예제 #1
 static bool IsAccessible(MethodSymbol m, VisibilityScope scope)
         m.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.ProtectedAndInternal && // C# 7.2 "private protected"
         m.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Internal &&             // "internal"
         (scope.ScopeIsDynamic || m.IsAccessible(scope.Scope)) &&         // method is accessible (or might be in runtime)
         !m.IsFieldsOnlyConstructor()                                     // method is not a special .ctor which is not accessible from user's code
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes methods that are inaccessible for sure.
 /// </summary>
 static void RemoveInaccessible(List <MethodSymbol> methods, VisibilityScope scope)
     for (int i = methods.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         if (!IsAccessible(methods[i], scope))
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes methods that are inaccessible for sure.
        /// </summary>
        static void RemoveInaccessible(List <MethodSymbol> methods, VisibilityScope scope)
            for (int i = methods.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var m = methods[i];

                if ((!scope.ScopeIsDynamic && !m.IsAccessible(scope.Scope)) || // method is not accessible for sure
                    m.IsFieldsOnlyConstructor())                               // method is special .ctor which is not accessible from user's code
예제 #4
        public void Print(Program prog)

            var pathName = ArmadaOptions.O.ArmadaOutputDir + "/" + this.PathName;

            Console.Out.WriteLine($"Printing proof to {pathName}");
            var             tw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(pathName);
            var             pr = new Printer(tw, ArmadaOptions.O.PrintMode);
            var             fileBeingPrinted = Path.GetFullPath(prog.FullName);
            VisibilityScope scope            = null;

            foreach (var includePath in module.ArmadaIncludes)
            pr.PrintModuleDefinition(module.ArmadaTranslation, scope, 0, new List <Microsoft.Boogie.IToken>(), fileBeingPrinted);
예제 #5
 public static void PrintLevels(Program program)
     foreach (TopLevelDecl d in program.DefaultModuleDef.TopLevelDecls)
         if (d is LiteralModuleDecl)
             var def      = ((LiteralModuleDecl)d).ModuleDef;
             var pathName = ArmadaOptions.O.ArmadaOutputDir + "/" + def.Name + ".dfy";
             if (def.ModuleType == ArmadaModuleType.ArmadaLevel)
                 Console.Out.WriteLine("Printing level to {0}", pathName);
             else if (def.ModuleType == ArmadaModuleType.ArmadaStructs)
                 Console.Out.WriteLine("Printing structs to {0}", pathName);
             var             tw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(pathName);
             var             pr = new Printer(tw, ArmadaOptions.O.PrintMode);
             var             fileBeingPrinted = Path.GetFullPath(program.FullName);
             VisibilityScope scope            = null;
             var             ld = (LiteralModuleDecl)d;
             if (ld.Signature != null)
                 scope = ld.Signature.VisibilityScope;
             foreach (var includePath in def.ArmadaIncludes)
             pr.PrintModuleDefinition(def.ArmadaTranslation, scope, 0, new List <Bpl.IToken>(), fileBeingPrinted);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to resolve method in design time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Might return one of following:
        /// - resolved single <see cref="MethodSymbol"/>
        /// - <see cref="MissingMethodSymbol"/>
        /// - <see cref="AmbiguousMethodSymbol"/>
        /// - <see cref="InaccessibleMethodSymbol"/>
        /// </returns>
        public MethodSymbol /*!*/ Resolve(TypeRefContext typeCtx, ImmutableArray <BoundArgument> args, VisibilityScope scope)
            if (_methods.Count == 0)
                return(new MissingMethodSymbol());

            if (_methods.Count == 1 && _methods[0].IsErrorMethodOrNull())
                return(_methods[0] ?? new MissingMethodSymbol());

            // see Pchp.Core.Dynamic.OverloadBinder

            // collect valid methods:
            var result = new List <MethodSymbol>(_methods.Where(MethodSymbolExtensions.IsValidMethod));

            // only visible methods:
            RemoveInaccessible(result, scope);

            if (result.Count == 0)
                return(new InaccessibleMethodSymbol(_methods.AsImmutable()));

            if (scope.ScopeIsDynamic && result.Any(IsNonPublic))
                // we have to postpone the resolution to runtime:
                return(new AmbiguousMethodSymbol(result.AsImmutable(), false));

            if (result.Count == 1)

            // TODO: cost of args convert operation

            // by params count

            var result2 = new List <MethodSymbol>();

            foreach (var m in result)
                var nmandatory   = 0;
                var hasoptional  = false;
                var hasparams    = false;
                var match        = true;
                var hasunpacking = false;

                var expectedparams = m.GetExpectedArguments(typeCtx);

                foreach (var p in expectedparams)
                    hasoptional |= p.DefaultValue != null;
                    hasparams   |= p.IsVariadic;
                    if (!hasoptional && !hasparams)

                    if (p.Index < args.Length)
                        hasunpacking |= args[p.Index].IsUnpacking;

                        // TODO: check args[i] is convertible to p.Type
                        var p_type = typeCtx.WithoutNull(p.Type);
                        var a_type = typeCtx.WithoutNull(args[p.Index].Value.TypeRefMask);

                        match &= a_type == p_type && !hasunpacking; // check types match (ignoring NULL flag)

                if ((args.Length >= nmandatory || hasunpacking) && (hasparams || args.Length <= expectedparams.Length))
                    // TODO: this is naive implementation of overload resolution,
                    // make it properly using Conversion Cost
                    if (match && !hasparams)
                        return(m);   // perfect match


            return((result2.Count == 1) ? result2[0] : new AmbiguousMethodSymbol(result.AsImmutable(), true));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to resolve method in design time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Might return one of following:
        /// - resolved single <see cref="MethodSymbol"/>
        /// - <see cref="MissingMethodSymbol"/>
        /// - <see cref="AmbiguousMethodSymbol"/>
        /// - <see cref="InaccessibleMethodSymbol"/>
        /// </returns>
        public MethodSymbol /*!*/ Resolve(TypeRefContext typeCtx, ImmutableArray <BoundArgument> args, VisibilityScope scope, bool isInstanceMethodCall)
            if (_single != null)
                return(IsAccessible(_single, scope)
                    ? scope.ScopeIsDynamic && IsNonPublic(_single)
                        ? new AmbiguousMethodSymbol(ImmutableArray.Create(_single), false) // TODO: find a way on how to disable this check in CLR
                        : _single
                    : new InaccessibleMethodSymbol(ImmutableArray.Create(_single)));

            if (_methods == null || _methods.Length == 0)
                return(new MissingMethodSymbol());

            // see Pchp.Core.Dynamic.OverloadBinder

            // collect valid methods:
            var result = new List <MethodSymbol>(_methods.Where(MethodSymbolExtensions.IsValidMethod));

            // only visible methods:
            RemoveInaccessible(result, scope);

            if (result.Count == 0)
                return(new InaccessibleMethodSymbol(_methods.AsImmutable()));

            // if there are both instance and static methods,
            // take the right ones preferably:
            var statics = result.Count(m => m.IsStatic);

            if (statics > 0 && statics < result.Count)
                if (isInstanceMethodCall)
                    result.RemoveAll(m => m.IsStatic);
                    result.RemoveAll(m => !m.IsStatic);
                // otherwise,
                // PHP allows that static methods to be called non-statically and vice versa
                // let the compiler to deal with it

            if (scope.ScopeIsDynamic && result.Any(IsNonPublic))
                // we have to postpone the resolution to runtime:
                return(new AmbiguousMethodSymbol(result.AsImmutable(), false));

            if (result.Count == 1)

            // TODO: cost of args convert operation

            // by params count

            var result2 = new List <MethodSymbol>();

            foreach (var m in result)
                var nmandatory   = 0;
                var hasoptional  = false;
                var hasparams    = false;
                var match        = true;
                var hasunpacking = false;

                var expectedparams = m.GetExpectedArguments(typeCtx);

                for (int i = 0; i < expectedparams.Count; i++)
                    var p = expectedparams[i];

                    hasoptional |= p.DefaultValue != null;
                    hasparams   |= p.IsVariadic;
                    if (!hasoptional && !hasparams)

                    if (p.Index < args.Length)
                        hasunpacking |= args[p.Index].IsUnpacking;

                        // TODO: check args[i] is convertible to p.Type
                        var p_type = typeCtx.WithoutNull(p.Type);
                        var a_type = typeCtx.WithoutNull(args[p.Index].Value.TypeRefMask);

                        match &= a_type == p_type && !hasunpacking; // check types match (ignoring NULL flag)

                if ((args.Length >= nmandatory || hasunpacking) && (hasparams || args.Length <= expectedparams.Count))
                    // TODO: this is naive implementation of overload resolution,
                    // make it properly using Conversion Cost
                    if (match && !hasparams)
                        return(m);   // perfect match


            return((result2.Count == 1) ? result2[0] : new AmbiguousMethodSymbol(result.AsImmutable(), true));
예제 #8
 public void PrintModuleDefinition(ModuleDefinition module, VisibilityScope scope, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted)
     Contract.Requires(module != null);
       Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
       if (module.IsAbstract) {
     wr.Write("abstract ");
       if (module.IsProtected) {
     wr.Write("protected ");
       wr.Write(" {0} ", module.Name);
       if (module.RefinementBaseName != null) {
     if (module.IsExclusiveRefinement) {
       wr.Write("exclusively ");
     wr.Write("refines {0} ", module.RefinementBaseName.val);
       if (module.TopLevelDecls.Count == 0) {
     wr.WriteLine("{ }");
       } else {
     PrintCallGraph(module, indent + IndentAmount);
     PrintTopLevelDeclsOrExportedView(module, indent, fileBeingPrinted);
예제 #9
        public bool Equals(DestinyVendorItemDefinition input)
            if (input == null)

                     VendorItemIndex == input.VendorItemIndex ||
                     ) &&
                     ItemHash == input.ItemHash ||
                 ) &&
                     Quantity == input.Quantity ||
                 ) &&
                     FailureIndexes == input.FailureIndexes ||
                     (FailureIndexes != null && FailureIndexes.SequenceEqual(input.FailureIndexes))
                 ) &&
                     Currencies == input.Currencies ||
                     (Currencies != null && Currencies.SequenceEqual(input.Currencies))
                 ) &&
                     RefundPolicy == input.RefundPolicy ||
                     (RefundPolicy != null && RefundPolicy.Equals(input.RefundPolicy))
                 ) &&
                     RefundTimeLimit == input.RefundTimeLimit ||
                 ) &&
                     CreationLevels == input.CreationLevels ||
                     (CreationLevels != null && CreationLevels.SequenceEqual(input.CreationLevels))
                 ) &&
                     DisplayCategoryIndex == input.DisplayCategoryIndex ||
                 ) &&
                     CategoryIndex == input.CategoryIndex ||
                 ) &&
                     OriginalCategoryIndex == input.OriginalCategoryIndex ||
                 ) &&
                     MinimumLevel == input.MinimumLevel ||
                 ) &&
                     MaximumLevel == input.MaximumLevel ||
                 ) &&
                     Action == input.Action ||
                     (Action != null && Action.Equals(input.Action))
                 ) &&
                     DisplayCategory == input.DisplayCategory ||
                     (DisplayCategory != null && DisplayCategory.Equals(input.DisplayCategory))
                 ) &&
                     InventoryBucketHash == input.InventoryBucketHash ||
                 ) &&
                     VisibilityScope == input.VisibilityScope ||
                     (VisibilityScope != null && VisibilityScope.Equals(input.VisibilityScope))
                 ) &&
                     PurchasableScope == input.PurchasableScope ||
                     (PurchasableScope != null && PurchasableScope.Equals(input.PurchasableScope))
                 ) &&
                     Exclusivity == input.Exclusivity ||
                     (Exclusivity != null && Exclusivity.Equals(input.Exclusivity))
                 ) &&
                     IsOffer == input.IsOffer ||
                     (IsOffer != null && IsOffer.Equals(input.IsOffer))
                 ) &&
                     IsCrm == input.IsCrm ||
                     (IsCrm != null && IsCrm.Equals(input.IsCrm))
                 ) &&
                     SortValue == input.SortValue ||
                 ) &&
                     ExpirationTooltip == input.ExpirationTooltip ||
                     (ExpirationTooltip != null && ExpirationTooltip.Equals(input.ExpirationTooltip))
                 ) &&
                     RedirectToSaleIndexes == input.RedirectToSaleIndexes ||
                     (RedirectToSaleIndexes != null && RedirectToSaleIndexes.SequenceEqual(input.RedirectToSaleIndexes))
                 ) &&
                     SocketOverrides == input.SocketOverrides ||
                     (SocketOverrides != null && SocketOverrides.SequenceEqual(input.SocketOverrides))
                 ) &&
                     Unpurchasable == input.Unpurchasable ||
                     (Unpurchasable != null && Unpurchasable.Equals(input.Unpurchasable))