예제 #1
        public static List <Line3D> GetHelperShapes(ICollection <Thing> things, VisualBlockMap blockmap)
            var lines = GetHelperShapes(GetSpecialThings(things, blockmap), blockmap);

            lines.AddRange(GetThingArgumentShapes(things, blockmap, CIRCLE_SIDES));
예제 #2
 public PathNode(Thing t, VisualBlockMap blockmap)
     thing       = t;
     position    = t.Position;
     position.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);
     nextnodes   = new Dictionary <int, PathNode>();
     prevnodes   = new Dictionary <int, PathNode>();
예제 #3
        // This determines which sector the thing is in and links it
        public void DetermineSector(VisualBlockMap blockmap)
            // Find nearest sectors using the blockmap
            List <Sector> possiblesectors = blockmap.GetBlock(blockmap.GetBlockCoordinates(pos)).Sectors;

            // Check in which sector we are
            sector = null;
            foreach (Sector s in possiblesectors)
                if (s.Intersect(pos))
                    sector = s;
예제 #4
        // Required only when called from VisualMode
        private static float GetCorrectHeight(Thing thing, VisualBlockMap blockmap, bool usethingcenter)
            if (blockmap == null)
            float height = (usethingcenter ? thing.Height / 2f : 0f);

            if (thing.Sector == null)
            if (thing.Sector != null)
                height += thing.Sector.FloorHeight;
예제 #5
        // This determines which sector the thing is in and links it
        public void DetermineSector(VisualBlockMap blockmap)
            //mxd. First check if the sprite is still in the same sector
            if (sector != null && !sector.IsDisposed && sector.Intersect(pos))

            // Find nearest sectors using the blockmap
            List <Sector> possiblesectors = blockmap.GetBlock(blockmap.GetBlockCoordinates(pos)).Sectors;

            // Check in which sector we are
            sector = null;
            foreach (Sector s in possiblesectors)
                if (s.Intersect(pos))
                    sector = s;
예제 #6
 // This determines which sector the thing is in and links it
 public void DetermineSector(VisualBlockMap blockmap)
     sector = blockmap.GetSectorAt(pos);
예제 #7
        // Create argument value/min/max shapes
        private static List <Line3D> GetThingArgumentShapes(ICollection <Thing> things, VisualBlockMap blockmap, int numsides)
            var lines = new List <Line3D>();

            foreach (Thing t in things)
                if (t.Action != 0)
                ThingTypeInfo tti = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfoEx(t.Type);
                if (tti == null)

                Vector3D pos = t.Position;
                pos.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, false);

                for (int i = 0; i < t.Args.Length; i++)
                    if (t.Args[i] == 0)
                        continue;                            // Avoid visual noise
                    var a = tti.Args[i];                     //TODO: can this be null?

                    switch (a.RenderStyle)
                    case ArgumentInfo.ArgumentRenderStyle.CIRCLE:
                        lines.AddRange(MakeCircleLines(pos, a.RenderColor, t.Args[i], numsides));
                        if (a.MinRange > 0)
                            lines.AddRange(MakeCircleLines(pos, a.MinRangeColor, a.MinRange, numsides));
                        if (a.MaxRange > 0)
                            lines.AddRange(MakeCircleLines(pos, a.MaxRangeColor, a.MaxRange, numsides));

                    case ArgumentInfo.ArgumentRenderStyle.RECTANGLE:
                        lines.AddRange(MakeRectangleLines(pos, a.RenderColor, t.Args[i]));
                        if (a.MinRange > 0)
                            lines.AddRange(MakeRectangleLines(pos, a.MinRangeColor, a.MinRange));
                        if (a.MaxRange > 0)
                            lines.AddRange(MakeRectangleLines(pos, a.MaxRangeColor, a.MaxRange));

                    case ArgumentInfo.ArgumentRenderStyle.NONE:

                    default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown ArgumentRenderStyle");

예제 #8
        private static List <Line3D> GetHelperShapes(SpecialThings result, VisualBlockMap blockmap)
            var lines             = new List <Line3D>();
            var actormovertargets = new Dictionary <int, List <Thing> >();

            // Get ActorMover targets
            if (result.ActorMovers.Count > 0)
                foreach (Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things)
                    if (t.Tag == 0 || !result.ActorMovers.ContainsKey(t.Tag))
                    if (!actormovertargets.ContainsKey(t.Tag))
                        actormovertargets[t.Tag] = new List <Thing>();

            Vector3D start, end;

            // Process patrol points
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Thing> > group in result.PatrolPoints)
                foreach (Thing t in group.Value)
                    if (!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Args[0]))

                    start    = t.Position;
                    start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                    foreach (Thing tt in result.PatrolPoints[t.Args[0]])
                        end    = tt.Position;
                        end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt, blockmap, true);
                        lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end));

            // Process things with Thing_SetGoal
            foreach (Thing t in result.ThingsWithGoal)
                if (!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Args[1]))

                start    = t.Position;
                start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                foreach (Thing tt in result.PatrolPoints[t.Args[1]])
                    end    = tt.Position;
                    end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt, blockmap, true);

                    lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));

            // Process patrol specials
            foreach (Thing t in result.PatrolSpecials)
                if (!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Tag))

                start    = t.Position;
                start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                foreach (Thing tt in result.PatrolPoints[t.Tag])
                    end    = tt.Position;
                    end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt, blockmap, true);

                    lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));

            // Process cameras [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
            foreach (Thing t in result.Cameras)
                int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);
                if (targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))
                    continue;                                                                                      //no target / target doesn't exist
                bool interpolatepath = ((t.Args[2] & 1) != 1);

                start    = t.Position;
                start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                foreach (PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
                    node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
                    lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));

            //process actor movers [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
            foreach (List <Thing> things in result.ActorMovers.Values)
                foreach (Thing t in things)
                    int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);

                    // Add interpolation point targets
                    if (targettag != 0 && result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))
                        bool interpolatepath = ((t.Args[2] & 1) != 1);
                        start    = t.Position;
                        start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                        foreach (PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
                            node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
                            lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));

                    // Add thing-to-move targets
                    if (actormovertargets.ContainsKey(t.Args[3]))
                        start    = t.Position;
                        start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                        foreach (Thing tt in actormovertargets[t.Args[3]])
                            end    = tt.Position;
                            end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt, blockmap, true);
                            lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));

            // Process path followers [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
            foreach (Thing t in result.PathFollowers)
                int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);
                if (targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))
                    continue;                                                                                      //no target / target doesn't exist
                bool interpolatepath = (t.Args[2] & 1) != 1;

                start    = t.Position;
                start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                foreach (PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
                    node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
                    lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));

            // Process polyobjects
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Thing> > group in result.PolyobjectAnchors)
                if (!result.PolyobjectStartSpots.ContainsKey(group.Key))
                foreach (Thing anchor in group.Value)
                    start    = anchor.Position;
                    start.z += GetCorrectHeight(anchor, blockmap, true);

                    foreach (Thing startspot in result.PolyobjectStartSpots[group.Key])
                        end    = startspot.Position;
                        end.z += GetCorrectHeight(startspot, blockmap, true);
                        lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));

            // Process interpolation points [CAN BE INTERPOLATED]
            // 1. Connect PathNodes
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <PathNode> > group in result.InterpolationPoints)
                foreach (PathNode node in group.Value)
                    int targettag = node.Thing.Args[3] + (node.Thing.Args[4] << 8);
                    if (targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))

                    foreach (PathNode targetnode in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
                        // Connect both ways
                        if (!node.NextNodes.ContainsKey(targetnode.Thing.Index))
                            node.NextNodes.Add(targetnode.Thing.Index, targetnode);
                        if (!targetnode.PreviousNodes.ContainsKey(node.Thing.Index))
                            targetnode.PreviousNodes.Add(node.Thing.Index, node);

            // 2. Propagate IsCurved flag
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <PathNode> > group in result.InterpolationPoints)
                foreach (PathNode node in group.Value)

            // Process interpolation specials
            foreach (Thing t in result.InterpolationSpecials)
                int targettag = t.Tag;
                if (targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))
                    continue;                                                                                       //no target / target doesn't exist
                start    = t.Position;
                start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                foreach (PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
                    //Do not connect specials to the first or last node of a curved path, since those are used as spline control points only
                    if (node.IsCurved && (node.PreviousNodes.Count == 0 || node.NextNodes.Count == 0))
                    lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));

            // 3. Make lines
            HashSet <int> processedindices = new HashSet <int>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <PathNode> > group in result.InterpolationPoints)
                foreach (PathNode node in group.Value)
                    // Draw as a curve?
                    if (node.IsCurved && !processedindices.Contains(node.Thing.Index) && node.NextNodes.Count > 0 && node.PreviousNodes.Count > 0)
                        PathNode prev = General.GetByIndex(node.PreviousNodes, 0).Value;
                        PathNode next = General.GetByIndex(node.NextNodes, 0).Value;
                        if (next.NextNodes.Count > 0)
                            PathNode nextnext = General.GetByIndex(next.NextNodes, 0).Value;

                            // Generate curve points
                            List <Vector3D> points = new List <Vector3D>(11);
                            for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                                float u = i * 0.1f;
                                points.Add(new Vector3D(
                                               SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.x, node.Position.x, next.Position.x, nextnext.Position.x),
                                               SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.y, node.Position.y, next.Position.y, nextnext.Position.y),
                                               (blockmap == null ? 0 : SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.z, node.Position.z, next.Position.z, nextnext.Position.z))

                            // Add line segments
                            for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
                                lines.Add(new Line3D(points[i - 1], points[i], i == 10));


                    // Draw regular lines
                    bool startnode = (node.IsCurved && node.PreviousNodes.Count == 0);                     // When using curves, this node won't be used by camera (the last node won't be used as well), so draw them using different color
                    foreach (PathNode targetnode in node.NextNodes.Values)
                        bool isskipped = (startnode || (targetnode.IsCurved && targetnode.NextNodes.Count == 0));
                        lines.Add(new Line3D(node.Position, targetnode.Position, (isskipped ? General.Colors.Highlight : General.Colors.InfoLine), !isskipped));

예제 #9
        private static SpecialThings GetSpecialThings(ICollection <Thing> things, VisualBlockMap blockmap)
            SpecialThings result = new SpecialThings();

            // Process oh so special things
            foreach (Thing t in things)
                ThingTypeInfo info = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfoEx(t.Type);
                if (info == null)
                switch (info.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant())
                case "patrolpoint":
                    if (t.Tag != 0 || t.Args[0] != 0)
                        if (!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Tag))
                            result.PatrolPoints.Add(t.Tag, new List <Thing>());

                case "patrolspecial":

                case "$polyanchor":
                    if (!result.PolyobjectAnchors.ContainsKey(t.AngleDoom))
                        result.PolyobjectAnchors[t.AngleDoom] = new List <Thing>();

                case "$polyspawn":
                case "$polyspawncrush":
                case "$polyspawnhurt":
                    if (!result.PolyobjectStartSpots.ContainsKey(t.AngleDoom))
                        result.PolyobjectStartSpots[t.AngleDoom] = new List <Thing>();

                // Process Thing_SetGoal action
                if (t.Action != 0 &&
                    General.Map.Config.LinedefActions.ContainsKey(t.Action) &&
                    General.Map.Config.LinedefActions[t.Action].Id.ToLowerInvariant() == "thing_setgoal" &&
                    (t.Args[0] == 0 || t.Args[0] == t.Tag) &&
                    t.Args[1] != 0)

            // We may need all of these actors...
            foreach (Thing t in General.Map.ThingsFilter.VisibleThings)
                ThingTypeInfo info = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfoEx(t.Type);
                if (info == null)
                switch (info.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant())
                case "interpolationpoint":
                    if (!result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(t.Tag))
                        result.InterpolationPoints.Add(t.Tag, new List <PathNode>());
                    result.InterpolationPoints[t.Tag].Add(new PathNode(t, blockmap));

                case "interpolationspecial":

                case "movingcamera":
                    if (t.Args[0] != 0 || t.Args[1] != 0)

                case "pathfollower":
                    if (t.Args[0] != 0 || t.Args[1] != 0)

                case "actormover":
                    if ((t.Args[0] != 0 || t.Args[1] != 0) && t.Args[3] != 0)
                        if (!result.ActorMovers.ContainsKey(t.Args[3]))
                            result.ActorMovers.Add(t.Args[3], new List <Thing>());

예제 #10
        private static List <Line3D> GetThingLinks(SpecialThings result, VisualBlockMap blockmap)
            var lines             = new List <Line3D>();
            var actormovertargets = new Dictionary <int, List <Thing> >();

            // Get ActorMover targets
            if (result.ActorMovers.Count > 0)
                foreach (Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things)
                    if (t.Tag == 0 || !result.ActorMovers.ContainsKey(t.Tag))
                    if (!actormovertargets.ContainsKey(t.Tag))
                        actormovertargets[t.Tag] = new List <Thing>();

            Vector3D start, end;

            // Process patrol points
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Thing> > group in result.PatrolPoints)
                foreach (Thing t in group.Value)
                    if (!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Args[0]))

                    start    = t.Position;
                    start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                    foreach (Thing tt in result.PatrolPoints[t.Args[0]])
                        end    = tt.Position;
                        end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt, blockmap, true);
                        lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end));

            // Process things with Thing_SetGoal
            foreach (Thing t in result.ThingsWithGoal)
                if (!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Args[1]))

                start    = t.Position;
                start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                foreach (Thing tt in result.PatrolPoints[t.Args[1]])
                    end    = tt.Position;
                    end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt, blockmap, true);

                    lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));

            // Process cameras [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
            foreach (Thing t in result.Cameras)
                int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);
                if (targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))
                    continue;                                                                                      //no target / target doesn't exist
                bool interpolatepath = ((t.Args[2] & 1) != 1);

                start    = t.Position;
                start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                foreach (PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
                    node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
                    lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));

            //process actor movers [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
            foreach (List <Thing> things in result.ActorMovers.Values)
                foreach (Thing t in things)
                    int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);

                    // Add interpolation point targets
                    if (targettag != 0 && result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))
                        bool interpolatepath = ((t.Args[2] & 1) != 1);
                        start    = t.Position;
                        start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                        foreach (PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
                            node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
                            lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));

                    // Add thing-to-move targets
                    if (actormovertargets.ContainsKey(t.Args[3]))
                        start    = t.Position;
                        start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                        foreach (Thing tt in actormovertargets[t.Args[3]])
                            end    = tt.Position;
                            end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt, blockmap, true);
                            lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));

            // Process path followers [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
            foreach (Thing t in result.PathFollowers)
                int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);
                if (targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))
                    continue;                                                                                      //no target / target doesn't exist
                bool interpolatepath = (t.Args[2] & 1) != 1;

                start    = t.Position;
                start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, true);

                foreach (PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
                    node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
                    lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));

            // Process polyobjects
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Thing> > group in result.PolyobjectAnchors)
                if (!result.PolyobjectStartSpots.ContainsKey(group.Key))
                foreach (Thing anchor in group.Value)
                    start    = anchor.Position;
                    start.z += GetCorrectHeight(anchor, blockmap, true);

                    foreach (Thing startspot in result.PolyobjectStartSpots[group.Key])
                        end    = startspot.Position;
                        end.z += GetCorrectHeight(startspot, blockmap, true);
                        lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));

            // Process interpolation points [CAN BE INTERPOLATED]
            // 1. Connect PathNodes
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <PathNode> > group in result.InterpolationPoints)
                foreach (PathNode node in group.Value)
                    int targettag = node.Thing.Args[3] + (node.Thing.Args[4] << 8);
                    if (targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))

                    foreach (PathNode targetnode in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
                        // Connect both ways
                        if (!node.NextNodes.ContainsKey(targetnode.Thing.Index))
                            node.NextNodes.Add(targetnode.Thing.Index, targetnode);
                        if (!targetnode.PreviousNodes.ContainsKey(node.Thing.Index))
                            targetnode.PreviousNodes.Add(node.Thing.Index, node);

            // 2. Propagate IsCurved flag
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <PathNode> > group in result.InterpolationPoints)
                foreach (PathNode node in group.Value)

            // 3. Make lines
            HashSet <int> processedindices = new HashSet <int>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <PathNode> > group in result.InterpolationPoints)
                foreach (PathNode node in group.Value)
                    // Draw as a curve?
                    if (node.IsCurved && !processedindices.Contains(node.Thing.Index) && node.NextNodes.Count > 0 && node.PreviousNodes.Count > 0)
                        PathNode prev = General.GetByIndex(node.PreviousNodes, 0).Value;
                        PathNode next = General.GetByIndex(node.NextNodes, 0).Value;
                        if (next.NextNodes.Count > 0)
                            PathNode nextnext = General.GetByIndex(next.NextNodes, 0).Value;

                            // Generate curve points
                            List <Vector3D> points = new List <Vector3D>(11);
                            for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                                float u = i * 0.1f;
                                points.Add(new Vector3D(
                                               SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.x, node.Position.x, next.Position.x, nextnext.Position.x),
                                               SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.y, node.Position.y, next.Position.y, nextnext.Position.y),
                                               (blockmap == null ? 0 : SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.z, node.Position.z, next.Position.z, nextnext.Position.z))

                            // Add line segments
                            for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
                                lines.Add(new Line3D(points[i - 1], points[i], i == 10));


                    // Draw regular lines
                    bool startnode = (node.IsCurved && node.PreviousNodes.Count == 0);                     // When using curves, this node won't be used by camera (the last node won't be used as well), so draw them using different color
                    foreach (PathNode targetnode in node.NextNodes.Values)
                        bool isskipped = (startnode || (targetnode.IsCurved && targetnode.NextNodes.Count == 0));
                        lines.Add(new Line3D(node.Position, targetnode.Position, (isskipped ? General.Colors.Highlight : General.Colors.InfoLine), !isskipped));

            // Process arg helpers
            const int numsides = 24;

            foreach (Thing t in General.Map.ThingsFilter.VisibleThings)
                if (t.Action != 0)
                ThingTypeInfo tti = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfoEx(t.Type);
                if (tti == null)

                Vector3D pos = t.Position;
                pos.z += GetCorrectHeight(t, blockmap, false);

                for (int i = 0; i < t.Args.Length; i++)
                    if (t.Args[i] != 0 && tti.Args[i].RenderStyle != ArgumentInfo.ArgumentRenderStyle.NONE)
                        switch (tti.Args[i].RenderStyle)
                        case ArgumentInfo.ArgumentRenderStyle.CIRCLE:
                            lines.AddRange(MakeCircleLines(pos, tti.Args[i].RenderColor, t.Args[i], numsides));

                        case ArgumentInfo.ArgumentRenderStyle.RECTANGLE:
                            lines.AddRange(MakeRectangleLines(pos, tti.Args[i].RenderColor, t.Args[i]));

                        default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown ArgumentRenderStyle");

예제 #11
 public static List <Line3D> GetThingLinks(IEnumerable <Thing> things, VisualBlockMap blockmap)
     return(GetThingLinks(GetSpecialThings(things, blockmap), blockmap));