예제 #1
        public bool UpdateSystemAspectsandMeetingStartTime(int firstConnectionTime)
                WMIStuff.SystemInformationClass sysinfo = new WMIStuff.SystemInformationClass();
                /*load System Information*/
                string strQuery = "Update ctool_applicationlogging set ";

                startTickCount = System.Environment.TickCount;

                string strQueryPostFix = " where id=" + RecordID.ToString() + ";";

                 * `applog_processor` text COMMENT 'this filed contain processor name of client sytem',
                 *      `applog_ram` int(1) default NULL COMMENT 'this field contain the ram of client machine',
                 *      `applog_ipaddress` text COMMENT 'this field contain the ip address of the client',
                 *      `applog_systemdrive` text COMMENT 'this field contain the System drive of the client',
                 *      `applog_appinstallationpath` text COMMENT 'this field contains the installation path',
                 *      `applog_disconnection` int(4) default '0' COMMENT 'this field tell about client disconnection in a meeting',
                 *      `applog_virtualmemory` text COMMENT 'this field contain the total virtual memory of the system',
                 *      `applog_clr` text COMMENT 'this field contain the .Net framwork version',
                 *      `applog_os` text COMMENT 'this field contain the operating system of client',
                 *      `applog_servicepack` text COMMENT 'this field contains the service pack of client machine.',
                 *      `applog_meetstarttime` int(4) default NULL COMMENT 'this filed contains the meeting start time',
                 *      `applog_meetendtime` int(4) default NULL COMMENT 'this field contains the meeting end time',
                 *      `applog_applicationversion` text COMMENT 'this filed contains the application version',
                 *      `applog_companyid` int(4) default NULL COMMENT 'this field contains the company id',
                 *      `applog_browseruseragent` text COMMENT 'this field contains the browser agent of client',
                 *      `applog_firstconnectiontime` int(4) default NULL COMMENT 'this field contain the first connection time in milliseconds',
                 *      `applog_otherdata` text COMMENT 'this field contains the other data like Antivirus, firewall',
                 *      `applog_applicationName` text COMMENT 'this field is contain app name like webmeeting..for future',
                 *      `meetingid` int(4) default NULL,
                 *      `joiningDate`
                 * */

                strQuery += " applog_processor='" + sysinfo.sysinfo.strProcessorName + "',";
                strQuery += "applog_ram=" + sysinfo.sysinfo.nPhysicalRam.ToString() + ",";
                strQuery += "applog_appinstallationpath='" + Application.StartupPath + "',";
                strQuery += "applog_virtualmemory=" + sysinfo.sysinfo.nTotalVirtualMemory + ",";
                strQuery += "applog_clr='" + System.Environment.Version.ToString() + "',";
                strQuery += "applog_os='" + sysinfo.sysinfo.strOperatingSystem + "',";
                strQuery += "applog_servicepack='" + sysinfo.sysinfo.strOperatingSystemPack + "',";
                strQuery += "applog_applicationversion='" + Application.ProductVersion + "',";
                strQuery += "applog_firstconnectiontime=" + firstConnectionTime.ToString() + ",";
                strQuery += "applog_applicationName='Webmeeting',";
                strQuery += "applog_meetstarttime=" + Convert.ToString((this.startTickCount / 1000) / 60);
                strQuery  = strQuery + strQueryPostFix;
                if (WSlogService.LogRecord(strQuery) == "1")
            catch (Exception ex)
                Client.ClientUI.getInstance().ExceptionLog(" Stack Trace :: " + ex.StackTrace + " Source :: " + ex.Source + " Message::: " + ex.Message);
예제 #2
        public bool UpdateSystemAspectsandMeetingStartTime(int firstConnectionTime)

                WMIStuff.SystemInformationClass sysinfo=new WMIStuff.SystemInformationClass();
                /*load System Information*/
                string strQuery="Update ctool_applicationlogging set ";


                string strQueryPostFix=" where id=" + RecordID.ToString()+";";
                 * `applog_processor` text COMMENT 'this filed contain processor name of client sytem',
                    `applog_ram` int(1) default NULL COMMENT 'this field contain the ram of client machine',
                    `applog_ipaddress` text COMMENT 'this field contain the ip address of the client',
                    `applog_systemdrive` text COMMENT 'this field contain the System drive of the client',
                    `applog_appinstallationpath` text COMMENT 'this field contains the installation path',
                    `applog_disconnection` int(4) default '0' COMMENT 'this field tell about client disconnection in a meeting',
                    `applog_virtualmemory` text COMMENT 'this field contain the total virtual memory of the system',
                    `applog_clr` text COMMENT 'this field contain the .Net framwork version',
                    `applog_os` text COMMENT 'this field contain the operating system of client',
                    `applog_servicepack` text COMMENT 'this field contains the service pack of client machine.',
                    `applog_meetstarttime` int(4) default NULL COMMENT 'this filed contains the meeting start time',
                    `applog_meetendtime` int(4) default NULL COMMENT 'this field contains the meeting end time',
                    `applog_applicationversion` text COMMENT 'this filed contains the application version',
                    `applog_companyid` int(4) default NULL COMMENT 'this field contains the company id',
                    `applog_browseruseragent` text COMMENT 'this field contains the browser agent of client',
                    `applog_firstconnectiontime` int(4) default NULL COMMENT 'this field contain the first connection time in milliseconds',
                    `applog_otherdata` text COMMENT 'this field contains the other data like Antivirus, firewall',
                    `applog_applicationName` text COMMENT 'this field is contain app name like webmeeting..for future',
                    `meetingid` int(4) default NULL,
                 * */

                strQuery+=" applog_processor='" + sysinfo.sysinfo.strProcessorName+"',";
                strQuery+="applog_ram=" + sysinfo.sysinfo.nPhysicalRam.ToString()+ ",";
                strQuery+="applog_appinstallationpath='" + Application.StartupPath + "',";
                strQuery+="applog_virtualmemory=" + sysinfo.sysinfo.nTotalVirtualMemory+ ",";
                    return true;
            catch(Exception ex)
                Client.ClientUI.getInstance().ExceptionLog(" Stack Trace :: " + ex.StackTrace + " Source :: "+ex.Source + " Message::: "+ex.Message);
            return false;