예제 #1
        public async Task <HvdcLineCktOwner> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, HvdcLineCktOwnerForeign cktOwnerForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            HvdcLineCktOwner existingCktOwner = await _context.HvdcLineCktOwners.SingleOrDefaultAsync(cO => cO.WebUatId == cktOwnerForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingCktOwner != null)

            // find the HvdcLineCkt via the HvdcLineCkt WebUatId
            int         cktWebUatId = cktOwnerForeign.HvdcLineCktWebUatId;
            HvdcLineCkt ckt         = await _context.HvdcLineCkts.SingleOrDefaultAsync(c => c.WebUatId == cktWebUatId);

            // if HvdcLineCkt doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (ckt == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find HvdcLineCkt with webUatId {cktWebUatId} while inserting HvdcLineCktOwner with webUatId {cktOwnerForeign.WebUatId}");

            // find the Owner of the HvdcLineCkt via the Owner WebUatId
            int   ownerWebUatId = cktOwnerForeign.OwnerWebUatId;
            Owner owner         = await _context.Owners.SingleOrDefaultAsync(o => o.WebUatId == ownerWebUatId);

            // if owner doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (owner == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Owner with webUatId {ownerWebUatId} while inserting HvdcLineCktOwner with webUatId {cktOwnerForeign.WebUatId}");

                // check if we have to replace the entity completely
                if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingCktOwner != null)

                // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
                if (existingCktOwner == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingCktOwner != null))
                    HvdcLineCktOwner newCktOwner = new HvdcLineCktOwner();
                    newCktOwner.OwnerId       = owner.OwnerId;
                    newCktOwner.HvdcLineCktId = ckt.HvdcLineCktId;
                    newCktOwner.WebUatId      = cktOwnerForeign.WebUatId;

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


                // check if we have to modify the entity
                if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingCktOwner != null)
                    existingCktOwner.OwnerId       = owner.OwnerId;
                    existingCktOwner.HvdcLineCktId = ckt.HvdcLineCktId;
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            catch (DbUpdateException e)
                _log.LogCritical($"Error occured while inserting HvdcLineCktOwner with webUatId {cktOwnerForeign.WebUatId}, owner id {owner.OwnerId} and cktId {ckt.HvdcLineCktId}");
                _log.LogCritical($"EntityWriteOption = {opt.ToString()}");

예제 #2
        public async Task <Substation> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, SubstationForeign ssForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            Substation existingSS = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == ssForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingSS != null)

            // find the MajorSubstation of the substation via the MajorSubstation WebUatId
            int             majorSSWebUatId = ssForeign.MajorSubstationWebUatId;
            MajorSubstation majorSS         = await _context.MajorSubstations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(mss => mss.WebUatId == majorSSWebUatId);

            // if major Substation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (majorSS == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find MajorSubstation with webUatId {majorSSWebUatId} while inserting Substation with webUatId {ssForeign.WebUatId} and name {ssForeign.Name}");
                // uncomment this if vendor obeys non nullable major ss foreign id
                // return null;

            // find the Voltage of the substation via the Voltage WebUatId
            int       voltWebUatId = (int)ssForeign.VoltLevelWebUatId;
            VoltLevel voltLevel    = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(vl => vl.WebUatId == voltWebUatId);

            // if voltage level doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (voltLevel == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find VoltLevel with webUatId {voltWebUatId} while inserting Substation with webUatId {ssForeign.WebUatId} and name {ssForeign.Name}");

            // find the State of the substation via the State WebUatId
            int stateWebUatId = -1;

            if (int.TryParse(ssForeign.StateWebUatId, out int j))
                stateWebUatId = j;
                Console.WriteLine($"Could not parse state WebUatId {ssForeign.StateWebUatId}");
            State state = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find State with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting Substation with webUatId {ssForeign.WebUatId} and name {ssForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingSS != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingSS == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingSS != null))
                Substation newSS = new Substation();
                newSS.Name        = ssForeign.Name;
                newSS.VoltLevelId = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                if (majorSS != null)
                    newSS.MajorSubstationId = majorSS.MajorSubstationId;
                newSS.StateId        = state.StateId;
                newSS.Classification = ssForeign.Classification;
                newSS.BusbarScheme   = ssForeign.BusbarScheme;
                newSS.CodDate        = ssForeign.CodDate;
                newSS.CommDate       = ssForeign.CommDate;
                newSS.DecommDate     = ssForeign.DecommDate;
                newSS.WebUatId       = ssForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingSS != null)
                existingSS.Name        = ssForeign.Name;
                existingSS.VoltLevelId = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                if (majorSS != null)
                    existingSS.MajorSubstationId = majorSS.MajorSubstationId;
                existingSS.StateId        = state.StateId;
                existingSS.Classification = ssForeign.Classification;
                if (ssForeign.BusbarScheme != null)
                    existingSS.BusbarScheme = ssForeign.BusbarScheme;
                existingSS.CodDate    = ssForeign.CodDate;
                existingSS.CommDate   = ssForeign.CommDate;
                existingSS.DecommDate = ssForeign.DecommDate;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #3
        public async Task <HvdcLine> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, HvdcLineForeign hvdcLineForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            HvdcLine existingHvdcLine = await _context.HvdcLines.SingleOrDefaultAsync(lr => lr.WebUatId == hvdcLineForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingHvdcLine != null)

            // find the FromSubstation via the FromSSWebUatId
            int        fromSSWebUatId = hvdcLineForeign.FromSSWebUatId;
            Substation fromSS         = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == fromSSWebUatId);

            // if FromSubstation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (fromSS == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find FromSubstation with webUatId {fromSSWebUatId} while inserting HvdcLine with webUatId {hvdcLineForeign.WebUatId} and name {hvdcLineForeign.Name}");

            // find the ToSubstation via the ToSSWebUatId
            int        toSSWebUatId = hvdcLineForeign.ToSSWebUatId;
            Substation toSS         = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == toSSWebUatId);

            // if ToSubstation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (toSS == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find ToSubstation with webUatId {toSSWebUatId} while inserting HvdcLine with webUatId {hvdcLineForeign.WebUatId} and name {hvdcLineForeign.Name}");

            // find the FromState via the State WebUatId
            int   fromStateWebUatId = hvdcLineForeign.FromStateWebUatId;
            State fromState         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == fromStateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (fromState == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find FromState with webUatId {fromStateWebUatId} while inserting HvdcLine with webUatId {hvdcLineForeign.WebUatId} and name {hvdcLineForeign.Name}");

            // find the ToState via the State WebUatId
            int   toStateWebUatId = hvdcLineForeign.ToStateWebUatId;
            State toState         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == toStateWebUatId);

            // if toState doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (toState == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find ToState with webUatId {toStateWebUatId} while inserting HvdcLine with webUatId {hvdcLineForeign.WebUatId} and name {hvdcLineForeign.Name}");

            int       voltLevelWebUatId = hvdcLineForeign.VoltLevelWebUatId;
            VoltLevel voltLevel         = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(v => v.WebUatId == voltLevelWebUatId);

            // if voltLevel doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (voltLevel == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find VoltLevel with webUatId {voltLevelWebUatId} while inserting HvdcLine with webUatId {hvdcLineForeign.WebUatId} and name {hvdcLineForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingHvdcLine != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingHvdcLine == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingHvdcLine != null))
                HvdcLine newHvdcLine = new HvdcLine();
                newHvdcLine.Name             = hvdcLineForeign.Name;
                newHvdcLine.FromStateId      = fromState.StateId;
                newHvdcLine.ToStateId        = toState.StateId;
                newHvdcLine.FromSubstationId = fromSS.SubstationId;
                newHvdcLine.ToSubstationId   = toSS.SubstationId;
                newHvdcLine.VoltLevelId      = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                newHvdcLine.WebUatId         = hvdcLineForeign.WebUatId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingHvdcLine != null)
                existingHvdcLine.Name             = hvdcLineForeign.Name;
                existingHvdcLine.FromStateId      = fromState.StateId;
                existingHvdcLine.ToStateId        = toState.StateId;
                existingHvdcLine.FromSubstationId = fromSS.SubstationId;
                existingHvdcLine.ToSubstationId   = toSS.SubstationId;
                existingHvdcLine.VoltLevelId      = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #4
        public async Task <TransformerOwner> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, TransformerOwnerForeign trOwnerForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            TransformerOwner existingTrOwner = await _context.TransformerOwners.SingleOrDefaultAsync(trO => trO.WebUatId == trOwnerForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingTrOwner != null)

            // find the Transformer via the TransformerWebUatId
            int         trWebUatId  = trOwnerForeign.TransformerWebUatId;
            Transformer transformer = await _context.Transformers.SingleOrDefaultAsync(tr => tr.WebUatId == trWebUatId);

            // if Transformer doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (transformer == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Transformer with webUatId {trWebUatId} while inserting TransformerOwner with webUatId {trOwnerForeign.WebUatId}");

            // find the Owner of the substation via the Owner WebUatId
            int   ownerWebUatId = trOwnerForeign.OwnerWebUatId;
            Owner owner         = await _context.Owners.SingleOrDefaultAsync(o => o.WebUatId == ownerWebUatId);

            // if owner doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (owner == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Owner with webUatId {ownerWebUatId} while inserting TransformerOwner with webUatId {trOwnerForeign.WebUatId}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingTrOwner != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingTrOwner == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingTrOwner != null))
                TransformerOwner newTrOwner = new TransformerOwner();
                newTrOwner.OwnerId       = owner.OwnerId;
                newTrOwner.TransformerId = transformer.TransformerId;
                newTrOwner.WebUatId      = trOwnerForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingTrOwner != null)
                existingTrOwner.OwnerId       = owner.OwnerId;
                existingTrOwner.TransformerId = transformer.TransformerId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #5
        public async Task <LineReactor> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, LineReactorForeign lrForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            LineReactor existingLr = await _context.LineReactors.SingleOrDefaultAsync(lr => lr.WebUatId == lrForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingLr != null)

            // find the Substation of the LineReactor via the Substation WebUatId
            int        ssWebUatId = lrForeign.SubstationWebUatId;
            Substation substation = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == ssWebUatId);

            // if Substation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (substation == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Substation with webUatId {ssWebUatId} while inserting LineReactor with webUatId {lrForeign.WebUatId} and name {lrForeign.Name}");

            // find the AcTransLineCkt of the LineReactor via the AcTransLineCkt WebUatId
            int            lineCktWebUatId = lrForeign.AcTransLineCktWebUatId;
            AcTransLineCkt acCkt           = await _context.AcTransLineCkts.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ckt => ckt.WebUatId == lineCktWebUatId);

            // if AcTransLineCkt doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (acCkt == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find AcTransLineCkt with webUatId {lineCktWebUatId} while inserting LineReactor with webUatId {lrForeign.WebUatId} and name {lrForeign.Name}");

            // find the State of the LineReactor via the State WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = lrForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State state         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find State with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting LineReactor with webUatId {lrForeign.WebUatId} and name {lrForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingLr != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingLr == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingLr != null))
                LineReactor newLr = new LineReactor();
                newLr.Name             = lrForeign.Name;
                newLr.MvarCapacity     = lrForeign.MvarCapacity;
                newLr.CommDate         = lrForeign.CommDate;
                newLr.CodDate          = lrForeign.CodDate;
                newLr.DecommDate       = lrForeign.DecommDate;
                newLr.AcTransLineCktId = acCkt.AcTransLineCktId;
                newLr.SubstationId     = substation.SubstationId;
                newLr.StateId          = substation.StateId;
                newLr.IsConvertible    = lrForeign.IsConvertible == 0 ? false : true;
                newLr.IsSwitchable     = lrForeign.IsSwitchable == 0 ? false : true;
                newLr.WebUatId         = lrForeign.WebUatId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingLr != null)
                existingLr.Name             = lrForeign.Name;
                existingLr.MvarCapacity     = lrForeign.MvarCapacity;
                existingLr.CommDate         = lrForeign.CommDate;
                existingLr.CodDate          = lrForeign.CodDate;
                existingLr.DecommDate       = lrForeign.DecommDate;
                existingLr.AcTransLineCktId = acCkt.AcTransLineCktId;
                existingLr.SubstationId     = substation.SubstationId;
                existingLr.StateId          = substation.StateId;
                existingLr.IsConvertible    = lrForeign.IsConvertible == 0 ? false : true;
                existingLr.IsSwitchable     = lrForeign.IsSwitchable == 0 ? false : true;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #6
        public async Task <HvdcPole> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, HvdcPoleForeign hvdcPoleForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            HvdcPole existingHvdcPole = await _context.HvdcPoles.SingleOrDefaultAsync(lr => lr.WebUatId == hvdcPoleForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingHvdcPole != null)

            // find the Substation via the SubstationWebUatId
            int        substationWebUatId = hvdcPoleForeign.SubstationWebUatId;
            Substation substation         = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == substationWebUatId);

            // if Substation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (substation == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Substation with webUatId {substationWebUatId} while inserting HvdcPole with webUatId {hvdcPoleForeign.WebUatId} and name {hvdcPoleForeign.Name}");

            // find the State via the State WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = hvdcPoleForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State state         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find state with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting HvdcPole with webUatId {hvdcPoleForeign.WebUatId} and name {hvdcPoleForeign.Name}");

            int       voltLevelWebUatId = hvdcPoleForeign.VoltLevelWebUatId;
            VoltLevel voltLevel         = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(v => v.WebUatId == voltLevelWebUatId);

            // if voltLevel doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (voltLevel == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find VoltLevel with webUatId {voltLevelWebUatId} while inserting HvdcPole with webUatId {hvdcPoleForeign.WebUatId} and name {hvdcPoleForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingHvdcPole != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingHvdcPole == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingHvdcPole != null))
                HvdcPole newHvdcPole = new HvdcPole();
                newHvdcPole.Name                  = hvdcPoleForeign.Name;
                newHvdcPole.PoleNumber            = hvdcPoleForeign.PoleNumber.ToString();
                newHvdcPole.SubstationId          = substation.SubstationId;
                newHvdcPole.StateId               = state.StateId;
                newHvdcPole.VoltLevelId           = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                newHvdcPole.PoleType              = hvdcPoleForeign.PoleType;
                newHvdcPole.MaxFiringAngleDegrees = hvdcPoleForeign.MaxFiringAngleDegrees;
                newHvdcPole.MinFiringAngleDegrees = hvdcPoleForeign.MinFiringAngleDegrees;
                newHvdcPole.ThermalLimitMVA       = hvdcPoleForeign.ThermalLimitMVA;
                newHvdcPole.CommDate              = hvdcPoleForeign.CommDate;
                newHvdcPole.CodDate               = hvdcPoleForeign.CodDate;
                newHvdcPole.DeCommDate            = hvdcPoleForeign.DeCommDate;
                newHvdcPole.WebUatId              = hvdcPoleForeign.WebUatId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingHvdcPole != null)
                existingHvdcPole.Name                  = hvdcPoleForeign.Name;
                existingHvdcPole.PoleNumber            = hvdcPoleForeign.PoleNumber.ToString();
                existingHvdcPole.SubstationId          = substation.SubstationId;
                existingHvdcPole.StateId               = state.StateId;
                existingHvdcPole.VoltLevelId           = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                existingHvdcPole.PoleType              = hvdcPoleForeign.PoleType;
                existingHvdcPole.MaxFiringAngleDegrees = hvdcPoleForeign.MaxFiringAngleDegrees;
                existingHvdcPole.MinFiringAngleDegrees = hvdcPoleForeign.MinFiringAngleDegrees;
                existingHvdcPole.ThermalLimitMVA       = hvdcPoleForeign.ThermalLimitMVA;
                existingHvdcPole.CommDate              = hvdcPoleForeign.CommDate;
                existingHvdcPole.CodDate               = hvdcPoleForeign.CodDate;
                existingHvdcPole.DeCommDate            = hvdcPoleForeign.DeCommDate;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #7
        public async Task <AcTransLineCktOwner> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, AcTransmissionLineCircuitOwnerForeign acCktOwnerForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            AcTransLineCktOwner existingAcCktOwner = await _context.AcTransLineCktOwners.SingleOrDefaultAsync(aco => aco.WebUatId == acCktOwnerForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingAcCktOwner != null)

            // find the AcTranLineCkt via the AcTranLineCkt WebUatId
            int            acCktWebUatId = acCktOwnerForeign.AcTranLineCktWebUatId;
            AcTransLineCkt acTransCkt    = await _context.AcTransLineCkts.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == acCktWebUatId);

            // if AcTransLineCkt doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (acTransCkt == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find AcTransLineCkt with WebUatId {acCktWebUatId} in warehouse while creating AcTransLineCktOwner with WebUat Id {acCktOwnerForeign.WebUatId}");

            // find the Owner of the AcTransLineCkt via the Owner WebUatId
            int   ownerWebUatId = acCktOwnerForeign.OwnerWebUatId;
            Owner owner         = await _context.Owners.SingleOrDefaultAsync(o => o.WebUatId == ownerWebUatId);

            // if owner doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (owner == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find Owner with WebUatId {ownerWebUatId} in warehouse while creating AcTransLineCktOwner with WebUat Id {acCktOwnerForeign.WebUatId}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingAcCktOwner != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingAcCktOwner == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingAcCktOwner != null))
                AcTransLineCktOwner acCktOwner = new AcTransLineCktOwner();
                acCktOwner.OwnerId          = owner.OwnerId;
                acCktOwner.AcTransLineCktId = acTransCkt.AcTransLineCktId;
                acCktOwner.WebUatId         = acCktOwnerForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingAcCktOwner != null)
                existingAcCktOwner.OwnerId          = owner.OwnerId;
                existingAcCktOwner.AcTransLineCktId = acTransCkt.AcTransLineCktId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #8
        public async Task <Transformer> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, TransformerForeign trForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            Transformer existingTr = await _context.Transformers.SingleOrDefaultAsync(tr => tr.WebUatId == trForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingTr != null)

            // check if substation type is valid
            string ssTypeSubstation = "SubStation";
            string ssTypeGenStation = "Generating Station";

            if (!(trForeign.StationType == ssTypeSubstation || trForeign.StationType == ssTypeGenStation))
                _log.LogCritical($"substation type is not {ssTypeSubstation} or {ssTypeGenStation} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            MajorSubstation hvSubstation         = null;
            int             hvSubstationWebUatId = -1;

            if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeSubstation)
                // The transformer is in Substation
                hvSubstationWebUatId = trForeign.HVStationWebUatId;
                hvSubstation         = await _context.MajorSubstations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(hvss => hvss.WebUatId == hvSubstationWebUatId);

                if (hvSubstation == null)
                    _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find MajorSubstation with webUatId {hvSubstationWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            GeneratingStation hvGenStation = null;
            int hvGenstationWebUatId       = -1;

            if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeGenStation)
                // The transformer is in GeneratingStation
                hvGenstationWebUatId = trForeign.HVStationWebUatId;
                hvGenStation         = await _context.GeneratingStations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(hvgt => hvgt.WebUatId == hvGenstationWebUatId);

                if (hvGenStation == null)
                    _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find GeneratingStation with webUatId {hvGenstationWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            // find the HV Voltage of the Transformer via the Voltage WebUatId
            int       hvVoltWebUatId = trForeign.HighVoltLevelWebUatId;
            VoltLevel hvVolt         = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(vl => vl.WebUatId == hvVoltWebUatId);

            // if voltage level doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (hvVolt == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find HV VoltLevel with webUatId {hvVoltWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            // find the LV Voltage of the Transformer via the Voltage WebUatId
            int       lvVoltWebUatId = trForeign.LowVoltLevelWebUatId;
            VoltLevel lvVolt         = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(vl => vl.WebUatId == lvVoltWebUatId);

            // if voltage level doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (lvVolt == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find LV VoltLevel with webUatId {lvVoltWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");
                // uncomment this after vendor complies for non null LV voltage types
                // return null;

            // find the State of the substation via the State WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = trForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State state         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find State with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            // find the TransformerType of the Transformer via the TransformerTypeWebUatId
            int             trTypeWebUatId = trForeign.TransTypeWebUatId;
            TransformerType trType         = await _context.TransformerTypes.SingleOrDefaultAsync(trt => trt.WebUatId == trTypeWebUatId);

            // if TransformerType doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (trType == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find TransformerType with webUatId {trTypeWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {trForeign.WebUatId} and name {trForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingTr != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingTr == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingTr != null))
                Transformer newTr = new Transformer();
                newTr.Name            = trForeign.Name;
                newTr.StationType     = trForeign.StationType;
                newTr.HighVoltLevelId = hvVolt.VoltLevelId;
                if (lvVolt != null)
                    newTr.LowVoltLevelId = lvVolt.VoltLevelId;
                newTr.TransformerNumber = trForeign.TransformerNumber;
                newTr.TransformerTypeId = trType.TransformerTypeId;
                newTr.StateId           = state.StateId;
                newTr.MVACapacity       = trForeign.MVACapacity;
                newTr.CodDate           = trForeign.CodDate;
                newTr.CommDate          = trForeign.CommDate;
                newTr.DecommDate        = trForeign.DecommDate;
                newTr.WebUatId          = trForeign.WebUatId;
                if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeSubstation)
                    newTr.HvSubstationId = hvSubstation.MajorSubstationId;
                else if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeGenStation)
                    newTr.HvGeneratingStationId = hvGenStation.GeneratingStationId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingTr != null)
                existingTr.Name            = trForeign.Name;
                existingTr.StationType     = trForeign.StationType;
                existingTr.HighVoltLevelId = hvVolt.VoltLevelId;
                if (lvVolt != null)
                    existingTr.LowVoltLevelId = lvVolt.VoltLevelId;
                existingTr.TransformerNumber = trForeign.TransformerNumber;
                existingTr.TransformerTypeId = trType.TransformerTypeId;
                existingTr.StateId           = state.StateId;
                existingTr.MVACapacity       = trForeign.MVACapacity;
                existingTr.CodDate           = trForeign.CodDate;
                existingTr.CommDate          = trForeign.CommDate;
                existingTr.DecommDate        = trForeign.DecommDate;
                if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeSubstation)
                    existingTr.HvSubstationId = hvSubstation.MajorSubstationId;
                else if (trForeign.StationType == ssTypeGenStation)
                    existingTr.HvGeneratingStationId = hvGenStation.GeneratingStationId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #9
        public async Task <AcTransLineCkt> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, AcTransmissionLineCircuitForeign acTrLineCktForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            AcTransLineCkt existingAcTrLineCkt = await _context.AcTransLineCkts.SingleOrDefaultAsync(acCkt => acCkt.WebUatId == acTrLineCktForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingAcTrLineCkt != null)

            // find the from AcTransmissionLine via FromSubstattion WebUatId
            int acTransLineWebUatId     = acTrLineCktForeign.AcTransLineWebUatId;
            AcTransmissionLine acTrLine = await _context.AcTransmissionLines.SingleOrDefaultAsync(atl => atl.WebUatId == acTransLineWebUatId);

            // if AcTransmissionLine doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (acTrLine == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find AcTransmissionLine with webUatId {acTransLineWebUatId} while inserting AcTransLineCkt with webUatId {acTrLineCktForeign.WebUatId} and name {acTrLineCktForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingAcTrLineCkt != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingAcTrLineCkt == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingAcTrLineCkt != null))
                AcTransLineCkt newAcTrLineCkt = new AcTransLineCkt();
                newAcTrLineCkt.Name = acTrLineCktForeign.Name;
                newAcTrLineCkt.AcTransmissionLineId = acTrLine.AcTransmissionLineId;
                newAcTrLineCkt.CktNumber            = acTrLineCktForeign.CktNumber.ToString();
                newAcTrLineCkt.CODDate            = acTrLineCktForeign.CODDate;
                newAcTrLineCkt.CommDate           = acTrLineCktForeign.CommDate;
                newAcTrLineCkt.DeCommDate         = acTrLineCktForeign.DeCommDate;
                newAcTrLineCkt.FtcDate            = acTrLineCktForeign.FtcDate;
                newAcTrLineCkt.Length             = acTrLineCktForeign.Length;
                newAcTrLineCkt.SIL                = acTrLineCktForeign.SIL;
                newAcTrLineCkt.ThermalLimitMVA    = acTrLineCktForeign.ThermalLimitMVA;
                newAcTrLineCkt.TrialOperationDate = acTrLineCktForeign.TrialOperationDate;
                newAcTrLineCkt.WebUatId           = acTrLineCktForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingAcTrLineCkt != null)
                existingAcTrLineCkt.Name = acTrLineCktForeign.Name;
                existingAcTrLineCkt.AcTransmissionLineId = acTrLine.AcTransmissionLineId;
                existingAcTrLineCkt.CktNumber            = acTrLineCktForeign.CktNumber.ToString();
                existingAcTrLineCkt.CODDate            = acTrLineCktForeign.CODDate;
                existingAcTrLineCkt.CommDate           = acTrLineCktForeign.CommDate;
                existingAcTrLineCkt.DeCommDate         = acTrLineCktForeign.DeCommDate;
                existingAcTrLineCkt.FtcDate            = acTrLineCktForeign.FtcDate;
                existingAcTrLineCkt.Length             = acTrLineCktForeign.Length;
                existingAcTrLineCkt.SIL                = acTrLineCktForeign.SIL;
                existingAcTrLineCkt.ThermalLimitMVA    = acTrLineCktForeign.ThermalLimitMVA;
                existingAcTrLineCkt.TrialOperationDate = acTrLineCktForeign.TrialOperationDate;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #10
        public async Task <MajorSubstation> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, MajorSubstationForeign majorSSForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            MajorSubstation existingMajorSS = await _context.MajorSubstations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(mss => mss.WebUatId == majorSSForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingMajorSS != null)

            // find the region of the state via the region WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = majorSSForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State majorSSState  = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (majorSSState == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find State with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting MajorSubstation with webUatId {majorSSForeign.WebUatId} and name {majorSSForeign.Name}");

            // if entity is not present, then insert
            if (existingMajorSS == null)
                MajorSubstation newMajorSS = new MajorSubstation();
                newMajorSS.Name     = majorSSForeign.Name;
                newMajorSS.StateId  = majorSSState.StateId;
                newMajorSS.WebUatId = majorSSForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingMajorSS != null)

                MajorSubstation newMajorSS = new MajorSubstation();
                newMajorSS.Name     = majorSSForeign.Name;
                newMajorSS.StateId  = majorSSState.StateId;
                newMajorSS.WebUatId = majorSSForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingMajorSS != null)
                existingMajorSS.Name    = majorSSForeign.Name;
                existingMajorSS.StateId = majorSSState.StateId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #11
        public async Task <GenerationTypeFuel> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, GenerationTypeFuelForeign genTypeFuelForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            GenerationTypeFuel existingGenTypeFuel = await _context.GenerationTypeFuels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(gtf => gtf.WebUatId == genTypeFuelForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingGenTypeFuel != null)

            // find the GenerationType via the Substation WebUatId
            int            genTypeWebUatId = genTypeFuelForeign.GenerationTypeWebUatId;
            GenerationType genType         = await _context.GenerationTypes.SingleOrDefaultAsync(gt => gt.WebUatId == genTypeWebUatId);

            // if GenerationType doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (genType == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find GenerationType with webUatId {genTypeWebUatId} while inserting GenerationTypeFuel with webUatId {genTypeFuelForeign.WebUatId}");

            // find the Fuel via the Fuel WebUatId
            int  fuelWebUatId = genTypeFuelForeign.FuelWebUatId;
            Fuel fuel         = await _context.Fuels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(f => f.WebUatId == fuelWebUatId);

            // if fuel doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (fuel == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Fuel with webUatId {fuelWebUatId} while inserting GenerationTypeFuel with webUatId {genTypeFuelForeign.WebUatId}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenTypeFuel != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingGenTypeFuel == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenTypeFuel != null))
                GenerationTypeFuel newGenTypeFuel = new GenerationTypeFuel();
                newGenTypeFuel.FuelId           = fuel.FuelId;
                newGenTypeFuel.GenerationTypeId = genType.GenerationTypeId;
                newGenTypeFuel.WebUatId         = genTypeFuelForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingGenTypeFuel != null)
                existingGenTypeFuel.FuelId           = fuel.FuelId;
                existingGenTypeFuel.GenerationTypeId = genType.GenerationTypeId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #12
        public async Task <BusReactor> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, BusReactorForeign brForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            BusReactor existingBr = await _context.BusReactors.SingleOrDefaultAsync(br => br.WebUatId == brForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingBr != null)

            // find the Substation of the BusReactor via the Substation WebUatId
            int        ssWebUatId = brForeign.SubstationWebUatId;
            Substation substation = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == ssWebUatId);

            // if Substation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (substation == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Substation with webUatId {ssWebUatId} while inserting BusReactor with webUatId {brForeign.WebUatId} and name {brForeign.Name}");

            // find the Bus of the BusReactor via the Bus WebUatId
            int busWebUatId = brForeign.BusWebUatId;
            Bus bus         = await _context.Buses.SingleOrDefaultAsync(b => b.WebUatId == busWebUatId);

            // if Bus doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (bus == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Bus with webUatId {busWebUatId} while inserting BusReactor with webUatId {brForeign.WebUatId} and name {brForeign.Name}");

            // find the State of the BusReactor via the State WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = brForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State state         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find State with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting Transformer with webUatId {brForeign.WebUatId} and name {brForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingBr != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingBr == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingBr != null))
                BusReactor newBr = new BusReactor();
                newBr.Name             = brForeign.Name;
                newBr.BusReactorNumber = brForeign.BusReactorNumber;
                newBr.MvarCapacity     = brForeign.MvarCapacity;
                newBr.CommDate         = brForeign.CommDate;
                newBr.CodDate          = brForeign.CodDate;
                newBr.DecommDate       = brForeign.DecommDate;
                newBr.BusId            = bus.BusId;
                newBr.SubstationId     = substation.SubstationId;
                newBr.StateId          = substation.StateId;
                newBr.WebUatId         = brForeign.WebUatId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingBr != null)
                existingBr.Name             = brForeign.Name;
                existingBr.BusReactorNumber = brForeign.BusReactorNumber;
                existingBr.MvarCapacity     = brForeign.MvarCapacity;
                existingBr.CommDate         = brForeign.CommDate;
                existingBr.CodDate          = brForeign.CodDate;
                existingBr.DecommDate       = brForeign.DecommDate;
                existingBr.BusId            = bus.BusId;
                existingBr.SubstationId     = substation.SubstationId;
                existingBr.StateId          = substation.StateId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #13
        public async Task <Fsc> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, FscForeign fscForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            Fsc existingFsc = await _context.Fscs.SingleOrDefaultAsync(lr => lr.WebUatId == fscForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingFsc != null)

            // find the Substation via the SubstationWebUatId
            int        substationWebUatId = fscForeign.SubstationWebUatId;
            Substation substation         = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == substationWebUatId);

            // if Substation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (substation == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Substation with webUatId {substationWebUatId} while inserting Fsc with webUatId {fscForeign.WebUatId} and name {fscForeign.Name}");

            // find the State via the State WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = fscForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State state         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find state with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting Fsc with webUatId {fscForeign.WebUatId} and name {fscForeign.Name}");

            int            cktWebUatId = fscForeign.AcTransLineCktWebUatId;
            AcTransLineCkt ckt         = await _context.AcTransLineCkts.SingleOrDefaultAsync(v => v.WebUatId == cktWebUatId);

            // if ckt doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (ckt == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find AcTransLineCkt with webUatId {cktWebUatId} while inserting Fsc with webUatId {fscForeign.WebUatId} and name {fscForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingFsc != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingFsc == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingFsc != null))
                Fsc newFsc = new Fsc();
                newFsc.Name                = fscForeign.Name;
                newFsc.AcTransLineCktId    = ckt.AcTransLineCktId;
                newFsc.SubstationId        = substation.SubstationId;
                newFsc.StateId             = state.StateId;
                newFsc.PercComp            = fscForeign.PercComp;
                newFsc.LineReactance       = fscForeign.LineReactance;
                newFsc.CapacitiveReactance = fscForeign.CapacitiveReactance;
                newFsc.RatedMvarPhase      = fscForeign.RatedMvarPhase;
                newFsc.RatedCurrentAmps    = fscForeign.RatedCurrentAmps;
                newFsc.CommDate            = fscForeign.CommDate;
                newFsc.CodDate             = fscForeign.CodDate;
                newFsc.DeCommDate          = fscForeign.DeCommDate;
                newFsc.WebUatId            = fscForeign.WebUatId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingFsc != null)
                existingFsc.Name                = fscForeign.Name;
                existingFsc.AcTransLineCktId    = ckt.AcTransLineCktId;
                existingFsc.SubstationId        = substation.SubstationId;
                existingFsc.StateId             = state.StateId;
                existingFsc.PercComp            = fscForeign.PercComp;
                existingFsc.LineReactance       = fscForeign.LineReactance;
                existingFsc.CapacitiveReactance = fscForeign.CapacitiveReactance;
                existingFsc.RatedMvarPhase      = fscForeign.RatedMvarPhase;
                existingFsc.RatedCurrentAmps    = fscForeign.RatedCurrentAmps;
                existingFsc.CommDate            = fscForeign.CommDate;
                existingFsc.CodDate             = fscForeign.CodDate;
                existingFsc.DeCommDate          = fscForeign.DeCommDate;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #14
        public async Task <AcTransmissionLine> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, AcTransmissionLineForeign acTrForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            AcTransmissionLine existingAcTrLine = await _context.AcTransmissionLines.SingleOrDefaultAsync(acTr => acTr.WebUatId == acTrForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingAcTrLine != null)

            // find the from Substation via FromSubstattion WebUatId
            int        fromSSebUatId = acTrForeign.FromSSWebUatId;
            Substation fromSS        = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == fromSSebUatId);

            // if FromSubstation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (fromSS == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find FromSubstation with webUatId {fromSSebUatId} while inserting AcTransmissionLine with webUatId {acTrForeign.WebUatId} and name {acTrForeign.Name}");

            // find the To Substation via ToSubstattion WebUatId
            int        toSSebUatId = acTrForeign.ToSSWebUatId;
            Substation toSS        = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == toSSebUatId);

            // if ToSubstation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (toSS == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find ToSubstation with webUatId {toSSebUatId} while inserting AcTransmissionLine with webUatId {acTrForeign.WebUatId} and name {acTrForeign.Name}");

            // find the Voltage of the substation via the Voltage WebUatId
            int       voltWebUatId = acTrForeign.VoltLevelWebUatId;
            VoltLevel voltLevel    = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(vl => vl.WebUatId == voltWebUatId);

            // if voltage level doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (voltLevel == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find VoltLevel with webUatId {voltWebUatId} while inserting AcTransmissionLine with webUatId {acTrForeign.WebUatId} and name {acTrForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingAcTrLine != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingAcTrLine == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingAcTrLine != null))
                AcTransmissionLine newAcTrLine = new AcTransmissionLine();
                newAcTrLine.Name             = acTrForeign.Name;
                newAcTrLine.VoltLevelId      = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                newAcTrLine.FromSubstationId = fromSS.SubstationId;
                newAcTrLine.ToSubstationId   = toSS.SubstationId;
                newAcTrLine.WebUatId         = acTrForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingAcTrLine != null)
                existingAcTrLine.Name             = acTrForeign.Name;
                existingAcTrLine.VoltLevelId      = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                existingAcTrLine.FromSubstationId = fromSS.SubstationId;
                existingAcTrLine.ToSubstationId   = toSS.SubstationId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #15
        public async Task <GeneratingStation> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, GeneratingStationForeign genStationForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            GeneratingStation existingGenStation = await _context.GeneratingStations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == genStationForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingGenStation != null)

            // find the GeneratorClassification of the substation via the GenClassification WebUatId
            int genClassificationWebUatId             = genStationForeign.GenClassificationWebUatId;
            GeneratorClassification genClassification = await _context.GeneratorClassifications.SingleOrDefaultAsync(gc => gc.WebUatId == genClassificationWebUatId);

            // if GeneratorClassification doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (genClassification == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find GeneratorClassification with WebUatId {genClassificationWebUatId} in warehouse while creating Generating Station with WebUat Id {genStationForeign.WebUatId} and name {genStationForeign.Name}");

            // find the Generation Type of the substation via the Voltage WebUatId
            int            genTypeWebUatId = genStationForeign.GenerationTypeWebUatId;
            GenerationType genType         = await _context.GenerationTypes.SingleOrDefaultAsync(gt => gt.WebUatId == genTypeWebUatId);

            // if GenerationType doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (genType == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find GenerationType with WebUatId {genTypeWebUatId} in warehouse while creating Generating Station with WebUat Id {genStationForeign.WebUatId} and name {genStationForeign.Name}");

            // find the State of the substation via the State WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = genStationForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State state         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find State with WebUatId {stateWebUatId} in warehouse while creating Generating Station with WebUat Id {genStationForeign.WebUatId} and name {genStationForeign.Name}");

            // find the fuel of the substation via the State WebUatId
            int  fuelWebUatId = genStationForeign.FuelWebUatId;
            Fuel fuel         = await _context.Fuels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(f => f.WebUatId == fuelWebUatId);

            // if fuel doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (fuel == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find Fuel with WebUatId {fuelWebUatId} in warehouse while creating Generating Station with WebUat Id {genStationForeign.WebUatId} and name {genStationForeign.Name}");
                // uncomment this after vendor complies to non null fuel types
                // return null;

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenStation != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingGenStation == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenStation != null))
                GeneratingStation genStation = new GeneratingStation();
                genStation.Name                      = genStationForeign.Name;
                genStation.GenerationTypeId          = genType.GenerationTypeId;
                genStation.GeneratorClassificationId = genClassification.GeneratorClassificationId;
                genStation.StateId                   = state.StateId;
                if (fuel != null)
                    genStation.FuelId = fuel.FuelId;
                genStation.WebUatId = genStationForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingGenStation != null)
                existingGenStation.Name                      = genStationForeign.Name;
                existingGenStation.GenerationTypeId          = genType.GenerationTypeId;
                existingGenStation.GeneratorClassificationId = genClassification.GeneratorClassificationId;
                existingGenStation.StateId                   = state.StateId;
                if (fuel != null)
                    existingGenStation.FuelId = fuel.FuelId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #16
        public async Task <Bus> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, BusForeign busForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            Bus existingBus = await _context.Buses.SingleOrDefaultAsync(b => b.WebUatId == busForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingBus != null)

            // find the substation of the bus via the AssSubstation WebUatId
            int        subWebUatId   = busForeign.AssSubstationWebUatId;
            Substation busSubstation = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == subWebUatId);

            // if Substation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (busSubstation == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Substation with webUatId {subWebUatId} while inserting Bus with webUatId {busForeign.WebUatId} and name {busForeign.Name}");

            // find the voltage of the bus via the VoltLevel WebUatId
            int       voltLevelWebUatId = busForeign.VoltageWebUatId;
            VoltLevel voltLevel         = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(v => v.WebUatId == voltLevelWebUatId);

            // if voltLevel doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (voltLevel == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find VoltLevel with webUatId {voltLevelWebUatId} while inserting Bus with webUatId {busForeign.WebUatId} and name {busForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingBus != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert
            if (existingBus == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingBus != null))
                Bus newBus = new Bus();
                newBus.Name         = busForeign.Name;
                newBus.BusNumber    = busForeign.BusNumber.ToString();
                newBus.SubstationId = busSubstation.SubstationId;
                newBus.VoltLevelId  = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                newBus.WebUatId     = busForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingBus != null)
                existingBus.Name         = busForeign.Name;
                existingBus.BusNumber    = busForeign.BusNumber.ToString();
                existingBus.SubstationId = busSubstation.SubstationId;
                existingBus.VoltLevelId  = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #17
        public async Task <GeneratingStationOwner> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, GeneratingStationOwnerForeign genStationOwnerForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            GeneratingStationOwner existingGenStationOwner = await _context.GeneratingStationOwners.SingleOrDefaultAsync(gso => gso.WebUatId == genStationOwnerForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingGenStationOwner != null)

            // find the GeneratingStation via the GeneratingStation WebUatId
            int genStationWebUatId       = genStationOwnerForeign.GeneratingStationWebUatId;
            GeneratingStation genStation = await _context.GeneratingStations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(gs => gs.WebUatId == genStationWebUatId);

            // if GeneratingStation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (genStation == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find GeneratingStation with webUatId {genStationWebUatId} while inserting GeneratingStationOwner with webUatId {genStationOwnerForeign.WebUatId}");

            // find the Owner of the substation via the Owner WebUatId
            int   ownerWebUatId = genStationOwnerForeign.OwnerWebUatId;
            Owner owner         = await _context.Owners.SingleOrDefaultAsync(o => o.WebUatId == ownerWebUatId);

            // if owner doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (owner == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Owner with webUatId {ownerWebUatId} while inserting GeneratingStationOwner with webUatId {genStationOwnerForeign.WebUatId}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenStationOwner != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingGenStationOwner == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenStationOwner != null))
                GeneratingStationOwner genStationOwner = new GeneratingStationOwner();
                genStationOwner.OwnerId             = owner.OwnerId;
                genStationOwner.GeneratingStationId = genStation.GeneratingStationId;
                genStationOwner.WebUatId            = genStationOwnerForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingGenStationOwner != null)
                existingGenStationOwner.OwnerId             = owner.OwnerId;
                existingGenStationOwner.GeneratingStationId = genStation.GeneratingStationId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #18
        public async Task <Compensator> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, CompensatorForeign compensatorForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            Compensator existingCompensator = await _context.Compensators.SingleOrDefaultAsync(lr => lr.WebUatId == compensatorForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingCompensator != null)

            // find the CompensatorType via the CompensatorTypeWebUatId
            int             compTypeWebUatId = compensatorForeign.CompensatorTypeWebUatId;
            CompensatorType compType         = await _context.CompensatorTypes.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ct => ct.WebUatId == compTypeWebUatId);

            // if CompensatorType doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (compType == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find CompensatorType with webUatId {compTypeWebUatId} while inserting Compensator with webUatId {compensatorForeign.WebUatId} and name {compensatorForeign.Name}");

            // find the Substation via the SubstationWebUatId
            int        substationWebUatId = compensatorForeign.SubstationWebUatId;
            Substation substation         = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == substationWebUatId);

            // if Substation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (substation == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Substation with webUatId {substationWebUatId} while inserting Compensator with webUatId {compensatorForeign.WebUatId} and name {compensatorForeign.Name}");

            // find the State via the State WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = compensatorForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State state         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find state with webUatId {stateWebUatId} while inserting Compensator with webUatId {compensatorForeign.WebUatId} and name {compensatorForeign.Name}");

            // find the attachElement Id of the Compensator
            int attachElementId       = -1;
            int attachElementType     = compensatorForeign.AttachElementType;
            int attachElementWebUatId = compensatorForeign.AttachElementWebUatId;

            if (attachElementType == 1)
                // attach element is a bus
                attachElementId = (await _context.Buses.SingleOrDefaultAsync(b => b.WebUatId == attachElementWebUatId)).BusId;
            else if (attachElementType == 2)
                // attach element is an AC Transmission line
                attachElementId = (await _context.AcTransLineCkts.SingleOrDefaultAsync(b => b.WebUatId == attachElementWebUatId)).AcTransLineCktId;
                // encountered an unknown attach element type, ideally this should not happen
                _log.LogCritical($"Encountered an unknown attach element type {attachElementType} while inserting Compensator with webUatId {compensatorForeign.WebUatId} and name {compensatorForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingCompensator != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingCompensator == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingCompensator != null))
                Compensator newCompensator = new Compensator();
                newCompensator.Name = compensatorForeign.Name;
                newCompensator.CompensatorTypeId = compType.CompensatorTypeId;
                newCompensator.SubstationId      = substation.SubstationId;
                newCompensator.StateId           = state.StateId;
                newCompensator.AttachElementType = compensatorForeign.AttachElementType;
                newCompensator.AttachElementId   = attachElementId;
                newCompensator.CompensatorNumber = compensatorForeign.CompensatorNumber.ToString();
                newCompensator.PercVariableComp  = compensatorForeign.PercVariableComp;
                newCompensator.PercFixedComp     = compensatorForeign.PercFixedComp;
                newCompensator.LineReactanceOhms = compensatorForeign.LineReactanceOhms;
                newCompensator.CommDate          = compensatorForeign.CommDate;
                newCompensator.CodDate           = compensatorForeign.CodDate;
                newCompensator.DeCommDate        = compensatorForeign.DeCommDate;
                newCompensator.WebUatId          = compensatorForeign.WebUatId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingCompensator != null)
                existingCompensator.Name = compensatorForeign.Name;
                existingCompensator.CompensatorTypeId = compType.CompensatorTypeId;
                existingCompensator.SubstationId      = substation.SubstationId;
                existingCompensator.StateId           = state.StateId;
                existingCompensator.AttachElementType = compensatorForeign.AttachElementType;
                existingCompensator.AttachElementId   = attachElementId;
                existingCompensator.CompensatorNumber = compensatorForeign.CompensatorNumber.ToString();
                existingCompensator.PercVariableComp  = compensatorForeign.PercVariableComp;
                existingCompensator.PercFixedComp     = compensatorForeign.PercFixedComp;
                existingCompensator.LineReactanceOhms = compensatorForeign.LineReactanceOhms;
                existingCompensator.CommDate          = compensatorForeign.CommDate;
                existingCompensator.CodDate           = compensatorForeign.CodDate;
                existingCompensator.DeCommDate        = compensatorForeign.DeCommDate;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #19
        public async Task <Bay> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, BayForeign bayForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            Bay existingBay = await _context.Bays.SingleOrDefaultAsync(b => b.WebUatId == bayForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingBay != null)

            // find the BayType via the BayTypeWebUatId
            int     bayTypeWebUatId = bayForeign.BayTypeWebUatId;
            BayType bayType         = await _context.BayTypes.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ct => ct.WebUatId == bayTypeWebUatId);

            // if BayType doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (bayType == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find BayType with webUatId {bayTypeWebUatId} while inserting Bay with webUatId {bayForeign.WebUatId} and name {bayForeign.Name}");

            // find the VoltLevel via the VoltLevelWebUatId
            int       voltWebUatId = bayForeign.VoltageWebUatId;
            VoltLevel voltLevel    = await _context.VoltLevels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(v => v.WebUatId == voltWebUatId);

            // if VoltLevel doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (voltLevel == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find voltLevel with webUatId {voltWebUatId} while inserting Bay with webUatId {bayForeign.WebUatId} and name {bayForeign.Name}");

            // find the Substation via the SubstationWebUatId
            int        substationWebUatId = bayForeign.SubstationWebUatId;
            Substation substation         = await _context.Substations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == substationWebUatId);

            // if Substation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (substation == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find Substation with webUatId {substationWebUatId} while inserting Bay with webUatId {bayForeign.WebUatId} and name {bayForeign.Name}");

            async Task <int> getElementId(int entWebUatId, string entType)
                // find the sourceEntityId of the Bay
                int entityId = -1;

                    // entityType can be AC LINE CIRCUIT,TCSC,BUS REACTOR,TRANSFORMER,Filter Bank,BUS,FSC,LINE REACTOR
                    string entityType      = bayForeign.SourceEntityType;
                    int    elementWebUatId = bayForeign.SourceEntityWebUatId;
                    if (entityType == "AC LINE CIRCUIT")
                        // attach element is AcTransLineCkt
                        entityId = (await _context.AcTransLineCkts.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ckt => ckt.WebUatId == elementWebUatId)).AcTransLineCktId;
                    else if (entityType == "TCSC")
                        // attach element is Compensator
                        entityId = (await _context.Compensators.SingleOrDefaultAsync(c => c.WebUatId == elementWebUatId)).CompensatorId;
                    else if (entityType == "BUS REACTOR")
                        // attach element is BUS REACTOR
                        entityId = (await _context.BusReactors.SingleOrDefaultAsync(br => br.WebUatId == elementWebUatId)).BusReactorId;
                    else if (entityType == "TRANSFORMER")
                        // attach element is TRANSFORMER
                        entityId = (await _context.Transformers.SingleOrDefaultAsync(br => br.WebUatId == elementWebUatId)).TransformerId;
                    else if (entityType == "Filter Bank")
                        // attach element is Filter Bank
                        entityId = (await _context.FilterBanks.SingleOrDefaultAsync(br => br.WebUatId == elementWebUatId)).FilterBankId;
                    else if (entityType == "BUS")
                        // attach element is BUS
                        entityId = (await _context.Buses.SingleOrDefaultAsync(br => br.WebUatId == elementWebUatId)).BusId;
                    else if (entityType == "FSC")
                        // attach element is FSC
                        entityId = (await _context.Fscs.SingleOrDefaultAsync(br => br.WebUatId == elementWebUatId)).FscId;
                    else if (entityType == "LINE REACTOR")
                        // attach element is LINE REACTOR
                        entityId = (await _context.LineReactors.SingleOrDefaultAsync(br => br.WebUatId == elementWebUatId)).LineReactorId;
                catch (Exception e)

            // find the sourceEntityId of the Bay
            string sourceEntityType      = bayForeign.SourceEntityType;
            int    sourceElementWebUatId = bayForeign.SourceEntityWebUatId;
            int    sourceEntityId        = await getElementId(sourceElementWebUatId, sourceEntityType);

            if (sourceEntityId == -1)
                // encountered an unknown source element type, ideally this should not happen
                _log.LogCritical($"Encountered an unknown source element type {sourceEntityType} while inserting Bay with webUatId {bayForeign.WebUatId} and name {bayForeign.Name}");

            // find the destEntityId of the Bay
            string destEntityType = bayForeign.DestEntityType;
            int    destEntityId   = -1;

            if (destEntityType != null)
                int destElementWebUatId = bayForeign.DestEntityWebUatId;
                destEntityId = await getElementId(destElementWebUatId, destEntityType);

                if (destEntityId == -1)
                    // encountered an unknown destination element type, ideally this should not happen
                    _log.LogCritical($"Encountered an unknown destination element type {destEntityType} while inserting Bay with webUatId {bayForeign.WebUatId} and name {bayForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingBay != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingBay == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingBay != null))
                Bay newBay = new Bay();
                newBay.Name             = bayForeign.Name;
                newBay.BayNumber        = bayForeign.BayNumber;
                newBay.SourceEntityId   = sourceEntityId;
                newBay.SourceEntityType = sourceEntityType;
                newBay.SourceEntityName = bayForeign.SourceEntityName;
                if (destEntityType != null)
                    newBay.DestEntityId   = destEntityId;
                    newBay.DestEntityType = destEntityType;
                    newBay.DestEntityName = bayForeign.DestEntityName;
                newBay.BayTypeId    = bayType.BayTypeId;
                newBay.VoltLevelId  = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                newBay.SubstationId = substation.SubstationId;
                newBay.WebUatId     = bayForeign.WebUatId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingBay != null)
                existingBay.Name             = bayForeign.Name;
                existingBay.BayNumber        = bayForeign.BayNumber.ToString();
                existingBay.SourceEntityId   = sourceEntityId;
                existingBay.SourceEntityType = sourceEntityType;
                existingBay.SourceEntityName = bayForeign.SourceEntityName;
                if (destEntityType != null)
                    existingBay.DestEntityId   = destEntityId;
                    existingBay.DestEntityType = destEntityType;
                    existingBay.DestEntityName = bayForeign.DestEntityName;
                existingBay.BayTypeId    = bayType.BayTypeId;
                existingBay.VoltLevelId  = voltLevel.VoltLevelId;
                existingBay.SubstationId = substation.SubstationId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #20
        public async Task <GeneratorUnit> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, GeneratorUnitForeign genUnitForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            GeneratorUnit existingGenUnit = await _context.GeneratorUnits.SingleOrDefaultAsync(r => r.WebUatId == genUnitForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingGenUnit != null)

            // find the GeneratingStation of the unit via the GeneratingStationWebUatId
            int generatingStationWebUatId = genUnitForeign.GeneratingStationWebUatId;
            GeneratingStation genStation  = await _context.GeneratingStations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(r => r.WebUatId == generatingStationWebUatId);

            // if genStation doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (genStation == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find GeneratingStation with WebUatId {generatingStationWebUatId} in warehouse while creating GeneratorUnit with WebUat Id {genUnitForeign.WebUatId} and name {genUnitForeign.Name}");

            // find the GeneratorStage of the unit via the GeneratingStationWebUatId
            int            generatorStageWebUatId = genUnitForeign.GeneratorStageWebUatId;
            GeneratorStage genStage = await _context.GeneratorStages.SingleOrDefaultAsync(r => r.WebUatId == generatorStageWebUatId);

            // if genStage doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (genStage == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find GeneratorStage with WebUatId {generatorStageWebUatId} in warehouse while creating GeneratorUnit with WebUat Id {genUnitForeign.WebUatId} and name {genUnitForeign.Name}");

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenUnit != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingGenUnit == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenUnit != null))
                GeneratorUnit newGenUnit = new GeneratorUnit();
                newGenUnit.Name = genUnitForeign.Name;
                newGenUnit.GeneratingStationId = genStation.GeneratingStationId;
                newGenUnit.GeneratorStageId    = genStage.GeneratorStageId;
                newGenUnit.UnitNumber          = genUnitForeign.UnitNumber.ToString();
                newGenUnit.GenVoltageKV        = genUnitForeign.GenVoltageKV;
                newGenUnit.GenHighVoltageKV    = genUnitForeign.GenHighVoltageKV;
                newGenUnit.MvaCapacity         = genUnitForeign.MvaCapacity;
                newGenUnit.InstalledCapacity   = genUnitForeign.InstalledCapacity;
                newGenUnit.CodDateTime         = genUnitForeign.CodDateTime;
                newGenUnit.CommDateTime        = genUnitForeign.CommDateTime;
                newGenUnit.DeCommDateTime      = genUnitForeign.DeCommDateTime;
                newGenUnit.WebUatId            = genUnitForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingGenUnit != null)
                existingGenUnit.Name = genUnitForeign.Name;
                existingGenUnit.GeneratingStationId = genStation.GeneratingStationId;
                existingGenUnit.GeneratorStageId    = genStage.GeneratorStageId;
                existingGenUnit.UnitNumber          = genUnitForeign.UnitNumber.ToString();
                existingGenUnit.GenVoltageKV        = genUnitForeign.GenVoltageKV;
                existingGenUnit.GenHighVoltageKV    = genUnitForeign.GenHighVoltageKV;
                existingGenUnit.MvaCapacity         = genUnitForeign.MvaCapacity;
                existingGenUnit.InstalledCapacity   = genUnitForeign.InstalledCapacity;
                existingGenUnit.CodDateTime         = genUnitForeign.CodDateTime;
                existingGenUnit.CommDateTime        = genUnitForeign.CommDateTime;
                existingGenUnit.DeCommDateTime      = genUnitForeign.DeCommDateTime;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #21
        public async Task <FilterBankOwner> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, FilterBankOwnerForeign fbOwnerForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            FilterBankOwner existingFbOwner = await _context.FilterBankOwners.SingleOrDefaultAsync(fbO => fbO.WebUatId == fbOwnerForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingFbOwner != null)

            // find the FilterBank via the FilterBank WebUatId
            int        fbWebUatId = fbOwnerForeign.FilterBankWebUatId;
            FilterBank filterBank = await _context.FilterBanks.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == fbWebUatId);

            // if FilterBank doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (filterBank == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find FilterBank with webUatId {fbWebUatId} while inserting FilterBankOwner with webUatId {fbOwnerForeign.WebUatId}");

            // find the Owner of the substation via the Owner WebUatId
            int   ownerWebUatId = fbOwnerForeign.OwnerWebUatId;
            Owner owner         = await _context.Owners.SingleOrDefaultAsync(o => o.WebUatId == ownerWebUatId);

            // if owner doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (owner == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Unable to find FilterBank with webUatId {ownerWebUatId} while inserting FilterBankOwner with webUatId {fbOwnerForeign.WebUatId}");

                // check if we have to replace the entity completely
                if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingFbOwner != null)

                // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
                if (existingFbOwner == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingFbOwner != null))
                    FilterBankOwner newFbOwner = new FilterBankOwner();
                    newFbOwner.OwnerId      = owner.OwnerId;
                    newFbOwner.FilterBankId = filterBank.FilterBankId;
                    newFbOwner.WebUatId     = fbOwnerForeign.WebUatId;

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


                // check if we have to modify the entity
                if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingFbOwner != null)
                    existingFbOwner.OwnerId      = owner.OwnerId;
                    existingFbOwner.FilterBankId = filterBank.FilterBankId;
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            catch (DbUpdateException e)
                _log.LogCritical($"Error occured while inserting FilterBankOwner with webUatId {fbOwnerForeign.WebUatId}, owner id {owner.OwnerId} and ssId {filterBank.SubstationId}");
                _log.LogCritical($"EntityWriteOption = {opt.ToString()}");
