예제 #1
        private static void Main()
            Logging.Info("+static Main()");

                splashscreen_window.UpdateMessage("Logging in");

                LoginWindow login_window = new LoginWindow();


                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.Error(ex, "Exception caught at Main() application.Run().  Disaster.");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error(ex, "Exception caught at Main().  Disaster.");

            Logging.Info("-static Main()");
        public static PivotResult GeneratePivot(MultiMapSet <string, string> map_y_axis, MultiMapSet <string, string> map_x_axis)
            List <string> y_keys = new List <string>(map_y_axis.Keys);
            List <string> x_keys = new List <string>(map_x_axis.Keys);


            List <string>[,] common_fingerprints = new List <string> [y_keys.Count, x_keys.Count];

            int y_progress = 0;

            Parallel.For(0, y_keys.Count, (y, loop_state) =>
                         //for (int y = 0; y < y_keys.Count; ++y)
                int y_progress_locked = Interlocked.Increment(ref y_progress);

                if (General.HasPercentageJustTicked(y_progress_locked, y_keys.Count))
                    StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatusBusy("LibraryPivot", "Building library pivot", y_progress_locked, y_keys.Count, true);

                    WPFDoEvents.WaitForUIThreadActivityDone(); // HackityHack

                    if (StatusManager.Instance.IsCancelled("LibraryPivot"))
                        Logging.Warn("User cancelled library pivot generation");

                string y_key = y_keys[y];
                HashSet <string> y_values = map_y_axis.Get(y_key);

                for (int x = 0; x < x_keys.Count; ++x)
                    string x_key = x_keys[x];
                    HashSet <string> x_values = map_x_axis.Get(x_key);

                    var common_fingerprint = y_values.Intersect(x_values);
                    if (common_fingerprint.Any())
                        common_fingerprints[y, x] = new List <string>(common_fingerprint);

            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("LibraryPivot", "Built library pivot");

            PivotResult pivot_result = new PivotResult();

            pivot_result.y_keys = y_keys;
            pivot_result.x_keys = x_keys;
            pivot_result.common_fingerprints = common_fingerprints;
        public override DocumentPage GetPage(int page_zero_based)
            // Hackity hack

            last_document_page = null;

            int page = page_from + page_zero_based;

            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("PDFPrinter", String.Format("Printing page {0} of {1}", page_zero_based + 1, PageCount), page_zero_based + 1, PageCount, true);

            // Render a page at 300 DPI...
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(pdf_renderer.GetPageByDPIAsImage(page, 300)))
                using (Image image = Image.FromStream(ms))
                    PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderAnnotations(image, pdf_document, page, null);
                    PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderHighlights(image, pdf_document, page);
                    PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderInks(image, pdf_document, page);
                    BitmapSource image_page = BitmapImageTools.CreateBitmapSourceFromImage(image);

                    DrawingVisual dv = new DrawingVisual();
                    using (DrawingContext dc = dv.RenderOpen())
                        // Rotate the image if its orientation does not match the printer
                        if (
                            page_size.Width < page_size.Height && image_page.Width > image_page.Height ||
                            page_size.Width > page_size.Height && image_page.Width < image_page.Height
                            image_page = new TransformedBitmap(image_page, new RotateTransform(90));

                        dc.DrawImage(image_page, new Rect(0, 0, page_size.Width, page_size.Height));


                    last_document_page = new DocumentPage(dv);
예제 #4
        private void Regenerate()
            HashSet <string> parent_fingerprints = null;

            if (null != PDFDocuments && 0 < PDFDocuments.Count)
                parent_fingerprints = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (var pdf_document in PDFDocuments)

            MultiMapSet <string, string> map_y_axis = LibraryPivotReportBuilder.GenerateAxisMap((string)ObjYAxis.SelectedItem, Library, parent_fingerprints);
            MultiMapSet <string, string> map_x_axis = LibraryPivotReportBuilder.GenerateAxisMap((string)ObjXAxis.SelectedItem, Library, parent_fingerprints);

            LibraryPivotReportBuilder.IdentifierImplementations.IdentifierImplementationDelegate identifier_implementation = LibraryPivotReportBuilder.IdentifierImplementations.GetIdentifierImplementation((string)ObjIdentifier.SelectedItem);

            LibraryPivotReportBuilder.PivotResult pivot_result = LibraryPivotReportBuilder.GeneratePivot(map_y_axis, map_x_axis);

            GridControl ObjGridControl = new GridControl();

            ObjGridControlHolder.Content     = ObjGridControl;
            ObjGridControl.Model.RowCount    = map_y_axis.Count + 2;
            ObjGridControl.Model.ColumnCount = map_x_axis.Count + 2;

            // ROW/COLUMN Titles
            for (int y = 0; y < pivot_result.y_keys.Count; ++y)
                ObjGridControl.Model[y + 1, 0].CellValue     = pivot_result.y_keys[y];
                ObjGridControl.Model[y + 1, 0].CellValueType = typeof(string);
            for (int x = 0; x < pivot_result.x_keys.Count; ++x)
                ObjGridControl.Model[0, x + 1].CellValue     = pivot_result.x_keys[x];
                ObjGridControl.Model[0, x + 1].CellValueType = typeof(string);

            // Grid contents
            for (int y = 0; y < pivot_result.y_keys.Count; ++y)
                if (General.HasPercentageJustTicked(y, pivot_result.y_keys.Count))
                    StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatusBusy("LibraryPivot", "Building library pivot grid", y, pivot_result.y_keys.Count, true);

                    WPFDoEvents.WaitForUIThreadActivityDone(); // HackityHack

                    if (StatusManager.Instance.IsCancelled("LibraryPivot"))
                        Logging.Warn("User cancelled library pivot grid generation");

                for (int x = 0; x < pivot_result.x_keys.Count; ++x)
                    identifier_implementation(Library, pivot_result.common_fingerprints[y, x], ObjGridControl.Model[y + 1, x + 1]);
            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("LibraryPivot", "Finished library pivot");

            // ROW/COLUMN Totals
                int y_total = 0;
                    for (int y = 0; y < pivot_result.y_keys.Count; ++y)
                        int total = 0;
                        for (int x = 0; x < pivot_result.x_keys.Count; ++x)
                            if (null != pivot_result.common_fingerprints[y, x])
                                total += pivot_result.common_fingerprints[y, x].Count;

                        ObjGridControl.Model[y + 1, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValue     = total;
                        ObjGridControl.Model[y + 1, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValueType = typeof(int);

                        y_total += total;

                int x_total = 0;
                    for (int x = 0; x < pivot_result.x_keys.Count; ++x)
                        int total = 0;
                        for (int y = 0; y < pivot_result.y_keys.Count; ++y)
                            if (null != pivot_result.common_fingerprints[y, x])
                                total += pivot_result.common_fingerprints[y, x].Count;

                        ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, x + 1].CellValue     = total;
                        ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, x + 1].CellValueType = typeof(int);

                        x_total += total;

                int common_total = (x_total + y_total) / 2;
                if (common_total != x_total || common_total != y_total)
                    throw new GenericException("X and Y totals do not match?!");
                ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValue     = common_total;
                ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValueType = typeof(int);

                ObjGridControl.Model[0, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValue     = "TOTAL";
                ObjGridControl.Model[0, pivot_result.x_keys.Count + 1].CellValueType = typeof(string);
                ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, 0].CellValue     = "TOTAL";
                ObjGridControl.Model[pivot_result.y_keys.Count + 1, 0].CellValueType = typeof(string);

            // Store the results for the toolbar buttons
            last_pivot_result   = pivot_result;
            last_ObjGridControl = ObjGridControl;
        private void Shutdown()
            Logging.Info("Stopping PDFTextExtractor threads");
            StillRunning = false;

            int job_queue_group_count;
            int job_queue_single_count;

            GetJobCounts(out job_queue_group_count, out job_queue_single_count);

            Logging.Debug特("PDFTextExtractor::Shutdown: flushing the queue ({0} + {1} items discarded)", job_queue_group_count, job_queue_single_count);

            SafeThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o =>
                Logging.Info("+Stopping PDFTextExtractor threads (async)");

                bool[] done   = new bool[NUM_OCR_THREADS];
                Stopwatch clk = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                while (true)
                    int cnt = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OCR_THREADS; ++i)
                        if (!done[i])
                            if (threads[i].Join(150))
                                done[i]    = true;
                                threads[i] = null;
                    Logging.Info("Stopping PDFTextExtractor threads (async): {0} threads are pending.", cnt);
                    if (cnt == 0)

                    // abort the threads if they're taking way too long:
                    if (clk.ElapsedMilliseconds >= Constants.MAX_WAIT_TIME_MS_AT_PROGRAM_SHUTDOWN)
                        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OCR_THREADS; ++i)
                            if (!done[i])
                                Logging.Error("Stopping PDFTextExtractor threads (async): timeout ({1} sec), hence ABORTing PDF/OCR thread {0}.", i, Constants.MAX_WAIT_TIME_MS_AT_PROGRAM_SHUTDOWN / 1000);


                Logging.Info("-Stopping PDFTextExtractor threads (async) --> all done!");

            Logging.Info("Stopped PDFTextExtractor");
        private void ThreadEntry(object obj)
            Daemon daemon = (Daemon)obj;

            bool did_some_ocr_since_last_iteration = false;

            while (true)
                if (Utilities.Shutdownable.ShutdownableManager.Instance.IsShuttingDown || !StillRunning)
                    int job_queue_group_count;
                    int job_queue_single_count;
                    GetJobCounts(out job_queue_group_count, out job_queue_single_count);

                    Logging.Debug特("PDFTextExtractor: shutting down and flushing the queue ({0} + {1} items discarded)", job_queue_group_count, job_queue_single_count);


                // If this library is busy, skip it for now
                if (Library.IsBusyAddingPDFs || Library.IsBusyRegeneratingTags)
                    // Get a count of how many jobs are left...
                    int job_queue_group_count;
                    int job_queue_single_count;
                    GetJobCounts(out job_queue_group_count, out job_queue_single_count);

                    int job_queue_total_count = job_queue_group_count + job_queue_single_count;

                    if (0 < job_queue_group_count || 0 < job_queue_single_count)
                        did_some_ocr_since_last_iteration = true;
                        StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("PDFOCR", "OCR paused while adding documents.");


                if (ConfigurationManager.Instance.ConfigurationRecord.DisableAllBackgroundTasks)
                    Logging.Debug特("OCR/Textify daemons are forced to sleep via Configuration::DisableAllBackgroundTasks");

                using (NextJob next_job = GetNextJob())
                    if (null != next_job)
                        did_some_ocr_since_last_iteration = true;

                        Logging.Debug("Doing OCR for job '{0}'", next_job.job);

                        long clk_duration;
                            Stopwatch clk = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                            // Relinquish control to the UI thread to make sure responsiveness remains tolerable at 100% CPU load.

                            clk_duration = clk.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                        // The call above can take quite a while to complete, so check all abort/delay checks once again, just in case...:
                        if (false ||
                            Utilities.Shutdownable.ShutdownableManager.Instance.IsShuttingDown || !StillRunning ||
                            clk_duration > 100 ||
                            Library.IsBusyAddingPDFs ||
                            Library.IsBusyRegeneratingTags ||
                            Logging.Warn("Recheck job queue after WaitForUIThreadActivityDone took {0}ms or shutdown/delay signals were detected: {1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}.",
                                         (Utilities.Shutdownable.ShutdownableManager.Instance.IsShuttingDown || !StillRunning) ? "+Shutdown+" : "-SD-",
                                         clk_duration > 100 ? "+UI-wait+" : "-UI-",
                                         Library.IsBusyAddingPDFs ? "+PDFAddPending+" : "-PDF-",
                                         ConfigurationManager.Instance.ConfigurationRecord.DisableAllBackgroundTasks ? "+DisableBackgroundTasks+" : "-DB-",
                                         Library.IsBusyRegeneratingTags ? "+LibRegenerate+" : "-Regen-"

                            // push the job onto the queue and start from the beginning:
                            if (next_job.is_group)
                            // Get a count of how many jobs are left...
                            int job_queue_group_count;
                            int job_queue_single_count;
                            GetJobCounts(out job_queue_group_count, out job_queue_single_count);

                            // nitpick: we'll be one off in the counts as we have the current job as well, but I'm fine with an incidental 0/0/99% report.
                            int job_queue_total_count = job_queue_group_count + job_queue_single_count + 1;

                            // Do not flood the status update system when we zip through the work queue very fast: only update the counts every second or so,
                            // but be sure to be the first to update the counts after work has been (temporarily) stopped:
                            if (!ocr_working_next_notification_time.IsRunning || ocr_working_next_notification_time.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 1000)
                                StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("PDFOCR", String.Format("{0} page(s) to textify and {1} page(s) to OCR.", job_queue_group_count, job_queue_single_count), 1, job_queue_total_count);

                        // If the text has somehow appeared before we get to process it (perhaps two requests for the same job)
                        if (!next_job.job.force_job && null != next_job.job.pdf_renderer.GetOCRText(next_job.job.page, queue_for_ocr: false))
                            if (next_job.is_group)
                                Logging.Info("{1} Job '{0}' is redundant as text exists", next_job.job, "GROUP");
                                Logging.Warn("{1} Job '{0}' is redundant as text exists", next_job.job, "SINGLE");

                        // Make sure the temp directory exists and has not been deleted by some cleanup tool while Qiqqa is still running:
                        if (!Main.TempDirectoryCreator.CreateDirectoryIfNonExistent())
                            Logging.Error(@"Qiqqa needs the directory {0} to exist for it to function properly.  The directory was re-created as apparently some overzealous external cleanup routine/application has removed it while Qiqqa is still running.", TempFile.TempDirectoryForQiqqa);

                        string temp_ocr_result_filename = TempFile.GenerateTempFilename("txt");

                            if (next_job.is_group)
                                ProcessNextJob_Group(next_job, temp_ocr_result_filename);
                                ProcessNextJob_Single(next_job, temp_ocr_result_filename);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logging.Error(ex, "There was a problem processing job {0}", next_job.job);
                                // (it's okay to try to delete the tempfiles when we're terminating; the rest of the job has been skipped)
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logging.Error(ex, "There was a problem deleting the temporary OCR file {0}", temp_ocr_result_filename);
                        if (did_some_ocr_since_last_iteration)
                            did_some_ocr_since_last_iteration = false;

예제 #7
        // Summary:
        //     Represents the method that defines a set of criteria and determines whether the
        //     specified object meets those criteria.
        // Parameters:
        //   obj:
        //     The object to compare against the criteria defined within the method represented
        //     by this delegate.
        // Type parameters:
        //   T:
        //     The type of the object to compare.
        // Returns:
        //     true if obj meets the criteria defined within the method represented by this
        //     delegate; otherwise, false.
        internal bool DecideIfIncludeDuringDirScan(FileSystemEntryInfo obj)
            bool isRegularFile = !(obj.IsDevice || obj.IsDirectory || obj.IsMountPoint || /* obj.IsReparsePoint (hardlink!) || */ obj.IsOffline || obj.IsSystem || obj.IsTemporary);

            Logging.Debug("FolderWatcher: testing {1} '{0}' for inclusion in the Qiqqa library.", obj.FullPath, isRegularFile ? "regular File" : obj.IsDirectory ? "directory" : "node");

            if (Utilities.Shutdownable.ShutdownableManager.Instance.IsShuttingDown)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to daemon termination");
                throw new OperationCanceledException("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to daemon termination");

            if (Qiqqa.Common.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.Instance.ConfigurationRecord.DisableAllBackgroundTasks)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to DisableAllBackgroundTasks");
                throw new OperationCanceledException("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to DisableAllBackgroundTasks");

            if (library?.TypedTarget == null || folder_watcher_manager?.TypedTarget == null)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to disposed library and/or watch manager");
                throw new OperationCanceledException("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to disposed library and/or watch manager");

            bool have_we_slept = false;

            if (watch_stats.index_processing_clock.ElapsedMilliseconds > MAX_SECONDS_PER_ITERATION)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Taking a nap due to MAX_SECONDS_PER_ITERATION: {0} seconds consumed, {1} threads pending", watch_stats.index_processing_clock.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1E3, SafeThreadPool.QueuedThreadCount);

                // Collect various 'pending' counts to help produce a stretched sleep/delay period
                // in order to allow the other background tasks to keep up with the PDF series being
                // fed into them by this task.
                int thr_cnt    = Math.Max(0, SafeThreadPool.QueuedThreadCount - 2);
                int queued_cnt = Qiqqa.Documents.Common.DocumentQueuedStorer.Instance.PendingQueueCount;
                Qiqqa.Documents.PDF.PDFRendering.PDFTextExtractor.Instance.GetJobCounts(out var textify_count, out var ocr_count);

                int duration = 1 * 1000 + thr_cnt * 250 + queued_cnt * 20 + textify_count * 50 + ocr_count * 500;

                watch_stats.daemon.Sleep(Math.Min(60 * 1000, duration));

                // Relinquish control to the UI thread to make sure responsiveness remains tolerable at 100% CPU load.

                // reset:

                have_we_slept = true;

            // only include *.pdf files. Use a `while` loop to allow easy `break` statements to abort the inclusion filter logic below:
            while (isRegularFile && obj.Extension.ToLower() == ".pdf")
                // check if the given file isn't already present in the library:


                // If we already have this file in the "cache since we started", skip it
                if (folder_watcher_manager.TypedTarget.HaveProcessedFile(obj.FullPath))
                    Logging.Debug("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it has already been processed", obj.FullPath);

                if (have_we_slept)
                    // As we have slept a while, it's quite unsure whether that file still exists.
                    // Include it only when it still exists and otherwise be sure to retrigger a scan to follow up
                    // any other directory changes.
                    if (!File.Exists(obj.FullPath))
                        Logging.Info("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it has disappeared while we were sleeping", obj.FullPath);
                        FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

                // ignore zero-length and tiny sized files as those sure are buggy/illegal PDFs:
                // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17279712/what-is-the-smallest-possible-valid-pdf
                if (obj.FileSize <= 66)
                    Logging.Warn("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it is too small to be a valid PDF file @ {1} bytes", obj.FullPath, obj.FileSize);

                // Check that the file is not still locked - if it is, mark that the folder is still "changed" and come back later.
                // We do this at the same time as calculating the file fingerprint as both actions require (costly) File I/O
                // and can be folded together: if the fingerprint fails, that's 99.9% sure a failure in the File I/O, hence
                // a locked or otherwise inaccessible file.
                string fingerprint;
                    fingerprint = StreamFingerprint.FromFile(obj.FullPath);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.Error(ex, "Watched folder contains file '{0}' which is locked, so coming back later...", obj.FullPath);
                    FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

                // check if the PDF is already known:
                PDFDocument doc = Library.GetDocumentByFingerprint(fingerprint);

                if (doc != null)
                    // Add this file to the list of processed files...
                    Logging.Info("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it already exists in the library as fingerprint {1}, title: {2}", obj.FullPath, fingerprint, doc.TitleCombined);

                if (watch_stats.file_hashes_added.TryGetValue(fingerprint, out var dupe_file_path))
                    Logging.Info("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it has already been included in the import set as file {1} which has the same fingerprint {2}", obj.FullPath, dupe_file_path, fingerprint);

                watch_stats.file_hashes_added.Add(fingerprint, obj.FullPath);


예제 #8
        private void FlushDocuments(bool force_flush_no_matter_what)
            // use a lock to ensure the time-delayed flush doesn't ever collide with the
            // end-of-execution-run flush initiated by ShutdownableManager.
            ForcedFlushRequested = force_flush_no_matter_what;

            if (!force_flush_no_matter_what)

            int done_count_for_status = 0;

            while (true)
                int count_to_go           = PendingQueueCount;
                int todo_count_for_status = done_count_for_status + count_to_go;

                if (0 < count_to_go)
                    StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("DocumentQueuedStorer", String.Format("{0}/{1} documents still to flush", count_to_go, todo_count_for_status), done_count_for_status, todo_count_for_status);

                if (!ForcedFlushRequested)
                    // No flushing while still adding... unless we're quitting the executable already.
                    if (Library.IsBusyAddingPDFs)

                    // Relinquish control to the UI thread to make sure responsiveness remains tolerable at 100% CPU load.

                PDFDocument pdf_document_to_flush = null;

                // grab one PDF to save/flush:
                // Utilities.LockPerfTimer l2_clk = Utilities.LockPerfChecker.Start();
                lock (documents_to_store_lock)
                    // l2_clk.LockPerfTimerStop();
                    foreach (var pair in documents_to_store)
                        pdf_document_to_flush = pair.Value;

                if (null != pdf_document_to_flush)
