예제 #1
        private void OnVisualPopupToolTipDisposed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Unhook events from the specific instance that generated event
            VisualPopupToolTip popupToolTip = (VisualPopupToolTip)sender;
            popupToolTip.Disposed -= OnVisualPopupToolTipDisposed;

            // Not showing a popup page any more
            _visualPopupToolTip = null;
예제 #2
        private void OnShowToolTip(object sender, ToolTipEventArgs e)
            if (!_ribbon.IsDisposed)
                // Do not show tooltips when the form we are in does not have focus
                Form topForm = _ribbon.FindForm();
                if ((topForm != null) && !topForm.ContainsFocus)

                // Never show tooltips are design time
                if (!_ribbon.InDesignMode)
                    IContentValues sourceContent = null;
                    LabelStyle     toolTipStyle  = LabelStyle.SuperTip;
                    Rectangle      screenRect    = new Rectangle(e.ScreenPt, new Size(1, 1));

                    // If the target is the application button
                    if ((e.Target is ViewLayoutRibbonAppButton) || (e.Target is ViewLayoutRibbonAppTab))
                        // Create a content that recovers values from a the ribbon for the app button/tab
                        AppButtonToolTipToContent appButtonContent = new AppButtonToolTipToContent(_ribbon);

                        // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                        if (appButtonContent.HasContent)
                            sourceContent = appButtonContent;

                            // Grab the style from the app button settings
                            toolTipStyle = _ribbon.RibbonAppButton.AppButtonToolTipStyle;

                            // Display below the mouse cursor
                            screenRect.Height += SystemInformation.CursorSize.Height / 3 * 2;
                        // If the target is a QAT button
                        if (e.Target is ViewDrawRibbonQATButton)
                            // Cast to correct type
                            ViewDrawRibbonQATButton viewElement = (ViewDrawRibbonQATButton)e.Target;

                            // Create a content that recovers values from a IQuickAccessToolbarButton
                            QATButtonToolTipToContent qatButtonContent = new QATButtonToolTipToContent(viewElement.QATButton);

                            // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                            if (qatButtonContent.HasContent)
                                sourceContent = qatButtonContent;

                                // Grab the style from the QAT button settings
                                toolTipStyle = viewElement.QATButton.GetToolTipStyle();

                                // Display below the mouse cursor
                                screenRect.Height += SystemInformation.CursorSize.Height / 3 * 2;
                            // If the target is a label
                            if ((e.Target.Parent != null) && (e.Target.Parent is ViewDrawRibbonGroupLabel))
                                // Cast to correct type
                                ViewDrawRibbonGroupLabel viewElement = (ViewDrawRibbonGroupLabel)e.Target.Parent;

                                // Create a content that recovers values from a KryptonRibbonGroupItem
                                GroupItemToolTipToContent groupItemContent = new GroupItemToolTipToContent(viewElement.GroupLabel);

                                // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                                if (groupItemContent.HasContent)
                                    sourceContent = groupItemContent;

                                    // Grab the style from the group label settings
                                    toolTipStyle = viewElement.GroupLabel.ToolTipStyle;

                                    // Display below the bottom of the ribbon control
                                    Rectangle ribbonScreenRect = _ribbon.ToolTipScreenRectangle;
                                    screenRect.Y      = ribbonScreenRect.Y;
                                    screenRect.Height = ribbonScreenRect.Height;
                                    screenRect.X      = ribbonScreenRect.X + viewElement.ClientLocation.X;
                                    screenRect.Width  = viewElement.ClientWidth;
                                // Is the target is a button or cluster button
                                if (e.Target is ViewDrawRibbonGroupButtonBackBorder)
                                    // Cast to correct type
                                    ViewDrawRibbonGroupButtonBackBorder viewElement = (ViewDrawRibbonGroupButtonBackBorder)e.Target;

                                    // Create a content that recovers values from a KryptonRibbonGroupItem
                                    GroupItemToolTipToContent groupItemContent = new GroupItemToolTipToContent(viewElement.GroupItem);

                                    // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                                    if (groupItemContent.HasContent)
                                        sourceContent = groupItemContent;

                                        // Grab the style from the group button/group cluster button settings
                                        toolTipStyle = viewElement.GroupItem.InternalToolTipStyle;

                                        // Display below the bottom of the ribbon control
                                        Rectangle ribbonScreenRect = _ribbon.ToolTipScreenRectangle;
                                        screenRect.Y      = ribbonScreenRect.Y;
                                        screenRect.Height = ribbonScreenRect.Height;
                                        screenRect.X      = ribbonScreenRect.X + viewElement.ClientLocation.X;
                                        screenRect.Width  = viewElement.ClientWidth;
                                    if (e.Target is ViewLayoutRibbonCheckBox)
                                        // Cast to correct type
                                        ViewDrawRibbonGroupCheckBox viewElement = (ViewDrawRibbonGroupCheckBox)e.Target.Parent;

                                        // Create a content that recovers values from a KryptonRibbonGroupItem
                                        GroupItemToolTipToContent groupItemContent = new GroupItemToolTipToContent(viewElement.GroupCheckBox);

                                        // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                                        if (groupItemContent.HasContent)
                                            sourceContent = groupItemContent;

                                            // Grab the style from the group check box cluster button settings
                                            toolTipStyle = viewElement.GroupCheckBox.InternalToolTipStyle;

                                            // Display below the bottom of the ribbon control
                                            Rectangle ribbonScreenRect = _ribbon.ToolTipScreenRectangle;
                                            screenRect.Y      = ribbonScreenRect.Y;
                                            screenRect.Height = ribbonScreenRect.Height;
                                            screenRect.X      = ribbonScreenRect.X + viewElement.ClientLocation.X;
                                            screenRect.Width  = viewElement.ClientWidth;
                                        if (e.Target is ViewLayoutRibbonRadioButton)
                                            // Cast to correct type
                                            ViewDrawRibbonGroupRadioButton viewElement = (ViewDrawRibbonGroupRadioButton)e.Target.Parent;

                                            // Create a content that recovers values from a KryptonRibbonGroupItem
                                            GroupItemToolTipToContent groupItemContent = new GroupItemToolTipToContent(viewElement.GroupRadioButton);

                                            // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                                            if (groupItemContent.HasContent)
                                                sourceContent = groupItemContent;

                                                // Grab the style from the group radio button button settings
                                                toolTipStyle = viewElement.GroupRadioButton.InternalToolTipStyle;

                                                // Display below the bottom of the ribbon control
                                                Rectangle ribbonScreenRect = _ribbon.ToolTipScreenRectangle;
                                                screenRect.Y      = ribbonScreenRect.Y;
                                                screenRect.Height = ribbonScreenRect.Height;
                                                screenRect.X      = ribbonScreenRect.X + viewElement.ClientLocation.X;
                                                screenRect.Width  = viewElement.ClientWidth;
                                            // Find the button spec associated with the tooltip request
                                            ButtonSpec buttonSpec = _buttonManager.ButtonSpecFromView(e.Target);

                                            // If the tooltip is for a button spec
                                            if (buttonSpec != null)
                                                // Are we allowed to show page related tooltips
                                                if (_ribbon.AllowButtonSpecToolTips)
                                                    // Create a helper object to provide tooltip values
                                                    ButtonSpecToContent buttonSpecMapping = new ButtonSpecToContent(_ribbon.GetRedirector(), buttonSpec);

                                                    // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                                                    if (buttonSpecMapping.HasContent)
                                                        sourceContent = buttonSpecMapping;

                                                        // Grab the style from the button spec settings
                                                        toolTipStyle = buttonSpec.ToolTipStyle;

                                                        // Display below the mouse cursor
                                                        screenRect.Height += SystemInformation.CursorSize.Height / 3 * 2;

                    if (sourceContent != null)
                        // Remove any currently showing tooltip

                        // Create the actual tooltip popup object
                        _visualPopupToolTip = new VisualPopupToolTip(_ribbon.GetRedirector(),

                        _visualPopupToolTip.Disposed += new EventHandler(OnVisualPopupToolTipDisposed);

                        // The popup tooltip control always adds on a border above/below so we negate that here.
                        screenRect.Height -= 20;

                        // Show relative to the provided screen rectangle