예제 #1
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: rwrc/OpenSandbox
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function creating virtual registry object using an encryption key
        /// if it is specified and installing string value alterer (rebasing paths).
        /// </summary>
        private VirtualRegistry CreateVirtualRegistry()
            DebugLogger.WriteLine("Reg hive file: {0} for process {1}", params_.GetRegHivePath(), RemoteHooking.GetCurrentProcessId());

            Crypto.FileEncryptionLayer.AttachFile(params_.GetRegHivePath(), params_.GetCryptoKey());
            string diffHivePath = Path.GetFullPath("local.rh");

            Crypto.FileEncryptionLayer.AttachFile(diffHivePath, "");
            // This is because diff hive is saved first into a temporary file which is then atomically renamed
            Crypto.FileEncryptionLayer.AttachFile(diffHivePath + OffRegHive.TMP_SAVE_SUFFIX, "");

            VirtualRegistry result = new VirtualRegistry(params_.GetRegHivePath(), diffHivePath);

예제 #2
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: rwrc/OpenSandbox
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a single sandboxing finalization method, which is called from ProcessExit event
        /// and from ExitProcess hook.
        /// </summary>
        /// <para>This method performs deinitialization in the needed order. It saves "diff" reghive
        /// if it was not yet saved. Uninstalls hooks, deinitializes helper objects: logger, saver
        /// thread.</para>
        private void Shutdown()
            if (registry_ != null)
                registry_ = null;
                DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                // To make sure all hooks are uninstalled before shutdown is finished
                // TODO: wrap it into IDisposable installed during initialization

                TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - dt;
                DebugLogger.WriteLine("Shutdown - took  {0}", ts);

예제 #3
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: rwrc/OpenSandbox
        /// <summary>
        /// Main injection method, which is called when injection is done and does not return
        /// until the target process exits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <para>Run method has the same signature as the constructor, the parameters' values
        /// are those which are passed to <see cref="StartSandbox.EasyHookWrapper.Inject"/> call.</para>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="channelName">IPC channel name (used by constructor and not used by Run)</param>
        /// <param name="regHivePath">Path to the "base" reghive which is not changed (all changes are
        /// saved to a different "diff" reghive).</param>
        /// <param name="xml">XML containing file names and encryption keys associated with them
        /// (including reghive encryption key if used).</param>
        /// <param name="threadId">Thread ID of the main target process thread, used to resume it as soon
        /// as initialization is done.</param>
        public void Run(
            RemoteHooking.IContext context, string channelName, string paramsXml)
                // Uncomment for debugging purpose
                // This is to preload assemblies and attach debugger to break into code simply
                // by a call to Debugger.Break
                // Debugger.Launch();

                // TODO: think about general way for components to initialize before hooks are installed.
                // static constructors do not work because they are called on first use.

                // To initialize crypto system, otherwise initialization may throw exceptions because
                // file hooks are already installed and initialization may be called from one of them.

                params_ = new Params(paramsXml);

                if (!params_.IsProductionTitle())
                    fileAccessLogger_ = new FileAccessLogger(params_.GetRedmineId());

                // Hotfix: Disabling crash report window for ACDSee
                exceptionHandler_ = new ExceptionHandler(ShutdownOnException, disabled: params_.GetRedmineId() == 1345);

                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit  += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit);
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_DomainUnload);

                // Starting DebugLogger before file hooks are installed to make them disabled for its thread
                // TODO: put registration of SetUnhandledExceptionFilter hook to ExceptionHandler constructor
                // for this purpose may be make installedHooks a static variable so that anyone can register there
                AddHooks(new InstalledHooks(this, new Hooks(
                                                new Delegate[] { new Win32Api.ExitProcess_Delegate(ExitProcess_Hooked),
                                                                 new Win32Api.SetUnhandledExceptionFilter_Delegate(ExceptionHandler.SetUnhandledExceptionFilter_Hooked) })));


                pathRebaser_ = new PathRebaser();

                AddHooks(new InstalledHooks(this, Logging.FileAccessFunctionsHookLib.Hooks));

                AddHooks(new InstalledHooks(this, Crypto.CryptoFunctionsHookLib.Hooks));

                registry_ = CreateVirtualRegistry();

                // TODO: TextPad in case of error during startup crashes after showing a error message
                // because .NET tries to access a HKEY returned by VirtualRegistry
                // after hooks are uninstalled in Shutdown method.
                // So either we shouldn't uninstall hooks at all, just save VirtualRegistry and that's it,
                // or do something else.
                AddHooks(new InstalledHooks(this, RegistryFunctionsHookLib.Hooks));

                // To debug hooks under XP 64, because breakpoints can be safely set for syscalls
                // only after hooks are installed
                //MessageBox.Show("Sandbox debug");

                shutdownManager_.Attach(new RegularHiveSaver(registry_));

            catch (Exception ex)

            // wait for host process termination...
                // TODO: think about disabling file hooks for this thread because they are called for pipe,
                // in the beginning of sandbox implementation this thread was disabled for all hooks
                // but this caused some problems... possibly with .NET interaction between threads
                // and passing registry handles, so do not disable all hooks, just file hooks
                // but make sure file access log is fine w/o reghives and may be some other files
                while (true)
                    if (interface_.SafeCheckNowEmbedded())
                    // Using Join instead of Sleep to pump message loop needed for the case of STA COM objects
                    // living in this thread
                // NET Remoting will raise an exception if host is unreachable
                // and if current process is exiting
            DebugLogger.WriteLine("Exitting Run");