예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The command line arguments</param>

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string fileName   = string.Empty;      // The FileName to store the image
            bool   printHelp  = false;             // Output help?
            string cameraID   = null;              // The camera ID
            int    tellerNaam = 0;

            while (true)
                var clientLaminator  = new S7Client();
                int connectionResult = clientLaminator.ConnectTo("", 0, 1);

                if (connectionResult == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("con ok");

//              var Parameterbuffer = new byte[8];
//                int readRest = clientLaminator.DBRead(2, 0, Parameterbuffer.Length, Parameterbuffer);

//                if (readRest == 0)
//                {
//                    Console.WriteLine("dB2 ok");
//                }

//                double Temperatuur = S7.GetRealAt(Parameterbuffer, 0);
//                Console.WriteLine(Temperatuur.ToString());

//                int Druk = S7.GetIntAt(Parameterbuffer, 4);
//                Console.WriteLine(Druk.ToString());

//                int LamiSucces = S7.GetIntAt(Parameterbuffer, 6);
//                Console.WriteLine(LamiSucces.ToString());

                var FotoBuffer = new byte[1];
                int readReste  = clientLaminator.DBRead(2000, 0, FotoBuffer.Length, FotoBuffer);

                if (readReste == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("dB3 ok");
                //S7.SetBitAt(ref FotoBuffer, Pos: 0, Bit: 0, Value: false);
                bool FotoNemen = S7.GetBitAt(FotoBuffer, 0, 0);
                if (FotoNemen == true)
                    // neem foto
                    var CharSerienummerbuffer = new byte[10];
                    int readRes = clientLaminator.DBRead(1, 0, CharSerienummerbuffer.Length, CharSerienummerbuffer);

                    string Letter1;
                    Letter1 = S7.GetCharsAt(CharSerienummerbuffer, 0, 1);
                    string Letter2;
                    Letter2 = S7.GetCharsAt(CharSerienummerbuffer, 1, 1);
                    string Letter3;
                    Letter3 = S7.GetCharsAt(CharSerienummerbuffer, 2, 1);
                    string Letter4;
                    Letter4 = S7.GetCharsAt(CharSerienummerbuffer, 3, 1);
                    string Letter5;
                    Letter5 = S7.GetCharsAt(CharSerienummerbuffer, 4, 1);
                    string Letter6;
                    Letter6 = S7.GetCharsAt(CharSerienummerbuffer, 5, 1);
                    string Letter7;
                    Letter7 = S7.GetCharsAt(CharSerienummerbuffer, 6, 1);
                    string Letter8;
                    Letter8 = S7.GetCharsAt(CharSerienummerbuffer, 7, 1);
                    string Letter9;
                    Letter9 = S7.GetCharsAt(CharSerienummerbuffer, 8, 1);
                    string Letter10;
                    Letter10 = S7.GetCharsAt(CharSerienummerbuffer, 9, 1);

                    string Serienummer = Letter1 + Letter2 + Letter3 + Letter4 + Letter5 + Letter6 + Letter7 + Letter8 + Letter9 + Letter10;

                        ParseCommandLine(args, ref fileName, ref printHelp, ref cameraID);

                        if (fileName == string.Empty)
                            fileName = "SynchronousGrab.bmp";

                        // Print out help and end program
                        if (printHelp)
                            //  Console.WriteLine("Usage: AsynchronousGrab [CameraID] [/i] [/h]");
                            //  Console.WriteLine("Parameters:   CameraID    ID of the camera to use (using first camera if not specified)");
                            //  Console.WriteLine("              /f          FileName to save the image");
                            //  Console.WriteLine("              /h          Print out help");
                            // Create a new Vimba entry object
                            VimbaHelper vimbaHelper = new VimbaHelper();
                            vimbaHelper.Startup(); // Startup API
                                                   // Open camera
                                Console.WriteLine("Vimba .NET API Version {0}", vimbaHelper.GetVersion());
                                if (null == cameraID)
                                    // Open first available camera

                                    // Fetch all cameras known to Vimba
                                    List <Camera> cameras = vimbaHelper.CameraList;
                                    if (cameras.Count < 0)
                                        throw new Exception("No camera available.");

                                    foreach (Camera currentCamera in cameras)
                                        // Check if we can open the camera in full mode
                                        VmbAccessModeType accessMode = currentCamera.PermittedAccess;
                                        if (VmbAccessModeType.VmbAccessModeFull == (VmbAccessModeType.VmbAccessModeFull & accessMode))
                                            // Now get the camera ID
                                            cameraID = currentCamera.Id;

                                    if (null == cameraID)
                                        throw new Exception("Could not open any camera.");

                                Console.WriteLine("Opening camera with ID: " + cameraID);

                                System.Drawing.Image img = vimbaHelper.AcquireSingleImage(cameraID);

                                string lastDatetime = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();

                                if (File.Exists("C:\\Fotologs\\" + tellerNaam + lastDatetime + "voor laminatie" + ".bmp"))
                                    img.Save("C:\\Fotologs\\" + tellerNaam + lastDatetime + "na laminatie" + ".bmp");
                                    img.Save("C:\\Fotologs\\" + tellerNaam + lastDatetime + "voor laminatie" + ".bmp");

                                Console.WriteLine("Image is saved as: " + Serienummer);
                                // shutdown the vimba API
                    catch (VimbaException ve)
                        // Output in case of a vimba Exception
                        Console.Write("Return Code: " + ve.ReturnCode.ToString() + " (" + ve.MapReturnCodeToString() + ")");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        // Output in case of a System.Exception

                    Console.WriteLine("foto genomen");
                    S7.GetBitAt(FotoBuffer, 0, 0);

                    Console.WriteLine("External: " + FotoBuffer[0]);

                    S7.SetBitAt(ref FotoBuffer, Pos: 0, Bit: 0, Value: false);

                    Console.WriteLine("Internal: " + FotoBuffer[0]);

                    clientLaminator.DBWrite(2000, 0, FotoBuffer.Length, FotoBuffer);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The command line arguments</param>
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            //VimbaHelper.FrameInfos showFrameInfos = VimbaHelper.FrameInfos.Off;           // Show frame info's

            // Joe: force to show information of each frame
            VimbaHelper.FrameInfos showFrameInfos = VimbaHelper.FrameInfos.Show; // Show frame info's

            bool   printhelp = false;                                            // Output help?
            string cameraID  = null;                                             // The camera ID

            Console.WriteLine("///                                                       ///");
            Console.WriteLine("/// Vimba NET API Asynchronous Console Grab Example       ///");
            Console.WriteLine("/// with missing/incomplete frames statistics functions   ///");
            Console.WriteLine("///                                                       ///");
            Console.WriteLine("/// For Truking, statistics of 16 multiframes test ver2   ///");
            Console.WriteLine("/// Use FreeRun mode!                                     ///");
            Console.WriteLine("///                                                       ///");
            Console.WriteLine("///                                                       ///");

                ParseCommandLine(args, ref showFrameInfos, ref printhelp, ref cameraID);

                // Print out help and end program
                if (printhelp)
                    Console.WriteLine("Usage: AsynchronousGrab [CameraID] [/i] [/h]");
                    Console.WriteLine("Parameters:   CameraID    ID of the camera to use (using first camera if not specified)");
                    Console.WriteLine("              /i          Show frame info's");
                    Console.WriteLine("              /a          Automatically only show frame info's of corrupt frames\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("              /h          Print out help");
                    // Create a new Vimba entry object
                    VimbaHelper vimbaHelper = new VimbaHelper();
                    vimbaHelper.Startup(); // Startup API
                    Console.WriteLine("Vimba .NET API Version {0}", vimbaHelper.GetVersion());

                    // Open camera
                        if (null == cameraID)
                            // Open first available camera

                            // Fetch all cameras known to Vimba
                            List <Camera> cameras = vimbaHelper.CameraList;
                            if (cameras.Count < 0)
                                throw new Exception("No camera available.");

                            foreach (Camera currentCamera in cameras)
                                // Check if we can open the camera in full mode
                                VmbAccessModeType accessMode = currentCamera.PermittedAccess;
                                if (VmbAccessModeType.VmbAccessModeFull == (VmbAccessModeType.VmbAccessModeFull & accessMode))
                                    // Now get the camera ID
                                    cameraID = currentCamera.Id;
                                    Console.WriteLine("Finding camera with ID: " + cameraID);

                            if (null == cameraID)
                                throw new Exception("Could not open any camera.");

                        // Joe: appoint the special camera's ID or use the last one found before.
                        // cameraID = "DEV_1AB2280009CC";
                        Console.WriteLine("Opening camera with ID: " + cameraID + "\n");

                        // Start the continuous image acquisition
                        //vimbaHelper.StartContinuousImageAcquisition(cameraID, showFrameInfos);
                        vimbaHelper.OpenCamera(cameraID, showFrameInfos);

                        Console.WriteLine("Press <ctrl+c> to stop acquisition ...");
                        Console.WriteLine("Frame receiving ...\n\n");

#if false
                        // Joe: case 1 - only 'q' keystroke will stop the loop
                        char c = ' ';
                        while ((c = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar) != 'q')
                            if (c == 'c')
                                Console.WriteLine("\nStart capturing 16 photos ...");
                                vimbaHelper.StopCapture(); // stop the last round
                                Console.WriteLine("\nPress <q> to stop acquisition..., The current date and time: {0:MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff}\n", DateTime.Now);
                        // Joe: Case 2 - shot 16 frames periodly with multiframe feature enabled.

                        long i = 0;
                        while (i < 1000000000000)
                            //while (i < 1) {

                            double temp = vimbaHelper.GetCameraTemprature();
                            Console.WriteLine("\nStart capturing 16 photos ..., i = {0:0000000000}, Temp = {1:00.0000}", i, temp);


                            // Wait for 500 ms and continue the next round


                        vimbaHelper.StopCapture(); // stop the last round


                        // Stop the image acquisition
                        Console.WriteLine("\nAcquisition stopped. The current date and time: {0:MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff}", DateTime.Now);
                        // shutdown the vimba Api
            catch (VimbaException ve)
                // Output in case of a vimba Exception
                Console.WriteLine("Return Code: " + ve.ReturnCode.ToString() + " (" + ve.MapReturnCodeToString() + ")");
            catch (Exception e)
                // Output in case of a System.Exception

            Console.WriteLine("Press any Key to exit!");
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraID">Camera ID to open - leave blank for first available</param>
        /// <param name="path">Image save folder path</param>
        /// <param name="shotSize">Number of pictures in a shot</param>
        /// <param name="GainAmt">Gain setting, default=0</param>
        private static void Main(string cameraID = null, string path = ".\\", int shotSize = 3, float GainAmt = 0)
            VimbaHelper.FrameInfos showFrameInfos = VimbaHelper.FrameInfos.Show;           // Show frame info's

            Console.WriteLine("Vimba API Camera Trigger Saver (+ higher corrections)");

                // Create a new Vimba entry object
                VimbaHelper vimbaHelper = new VimbaHelper(path, shotSize, GainAmt);
                vimbaHelper.Startup(); // Startup API
                Console.WriteLine("Vimba .NET API Version {0}", vimbaHelper.GetVersion());

                // Open camera
                    if (null == cameraID)
                        // Open first available camera

                        // Fetch all cameras known to Vimba
                        List <Camera> cameras = vimbaHelper.CameraList;
                        if (cameras.Count < 0)
                            throw new Exception("No camera available.");

                        foreach (Camera currentCamera in cameras)
                            // Check if we can open the camera in full mode
                            VmbAccessModeType accessMode = currentCamera.PermittedAccess;
                            if (VmbAccessModeType.VmbAccessModeFull == (VmbAccessModeType.VmbAccessModeFull & accessMode))
                                // Now get the camera ID
                                cameraID = currentCamera.Id;

                        if (null == cameraID)
                            throw new Exception("Could not open any camera.");

                    Console.WriteLine("Opening camera with ID: " + cameraID);

                    // Start the continuous image acquisition
                    vimbaHelper.StartContinuousImageAcquisition(cameraID, showFrameInfos);

                    Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to stop acquisition...");

                    // Stop the image acquisition
                    Console.WriteLine("\nAcquisition stopped.");
                    // shutdown the vimba Api
            catch (VimbaException ve)
                // Output in case of a vimba Exception
                Console.WriteLine("Return Code: " + ve.ReturnCode.ToString() + " (" + ve.MapReturnCodeToString() + ")");
            catch (Exception e)
                // Output in case of a System.Exception

            Console.WriteLine("Press any Key to exit!");