public static WMTSLayerClass GetWmtsLayer(string Url, string LayerName, string LayerId) { var propSet = new PropertySetClass(); propSet.SetProperty("URL", Url); var wmtsConnFactory = new WMTSConnectionFactoryClass(); var wmtsConnection = wmtsConnFactory.Open(propSet, 0, null); var wmtsServiceDescription = (IWMTSServiceDescription)wmtsConnection; for (int i = 0; i < wmtsServiceDescription.LayerDescriptionCount; i++) { var layerDescription = wmtsServiceDescription.LayerDescription[i]; if (layerDescription.Identifier == LayerId) { var wmtsLayer = new WMTSLayerClass(); IPropertySet propSet_1 = new PropertySetClass(); propSet_1.SetProperty("URL", Url); propSet_1.SetProperty("LayerName", layerDescription.Identifier); var connectionName = new WMTSConnectionNameClass(); connectionName.ConnectionProperties = propSet_1; wmtsLayer.Connect((IName)connectionName); wmtsLayer.Name = LayerName; return(wmtsLayer); } } return(null); }
public override void OnClick() { try { var wmtsLayer = new WMTSLayerClass(); var propSet = new PropertySetClass(); const string url = ""; propSet.SetProperty("URL", url); var wmtsConnFactory = new WMTSConnectionFactoryClass(); var wmtsConnection = wmtsConnFactory.Open(propSet, 0, null); wmtsLayer.Connect(wmtsConnection.FullName); var mxdoc = (IMxDocument)_application.Document; var map = mxdoc.FocusMap; wmtsLayer.Name = "Tianditu - World"; ((IMapLayers)map).InsertLayer(wmtsLayer, true, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void AddLayerWMTS(CswRecord cswrecord) { //string url = @""; //string url = "http://acceptatie." + cswrecord.MapServerURL.Substring(7, cswrecord.MapServerURL.Length - 7); string url = cswrecord.MapServerURL; int lastIndex = cswrecord.MapServerURL.LastIndexOf('/') + 1; int length = cswrecord.MapServerURL.IndexOf('?') - lastIndex; string layerTitle = cswrecord.MapServerURL.Substring(lastIndex, length); try { IPropertySet propertySet = new PropertySetClass(); propertySet.SetProperty("URL", url); IMxDocument mxDoc = (IMxDocument)m_application.Document; IMap map = (IMap)mxDoc.FocusMap; IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)map; IWMTSConnectionFactory wmtsconnFact = new WMTSConnectionFactoryClass(); IWMTSConnection wmtsconn = wmtsconnFact.Open(propertySet, 0, null); IWMTSServiceDescription wmtsServiceDesc = (IWMTSServiceDescription)wmtsconn; //Get WMTSConnectionName IWMTSConnectionName wmtsConnectionName = (IWMTSConnectionName)wmtsconn.FullName; for (int i = 0; i < wmtsServiceDesc.LayerDescriptionCount; i++) { IWMTSLayerDescription ld = wmtsServiceDesc.get_LayerDescription(i); IPropertySet layerPropertiesSet = wmtsConnectionName.ConnectionProperties; //Set the layer name and assign this to the WMTSConnectionName layerPropertiesSet.SetProperty("LAYERNAME", ld.Identifier); wmtsConnectionName.ConnectionProperties = layerPropertiesSet; if (ld.Title == layerTitle)//cswrecord.Title) { bool connected = false; try { IWMTSLayer wmtslayer = new WMTSLayerClass(); //Pass in the Name with layerIdentifier. connected = wmtslayer.Connect((IName)wmtsConnectionName); map.AddLayer((ILayer)wmtslayer); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessageBox(StringResources.ConnectToMapServiceFailed + "\r\n" + "url:" + url + "\r\n" + ex.Message); connected = false; } } } return; } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO: wmts string resource aanmaken? ShowErrorMessageBox(StringResources.AddWmsLayerFailed + "\r\n" + ex.Message); } }