// Plays an ad with the given options. The user option is only supported for incentivized ads. public static void playAd(string placement) { if (sdk != null && sdk.IsAdPlayable(placement)) { cfg = new AdConfig (); cfg.SetUserId (""); cfg.SetSoundEnabled (_isSoundEnabled); cfg.SetOrientation((_orientation == VungleAdOrientation.AutoRotate)?VungleSDKProxy.DisplayOrientations.AutoRotate:VungleSDKProxy.DisplayOrientations.Landscape); sdk.PlayAd(cfg, placement); } }
// Plays an ad with the given options. The user option is only supported for incentivized ads. public static void playAd(bool incentivized = false, string user = "") { if (sdk != null && sdk.AdPlayable) { cfg = new AdConfig(); cfg.SetIncentivized(incentivized); cfg.SetUserId(user); cfg.SetSoundEnabled(_isSoundEnabled); cfg.SetOrientation((_orientation == VungleAdOrientation.AutoRotate)?VungleSDKProxy.DisplayOrientations.AutoRotate:VungleSDKProxy.DisplayOrientations.Landscape); sdk.PlayAd(cfg); } }
public void PlayAd(string placementId) { InvokeSafelyOnUIThreadAsync(delegate { if (sdk != null && sdk.IsAdPlayable(placementId)) { cfg = new AdConfig(); cfg.SetUserId(string.Empty); cfg.SetSoundEnabled(this.isSoundEnabled); cfg.SetOrientation((orientation == VungleAdOrientation.AutoRotate) ? DisplayOrientations.AutoRotate : DisplayOrientations.Landscape); sdk.PlayAd(cfg, placementId); } }); }