예제 #1
        public override List <string> Scan()
            List <string>   Devices   = new List <string>();

            foreach (MFDevice device in vcDevices)
예제 #2
        public override void Load(string FriendlyName, int FrameRate, int Height, int Width, string Encoding)
            HResult Return = MFExtern.MFStartup(0x00020070, MFStartup.Full);

            if (Return != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Constructor: call to MFExtern.MFStartup returned " + Return.ToString());

            foreach (MFDevice device in vcDevices)
                if (device.FriendlyName == FriendlyName)
                    UnderlyingDevice = device;
            IMFStreamIndex = GetRequestedStreamFormat(FrameRate, Width, Height, Encoding);
            IMFSnapIndex   = GetRequestedSnapFormat(Width, Height, Encoding);
예제 #3
        private List <MFVideoFormatContainer> GetSupportedFormats(int SourceIndex, string FriendlyName)
            MFDevice        UnderlyingDevice = null;
            List <MFDevice> vcDevices        = WMFUtils.GetDevicesByCategory(MFAttributesClsid.MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE, CLSID.MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_GUID);

            foreach (MFDevice device in vcDevices)
                if (device.FriendlyName == FriendlyName)
                    UnderlyingDevice = device;
            if (UnderlyingDevice != null)
                IMFPresentationDescriptor     sourcePresentationDescriptor = null;
                IMFStreamDescriptor           videoStreamDescriptor        = null;
                IMFMediaTypeHandler           typeHandler = null;
                List <MFVideoFormatContainer> formatList  = new List <MFVideoFormatContainer>();
                HResult        hr;
                IMFMediaSource mediaSource = null;
                    // use the device symbolic name to create the media source for the video device. Media sources are objects that generate media data.
                    // For example, the data might come from a video file, a network stream, or a hardware device, such as a camera. Each
                    // media source contains one or more streams, and each stream delivers data of one type, such as audio or video.
                    mediaSource = WMFUtils.GetMediaSourceFromDevice(UnderlyingDevice);
                    if (mediaSource == null)
                        throw new Exception("DisplayVideoFormatsForCurrentCaptureDevice call to mediaSource == null");
                    // A presentation is a set of related media streams that share a common presentation time.
                    // we don't need that functionality in this app but we do need to presentation descriptor
                    // to find out the stream descriptors, these will give us the media types on offer
                    hr = mediaSource.CreatePresentationDescriptor(out sourcePresentationDescriptor);
                    if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                        throw new Exception("DisplayVideoFormatsForCurrentCaptureDevice call to mediaSource.CreatePresentationDescriptor failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                    if (sourcePresentationDescriptor == null)
                        throw new Exception("DisplayVideoFormatsForCurrentCaptureDevice call to mediaSource.CreatePresentationDescriptor failed. sourcePresentationDescriptor == null");
                    // Now we get the number of stream descriptors in the presentation.
                    // A presentation descriptor contains a list of one or more
                    // stream descriptors.
                    hr = sourcePresentationDescriptor.GetStreamDescriptorCount(out int sourceStreamCount);
                    if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                        throw new Exception("DisplayVideoFormatsForCurrentCaptureDevice call to sourcePresentationDescriptor.GetStreamDescriptorCount failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                    if (sourceStreamCount == 0)
                        throw new Exception("DisplayVideoFormatsForCurrentCaptureDevice call to sourcePresentationDescriptor.GetStreamDescriptorCount failed. sourceStreamCount == 0");
                    // look for the video stream
                    // we require the major type to be video
                    Guid guidMajorType = WMFUtils.GetMajorMediaTypeFromPresentationDescriptor(sourcePresentationDescriptor, SourceIndex);
                    if (guidMajorType != MFMediaType.Video)
                        return(new List <MFVideoFormatContainer>());
                    // we also require the stream to be enabled
                    hr = sourcePresentationDescriptor.GetStreamDescriptorByIndex(SourceIndex, out bool streamIsSelected, out videoStreamDescriptor);
                    if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                        throw new Exception("DisplayVideoFormatsForCurrentCaptureDevice call to sourcePresentationDescriptor.GetStreamDescriptorByIndex(v) failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                    if (videoStreamDescriptor == null)
                        throw new Exception("DisplayVideoFormatsForCurrentCaptureDevice call to sourcePresentationDescriptor.GetStreamDescriptorByIndex(v) failed. videoStreamDescriptor == null");
                    // if the stream is not selected (enabled) look for the next
                    if (streamIsSelected == false)
                        videoStreamDescriptor = null;
                        return(new List <MFVideoFormatContainer>());
                    // Get the media type handler for the stream. IMFMediaTypeHandler
                    // interface is a standard way of looking at the media types on an stream
                    hr = videoStreamDescriptor.GetMediaTypeHandler(out typeHandler);
                    if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                        throw new Exception("call to videoStreamDescriptor.GetMediaTypeHandler failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                    if (typeHandler == null)
                        throw new Exception("call to videoStreamDescriptor.GetMediaTypeHandler failed. typeHandler == null");
                    // Now we get the number of media types in the stream descriptor.
                    hr = typeHandler.GetMediaTypeCount(out int mediaTypeCount);
                    if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                        throw new Exception("DisplayVideoFormatsForCurrentCaptureDevice call to typeHandler.GetMediaTypeCount failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                    if (mediaTypeCount == 0)
                        throw new Exception("DisplayVideoFormatsForCurrentCaptureDevice call to typeHandler.GetMediaTypeCount failed. mediaTypeCount == 0");
                    // now loop through each media type
                    for (int mediaTypeId = 0; mediaTypeId < mediaTypeCount; mediaTypeId++)
                        // Now we have the handler, get the media type.
                        hr = typeHandler.GetMediaTypeByIndex(mediaTypeId, out IMFMediaType workingMediaType);
                        if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                            throw new Exception("GetMediaTypeFromStreamDescriptorById call to typeHandler.GetMediaTypeByIndex failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                        if (workingMediaType == null)
                            throw new Exception("GetMediaTypeFromStreamDescriptorById call to typeHandler.GetMediaTypeByIndex failed. workingMediaType == null");
                        MFVideoFormatContainer tmpContainer = MediaTypeInfo.GetVideoFormatContainerFromMediaTypeObject(workingMediaType, UnderlyingDevice);
                        if (tmpContainer == null)
                            // we failed
                            throw new Exception("GetSupportedVideoFormatsFromSourceReaderInFormatContainers failed on call to GetVideoFormatContainerFromMediaTypeObject");
                        // now add it
                        workingMediaType = null;
                    // close and release
                    if (mediaSource != null)
                    if (sourcePresentationDescriptor != null)
                    if (videoStreamDescriptor != null)
                    if (typeHandler != null)
            return(new List <MFVideoFormatContainer>());