예제 #1
        private static async Task <GitPullRequest> CreatePlaceholderVSBranchAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var gitClient  = VisualStudioRepoConnection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>();
            var repository = await gitClient.GetRepositoryAsync(project : Options.VisualStudioRepoProjectName, repositoryId : "VS", cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

            var refs = await gitClient.GetRefsAsync(
                filter : $"heads/{Options.VisualStudioBranchName}",
                cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

            GitRef sourceBranch = refs.Single(r => r.Name == $"refs/heads/{Options.VisualStudioBranchName}");

            var branchName = GetNewBranchName();

            _ = await gitClient.CreatePushAsync(new GitPush()
                RefUpdates = new[] {
                    new GitRefUpdate()
                        Name        = $"refs/heads/{branchName}",
                        OldObjectId = sourceBranch.ObjectId,
                Commits = new[] {
                    new GitCommitRef()
                        Comment = $"PLACEHOLDER INSERTION FOR {Options.InsertionName}",
                        Changes = new GitChange[]
                            new GitChange()
                                ChangeType = VersionControlChangeType.Delete,
                                Item       = new GitItem()
                                    Path = "/Init.ps1"
            }, repository.Id, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

            return(await CreateVSPullRequestAsync(
                       $"PLACEHOLDER INSERTION FOR {Options.InsertionName}",
                       "Not Specified",
                       reviewerId : Options.ReviewerGUID,
예제 #2
        public static async Task <(bool success, int pullRequestId)> PerformInsertionAsync(
            RoslynInsertionToolOptions options,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Options = options;
            Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}New Insertion Into {Options.VisualStudioBranchName} Started{Environment.NewLine}");
            var newPackageFiles = new List <string>();

                Console.WriteLine($"Verifying given authentication for {Options.VisualStudioRepoAzdoUri}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogError($"Could not authenticate with {Options.VisualStudioRepoAzdoUri}");
                    return(false, 0);

                Console.WriteLine($"Verification succeeded for {Options.VisualStudioRepoAzdoUri}");

                if (ComponentBuildConnection != VisualStudioRepoConnection)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Verifying given authentication for {Options.ComponentBuildAzdoUri}");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogError($"Could not authenticate with {Options.ComponentBuildAzdoUri}");
                        return(false, 0);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Verification succeeded for {Options.ComponentBuildAzdoUri}");

                // ********************** Create dummy PR *****************************
                if (Options.CreateDummyPr)
                    GitPullRequest dummyPR;
                        dummyPR = await CreatePlaceholderVSBranchAsync(cancellationToken);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogError($"Unable to create placeholder PR for '{options.VisualStudioBranchName}'");
                        return(false, 0);

                    if (dummyPR == null)
                        LogError($"Unable to create placeholder PR for '{options.VisualStudioBranchName}'");
                        return(false, 0);

                    return(true, dummyPR.PullRequestId);

                // ********************** Get Last Insertion *****************************

                BuildVersion buildVersion;

                Build buildToInsert;
                Build latestBuild = null;
                bool  retainBuild = false;

                // Get the version from DevOps Pipelines queue, e.g. Roslyn-Main-Signed-Release.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.SpecificBuild))
                    buildToInsert = await GetLatestPassedComponentBuildAsync(cancellationToken);

                    buildVersion = BuildVersion.FromTfsBuildNumber(buildToInsert.BuildNumber, Options.ComponentBuildQueueName);
                    Console.WriteLine("Found " + buildToInsert.Definition.Name + " build number " + buildVersion);

                    //  Get the latest build, whether passed or failed.  If the buildToInsert has already been inserted but
                    //  there is a later failing build, then send an error
                    latestBuild = await GetLatestComponentBuildAsync(cancellationToken);
                    buildVersion  = BuildVersion.FromString(Options.SpecificBuild);
                    buildToInsert = await GetSpecificComponentBuildAsync(buildVersion, cancellationToken);

                var insertionArtifacts = await GetInsertionArtifactsAsync(buildToInsert, cancellationToken);


                // *********** Look up existing PR ********************
                var gitClient = VisualStudioRepoConnection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>();
                var branches  = await gitClient.GetRefsAsync(
                    filter : $"heads/{Options.VisualStudioBranchName}",
                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                var baseBranch = branches.Single(b => b.Name == $"refs/heads/{Options.VisualStudioBranchName}");

                var pullRequestId = Options.UpdateExistingPr;
                var useExistingPr = pullRequestId != 0;

                GitPullRequest pullRequest;
                string         insertionBranchName;
                if (useExistingPr)
                    pullRequest = await gitClient.GetPullRequestByIdAsync(pullRequestId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                    insertionBranchName = pullRequest.SourceRefName.Substring("refs/heads/".Length);

                    var refs = await gitClient.GetRefsAsync(VSRepoId, filter : $"heads/{insertionBranchName}", cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                    var insertionBranch = refs.Single(r => r.Name == $"refs/heads/{insertionBranchName}");

                    if (Options.OverwritePr)
                        // overwrite existing PR branch back to base before pushing new commit
                        var updateToBase = new GitRefUpdate
                            OldObjectId = insertionBranch.ObjectId,
                            NewObjectId = baseBranch.ObjectId,
                            Name        = $"refs/heads/{insertionBranchName}"
                        var results = await gitClient.UpdateRefsAsync(new[] { updateToBase }, VSRepoId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                        foreach (var result in results)
                            if (!result.Success)
                                LogError("Failed to overwrite PR: " + result.CustomMessage);
                        // not overwriting PR, so the insertion branch is actually the base
                        baseBranch = insertionBranch;
                    pullRequest         = null;
                    insertionBranchName = GetNewBranchName();

                var allChanges = new List <GitChange>();

                var coreXT = await CoreXT.Load(gitClient, baseBranch.ObjectId);

                if (Options.InsertCoreXTPackages)
                    // ************** Update Nuget Packages For Branch************************
                    Console.WriteLine($"Updating Nuget Packages");
                    bool success;
                    (success, newPackageFiles) = UpdatePackages(
                    retainBuild |= success;

                    // *********** Copy OptimizationInputs.props file ***********************
                    foreach (var propsFile in insertionArtifacts.GetOptProfPropertyFiles())
                        var propsFilename = Path.GetFileName(propsFile);
                        if (propsFilename == "dotnet-roslyn.props")
                            // Since the propsFilename is based on repo name, during Roslyn's transition from inserting
                            // from GH dotnet/roslyn builds to inserting from dnceng dotnet-roslyn builds, this will
                            // ensure that we look for the proper props filename.
                            propsFilename = "dotnet.roslyn.props";

                        var targetFilePath = $"src/Tests/config/runsettings/Official/OptProf/External/{propsFilename}";

                        var version = new GitVersionDescriptor {
                            VersionType = GitVersionType.Commit, Version = baseBranch.ObjectId
                        var stream = await gitClient.GetItemContentAsync(VSRepoId, targetFilePath, download : true, versionDescriptor : version);

                        var originalContent = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd();

                        var newContent = File.ReadAllText(propsFile);

                        if (GetChangeOpt(targetFilePath, originalContent, newContent) is GitChange change)

                if (Options.UpdateCoreXTLibraries || Options.UpdateAssemblyVersions)
                    // ************** Update assembly versions ************************
                    Console.WriteLine($"Updating assembly versions");
                    if (await UpdateAssemblyVersionsOpt(gitClient, baseBranch.ObjectId, insertionArtifacts) is GitChange assemblyVersionChange)

                    // if we got this far then we definitely need to retain this build
                    retainBuild = true;

                // *********** Update toolset ********************
                if (Options.InsertToolset)
                    UpdateToolsetPackage(coreXT, insertionArtifacts, buildVersion);
                    retainBuild = true;

                // ************ Update .corext\Configs\default.config ********************
                Console.WriteLine($"Updating CoreXT default.config and props files under src/ConfigData/Packages");
                foreach (var configChange in coreXT.SaveConfigs())
                    if (configChange is not null)

                // *********** Update .corext\Configs\components.json ********************

                BuildVersion oldComponentVersion = default;
                if (Options.InsertWillowPackages)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Updating CoreXT components file");

                    var components = GetLatestBuildComponents(buildToInsert, insertionArtifacts, cancellationToken);
                    var shouldSave = false;
                    foreach (var newComponent in components)
                        if (coreXT.TryGetComponentByName(newComponent.Name, out var oldComponent))
                            if (oldComponent.BuildVersion != default)
                                oldComponentVersion = oldComponent.BuildVersion;
                            shouldSave = true;
                    if (shouldSave)
                        var allComponentChanges = coreXT.SaveComponents();
                        retainBuild = true;

                // ************* Ensure the build is retained on the servers *************
                if (Options.RetainInsertedBuild && retainBuild && !buildToInsert.KeepForever.GetValueOrDefault())
                    await RetainComponentBuild(buildToInsert);

                // ************* Bail out if there are no changes ************************
                if (!allChanges.Any() && options.CherryPick.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                    LogWarning("No meaningful changes since the last insertion was merged. PR will not be created or updated.");
                    return(true, 0);

                // ********************* Create push *************************************
                var currentCommit = baseBranch.ObjectId;
                if (allChanges.Any())
                    var insertionBranchUpdate = new GitRefUpdate
                        Name        = $"refs/heads/{insertionBranchName}",
                        OldObjectId = baseBranch.ObjectId

                    var commit = new GitCommitRef
                        Comment = $"Updating {Options.InsertionName} to {buildVersion}",
                        Changes = allChanges
                    var push = new GitPush
                        RefUpdates = new[] { insertionBranchUpdate },
                        Commits    = new[] { commit }
                    push = await gitClient.CreatePushAsync(push, VSRepoId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                    currentCommit = push.Commits.Single().CommitId;

                // ********************* Cherry-pick VS commits *****************************
                var cherryPickCommits = Options.CherryPick;
                if (!cherryPickCommits.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                    Console.WriteLine("Cherry-picking the following VS commits:");
                    foreach (var cherryPickCommit in cherryPickCommits)
                        var gc = await gitClient.GetCommitAsync(cherryPickCommit, VSRepoId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                        Console.WriteLine("- " + gc.RemoteUrl);
                    var commitRefs = cherryPickCommits.Select(id => new GitCommitRef()
                        CommitId = id

                    var cherryPickBranchName = $"{insertionBranchName}-cherry-pick-{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMddHHmmss}";
                    var cherryPickArgs       = new GitAsyncRefOperationParameters()
                        Source = new GitAsyncRefOperationSource()
                            CommitList = commitRefs
                        OntoRefName      = $"refs/heads/{insertionBranchName}",
                        GeneratedRefName = $"refs/heads/{cherryPickBranchName}"
                    // Cherry-pick VS commits into insertion branch.
                    var cherryPick = await gitClient.CreateCherryPickAsync(cherryPickArgs, Options.VisualStudioRepoProjectName, VSRepoId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                    while (cherryPick.Status < GitAsyncOperationStatus.Completed)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Cherry-pick progress: {cherryPick.DetailedStatus?.Progress ?? 0:P}");
                        await Task.Delay(5000);

                        cherryPick = await gitClient.GetCherryPickAsync(options.VisualStudioRepoProjectName, cherryPick.CherryPickId, VSRepoId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Cherry-pick status: {cherryPick.Status}");

                    if (cherryPick.Status == GitAsyncOperationStatus.Completed)
                        var cherryPickBranch = await gitClient.GetBranchAsync(VSRepoId, cherryPickBranchName, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                        var addCherryPickedCommits = new GitRefUpdate
                            OldObjectId = currentCommit,
                            NewObjectId = cherryPickBranch.Commit.CommitId,
                            Name        = $"refs/heads/{insertionBranchName}"
                        var results = await gitClient.UpdateRefsAsync(new[] { addCherryPickedCommits }, VSRepoId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                        foreach (var result in results)
                            if (!result.Success)
                                LogError("Failed to reset ref to cherry-pick branch: " + result.CustomMessage);
                        LogError("Cherry-picking failed: " + cherryPick.DetailedStatus.FailureMessage);

                // ********************* Create pull request *****************************
                var oldBuild = await GetSpecificComponentBuildAsync(oldComponentVersion, cancellationToken);

                var prDescriptionMarkdown = CreatePullRequestDescription(oldBuild, buildToInsert, useMarkdown: true);

                if (buildToInsert.Result == BuildResult.PartiallySucceeded)
                    prDescriptionMarkdown += Environment.NewLine + ":warning: The build being inserted has partially succeeded.";

                if (!useExistingPr || Options.OverwritePr)
                        var nl = Environment.NewLine;
                        if (oldBuild is null)
                            prDescriptionMarkdown += $"{nl}---{nl}Unable to find details for previous build ({oldComponentVersion}){nl}";
                            var(changes, diffLink) = await GetChangesBetweenBuildsAsync(oldBuild, buildToInsert, cancellationToken);

                            var diffDescription = changes.Any()
                                ? $"[View Complete Diff of Changes]({diffLink})"
                                : "No source changes since previous insertion";

                            prDescriptionMarkdown += nl + "---" + nl + diffDescription + nl;
                            prDescriptionMarkdown  = AppendChangesToDescription(prDescriptionMarkdown, oldBuild ?? buildToInsert, changes);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        LogWarning("Failed to create diff links.");

                if (useExistingPr)
                        if (Options.OverwritePr)
                            pullRequest = await OverwritePullRequestAsync(pullRequestId, prDescriptionMarkdown, buildVersion.ToString(), cancellationToken);
                        pullRequestId = pullRequest.PullRequestId;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogError($"Unable to update pull request for '{pullRequest.SourceRefName}'");
                        return(false, 0);
                    // create a new PR
                    Console.WriteLine($"Create Pull Request");
                        // If this insertion was queued for PR validation, for a dev branch, for a feature branch,
                        // or if no default reviewer is specified, then add the build queuer as a reviewer.
                        var  isPrValidation       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetBuildPRNumber(buildToInsert));
                        var  isDevOrFeatureBranch = Options.ComponentBranchName.StartsWith("dev/") || Options.ComponentBranchName.StartsWith("features/");
                        bool hasReviewer          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.ReviewerGUID);

                        // Easiest way to get the reviewer GUIDs is to create a PR search in AzDo
                        // You'll get something like https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_git/VS/pullrequests?_a=active&createdBy=GUID-here
                        var reviewerId = (isPrValidation || isDevOrFeatureBranch) || !hasReviewer
                            ? buildToInsert.RequestedBy.Id
                            : Options.ReviewerGUID;

                        pullRequest = await CreateVSPullRequestAsync(insertionBranchName, prDescriptionMarkdown, buildVersion.ToString(), reviewerId, cancellationToken);

                        if (pullRequest == null)
                            LogError($"Unable to create pull request for '{insertionBranchName}'");
                            return(false, 0);

                        pullRequestId = pullRequest.PullRequestId;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogError($"Unable to create pull request for '{insertionBranchName}'");
                        return(false, 0);

                // ********************* Create validation build *****************************
                if (Options.QueueValidationBuild)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Create Validation Build");
                        if (Options.CreateDraftPr)
                            // When creating Draft PRs no policies are automatically started.
                            // If we do not queue a CloudBuild the Perf DDRITs request will
                            // spin waiting for a build to test against until it timesout.
                            await QueueVSBuildPolicy(pullRequest, "CloudBuild - PR");

                        await QueueVSBuildPolicy(pullRequest, "Request Perf DDRITs");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogWarning($"Unable to create a CloudBuild validation build for '{insertionBranchName}'");

                    if (Options.CreateDraftPr)
                        // When creating Draft PRs no policies are automatically started.
                        await TryQueueVSBuildPolicy(pullRequest, "Insertion Hash Check", insertionBranchName);
                        await TryQueueVSBuildPolicy(pullRequest, "Insertion Sign Check", insertionBranchName);
                        await TryQueueVSBuildPolicy(pullRequest, "Insertion Symbol Check", insertionBranchName);

                // ********************* Set PR to Auto-Complete *****************************
                if (Options.SetAutoComplete)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Set PR to Auto-Complete");
                        var prDescriptionText = CreatePullRequestDescription(oldBuild, buildToInsert, useMarkdown: false);
                        await SetAutoCompleteAsync(pullRequest, prDescriptionText, cancellationToken);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogWarning($"Unable to Set PR to Auto-Complete for '{insertionBranchName}'");

                return(true, pullRequestId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(false, 0);
                Options = null;