예제 #1
        public static VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element AddElementEx(this VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element p, string text,
                                                                       int?font, double?size, int?color,
            var el = p.AddElement(text);

            if (font != null)
                el.CharacterFormatting.Font = font.Value;

            if (size.HasValue)
                el.CharacterFormatting.Size = string.Format("{0}pt", size.Value);

            if (color.HasValue)
                var c = new VisioAutomation.Drawing.ColorRGB(color.Value);
                el.CharacterFormatting.Color = c.ToFormula();

            if (halign.HasValue)
                el.ParagraphFormatting.HorizontalAlign = (int)halign.Value;

            if (cs.HasValue)
                el.CharacterFormatting.Style = (int)cs;

예제 #2
        public static VAM.Text.Element AddElementEx(
            this VAM.Text.Element p,
            string text,
            TextFmt textfmt)
            var el = p.AddElement(text);

            if (textfmt != null && textfmt.FontID != null)
                el.CharacterFormatting.Font = textfmt.FontID.Value;

            if (textfmt != null && textfmt.FontSize.HasValue)
                el.CharacterFormatting.Size = string.Format("{0}pt", textfmt.FontSize.Value);

            if (textfmt != null && textfmt.Color.HasValue)
                var c = new VAM.Color.ColorRgb(textfmt.Color.Value);
                el.CharacterFormatting.Color = c.ToFormula();

            if (textfmt != null && textfmt.HAlign.HasValue)
                el.ParagraphFormatting.HorizontalAlign = (int)textfmt.HAlign.Value;

            if (textfmt != null && textfmt.CharStyle.HasValue)
                el.CharacterFormatting.Style = (int)textfmt.CharStyle;

예제 #3
        public static void TextMarkup5()
            var page = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add();

            // Create the Shapes that will hold the text
            var s1 = page.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 8.5, 11);

            var e1 = new VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element();

            e1.ParagraphFormatting.HorizontalAlign = 0;
            var e2 = e1.AddElement("Hello Worldline1\nline2\nline3\n");

            e2.ParagraphFormatting.IndentFirst = "0.5pt";
            e2.ParagraphFormatting.IndentLeft  = "0.25pt";
            var e3 = e1.AddElement("Goodbye\nline1\nline2\nline3");

            e3.ParagraphFormatting.IndentFirst = "1.0pt";
            e3.ParagraphFormatting.IndentLeft  = "0.75pt";

예제 #4
        public IVisio.Document DrawNamespacesAndClasses(IList <Type> types_)

            string segoeui_fontname      = "Segoe UI";
            string segoeuilight_fontname = "Segoe UI Light";
            string def_linecolor         = "rgb(180,180,180)";
            string def_shape_fill        = "rgb(245,245,245)";
            string template = null;

            var page_size         = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(8.5, 11);
            var doc               = this._client.Document.New(page_size, template);
            var fonts             = doc.Fonts;
            var font_segoe        = fonts[segoeui_fontname];
            var font_segoelight   = fonts[segoeuilight_fontname];
            int fontid_segoe      = font_segoe.ID16;
            int fontid_segoelight = font_segoelight.ID16;

            var types = types_.Select(t => new TypeInfo(t));

            var pathbuilder = new PathTreeBuilder();

            foreach (var type in types)

            var namespaces = pathbuilder.GetPaths();

            var tree_layout = new VisioAutomation.Models.Layouts.Tree.Drawing();

            tree_layout.LayoutOptions.Direction     = LayoutDirection.Down;
            tree_layout.LayoutOptions.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.PolyLine;
            var ns_node_map     = new Dictionary <string, Node>(namespaces.Count);
            var node_to_nslabel = new Dictionary <Node, string>(namespaces.Count);

            // create nodes for every namespace
            foreach (string ns in namespaces)
                string label             = ns;
                int    index_of_last_sep = ns.LastIndexOf(pathbuilder.Separator, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (index_of_last_sep > 0)
                    label = ns.Substring(index_of_last_sep + 1);

                string ns1 = ns;
                var    types_in_namespace = types.Where(t => t.Type.Namespace == ns1)
                                            .OrderBy(t => t.Type.Name)
                                            .Select(t => t.Label);
                var node = new Node(ns);
                node.Size = new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(2.0, (0.15) * (1 + 2 + types_in_namespace.Count()));

                var markup = new VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element();
                var m1     = markup.AddElement(label + "\n");
                m1.CharacterFormatting.Font  = fontid_segoe;
                m1.CharacterFormatting.Size  = "12.0pt";
                m1.CharacterFormatting.Style = "1"; // Bold
                var m2 = markup.AddElement();
                m2.CharacterFormatting.Font = fontid_segoe;
                m2.CharacterFormatting.Size = "8.0pt";
                m2.AddText(string.Join("\n", types_in_namespace));

                node.Text = markup;

                ns_node_map[ns]       = node;
                node_to_nslabel[node] = label;

            // add children to nodes
            foreach (string ns in namespaces)
                var parent_ns = pathbuilder.PathToParentPath[ns];

                if (parent_ns != null)
                    // the current namespace has a parent
                    var parent_node = ns_node_map[parent_ns];
                    var child_node  = ns_node_map[ns];
                    // that means this namespace is a root, forget about it

            if (pathbuilder.Roots.Count == 0)
            else if (pathbuilder.Roots.Count == 1)
                // when there is exactly one root namespace, then that node will be the tree's root node
                var first_root = pathbuilder.Roots[0];
                var root_n     = ns_node_map[first_root];
                tree_layout.Root = root_n;
                // if there are multiple root namespaces, inject an empty placeholder root
                var root_n = new Node();
                tree_layout.Root = root_n;

                foreach (var root_ns in pathbuilder.Roots)
                    var node = ns_node_map[root_ns];

            // format the shapes
            foreach (var node in tree_layout.Nodes)
                if (node.Cells == null)
                    node.Cells = new ShapeCells();
                node.Cells.FillForeground = def_shape_fill;
                //node.ShapeCells.LineWeight = "0";
                //node.ShapeCells.LinePattern = "0";
                node.Cells.LineColor              = def_linecolor;
                node.Cells.ParaHorizontalAlign    = "0";
                node.Cells.TextBlockVerticalAlign = "0";

            var cxn_cells = new ShapeCells();

            cxn_cells.LineColor = def_linecolor;
            tree_layout.LayoutOptions.ConnectorCells = cxn_cells;


예제 #5
        public void DomText_CharacterComplex()
            var page1 = this.GetNewPage(new VisioAutomation.Geometry.Size(5, 5));
            var doc   = page1.Document;
            var fonts = doc.Fonts;

            var segoeui    = fonts["Segoe UI"];
            var impact     = fonts["Arial"];
            var couriernew = fonts["Courier New"];
            var georgia    = fonts["Georgia"];

            var t1 = new VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element("{Normal}");

            t1.CharacterFormatting.Font = segoeui.ID;

            var t2 = t1.AddElement("{Italic}");

            t2.CharacterFormatting.Style = (int)VA.Models.Text.CharStyle.Italic;
            t2.CharacterFormatting.Font  = impact.ID;

            var t3 = t2.AddElement("{Bold}");

            t3.CharacterFormatting.Style = (int)VA.Models.Text.CharStyle.Bold;
            t3.CharacterFormatting.Font  = couriernew.ID;

            var t4 = t2.AddElement("{Bold Italic}");

            t4.CharacterFormatting.Style = (int)(VA.Models.Text.CharStyle.Bold | VA.Models.Text.CharStyle.Italic);
            t4.CharacterFormatting.Font  = georgia.ID;

            var s0 = page1.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 4, 4);


            var textfmt = VisioAutomation.Text.TextFormat.GetFormat(s0, CellValueType.Formula);
            var charfmt = textfmt.CharacterFormats;

            // check the number of character regions
            Assert.AreEqual(5, charfmt.Count);

            // check the fonts
            Assert.AreEqual(segoeui.ID.ToString(), charfmt[0].Font.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(impact.ID.ToString(), charfmt[1].Font.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(couriernew.ID.ToString(), charfmt[2].Font.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(georgia.ID.ToString(), charfmt[3].Font.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(segoeui.ID.ToString(), charfmt[4].Font.Value);

            // check the styles

            string style_value_0 = charfmt[0].Style.Value;
            string style_value_4 = charfmt[4].Style.Value;
            string style_none    = ((int)VA.Models.Text.CharStyle.None).ToString();

            AssertUtil.OneOf(new[] { style_none, "THEMEVAL()" }, style_value_0);

            Assert.AreEqual(((int)VA.Models.Text.CharStyle.Italic).ToString(), charfmt[1].Style.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(((int)VA.Models.Text.CharStyle.Bold).ToString(), charfmt[2].Style.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(((int)(VA.Models.Text.CharStyle.Italic | VA.Models.Text.CharStyle.Bold)).ToString(), charfmt[3].Style.Value);

            AssertUtil.OneOf(new[] { style_none, "THEMEVAL()" }, style_value_4);

            // check the text run content
            var charruns = textfmt.CharacterTextRuns;

            Assert.AreEqual(4, charruns.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("{Normal}", charruns[0].Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("{Italic}", charruns[1].Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("{Bold}", charruns[2].Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("{Bold Italic}", charruns[3].Text);

            // cleanup