private async Task HandleChangeWallpaper(VoiceCommandServiceConnection connection, VoiceCommandUserMessage user_message) { //copy images to appdata var local_folder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; var install_path = Package.Current.InstalledLocation; var media_path = await install_path.GetFolderAsync("media\\images"); var images = await media_path.GetFilesAsync(); foreach (var image in images) { try { await local_folder.GetFileAsync(image.Name); continue; } catch { } await image.CopyAsync(local_folder, image.Name, ReplaceExisting); } //change wallpaper and prepare response back to user var result = await UserSettings.ChangeWallpaperAsync(); user_message.SpokenMessage = "Your wallpaper was modified, do you want me to change the lock screen as well?"; var backup_message = new VoiceCommandUserMessage { SpokenMessage = "Change your lock screen", }; var response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(user_message, backup_message); var confirm_result = await connection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); if (confirm_result.Confirmed) { await UserSettings.ChangeLockScreenAsync(); user_message.SpokenMessage = "Your lock screen was also modified."; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(user_message); await connection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { user_message.SpokenMessage = "okay, you're all set then"; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(user_message); await connection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } }
private async Task CortanaResponseShowSong(SongResult info) { if (info == null) { await CompleteMessage("Right now... Nothing is playing"); } else if (info.Loved) { var message = $"Now is playing: {info.Song}, from artist {info.Artist}, on album {info.Album}. You liked this song."; await CompleteMessage(message); } else { var message = $"Now is playing: {info.Song}, from artist {info.Artist}, on album {info.Album}. Do you like this song?"; var userPrompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); userPrompt.DisplayMessage = userPrompt.SpokenMessage = message; var userReprompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); var prompt = "Do you like this song?"; userReprompt.DisplayMessage = userReprompt.SpokenMessage = prompt; var response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userPrompt, userReprompt); var voiceCommandConfirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); if (voiceCommandConfirmation == null) { response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userPrompt); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else if (voiceCommandConfirmation.Confirmed) { var service = new SmartHouseService(); var result = await service.LoveSong(); await CompleteMessage(result?.Message); } else { await CompleteMessage(""); } } }
private async void ShowHaveOtherBusConfirm() { List <VoiceCommandContentTile> vcTiles = new List <VoiceCommandContentTile>(); vcTiles.Add(new VoiceCommandContentTile { Title = "目前已经没有公车了,是否继续查询?", ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWithText, Image = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync( new Uri("ms-appx:///BusSearchVCService/Images/GreyTile.png")) }); // Create a VoiceCommandUserMessage for the initial question. VoiceCommandUserMessage userMsg = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); userMsg.DisplayMessage = userMsg.SpokenMessage = "请选择"; // Create a VoiceCommandUserMessage for the second question, // in case Cortana needs to reprompt. VoiceCommandUserMessage repeatMsg = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); repeatMsg.DisplayMessage = repeatMsg.SpokenMessage = "请重新选择"; VoiceCommandResponse response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userMsg, repeatMsg, vcTiles); var vcConfirm = await vcConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); if (vcConfirm != null) { if (vcConfirm.Confirmed) { await HandleSearchWhereBusList(); } else { VoiceCommandUserMessage cancelMsg = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); cancelMsg.DisplayMessage = repeatMsg.SpokenMessage = "非常抱歉"; VoiceCommandResponse response1 = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(cancelMsg); vcConnection.ReportFailureAsync(response1); } } }
private async Task SendCompletionMessageForBookCheapestFromXtoY(string mSource, string mDest) { string slat, slng, dlat, dlng, token, mDisplay; slat = slng = dlng = dlat = null; var mUserMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); var mUserPrompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); VoiceCommandResponse mResponseError, mResponseSuccess, mResponseUserPrompt; VoiceCommandContentTile mCabTile = new VoiceCommandContentTile(); CabsAPI mCabsApi = new CabsAPI(); GeoResponse mGeoResp; Geolocator mLocator; ReverseGeoResposne mRevGeoResp; PriceEstimateResponse mPriceEstResp; BookingDetailsResponse mBookingDetailsResp; CabEstimate mCabToDisplay; List <CabEstimate> mCabEstimate; List <VoiceCommandContentTile> mCabTiles = new List <VoiceCommandContentTile>(); token = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["Token"].ToString(); if (mDest.Equals("")) { await ShowProgressScreen("Insufficient Info"); mDisplay = "Sorry no destination provided Please enter a valid destination"; mUserMessage.DisplayMessage = mUserMessage.SpokenMessage = mDisplay; mResponseError = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(mUserMessage); } else { mGeoResp = await mCabsApi.GeoCodingResult(token, mDest); if (mGeoResp.Code == ResponseCode.SUCCESS) { dlat = mGeoResp.Position.Latitude; dlng = mGeoResp.Position.Longitude; } else { mDisplay = "Plese enter proper Destination"; mUserMessage.DisplayMessage = mUserMessage.SpokenMessage = mDisplay; mResponseError = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(mUserMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportFailureAsync(mResponseError); } } if (mSource.Equals("")) { mLocator = new Geolocator(); mLocator.DesiredAccuracyInMeters = 50; var mPosition = await mLocator.GetGeopositionAsync(); slat = mPosition.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude.ToString(); slng = mPosition.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude.ToString(); mRevGeoResp = await mCabsApi.GetReverseCodingResultlatlng(token, slat + "," + slng); if (mRevGeoResp.Code == ResponseCode.SUCCESS) { try { mSource = mRevGeoResp.FormattedAddress.Substring(0, mRevGeoResp.FormattedAddress.IndexOf(", Hyderabad")); } catch { mSource = mRevGeoResp.FormattedAddress; } } else { mDisplay = "Source not found with current location"; mUserMessage.DisplayMessage = mUserMessage.SpokenMessage = mDisplay; mResponseError = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(mUserMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportFailureAsync(mResponseError); } } else { mGeoResp = await mCabsApi.GeoCodingResult(token, mSource); if (mGeoResp.Code == ResponseCode.SUCCESS) { slat = mGeoResp.Position.Latitude; slng = mGeoResp.Position.Longitude; } else { mDisplay = "Source not found"; mUserMessage.DisplayMessage = mUserMessage.SpokenMessage = mDisplay; mResponseError = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(mUserMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportFailureAsync(mResponseError); } } if (slat != "" && slng != "" && dlat != "" && dlng != "") { mDisplay = "Looking for best cab providers from " + mSource.ToUpperInvariant() + " to " + mDest.ToUpperInvariant(); await ShowProgressScreen(mDisplay); mDisplay = "Booking cheapest cab from " + mSource.ToUpperInvariant() + " to " + mDest.ToUpperInvariant(); await ShowProgressScreen(mDisplay); mPriceEstResp = await mCabsApi.GetEstimate(token, slat, slng, dlat, dlng); if (mPriceEstResp.Code == ResponseCode.SUCCESS) { mCabEstimate = mPriceEstResp.Estimates; if (mCabEstimate.Count != 0) { string mDisplay1 = "Ok I have found the cheapest cab for you. Shall i book it?"; mUserPrompt.DisplayMessage = mUserPrompt.SpokenMessage = mDisplay1; mDisplay = "Shall i book it"; mUserMessage.DisplayMessage = mUserMessage.SpokenMessage = mDisplay; mCabTile.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWith68x68IconAndText; mCabToDisplay = mCabEstimate[0]; if (mCabToDisplay.Provider.Equals("UBER")) { mCabTile.Image = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///ContosoCabs.VoiceCommandService/img/uber.png")); } else { mCabTile.Image = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///ContosoCabs.VoiceCommandService/img/ola.png")); } mCabTile.Title = mCabToDisplay.Provider; mCabTile.TextLine1 = "Type : " + mCabToDisplay.Type; mCabTile.TextLine2 = "ETA : " + mCabToDisplay.Eta; mCabTile.TextLine3 = "Estimated Fare : " + mCabToDisplay.CurrentEstimate.LowRange + "-" + mCabToDisplay.CurrentEstimate.HighRange; mCabTiles.Add(mCabTile); mResponseUserPrompt = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(mUserPrompt, mUserMessage, mCabTiles); var voiceCommandConfirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(mResponseUserPrompt); if (voiceCommandConfirmation.Confirmed) { mBookingDetailsResp = await mCabsApi.BookCab(token, slat, slng); mDisplay = "Successfully booked." + mCabToDisplay.Type + " Your cab driver " + mBookingDetailsResp.BookingData.DriverDetails.Name + " will be arriving in " + mCabToDisplay.Eta; mUserMessage.DisplayMessage = mUserMessage.SpokenMessage = mDisplay; mResponseSuccess = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(mUserMessage, mCabTiles); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(mResponseSuccess); } else { var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string BookingCabToDestination = "Cancelling cab request..."; await ShowProgressScreen(BookingCabToDestination); string keepingTripToDestination = "Cancelled."; userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = keepingTripToDestination; var response1 = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response1); } } else { mDisplay = "Sorry there are no cabs available right now"; mUserMessage.DisplayMessage = mUserMessage.SpokenMessage = mDisplay; mResponseError = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(mUserMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportFailureAsync(mResponseError); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Search for, and change state of lights in room /// </summary> private async Task SendCompletionMessageChangingState(string room, bool state) { // Begin loading data to search for the target store. If this operation is going to take a long time, // for instance, requiring a response from a remote web service, consider inserting a progress screen // here, in order to prevent Cortana from timing out. string progressScreenString = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("ProgressLookingForLightInRoom", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, room); await ShowProgressScreen(progressScreenString); Model.LightStore store = new Model.LightStore(); await store.LoadLights(); // We might have multiple trips to the destination. For now, we just pick the first. IEnumerable <Model.Light> lights = store.Lights.Where(p => p.Room == room); Model.Light light = null; if (lights.Count() > 1) { // If there is more than one trip, provide a disambiguation screen rather than just picking one // however, more advanced logic here might be ideal (ie, if there's a significant number of items, // you may want to just fall back to a link to your app where you can provide a deeper search experience. string disambiguatioRoomString = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("DisambiguationWhichRoom", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, room, state); string disambiguationRepeatString = cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("DisambiguationRepeat", cortanaContext).ValueAsString; light = await DisambiguateLights(lights, disambiguatioRoomString, disambiguationRepeatString); } else { // One or no trips exist with that destination, so retrieve it, or return null. light = lights.FirstOrDefault(); } var userPrompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); VoiceCommandResponse response; if (light == null) { var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); // In this scenario, perhaps someone has modified data on your service outside of this // apps control. If you're accessing a remote service, having a background task that // periodically refreshes the phrase list so it's likely to be in sync is ideal. // This is unlikely to occur for this sample app, however. string NoSuchLightInRoom = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("NoSuchLightInRoom", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, room); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = NoSuchLightInRoom; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { string stateString = state ? "on" : "off"; // Prompt the user for confirmation that we've selected the correct trip to cancel. string changeLightStateInRoom = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("ChangeLightStateInRoom", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, room, stateString); userPrompt.DisplayMessage = userPrompt.SpokenMessage = changeLightStateInRoom; var userReprompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string confirmChangeLightStateInRoom = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("ConfirmChangeLightStateInRoom", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, room, stateString); userReprompt.DisplayMessage = userReprompt.SpokenMessage = confirmChangeLightStateInRoom; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userPrompt, userReprompt); var voiceCommandConfirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); // If RequestConfirmationAsync returns null, Cortana's UI has likely been dismissed. if (voiceCommandConfirmation != null) { if (voiceCommandConfirmation.Confirmed == true) { string changingLightStateInRoom = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("ChangingLightStateInRoom", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, room, stateString); await ShowProgressScreen(changingLightStateInRoom); // Perform the operation to remote the trip from the app's data. // Since the background task runs within the app package of the installed app, // we can access local files belonging to the app without issue. Debug.Write(light.State); light.State = state; Debug.Write(light.State); // Provide a completion message to the user. var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string changedLightStateInRoom = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("ChangedLightStateInRoom", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, room, stateString); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = changedLightStateInRoom; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { // Confirm no action for the user. var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string keepingLightSettings = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("KeepingLightSettings", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, room); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = keepingLightSettings; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } } } }
protected async override void OnRun(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { this.serviceDeferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); taskInstance.Canceled += OnTaskCanceled; var triggerDetails = taskInstance.TriggerDetails as AppServiceTriggerDetails; VoiceCommandUserMessage userMessage; VoiceCommandResponse response; try { voiceServiceConnection = VoiceCommandServiceConnection.FromAppServiceTriggerDetails(triggerDetails); voiceServiceConnection.VoiceCommandCompleted += VoiceCommandCompleted; VoiceCommand voiceCommand = await voiceServiceConnection.GetVoiceCommandAsync(); switch (voiceCommand.CommandName) { case "next": var appointment = (await DataSource.GetInstance().GetAppointmentsAsync()).FirstOrDefault(); if (appointment != null) { var tiles = new List <VoiceCommandContentTile>(); var tile = new VoiceCommandContentTile(); tile.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWith280x140IconAndText; tiles.Add(tile); tile.Image = await MapService.GetStaticRoute(280, 140, DataSource.GetCurrentLocation(), appointment.Location); userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { SpokenMessage = "Your next appointment is the " + appointment.FamilyName + " family. It looks like you are 20 minutes away, should I let them know?", DisplayMessage = "Your next appointment is the " + appointment.FamilyName + " family." }; var repromptMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = "Should I let the " + appointment.FamilyName + " family know of your arrival?", SpokenMessage = "Should I let the " + appointment.FamilyName + " family know of your arrival?" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userMessage, repromptMessage, tiles); var userResponse = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); string secondResponse; if (userResponse.Confirmed) { secondResponse = "Great, I'll take care of it!"; } else { secondResponse = "OK, no problem!"; } //userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() //{ // DisplayMessage = secondResponse + "Should I start navigation?", // SpokenMessage = secondResponse + "Should I start navigation?", //}; //repromptMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() //{ // DisplayMessage = "Should I start navigation?", // SpokenMessage = "Should I start navigation?", //}; //response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userMessage, repromptMessage, tiles); //var userResponse = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); ////await Task.Delay(1000); userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = secondResponse + " Safe driving!", SpokenMessage = secondResponse + " Safe driving!", }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage, tiles); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = "All done for today!", SpokenMessage = "You don't have any appointments for the rest of the day!" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } break; case "what": var appointments = (await DataSource.GetInstance().GetAppointmentsAsync()).Take(3); if (appointments != null & appointments.Count() > 0) { var tiles = new List <VoiceCommandContentTile>(); foreach (var app in appointments) { var tile = new VoiceCommandContentTile(); tile.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWith68x68IconAndText; tile.TextLine1 = app.FamilyName; tile.TextLine2 = app.Address; tile.Title = app.Time.ToString("hh:mm"); tile.Image = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/house.png")); tiles.Add(tile); } userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { SpokenMessage = "Here are your next " + appointments.Count() + " appointments", DisplayMessage = "Here are your next " + appointments.Count() + " appointments", }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage, tiles); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = "All done for today!", SpokenMessage = "You don't have any appointments for the rest of the day!" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { if (this.serviceDeferral != null) { //Complete the service deferral this.serviceDeferral.Complete(); } } }
protected override async void OnRun(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { this.serviceDeferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); taskInstance.Canceled += OnTaskCanceled; var triggerDetails = taskInstance.TriggerDetails as AppServiceTriggerDetails; VoiceCommandResponse response; try { voiceServiceConnection = VoiceCommandServiceConnection.FromAppServiceTriggerDetails(triggerDetails); voiceServiceConnection.VoiceCommandCompleted += VoiceCommandCompleted; VoiceCommand voiceCommand = await voiceServiceConnection.GetVoiceCommandAsync(); VoiceCommandUserMessage userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); List <VoiceCommandContentTile> contentTiles; switch (voiceCommand.CommandName) { case "what": _todoItemRepository = TODOAdaptiveUISample.Repositories.TodoItemFileRepository.GetInstance(); var data = await _todoItemRepository.RefreshTodoItemsAsync(); contentTiles = new List <VoiceCommandContentTile>(); userMessage.SpokenMessage = "Your Top To Do's are: "; foreach (var item in data.Where(x => x.IsComplete == false).OrderBy(x => x.DueDate).Take((int)VoiceCommandResponse.MaxSupportedVoiceCommandContentTiles)) { var tile = new VoiceCommandContentTile(); tile.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWithText; tile.Title = item.Title; //tile.TextLine1 = item.Details; contentTiles.Add(tile); userMessage.SpokenMessage += item.Title + ", "; } userMessage.DisplayMessage = "Here are the top " + contentTiles.Count + " To Do's"; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage, contentTiles); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); break; case "new": var todo = voiceCommand.Properties["todo"][0]; var responseMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Add \"{0}\" to your To Do's?", todo), SpokenMessage = String.Format("Do you want me to add \"{0}\" to your To Do's?", todo) }; var repeatMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Are you sure you want me to add \"{0}\" to your To Do's?", todo), SpokenMessage = String.Format("Are you sure you want me to add \"{0}\" to your To Do's?", todo) }; bool confirmed = false; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(responseMessage, repeatMessage); try { var confirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); confirmed = confirmation.Confirmed; } catch { } if (confirmed) { _todoItemRepository = TODOAdaptiveUISample.Repositories.TodoItemFileRepository.GetInstance(); var i = _todoItemRepository.Factory(title: todo); await _todoItemRepository.InsertTodoItem(i); var todos = await _todoItemRepository.RefreshTodoItemsAsync(); contentTiles = new List <VoiceCommandContentTile>(); foreach (var itm in todos.Where(x => x.IsComplete == false).OrderBy(x => x.DueDate).Take((int)VoiceCommandResponse.MaxSupportedVoiceCommandContentTiles)) { var tile = new VoiceCommandContentTile(); tile.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWithText; tile.Title = itm.Title; contentTiles.Add(tile); } userMessage.SpokenMessage = "Done and Done! Here are your top To Do's"; userMessage.DisplayMessage = "Here are your top " + contentTiles.Count + " To Do's"; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage, contentTiles); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = "OK then"; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Debugger.Break(); } } finally { if (this.serviceDeferral != null) { //Complete the service deferral this.serviceDeferral.Complete(); } } }
private async Task SendCompletionMessage(ParameterAction action, string parameter, CompletionMessage completionMessage) { var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage { DisplayMessage = completionMessage.Message, SpokenMessage = completionMessage.Message }; var userRepeatMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage { DisplayMessage = completionMessage.RepeatMessage, SpokenMessage = completionMessage.RepeatMessage }; VoiceCommandResponse response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userMessage, userRepeatMessage); VoiceCommandConfirmationResult confirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); if (confirmation != null) { if (confirmation.Confirmed) { await ShowProgressScreen(completionMessage.ConfirmMessage); switch (action) { case ParameterAction.ChangeName: ChangeName(parameter); break; case ParameterAction.ChangeTemperature: ChangeTemperature(parameter); break; case ParameterAction.ChangeDistance: ChangeDistance(parameter); break; case ParameterAction.ChangeAddress: ChangeAddress(parameter); break; case ParameterAction.ChangeTown: ChangeTown(parameter); break; case ParameterAction.ChangeWorkAddress: ChangeWorkAddress(parameter); break; default: break; } // Provide a completion message to the user. var nameChangedMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage { DisplayMessage = completionMessage.CompletedMessage, SpokenMessage = completionMessage.CompletedMessage }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(nameChangedMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { // Confirm no action for the user. var cancelledMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); cancelledMessage.DisplayMessage = cancelledMessage.SpokenMessage = completionMessage.CanceledMessage; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(cancelledMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } } }
private async Task SendCompletionMessageForAmbiance() { await ShowProgressScreen("Changement d'ambiance ..."); var userPrompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); userPrompt.DisplayMessage = userPrompt.SpokenMessage = "Quelle ambiance voulez vous choisir ?"; var userReprompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); userReprompt.DisplayMessage = userReprompt.SpokenMessage = "Quelle ambiance ?"; var ambianceContentTiles = new List <VoiceCommandContentTile>(); var ambianceWork = new VoiceCommandContentTile(); ambianceWork.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWithText; ambianceWork.Title = "Ambiance de travail"; ambianceWork.TextLine1 = "Permet de mettre les lampes en vert"; ambianceWork.AppContext = "work"; var ambianceCool = new VoiceCommandContentTile(); ambianceCool.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWithText; ambianceCool.Title = "Ambiance de détente"; ambianceCool.TextLine1 = "Permet de mettre les lampes en bleu"; ambianceCool.AppContext = "cool"; ambianceContentTiles.Add(ambianceWork); ambianceContentTiles.Add(ambianceCool); var response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userPrompt, userReprompt, ambianceContentTiles); var voiceCommandDisambiguationResult = await _voiceServiceConnection.RequestDisambiguationAsync(response); if (voiceCommandDisambiguationResult != null) { string ambiance = voiceCommandDisambiguationResult.SelectedItem.AppContext as string; userPrompt.DisplayMessage = userPrompt.SpokenMessage = "Activer l'ambiance " + ambiance; userReprompt.DisplayMessage = userReprompt.DisplayMessage = "Voulez vous activer l'ambiance " + ambiance + "?"; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userPrompt, userReprompt); var voiceCommandConfirmation = await _voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); // If RequestConfirmationAsync returns null, Cortana's UI has likely been dismissed. if (voiceCommandConfirmation != null) { if (voiceCommandConfirmation.Confirmed == true) { await ShowProgressScreen("Activation de l'ambiance"); var dataAccess = new DataAccess.Light(); // Job to Active Ambiance switch (ambiance) { case "work": await dataAccess.On(new Light() { State = true, LightId = 1, Color = new Color() { B = 1 } }); break; case "cool": await dataAccess.On(new Light() { State = true, LightId = 1, Color = new Color() { G = 1 } }); break; default: break; } var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = "L'ambiance " + ambiance + " a été activée"; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await _voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } } } }
private async Task CheckPmsForUpdates() { string progressScreenString = "Checking for new private messages..."; await ShowProgressScreen(progressScreenString); var privateMessages = await _privateMessageManager.GetPrivateMessages(0); var userPrompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); VoiceCommandResponse response; if (!privateMessages.Any()) { var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = "You don't have any new private messages (because nobody likes you)."; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); return; } var newPms = privateMessages.Where( node => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Status) && node.Status == ""); if (!newPms.Any()) { var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = "You don't have any new private messages (because nobody likes you)."; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); return; } if (newPms.Count() == 1) { string newPmPrompt = string.Format("You have a new private message from {0}: \"{1}\", would you like to view it?", newPms.First().Sender, newPms.First().Title); userPrompt.DisplayMessage = userPrompt.SpokenMessage = newPmPrompt; var userReprompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string newPmPromptConfirm = "Would you like to view it?"; userReprompt.DisplayMessage = userReprompt.SpokenMessage = newPmPromptConfirm; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userPrompt, userReprompt); var voiceCommandConfirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); if (voiceCommandConfirmation != null) { if (voiceCommandConfirmation.Confirmed) { LaunchAppInForegroundPms(); } else { // Confirm no action for the user. var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string dontShowAnythingMessage = string.Format("Well, {0} is going to be pretty mad you're blowing off his message. But I won't judge.", newPms.First().Sender); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = dontShowAnythingMessage; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } } } else { var newPmsString = string.Format("You have {0} new messages. Would you like to view them?", newPms.Count()); userPrompt.DisplayMessage = userPrompt.SpokenMessage = newPmsString; var userReprompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string newPmPromptConfirm = "Would you like to view them?"; userReprompt.DisplayMessage = userReprompt.SpokenMessage = newPmPromptConfirm; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userPrompt, userReprompt); var voiceCommandConfirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); if (voiceCommandConfirmation != null) { if (voiceCommandConfirmation.Confirmed) { LaunchAppInForegroundPms(); } else { // Confirm no action for the user. var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string dontShowAnythingMessage = "Well those people are going to be pretty mad at you ignoring them. But whatever, that's fine..."; userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = dontShowAnythingMessage; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } } } }
protected override async void OnRun(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { serviceDeferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); taskInstance.Canceled += OnTaskCanceled; var triggerDetails = taskInstance.TriggerDetails as AppServiceTriggerDetails; VoiceCommandUserMessage userMessage; VoiceCommandResponse response; try { voiceServiceConnection = VoiceCommandServiceConnection.FromAppServiceTriggerDetails(triggerDetails); voiceServiceConnection.VoiceCommandCompleted += VoiceCommandCompleted; VoiceCommand voiceCommand = await voiceServiceConnection.GetVoiceCommandAsync(); switch (voiceCommand.CommandName) { case "graphParams": await ShowProgressScreen("Working on it..."); var modelnumber = voiceCommand.Properties["modelnumber"][0]; double lambda = 0; double mu = 0; int model = Models.Point.GetNumberByModel(Models.Point.GetModelByNumber(modelnumber)); if (GetAllParameters(model, voiceCommand, ref lambda, ref mu)) { bool allowed = false; bool unsupported = false; if (model.Equals(1) || model.Equals(2)) { var responseMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Get likelihood results for the model {0} with λ={1} and μ={2}?", modelnumber, lambda, mu), SpokenMessage = String.Format("Do you want me to get likelihood results for the model {0} with these input data?", modelnumber) }; var repeatMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Do you still want me to get likelihood results for the model {0} with λ={1} and μ={2}?", modelnumber, lambda, mu), SpokenMessage = String.Format("Do you still want me to get likelihood results for the model {0} with these input data?", modelnumber) }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(responseMessage, repeatMessage); try { var confirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); allowed = confirmation.Confirmed; } catch { } } else { unsupported = true; } if (allowed) { await ShowProgressScreen("Calculating..."); List <VoiceCommandContentTile> resultContentTiles = GetLikelihoodForSelectedModel(lambda, mu, model); userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Here is your likelihood results for the model {0}", modelnumber), SpokenMessage = "Done and Done! Here is your results" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage, resultContentTiles); response.AppLaunchArgument = modelnumber; await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else if (unsupported) { userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Model {0} is not supported now", modelnumber), SpokenMessage = "Sorry, this model is not supported now" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); response.AppLaunchArgument = modelnumber; await voiceServiceConnection.ReportFailureAsync(response); } else { userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = "Okay then", SpokenMessage = "Okay, then" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } } else { userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = "The arguments is incorrect", SpokenMessage = "Sorry, it seems the arguments is incorrect" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); response.AppLaunchArgument = ""; await voiceServiceConnection.ReportFailureAsync(response); } break; default: LaunchAppInForeground(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { if (serviceDeferral != null) { //Complete the service deferral serviceDeferral.Complete(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Handle the Trip Cancellation task. This task demonstrates how to prompt a user /// for confirmation of an operation, show users a progress screen while performing /// a long-running task, and showing a completion screen. /// </summary> /// <param name="destination">The name of a destination, expected to match the phrase list.</param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task SendCompletionMessageForCancellation(string destination) { // Begin loading data to search for the target store. If this operation is going to take a long time, // for instance, requiring a response from a remote web service, consider inserting a progress screen // here, in order to prevent Cortana from timing out. string progressScreenString = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("ProgressLookingForTripToDest", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, destination); await ShowProgressScreen(progressScreenString); Model.TripStore store = new Model.TripStore(); await store.LoadTrips(); // We might have multiple trips to the destination. For now, we just pick the first. IEnumerable <Model.Trip> trips = store.Trips.Where(p => p.Destination == destination); Model.Trip trip = null; if (trips.Count() > 1) { // If there is more than one trip, provide a disambiguation screen rather than just picking one // however, more advanced logic here might be ideal (ie, if there's a significant number of items, // you may want to just fall back to a link to your app where you can provide a deeper search experience. string disambiguationDestinationString = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("DisambiguationWhichTripToDest", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, destination); string disambiguationRepeatString = cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("DisambiguationRepeat", cortanaContext).ValueAsString; trip = await DisambiguateTrips(trips, disambiguationDestinationString, disambiguationRepeatString); } else { // One or no trips exist with that destination, so retrieve it, or return null. trip = trips.FirstOrDefault(); } var userPrompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); VoiceCommandResponse response; if (trip == null) { var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); // In this scenario, perhaps someone has modified data on your service outside of this // apps control. If you're accessing a remote service, having a background task that // periodically refreshes the phrase list so it's likely to be in sync is ideal. // This is unlikely to occur for this sample app, however. string noSuchTripToDestination = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("NoSuchTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, destination); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = noSuchTripToDestination; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { // Prompt the user for confirmation that we've selected the correct trip to cancel. string cancelTripToDestination = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("CancelTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, destination); userPrompt.DisplayMessage = userPrompt.SpokenMessage = cancelTripToDestination; var userReprompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string confirmCancelTripToDestination = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("ConfirmCancelTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, destination); userReprompt.DisplayMessage = userReprompt.SpokenMessage = confirmCancelTripToDestination; //REVERT var cancelledContentTiles = new List <VoiceCommandContentTile>(); if (xyz != null) { cancelledContentTiles.Add(xyz); } response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userPrompt, userReprompt, cancelledContentTiles); var voiceCommandConfirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); // If RequestConfirmationAsync returns null, Cortana's UI has likely been dismissed. if (voiceCommandConfirmation != null) { if (voiceCommandConfirmation.Confirmed == true) { string cancellingTripToDestination = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("CancellingTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, destination); await ShowProgressScreen(cancellingTripToDestination); // Perform the operation to remote the trip from the app's data. // Since the background task runs within the app package of the installed app, // we can access local files belonging to the app without issue. await store.DeleteTrip(trip); // Provide a completion message to the user. var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string cancelledTripToDestination = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("CancelledTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, destination); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = cancelledTripToDestination; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage, cancelledContentTiles); //REVERT cancelledContentTiles response.AppLaunchArgument = destination; //REVERT await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { // Confirm no action for the user. var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); string keepingTripToDestination = string.Format( cortanaResourceMap.GetValue("KeepingTripToDestination", cortanaContext).ValueAsString, destination); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = keepingTripToDestination; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); response.AppLaunchArgument = destination; //REVERT await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } } } }
protected override async void OnRun(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { this.serviceDeferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); taskInstance.Canceled += OnTaskCanceled; var triggerDetails = taskInstance.TriggerDetails as AppServiceTriggerDetails; VoiceCommandResponse response; try { voiceServiceConnection = VoiceCommandServiceConnection.FromAppServiceTriggerDetails(triggerDetails); voiceServiceConnection.VoiceCommandCompleted += VoiceCommandCompleted; VoiceCommand voiceCommand = await voiceServiceConnection.GetVoiceCommandAsync(); VoiceCommandUserMessage userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); List<VoiceCommandContentTile> contentTiles; switch (voiceCommand.CommandName) { case "what": _todoItemRepository = TODOAdaptiveUISample.Repositories.TodoItemFileRepository.GetInstance(); var data = await _todoItemRepository.RefreshTodoItemsAsync(); contentTiles = new List<VoiceCommandContentTile>(); userMessage.SpokenMessage = "Your Top To Do's are: "; foreach (var item in data.Where(x => x.IsComplete == false).OrderBy(x => x.DueDate).Take((int)VoiceCommandResponse.MaxSupportedVoiceCommandContentTiles)) { var tile = new VoiceCommandContentTile(); tile.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWithText; tile.Title = item.Title; //tile.TextLine1 = item.Details; contentTiles.Add(tile); userMessage.SpokenMessage += item.Title + ", "; } userMessage.DisplayMessage = "Here are the top " + contentTiles.Count + " To Do's"; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage, contentTiles); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); break; case "new": var todo = voiceCommand.Properties["todo"][0]; var responseMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Add \"{0}\" to your To Do's?", todo), SpokenMessage = String.Format("Do you want me to add \"{0}\" to your To Do's?", todo) }; var repeatMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Are you sure you want me to add \"{0}\" to your To Do's?", todo), SpokenMessage = String.Format("Are you sure you want me to add \"{0}\" to your To Do's?", todo) }; bool confirmed = false; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(responseMessage, repeatMessage); try { var confirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); confirmed = confirmation.Confirmed; } catch { } if (confirmed) { _todoItemRepository = TODOAdaptiveUISample.Repositories.TodoItemFileRepository.GetInstance(); var i = _todoItemRepository.Factory(title: todo); await _todoItemRepository.InsertTodoItem(i); var todos = await _todoItemRepository.RefreshTodoItemsAsync(); contentTiles = new List<VoiceCommandContentTile>(); foreach (var itm in todos.Where(x => x.IsComplete == false).OrderBy(x => x.DueDate).Take((int)VoiceCommandResponse.MaxSupportedVoiceCommandContentTiles)) { var tile = new VoiceCommandContentTile(); tile.ContentTileType = VoiceCommandContentTileType.TitleWithText; tile.Title = itm.Title; contentTiles.Add(tile); } userMessage.SpokenMessage = "Done and Done! Here are your top To Do's"; userMessage.DisplayMessage = "Here are your top " + contentTiles.Count + " To Do's"; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage, contentTiles); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = "OK then"; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Debugger.Break(); } } finally { if (this.serviceDeferral != null) { //Complete the service deferral this.serviceDeferral.Complete(); } } }
protected override async void OnRun(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { serviceDeferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); taskInstance.Canceled += OnTaskCanceled; var triggerDetails = taskInstance.TriggerDetails as AppServiceTriggerDetails; VoiceCommandUserMessage userMessage; VoiceCommandResponse response; try { voiceServiceConnection = VoiceCommandServiceConnection.FromAppServiceTriggerDetails(triggerDetails); voiceServiceConnection.VoiceCommandCompleted += VoiceCommandCompleted; VoiceCommand voiceCommand = await voiceServiceConnection.GetVoiceCommandAsync(); switch (voiceCommand.CommandName) { case "graphParams": await ShowProgressScreen("Working on it..."); var modelnumber = voiceCommand.Properties["modelnumber"][0]; double lambda = 0; double mu = 0; int model = Models.Point.GetNumberByModel(Models.Point.GetModelByNumber(modelnumber)); if (GetAllParameters(model, voiceCommand, ref lambda, ref mu)) { bool allowed = false; bool unsupported = false; if (model.Equals(1) || model.Equals(2)) { var responseMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Get likelihood results for the model {0} with λ={1} and μ={2}?", modelnumber, lambda, mu), SpokenMessage = String.Format("Do you want me to get likelihood results for the model {0} with these input data?", modelnumber) }; var repeatMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Do you still want me to get likelihood results for the model {0} with λ={1} and μ={2}?", modelnumber, lambda, mu), SpokenMessage = String.Format("Do you still want me to get likelihood results for the model {0} with these input data?", modelnumber) }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(responseMessage, repeatMessage); try { var confirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); allowed = confirmation.Confirmed; } catch { } } else { unsupported = true; } if (allowed) { await ShowProgressScreen("Calculating..."); List<VoiceCommandContentTile> resultContentTiles = GetLikelihoodForSelectedModel(lambda, mu, model); userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Here is your likelihood results for the model {0}", modelnumber), SpokenMessage = "Done and Done! Here is your results" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage, resultContentTiles); response.AppLaunchArgument = modelnumber; await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else if (unsupported) { userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = String.Format("Model {0} is not supported now", modelnumber), SpokenMessage = "Sorry, this model is not supported now" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); response.AppLaunchArgument = modelnumber; await voiceServiceConnection.ReportFailureAsync(response); } else { userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = "Okay then", SpokenMessage = "Okay, then" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } } else { userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage() { DisplayMessage = "The arguments is incorrect", SpokenMessage = "Sorry, it seems the arguments is incorrect" }; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); response.AppLaunchArgument = ""; await voiceServiceConnection.ReportFailureAsync(response); } break; default: LaunchAppInForeground(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { if (serviceDeferral != null) { //Complete the service deferral serviceDeferral.Complete(); } } }
private async void DeleteTask(string DeletedTask) { await ShowProgressScreen("Looking for your tasks."); List <string> ListOfTasks; ListOfTasks = GetListOfTasks().Result.Where(x => x.Name == DeletedTask).Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); VoiceCommandUserMessage UserMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); List <VoiceCommandContentTile> TaskTiles = new List <VoiceCommandContentTile>(); VoiceCommandResponse Response; if (ListOfTasks.Count == 0) { UserMessage.DisplayMessage = UserMessage.SpokenMessage = $"Sorry, you don't have any tasks."; Response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(UserMessage); await VoiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(Response); } else { string Message = ""; if (ListOfTasks.Count != 1) { Message = $"Here are your tasks. Please, select one."; string SelectedTask = await GetSingleTask(ListOfTasks, Message, "Which task do you want to delete?"); ListOfTasks.Clear(); ListOfTasks.Add(SelectedTask); } var UserReMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); UserMessage.DisplayMessage = UserMessage.SpokenMessage = $"Do you want delete this {ListOfTasks[0]}?"; UserReMessage.DisplayMessage = UserReMessage.SpokenMessage = "Do you want delete it?"; Response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(UserMessage, UserReMessage); var VoiceCommandConfirmation = await VoiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(Response); // If RequestConfirmationAsync returns null, Cortana's UI has likely been dismissed. if (VoiceCommandConfirmation != null) { if (VoiceCommandConfirmation.Confirmed == true) { await ShowProgressScreen("Deleting your task."); int ID = GetListOfTasks().Result.Where(x => x.Name == ListOfTasks[0]).Select(x => x.ID).FirstOrDefault(); ObservableCollection <Tasks> TasksList = await GetListOfTasks(); await CompleteTask(ID, TasksList); } else { UserMessage.DisplayMessage = UserMessage.SpokenMessage = $"All right. {ListOfTasks[0]} won't be deleted."; Response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(UserMessage); await VoiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(Response); return; } } } UserMessage.DisplayMessage = UserMessage.SpokenMessage = "Your task has been deleted"; Response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(UserMessage); await VoiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(Response); try { StorageFile VoiceCommandsStorageFile = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFileAsync(@"VoiceCommands.xml"); await VoiceCommandDefinitionManager.InstallCommandDefinitionsFromStorageFileAsync(VoiceCommandsStorageFile); UpdatePhraseList(); } catch (Exception) { //throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Handle the Trip Cancellation task. This task demonstrates how to prompt a user /// for confirmation of an operation, show users a progress screen while performing /// a long-running task, and showing a completion screen. /// </summary> /// <param name="destination">The name of a destination, expected to match the phrase list.</param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task SendCompletionMessageForCancellation(string destination) { // Begin loading data to search for the target store. If this operation is going to take a long time, // for instance, requiring a response from a remote web service, consider inserting a progress screen // here, in order to prevent Cortana from timing out. await ShowProgressScreen("Looking for a trip to " + destination); Model.TripStore store = new Model.TripStore(); await store.LoadTrips(); // We might have multiple trips to the destination. For now, we just pick the first. IEnumerable <Model.Trip> trips = store.Trips.Where(p => p.Destination == destination); Model.Trip trip = null; if (trips.Count() > 1) { // If there is more than one trip, provide a disambiguation screen rather than just picking one // however, more advanced logic here might be ideal (ie, if there's a significant number of items, // you may want to just fall back to a link to your app where you can provide a deeper search experience. trip = await DisambiguateTrips( trips, "Which trip to " + destination + " did you want to cancel?", "Which one do you want to cancel?"); } else { // One or no trips exist with that destination, so retrieve it, or return null. trip = trips.FirstOrDefault(); } var userPrompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); VoiceCommandResponse response; if (trip == null) { var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); // In this scenario, perhaps someone has modified data on your service outside of this // apps control. If you're accessing a remote service, having a background task that // periodically refreshes the phrase list so it's likely to be in sync is ideal. // This is unlikely to occur for this sample app, however. userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = "Sorry, you don't have any trips to " + destination; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { // Prompt the user for confirmation that we've selected the correct trip to cancel. userPrompt.DisplayMessage = userPrompt.SpokenMessage = "Cancel this trip to " + destination + "?"; var userReprompt = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); userReprompt.DisplayMessage = userReprompt.SpokenMessage = "Did you want to cancel this trip to " + destination + "?"; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponseForPrompt(userPrompt, userReprompt); var voiceCommandConfirmation = await voiceServiceConnection.RequestConfirmationAsync(response); // If RequestConfirmationAsync returns null, Cortana's UI has likely been dismissed. if (voiceCommandConfirmation != null) { if (voiceCommandConfirmation.Confirmed == true) { await ShowProgressScreen("Cancelling the trip to " + destination); // Perform the operation to remote the trip from the app's data. // Since the background task runs within the app package of the installed app, // we can access local files belonging to the app without issue. await store.DeleteTrip(trip); // Provide a completion message to the user. var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = "Cancelled the trip to " + destination; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } else { // Confirm no action for the user. var userMessage = new VoiceCommandUserMessage(); userMessage.DisplayMessage = userMessage.SpokenMessage = "Okay, Keeping the trip to " + destination; response = VoiceCommandResponse.CreateResponse(userMessage); await voiceServiceConnection.ReportSuccessAsync(response); } } } }