus
            List <Waifu> waifusUnboxed = new List <Waifu>();

            for (int i = 0; i < _WAIFU_AMOUNT_IN_BOX; ++i)
                var wToAdd = await _waifuService.GetRandomWaifu().ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (wToAdd == null)
                // Check if URL is valid bcs it seems some are kinda broken ;_;
                // This is an extreme edge case but it happened once and that is enough as it should never happen
                if (!Helper.UrlValidUri(wToAdd.ImageUrl))
                    await _waifuService.RemoveWaifu(wToAdd.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (waifusUnboxed.Count != _WAIFU_AMOUNT_IN_BOX)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("There don't seem to be Waifus to unbox at the moment. Sorry :/");


            // Now lets try to give everything to the user before we continue doing anything else
            if (!await _waifuService.TryGiveWaifusToUser(Context.User.Id, waifusUnboxed, _WAIFU_BOX_COST).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ReplyFailureEmbed("Failed to give Waifus :( Please try again");

            // We gave him the waifus. Now we just have to tell him :)
            waifusUnboxed.Sort((x, y) => - x.Rarity.CompareTo(y.Rarity));

            string waifuImageUrl = waifusUnboxed.FirstOrDefault(x => Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(x.ImageUrl, UriKind.Absolute))?.ImageUrl;

            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                Title       = "Congrats! You've got some nice waifus",
                Description = $"You opened a regular WaifuBox for {_WAIFU_BOX_COST.ToString()} SC." +
                              $@"{(_config.SpecialWaifuActive ?
                                  $"\nThere are currently {WaifuFormatter.GetRarityString(_config.SpecialWaifuType)} special Waifus for a limited time only. " +
                                  $"You can open them with the `special` command" : $"")}",
                Footer   = RequestedByFooter(Context.User),
                Color    = Purple,
                ImageUrl = waifuImageUrl

            foreach (var waifu in waifusUnboxed)
                eb.AddField(x =>
                    x.IsInline = true;
                    x.Name     = waifu.Name;
                    x.Value    = $"Rarity: {WaifuFormatter.GetRarityString(waifu.Rarity)}\n" +
                                 $"[Image Url]({waifu.ImageUrl})\n" +
                                 $"*ID: {waifu.Id}*";

            await ReplyAsync("", embed : eb.Build());
예제 #4
        public async Task GetWaifuStats(
            [Summary("@User to get the stats to. Leave blank to get your own")]
            DiscordGuildUser userT = null)
            var user   = userT?.GuildUser ?? (IGuildUser)Context.User;
            var waifus = await _waifuService.GetAllWaifusFromUser(user.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (waifus == null || waifus.Count == 0)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed($"{(userT == null ? "You have" : $"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user)} has")} no waifus.");


            // Unlike the total waifus we actually cache this value for 1 hour. This is because it's less important and can be inaccurate for a while
            // This frees up resources for more important tasks
            var allRarityStats = await _waifuService.GetTotalWaifuRarityStats().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                Color        = Purple,
                Footer       = RequestedByFooter(Context.User),
                ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(),
                Title        = "Waifu Stats",
                Description  = "This shows you how many waifus you own of each category and your completion percentage." +
                               " This does not take dupes into account!"

            int totalHas   = 0;
            var userRarity = waifus.GroupBy(w => w.Rarity, (rarity, ws) => new { rarity, count = ws.Count() })
                             .ToDictionary(x => x.rarity, x => x.count);

            // This line kinda sucks. Don't know if there is a better way to solve this but that aint it chief
            var allRarities = ((WaifuRarity[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(WaifuRarity))).OrderBy(x => x);
            int total       = 0;

            foreach (var rarity in allRarities)
                userRarity.TryGetValue(rarity, out int count);

                int allRar = allRarityStats[rarity];
                total += allRar;

                eb.AddField(x =>
                    x.Name     = WaifuFormatter.GetRarityString(rarity);
                    x.IsInline = true;
                    x.Value    = $"{count.ToString()} / {allRar.ToString()} ({((float) count / allRar):P2})";
                totalHas += count;

            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.Name     = "Total";
                x.IsInline = true;
                x.Value    = $"{totalHas.ToString()} / {total.ToString()} ({((float) totalHas / total):P2})";

            await ReplyAsync("", embed : eb.Build());