예제 #1
        private IEnumerable <IVisualizerCommand> getAvailableVisualizerCommands()
            if (!evaluated)

            if (this.expressionType == null)
                // no visualizers if EvaluateExpression failed
                yield break;
            if (this.valueIsNull)
                // no visualizers if evaluated value is null
                yield break;

            /*if (this.expressionType.IsPrimitive || this.expressionType.IsSystemDotObject() || this.expressionType.IsEnum()) {
             *      // no visualizers for primitive types
             *      yield break;
             * }*/

            foreach (var descriptor in VisualizerDescriptors.GetAllDescriptors())
                if (descriptor.IsVisualizerAvailable(this.expressionType))
                    yield return(descriptor.CreateVisualizerCommand(this.Expression));
예제 #2
        /// <summary> Get the value of the node and update the UI text fields. </summary>
        /// <remarks> This should be only called once so the Value is not cached. </remarks>
        void GetValueAndUpdateUI()
            try {
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

                // Do not keep permanent reference
                Value val = this.getValue();

                if (val == null)
                    Value              = string.Empty;
                    Type               = string.Empty;
                    GetChildren        = null;
                    VisualizerCommands = null;

                // Note that the child collections are lazy-evaluated
                if (val.IsNull)
                    this.GetChildren = null;
                else if (val.Type.IsPrimitiveType() || val.Type.IsKnownType(KnownTypeCode.String))                     // Must be before IsClass
                    this.GetChildren = null;
                else if (val.Type.Kind == TypeKind.Array)                     // Must be before IsClass
                    var dimBase = val.ArrayBaseIndicies;                      // Eval now
                    var dimSize = val.ArrayDimensions;                        // Eval now
                    if (val.ArrayLength > 0)
                        this.GetChildren = () => GetArrayChildren(dimBase, dimSize);
                else if (val.Type.Kind == TypeKind.Class || val.Type.Kind == TypeKind.Struct)
                    if (val.Type.IsKnownType(typeof(List <>)))
                        if ((int)val.GetFieldValue("_size").PrimitiveValue > 0)
                            this.GetChildren = () => GetIListChildren(this.GetValue);
                        this.GetChildren = () => GetObjectChildren(val.Type);
                else if (val.Type.Kind == TypeKind.Pointer)
                    if (val.Dereference() != null)
                        this.GetChildren = () => new[] { new ValueNode(ClassBrowserIconService.LocalVariable, "*" + this.Name, () => GetValue().Dereference()) };

                // Do last since it may expire the object
                if (val.IsNull)
                    fullValue = "null";
                else if (val.Type.IsInteger())
                    var i = val.PrimitiveValue;
                    if (DebuggingOptions.Instance.ShowIntegersAs == ShowIntegersAs.Decimal)
                        fullValue = i.ToString();
                        string hex = string.Format("0x{0:X4}", i);
                        if (hex.Length > 6)
                            hex = string.Format("0x{0:X8}", i);
                        if (hex.Length > 10)
                            hex = string.Format("0x{0:X16}", i);
                        if (DebuggingOptions.Instance.ShowIntegersAs == ShowIntegersAs.Hexadecimal)
                            fullValue = hex;
                            fullValue = string.Format("{0} ({1})", i, hex);
                else if (val.Type.Kind == TypeKind.Pointer)
                    fullValue = String.Format("0x{0:X}", val.PointerAddress);
                else if (val.Type.IsKnownType(KnownTypeCode.String))
                    fullValue = '"' + val.InvokeToString(WindowsDebugger.EvalThread).Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\t", "\\t").Replace("\r", "\\r").Replace("\0", "\\0").Replace("\b", "\\b").Replace("\a", "\\a").Replace("\f", "\\f").Replace("\v", "\\v").Replace("\"", "\\\"") + '"';
                else if (val.Type.IsKnownType(KnownTypeCode.Char))
                    fullValue = "'" + val.InvokeToString(WindowsDebugger.EvalThread).Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\t", "\\t").Replace("\r", "\\r").Replace("\0", "\\0").Replace("\b", "\\b").Replace("\a", "\\a").Replace("\f", "\\f").Replace("\v", "\\v").Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "'";
                else if ((val.Type.Kind == TypeKind.Class || val.Type.Kind == TypeKind.Struct))
                    fullValue = val.FormatByDebuggerDisplayAttribute(WindowsDebugger.EvalThread);
                    if (fullValue == null)
                        fullValue = val.InvokeToString(WindowsDebugger.EvalThread);
                else if (val.Type.Kind == TypeKind.Enum)
                    var primitiveValue = val.PrimitiveValue;
                    var builder        = new TypeSystemAstBuilder();
                    builder.AlwaysUseShortTypeNames = true;
                    AstNode node = builder.ConvertConstantValue(val.Type, primitiveValue);
                    fullValue = node + "=" + primitiveValue;
                    fullValue = val.AsString();

                this.error = null;
                this.Value = (fullValue.Length > 256) ? fullValue.Substring(0, 256) + "..." : fullValue;
                this.Type  = val.Type.Name;

                if (!val.IsNull)
                    this.VisualizerCommands = VisualizerDescriptors.GetAllDescriptors()
                                              .Where(descriptor => descriptor.IsVisualizerAvailable(val.Type))
                                              .Select(descriptor => descriptor.CreateVisualizerCommand(this.Name, this.GetValue))

                LoggingService.InfoFormatted("Evaluated node '{0}' in {1} ms", this.Name, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            } catch (GetValueException e) {
                error                   = e;
                this.Value              = e.Message;
                this.Type               = string.Empty;
                this.GetChildren        = null;
                this.VisualizerCommands = null;
            } finally {
                if (error == null)
                    ContextMenuAddInTreeEntry = "/AddIns/Debugger/Tooltips/ContextMenu/ValueNode";
                    ContextMenuAddInTreeEntry = "/AddIns/Debugger/Tooltips/ContextMenu/ErrorNode";