public void Update(float dt) { State wallRunState = this.CurrentState; if (wallRunState != State.None) { this.Vault.Execute(); // Try to vault up if (this.CurrentState.Value == State.None) // We vaulted { return; } if (!this.WallRunVoxel.Value.Active || this.IsSupported) { this.Deactivate(); return; } Voxel voxel = this.WallRunVoxel.Value; if (voxel == null || !voxel.Active) { this.Deactivate(); return; } Vector3 wallRunVector = voxel.GetAbsoluteVector(this.WallRunDirection.Value.GetVector()); Vector3 baseVelocity = voxel.LinearVelocity + Vector3.Cross(voxel.AngularVelocity, this.Position - voxel.Transform.Value.Translation); float wallRunSpeed = Vector3.Dot(this.LinearVelocity.Value - baseVelocity, wallRunVector); Vector3 pos = this.Position + new Vector3(0, this.Height * -0.5f, 0); if (wallRunState == State.Straight) { if (wallRunSpeed < 0.0f) { // Start sliding down this.CurrentState.Value = wallRunState = State.Down; AkSoundEngine.PostEvent(AK.EVENTS.PLAY_PLAYER_SLIDE_LOOP, this.Entity); } } else if (wallRunState == State.Left || wallRunState == State.Right) { if (this.IsSupported || wallRunSpeed < minWallRunSpeed) { // We landed on the ground or we're going too slow to continue wall-running this.Deactivate(); return; } else { // Check if we should switch to another wall Vector3 wallVector = voxel.GetAbsoluteVector(this.WallDirection.Value.GetVector()); Voxel.GlobalRaycastResult result = Voxel.GlobalRaycast(pos, wallRunVector + wallVector, 2.0f); if (result.Voxel != null && result.Voxel != voxel) { float dot = Vector3.Dot(result.Voxel.GetAbsoluteVector(result.Normal.GetReverse().GetVector()), wallVector); if (dot > 0.7f) { Matrix matrix = Matrix.CreateRotationY(this.Rotation); Vector3 forwardVector = -matrix.Forward; this.setup(result.Voxel, result.Normal.GetReverse(), wallRunState, forwardVector, false, true); } } } } Voxel.Coord coord = voxel.GetCoordinate(pos); Voxel.Coord wallCoord = coord.Move(this.WallDirection, 2); Voxel.State wallType = voxel[wallCoord]; if (!wallCoord.Equivalent(this.lastWallRunCoord)) { this.lastWallRunCoord = wallCoord; this.WalkedOn.Execute(voxel, wallCoord, this.WallDirection); } if (this.EnableEnhancedWallRun && (wallRunState == State.Left || wallRunState == State.Right) && Zone.CanBuild(this.Position) && voxel.Entity.Type != "Bouncer") { Direction up = voxel.GetRelativeDirection(Direction.PositiveY); if (up.IsPerpendicular(this.WallDirection)) { Direction right = this.WallDirection.Value.Cross(up); List <EffectBlockFactory.BlockBuildOrder> buildCoords = new List <EffectBlockFactory.BlockBuildOrder>(); const int radius = 5; int upwardRadius = wallRunState == State.Down ? 0 : radius; for (Voxel.Coord x = wallCoord.Move(right, -radius); x.GetComponent(right) < wallCoord.GetComponent(right) + radius; x = x.Move(right)) { int dx = x.GetComponent(right) - wallCoord.GetComponent(right); for (Voxel.Coord y = x.Move(up, -radius); y.GetComponent(up) < wallCoord.GetComponent(up) + upwardRadius; y = y.Move(up)) { int dy = y.GetComponent(up) - wallCoord.GetComponent(up); if ((float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) < radius && voxel[y].ID == 0) { buildCoords.Add(new EffectBlockFactory.BlockBuildOrder { Voxel = voxel, Coordinate = y, State = Voxel.States.Blue, }); } } } Factory.Get <EffectBlockFactory>().Build(main, buildCoords, this.Position); } else { this.Deactivate(); return; } } else if (wallType.ID == 0 && wallInstantiationTimer == 0.0f) // We ran out of wall to walk on { this.Deactivate(); return; } wallInstantiationTimer = Math.Max(0.0f, wallInstantiationTimer - dt); Vector3 coordPos = voxel.GetAbsolutePosition(coord); Vector3 normal = voxel.GetAbsoluteVector(this.WallDirection.Value.GetVector()); // Equation of a plane // normal (dot) point = d float d = Vector3.Dot(normal, coordPos) + (wallRunState == State.Down ? 0.3f : 0.4f); // Distance along the normal to keep the player glued to the wall float snapDistance = d - Vector3.Dot(pos, normal); this.Position.Value += normal * snapDistance; Vector3 velocity = this.LinearVelocity; // Also fix the velocity so we don't jitter away from the wall velocity -= Vector3.Dot(velocity, normal) * normal; // Slow our descent velocity += new Vector3(0, (wallRunState == State.Straight ? 3.0f : 10.0f) * dt, 0); this.LinearVelocity.Value = velocity; } }