예제 #1
        private CloudPool CreatePoolIfNotExists(String poolID, String vmSize, int computerNodes = 2, ImageReference imageReference = null)
            messageContainer.AddInformationMessage("Configuring pool...");
            CloudPool cPool = null;

            try { cPool = batchClient.PoolOperations.GetPool(poolID); } catch { }

            if (cPool == null)
                //imageReference = (imageReference == null ? CreateImageReference("MicrosoftWindowsServer", "WindowsServer", "2016-Datacenter", "latest") : imageReference);
                imageReference = (imageReference == null ? CreateImageReference() : imageReference);
                VirtualMachineConfiguration vmConfig = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(imageReference, SKUReference(imageReference.Offer));

                messageContainer.AddInformationMessage("Creating pool...");
                cPool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(poolID, vmSize, vmConfig, computerNodes);

                cPool.ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                    new ApplicationPackageReference
                        ApplicationId = "radiance",
                        Version       = "1.0"

                messageContainer.AddInformationMessage("Pool created...");

            messageContainer.AddInformationMessage("Pool configured...");

예제 #2
        private static void CreateBatchPool(BatchClient batchClient, VirtualMachineConfiguration vmConfiguration)
                CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    poolId: PoolId,
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: PoolNodeCount,
                    virtualMachineSize: PoolVMSize,
                    virtualMachineConfiguration: vmConfiguration);

            catch (BatchException be)
                // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                    Console.WriteLine("The pool {0} already existed when we tried to create it", PoolId);
                    throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the Batch pool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchClient">A BatchClient object</param>
        /// <param name="poolId">ID of the CloudPool object to create.</param>
        private static async Task CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(BatchClient batchClient, string poolId)
            CloudPool pool = null;

                Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", poolId);

                ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
                    publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                    offer: "WindowsServer",
                    sku: "2012-R2-Datacenter-smalldisk",
                    version: "latest");

                VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration =
                    new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                        imageReference: imageReference,
                        nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");

                // Create an unbound pool. No pool is actually created in the Batch service until we call
                // CloudPool.Commit(). This CloudPool instance is therefore considered "unbound," and we can
                // modify its properties.
                pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    poolId: poolId,
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: DedicatedNodeCount,
                    targetLowPriorityComputeNodes: LowPriorityNodeCount,
                    virtualMachineSize: PoolVMSize,
                    virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);

                // Specify the application and version to install on the compute nodes
                // This assumes that a Windows 64-bit zipfile of ffmpeg has been added to Batch account
                // with Application Id of "ffmpeg" and Version of "4.3.1".
                // Download the zipfile https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/packages/ffmpeg-4.3.1-2020-09-21-full_build.zip
                // to upload as application package
                pool.ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                    new ApplicationPackageReference
                        ApplicationId = appPackageId,
                        Version       = appPackageVersion

                await pool.CommitAsync();
            catch (BatchException be)
                // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                    Console.WriteLine("The pool {0} already existed when we tried to create it", poolId);
                    throw; // Any other exception is unexpected
예제 #4
        private static async Task CreateBatchPoolAsync(BatchClient batchClient, string poolId)
            CloudPool pool = null;

            Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", poolId);

            // Create an image reference object to store the settings for the nodes to be added to the pool
            ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
                publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                offer: "WindowsServer",
                sku: "2012-R2-Datacenter-smalldisk",
                version: "latest");

            // Use the image reference to create a VirtualMachineConfiguration object
            VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration =
                new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                    imageReference: imageReference,
                    nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");

                // Create an unbound pool. No pool is actually created in the Batch service until we call
                // CloudPool.CommitAsync(). This CloudPool instance is therefore considered "unbound," and we can
                // modify its properties.
                pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    poolId: poolId,
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: DedicatedNodeCount,
                    targetLowPriorityComputeNodes: LowPriorityNodeCount,
                    virtualMachineSize: PoolVMSize,
                    virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);

                // Specify the application and version to install on the compute nodes
                pool.ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                    new ApplicationPackageReference
                        ApplicationId = appPackageId,
                        Version       = appPackageVersion

                // Create the pool
                await pool.CommitAsync();
            catch (BatchException be)
                // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                    Console.WriteLine("The pool [{0}] already existed when we tried to create it", poolId);
                    throw; // Any other exception is unexpected
        private static void CreatePool(BatchClient batchClient, VirtualMachineConfiguration vmConfiguration)
            CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(poolId: PoolId,
                                                                   virtualMachineSize: PoolVMSize,
                                                                   virtualMachineConfiguration: vmConfiguration,
                                                                   targetDedicatedComputeNodes: PoolNodeCount);

예제 #6
        // Create the Compute Pool of the Batch Account
        public static async Task CreateBatchPoolIfNotExist(BatchClient batchClient, VirtualMachineConfiguration vmConfiguration, string vnetSubnetId)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", PoolId);

                CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    poolId: PoolId,
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: PoolNodeCount,
                    virtualMachineSize: PoolVMSize,
                    virtualMachineConfiguration: vmConfiguration);

                // Specify the application and version to install on the compute nodes
                pool.ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                    new ApplicationPackageReference {
                        ApplicationId = AppPackageName,
                        Version       = AppPackageVersion

                // Initial the first data disk for each VM in the pool
                StartTask startTask = new StartTask("cmd /c Powershell -command \"Get-Disk | Where partitionstyle -eq 'raw' | sort number | Select-Object -first 1 |" +
                                                    " Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle MBR -PassThru | New-Partition -UseMaximumSize -DriveLetter F |" +
                                                    " Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel data1 -Confirm:$false -Force\"");

                startTask.MaxTaskRetryCount = 1;
                startTask.UserIdentity      = new UserIdentity(new AutoUserSpecification(AutoUserScope.Pool, ElevationLevel.Admin));
                startTask.WaitForSuccess    = true;

                pool.StartTask = startTask;

                // Create the Pool within the vnet subnet if it's specified.
                if (vnetSubnetId != null)
                    pool.NetworkConfiguration          = new NetworkConfiguration();
                    pool.NetworkConfiguration.SubnetId = vnetSubnetId;

                await pool.CommitAsync();

                await pool.RefreshAsync();
            catch (BatchException be)
                // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                    Console.WriteLine("The pool {0} already existed when we tried to create it", PoolId);
                    throw; // Any other exception is unexpected
예제 #7

        // CreatePoolIfNoneExist(): Creates the Batch pool.
        //   batchClient: A BatchClient object.
        //   PoolId: ID of the CloudPool object to create.
        //   resourceFiles: A collection of ResourceFile objects representing blobs in a Storage account container.
        private static void CreatePoolIfNoneExist(BatchClient batchClient, string poolId)
            CloudPool pool = null;

                Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", poolId);

                ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
                    publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                    offer: "WindowsServer",
                    sku: "2012-R2-Datacenter",
                    version: "latest");

                VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                    imageReference: imageReference,
                    nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64"

                // Create an unbound pool. No pool is actually created in the Batch service until we call
                // CloudPool.Commit(). This CloudPool instance is therefore considered "unbound," and we can
                // modify its properties.
                pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    poolId: poolId,
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: 5,                                             // 5 compute nodes
                    virtualMachineSize: "STANDARD_A1_v2",                                       // Single-core, 1.75 GB memory, 225 GB disk
                    virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);                  // Windows Server 2012 R2

                // Specify the application and version to install on the compute nodes
                // This assumes that a Windows 64-bit zipfile of ffmpeg has been added to Batch account
                // with Application Id of "ffmpeg" and Version of "3.4".
                // Download the zipfile https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/win64/static/ffmpeg-3.4-win64-static.zip
                // to upload as application package
                pool.ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                    new ApplicationPackageReference {
                        ApplicationId = appPackageId,
                        Version       = appPackageVersion

            catch (BatchException be)
                // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError != null && be.RequestInformation.BatchError.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                    Console.WriteLine("The pool {0} already existed when we tried to create it", poolId);
                    throw; // Any other exception is unexpected
예제 #8
        public static VirtualMachineConfiguration CreateVirtualMachineConfiguration(ImageReference imageReference)
            VirtualMachineConfiguration config = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                imageReference: imageReference,
                nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");

            config.DataDisks = new List <DataDisk>();
            config.DataDisks.Add(new DataDisk(0, 2048, CachingType.ReadOnly, StorageAccountType.PremiumLrs));

예제 #9
        private static async Task CreateBatchPoolAsync(BatchClient batchClient, string poolId)
            CloudPool pool = null;

            Console.WriteLine("Creating Pool [{0}]", poolId);

            // create image reference object for nodes
            var imageReference = new ImageReference(
                publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                offer: "WindowsServer",
                sku: "2012-R2-Datacenter-smalldisk",
                version: "latest");

            // create VirtualMachineConfiguration object from image reference
            var virtualMachineConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                "batch.node.windows amd64");

                // create unbound pool, only created when we call CommitAsync()
                pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: DedicatedNodeCount,
                    targetLowPriorityComputeNodes: LowPriorityNodeCount,
                    virtualMachineSize: PoolVMSize,
                    virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration

                pool.ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                    new ApplicationPackageReference
                        ApplicationId = appPackageId,
                        Version       = appPackageVersion

                await pool.CommitAsync();
            catch (BatchException be)
                // accept if poolexists
                if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                    Console.WriteLine("The pool [{0}] already existed", poolId);
        protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            var accountUrl           = "***";
            var accountName          = "***";
            var accountSecret        = "**";
            var jobtoDelete          = "as_1bf795a45fda4ad8ab0f79bc24a942eb";
            var sharedKeyCredentials = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(accountUrl, accountName, accountSecret);

            var imageReference = new ImageReference(
                publisher: "microsoft-azure-batch",
                offer: "ubuntu-server-container",
                sku: "16-04-lts",
                version: "latest");

            var virtualMachineConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                "batch.node.ubuntu 16.04");

            using (var bc = await BatchClient.OpenAsync(sharedKeyCredentials))
                    var newJob = bc.JobOperations.CreateJob("test", new PoolInformation()
                        AutoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                            AutoPoolIdPrefix   = "test",
                            PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job,
                            KeepAlive          = false,
                            PoolSpecification  = new PoolSpecification()
                                TargetDedicatedComputeNodes = 1,
                                VirtualMachineSize          = "Standard_A1_v2",
                                VirtualMachineConfiguration = virtualMachineConfiguration


                    // never works fails with forbidden
                    await bc.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(newJob.Id, cancellationToken : stoppingToken);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Could not delete the job because {e}");

                Console.WriteLine("Could delete job!");
        private async Task CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(BatchClient batchClient)
                Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", PoolKeys.PoolId);

                var imageReference = new ImageReference(
                    publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                    offer: "WindowsServer",
                    sku: "2012-R2-Datacenter-smalldisk",
                    version: "latest");

                var virtualMachineConfiguration =
                    new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                        "batch.node.windows amd64");

                // Create an unbound pool. No pool is actually created in the Batch service until we call
                // CloudPool.Commit(). This CloudPool instance is therefore considered "unbound," and we can
                // modify its properties.
                var pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: PoolKeys.DedicatedNodeCount,
                    targetLowPriorityComputeNodes: PoolKeys.LowPriorityNodeCount,
                    virtualMachineSize: PoolKeys.PoolVMSize,
                    virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);

                pool.ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                    new ApplicationPackageReference
                        ApplicationId = AppInformation.PackageId,
                        Version       = AppInformation.Version

                await pool.CommitAsync();
            catch (BatchException be)
                // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                    Console.WriteLine("The pool {0} already existed when we tried to create it", PoolKeys.PoolId);
                    throw; // Any other exception is unexpected
예제 #12
        private static CloudPool CreatePool(BatchClient batchCli, string poolId)
            var ubuntuImageDetails = IaasLinuxPoolFixture.GetUbuntuImageDetails(batchCli);

            VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                nodeAgentSkuId: ubuntuImageDetails.NodeAgentSku.Id);

                       poolId: poolId,
                       virtualMachineSize: PoolFixture.VMSize,
                       virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration,
                       targetDedicatedComputeNodes: 1));
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an Azure Batch PoolInformation instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image name for the current <see cref="TesTask"/></param>
        /// <param name="vmSize">The Azure VM sku</param>
        /// <param name="preemptible">True if preemptible machine should be used</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <PoolInformation> CreatePoolInformation(string image, string vmSize, bool preemptible)
            var vmConfig = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                imageReference: new ImageReference("ubuntu-server-container", "microsoft-azure-batch", "16-04-lts", "latest"),
                nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.ubuntu 16.04");

            var containerRegistryInfo = await azureProxy.GetContainerRegistryInfoAsync(image);

            if (containerRegistryInfo != null)
                var containerRegistry = new ContainerRegistry(
                    userName: containerRegistryInfo.Username,
                    registryServer: containerRegistryInfo.RegistryServer,
                    password: containerRegistryInfo.Password);

                // Download private images at node startup, since those cannot be downloaded in the main task that runs multiple containers.
                // Doing this also requires that the main task runs inside a container, hence downloading the "docker" image (contains docker client) as well.
                vmConfig.ContainerConfiguration = new ContainerConfiguration
                    ContainerImageNames = new List <string> {
                        image, DockerInDockerImageName
                    ContainerRegistries = new List <ContainerRegistry> {

            var poolSpecification = new PoolSpecification
                VirtualMachineConfiguration = vmConfig,
                VirtualMachineSize          = vmSize,
                ResizeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30),
                TargetLowPriorityComputeNodes = preemptible ? 1 : 0,
                TargetDedicatedComputeNodes   = preemptible ? 0 : 1

            var poolInformation = new PoolInformation
                AutoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification
                    AutoPoolIdPrefix   = "TES",
                    PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job,
                    PoolSpecification  = poolSpecification,
                    KeepAlive          = false

        /// <summary>
        /// This method can create a pool, it is not used in our example.
        /// The code remains for documentation purposes.
        /// </summary>
        public static void PreparePool()
            BatchClient batchClient = PrepareConnection();

            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("REGISTRYNAME") != null)
                ContainerRegistry containerRegistry = new ContainerRegistry(
                    registryServer: Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("REGISTRYNAME"),
                    userName: Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("REGISTRYUSERNAME"),
                    password: Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("REGISTRYPASSWORD")

                // Create container configuration, prefetching Docker images from the container registry
                ContainerConfiguration containerConfig = new ContainerConfiguration()
                    ContainerImageNames = new List <string>()
                    ContainerRegistries = new List <ContainerRegistry>

                ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
                    publisher: "microsoft-azure-batch",
                    offer: "ubuntu-server-container",
                    sku: "16-04-lts",
                    version: "latest");

                // VM configuration
                VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                    imageReference: imageReference,
                    nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.ubuntu 16.04")
                    ContainerConfiguration = containerConfig,

                //Create pool
                CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    poolId: "docker",
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: 1,
                    virtualMachineSize: "Standard_A2_v2",
                    virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);

예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="CloudPool"/> associated with the specified Batch account. If an existing pool with the
        /// specified ID is found, the pool is resized to match the specified node count.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchClient">A fully initialized <see cref="BatchClient"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="poolId">The ID of the <see cref="CloudPool"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeSize">The size of the nodes within the pool.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeCount">The number of nodes to create within the pool.</param>
        /// <param name="maxTasksPerNode">The maximum number of tasks to run concurrently on each node.</param>
        /// <returns>A bound <see cref="CloudPool"/> with the specified properties.</returns>
        public async Task <CloudPool> CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(BatchClient batchClient, string poolId, string nodeSize = null, int nodeCount = 0, int maxTasksPerNode = 0)
                // Provide a reference to an Azure Marketplace image for
                // "Windows Server 2016 Datacenter with Containers"
                ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
                    publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                    offer: "WindowsServer",
                    sku: "2016-Datacenter-with-Containers",
                    version: "latest");

                ContainerConfiguration containerConfig = new ContainerConfiguration
                    ContainerImageNames = new List <string> {

                // VM configuration
                VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                    imageReference: imageReference,
                    nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");

                virtualMachineConfiguration.ContainerConfiguration = containerConfig;

                // You can learn more about os families and versions at:
                // https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cloud-services-guestos-update-matrix/
                CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool();
                pool.Id = poolId;
                pool.TargetDedicatedComputeNodes = 1;
                pool.VirtualMachineSize          = "Standard_A1";
                pool.VirtualMachineConfiguration = virtualMachineConfiguration;
                pool.StartTask = new StartTask
                    CommandLine = "cmd /C echo start task"

                await this.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, pool).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
            catch (Exception ex)

            return(await batchClient.PoolOperations.GetPoolAsync(poolId).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false));
예제 #16
 private void CreateBatchPool(VirtualMachineConfiguration vmc, string vmsize = "Standard_E2_v3")
         CloudPool pool = Client.PoolOperations.CreatePool(PoolId, vmsize, vmc, PoolSize);
     catch (BatchException be)
         if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
             Logger.Warning("The pool " + PoolId + " already exist");
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="CloudPool"/> with the specified id and configures its StartTask with the
        /// specified <see cref="ResourceFile"/> collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchClient">A <see cref="BatchClient"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="poolId">The id of the <see cref="CloudPool"/> to create.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceFiles">A collection of <see cref="ResourceFile"/> objects representing blobs within
        /// a Storage account container. The StartTask will download these files from Storage prior to execution.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> object that represents the asynchronous operation.</returns>

        private static async Task CreatePoolAsync(BatchClient batchClient, string poolId, IList <ResourceFile> resourceFiles)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", poolId);

            // Set the OS and version of the VM image
            ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
                publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                offer: "WindowsServer",
                sku: "2016-Datacenter",
                version: "latest");

            VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration =
                new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                    imageReference: imageReference,
                    nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");

            // Create the unbound pool. Until we call CloudPool.Commit() or CommitAsync(), no pool is actually created in the
            // Batch service. This CloudPool instance is therefore considered "unbound," and we can modify its properties.
            CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                poolId: poolId,
                targetDedicatedComputeNodes: nodeNumberDedicated,           // Number of dedicated compute nodes
                targetLowPriorityComputeNodes: nodeNumberLowPriority,       // Number of low priority compute nodes
                virtualMachineSize: NodeSize,                               // Node instance size
                virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);  // Windows Server 2012 R2

            // Create and assign the StartTask that will be executed when compute nodes join the pool.
            // In this case, we copy the StartTask's resource files (that will be automatically downloaded
            // to the node by the StartTask) into the shared directory that all tasks will have access to.
            pool.StartTask = new StartTask

                // Specify a command line for the StartTask that copies the task application files to the
                // node's shared directory. Every compute node in a Batch pool is configured with a number
                // of pre-defined environment variables that can be referenced by commands or applications
                // run by tasks.

                CommandLine = "cmd /c starttask.cmd",

                ResourceFiles  = resourceFiles,
                WaitForSuccess = true
            await pool.CommitAsync();
예제 #18
        public static async Task <string> CreateBatchPoolAndImportJob([ActivityTrigger] ImportRequest request, ILogger log)
            var azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider();

            // Get a Batch client using function identity
            BatchTokenCredentials batchCred = new BatchTokenCredentials(request.BatchAccountUrl, await azureServiceTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync("https://batch.core.windows.net/"));

            string jobId = request.TargetSqlServerName + "-Import-" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MMddHHmmss");

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(batchCred))
                ImageReference imageReference = CreateImageReference();
                VirtualMachineConfiguration vmConfiguration = CreateVirtualMachineConfiguration(imageReference);

                await CreateBatchPoolIfNotExist(batchClient, vmConfiguration, request.VNetSubnetId);
                await CreateBatchJob(batchClient, jobId, log);

예제 #19
        private static async Task PoolCreation(BatchClient p_batchClient, string p_poolId)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating the pool of virtual machines");
                ImageReference demo_image = new ImageReference(
                    publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                    offer: "WindowsServer",
                    sku: "2016-Datacenter",
                    version: "latest");

                VirtualMachineConfiguration demo_configuration =
                    new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                        imageReference: demo_image,
                        nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");

                CloudPool demo_pool = null;

                demo_pool = p_batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    poolId: p_poolId,
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: 1,
                    targetLowPriorityComputeNodes: 0,
                    virtualMachineSize: "STANDARD_A1_v2",
                    virtualMachineConfiguration: demo_configuration);

                demo_pool.ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                    new ApplicationPackageReference
                        ApplicationId = demo_packageid,
                        Version       = demo_packageversion

                await demo_pool.CommitAsync();
            catch (BatchException pool_error)
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an Azure Batch PoolInformation instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image name for the current <see cref="TesTask"/></param>
        /// <param name="vmSize">The Azure VM sku</param>
        /// <param name="preemptible">True if preemptible machine should be used</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <PoolInformation> CreatePoolInformation(string image, string vmSize, bool preemptible)
            var vmConfig = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                imageReference: new ImageReference("ubuntu-server-container", "microsoft-azure-batch", "16-04-lts", "latest"),
                nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.ubuntu 16.04");

            var containerRegistry = await GetContainerRegistry(image);

            vmConfig.ContainerConfiguration = new ContainerConfiguration
                ContainerImageNames = new List <string> {
                ContainerRegistries = containerRegistry != null ? new List <ContainerRegistry> {
                } : null

            var poolSpecification = new PoolSpecification
                VirtualMachineConfiguration = vmConfig,
                VirtualMachineSize          = vmSize,
                ResizeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30),
                TargetLowPriorityComputeNodes = preemptible ? 1 : 0,
                TargetDedicatedComputeNodes   = preemptible ? 0 : 1

            var poolInformation = new PoolInformation
                AutoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification
                    AutoPoolIdPrefix   = "TES",
                    PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job,
                    PoolSpecification  = poolSpecification,
                    KeepAlive          = false

예제 #21
        public void Execute()
            string reqfile = _config.ResourceFolder + _config.ResourceName;

            //> CREATE
                ResourceFile req = CreateResourceFile(reqfile);

                BatchTokenCredentials cred = new BatchTokenCredentials(_config.BatchAccountUrl, GetToken());
                Client = BatchClient.Open(cred);
                ImageReference imgref           = new ImageReference(_config.VmImage);
                VirtualMachineConfiguration vmc = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(imageReference: imgref, nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");
                CreateBatchPool(vmc, _config.VmSKU);
                // Create Job
                CloudJob job = Client.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                job.Id = _jobId;
                job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation {
                    PoolId = _poolId
                // Create Tasks
                List <CloudTask> tasks  = new List <CloudTask>();
                string           taskId = "task" + System.DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
                string           cmd    = String.Format("cmd /c type {0}", req.FilePath);
                CloudTask        task   = new CloudTask(taskId, cmd);
                task.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile> {
                Client.JobOperations.AddTask(_jobId, tasks);

            catch (Exception x)
                //TODO: Log Somewhere
        protected CloudPool CreatePool()
            CloudPool currentPool = this.FindPoolIfExists();

            // gotta create a new pool
            if (currentPool == null)
                var ubuntuImageDetails = GetUbuntuImageDetails(this.client);

                VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                    nodeAgentSkuId: ubuntuImageDetails.NodeAgentSku.Id);

                currentPool = this.client.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    poolId: this.PoolId,
                    virtualMachineSize: VMSize,
                    virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration,
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: 1);


            return(WaitForPoolAllocation(this.client, this.PoolId));
예제 #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var config = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(

            using (var container = new Win64Container(config))
                var intType  = container.VirtualMachine.TypeProvider.FindPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypes.Int);
                var voidType = container.VirtualMachine.TypeProvider.FindPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypes.Void);

                var pointMetadata = new ClassMetadata("Point");
                pointMetadata.DefineField(new FieldDefinition("x", intType, AccessModifier.Public));
                pointMetadata.DefineField(new FieldDefinition("y", intType, AccessModifier.Public));
                var pointType = container.VirtualMachine.TypeProvider.FindClassType("Point");

                var pointArrayType = container.VirtualMachine.TypeProvider.FindArrayType(pointType);

                void Println(long objectReference)

                container.VirtualMachine.Binder.Define(FunctionDefinition.NewExternal <PrintlnPoint>(
                                                           new List <BaseType>()

                var constructorFunction = new ManagedFunction(
                    new FunctionDefinition(".constructor", new List <BaseType>(), voidType, pointType, true),
                    new List <BaseType>(),
                    new List <Instruction>()
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.LoadArgument, 0),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.LoadInt, 1337),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.StoreField, "Point::x"),
                    new Instruction(OpCodes.Return)

                var mainFunction = new ManagedFunction(
                    new FunctionDefinition("main", new List <BaseType>(), intType),
                    new List <BaseType>()
                    //new List<BaseType>() { pointType },
                    new List <Instruction>
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.LoadInt, 10),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.NewArray, pointType.Name),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.StoreLocal, 0),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.LoadLocal, 0),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.LoadInt, 0),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.NewObject, ".constructor", pointType, new List<BaseType>()),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.StoreElement, pointType.Name),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.Call, "std.gc.collect", new List<BaseType>()),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.LoadInt, 0),
                    //new Instruction(OpCodes.Return),

                    new Instruction(OpCodes.LoadInt, 10),
                    new Instruction(OpCodes.NewArray, pointType.Name),
                    new Instruction(OpCodes.StoreLocal, 0),
                    new Instruction(OpCodes.NewObject, ".constructor", pointType, new List <BaseType>()),
                    new Instruction(OpCodes.Pop),
                    new Instruction(OpCodes.Call, "std.gc.collect", new List <BaseType>()),
                    new Instruction(OpCodes.Call, "std.gc.collect", new List <BaseType>()),
                    new Instruction(OpCodes.LoadInt, 0),
                    new Instruction(OpCodes.Return),

                var functions = new List <ManagedFunction>()


                foreach (var function in functions)
                    var disassembler = new Disassembler(
                        x => new Compiler.Win64.Disassembler(x));

                int returnValue = container.VirtualMachine.GetEntryPoint()();

예제 #24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string storageConnectionString =

            // Retrieve the storage account
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);

            // Create the blob client
            CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            // Upload the input files to blob storage
            const string  inputContainerName = "batchinput";
            List <string> inputFilePaths     = new List <string>
            List <ResourceFile> inputFiles = new List <ResourceFile>();

            foreach (string filePath in inputFilePaths)
                inputFiles.Add(UploadFileToContainer(blobClient, inputContainerName, filePath));

            // Get a SAS Url for the output container
            const string outputContainerName   = "batchoutput";
            string       outputContainerSasUrl = GetOutputContainerSasUrl(blobClient, outputContainerName);

            // Specify a container registry
            ContainerRegistry containerRegistry = new ContainerRegistry(
                registryServer: RegistryServer,
                userName: RegistryUserName,
                password: RegistryPassword);

            // Create container configuration, prefetching Docker images from the container registry
            ContainerConfiguration containerConfig = new ContainerConfiguration()
                ContainerImageNames = ContainerImageNames,
                ContainerRegistries = new List <ContainerRegistry> {

            // Create the virtual machine image reference - make sure to choose an image that supports containers
            ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
                publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                offer: "WindowsServer",
                sku: "2016-datacenter-with-containers",
                version: "latest");

            // Create the virtual machine configuration for the pool and set the container configuration
            VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                imageReference: imageReference,
                nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");

            virtualMachineConfiguration.ContainerConfiguration = containerConfig;

            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(BatchAccountUrl, BatchAccountName, BatchAccountKey);

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", PoolId);

                    CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                        poolId: PoolId,
                        targetDedicatedComputeNodes: PoolNodeCount,
                        virtualMachineSize: PoolVMSize,
                        virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);

                catch (BatchException be)
                    // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                    if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                        Console.WriteLine("The pool {0} already existed when we tried to create it", PoolId);
                        throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                Console.WriteLine("Creating job [{0}]...", JobId);
                CloudJob job = null;
                    job    = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                    job.Id = JobId;
                    job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation {
                        PoolId = PoolId

                    // Add job preparation task to remove existing Docker image
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding job preparation task to job [{0}]...", JobId);
                    string             jobPreparationCmdLine = $"cmd /c docker rmi -f {ContainerImageNames[0]}:latest";
                    JobPreparationTask jobPreparationTask    = new JobPreparationTask(jobPreparationCmdLine)
                        UserIdentity = new UserIdentity(new AutoUserSpecification(elevationLevel: ElevationLevel.Admin, scope: AutoUserScope.Task))
                    job.JobPreparationTask = jobPreparationTask;

                catch (BatchException be)
                    // Accept the specific error code JobExists as that is expected if the job already exists
                    if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.JobExists)
                        Console.WriteLine("The job {0} already existed when we tried to create it", JobId);
                        throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                if (job != null)
                    // Create a collection to hold the tasks that we'll be adding to the job
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} tasks to job [{1}]...", inputFiles.Count, JobId);

                    List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();

                    // Create each of the tasks to process one of the input files.
                    for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Count; i++)
                        string taskId         = String.Format("Task{0}", i);
                        string inputFilename  = inputFiles[i].FilePath;
                        string outputFileName = string.Format("out{0}", inputFilename);

                        // Override the default entrypoint of the container
                        string taskCommandLine = string.Format("C:\\ReadWriteFile\\ReadWriteFile.exe {0} {1}", inputFilename, outputFileName);

                        // Specify the container the task will run
                        TaskContainerSettings cmdContainerSettings = new TaskContainerSettings(
                            imageName: "nimccollftacr.azurecr.io/batch/readwritefile"

                        CloudTask task = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);
                        task.ContainerSettings = cmdContainerSettings;

                        // Set the resource files and output files for the task
                        task.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile> {
                        task.OutputFiles = new List <OutputFile>
                            new OutputFile(
                                filePattern: outputFileName,
                                destination: new OutputFileDestination(new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(containerUrl: outputContainerSasUrl, path: outputFileName)),
                                uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskCompletion))

                        // You must elevate the identity of the task in order to run a container
                        task.UserIdentity = new UserIdentity(new AutoUserSpecification(elevationLevel: ElevationLevel.Admin, scope: AutoUserScope.Task));

                    // Add all tasks to the job.
                    batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(JobId, tasks);

                    // Monitor task success/failure, specifying a maximum amount of time to wait for the tasks to complete.
                    TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
                    Console.WriteLine("Monitoring all tasks for 'Completed' state, timeout in {0}...", timeout);

                    IEnumerable <CloudTask> addedTasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);

                    batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(addedTasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout);

                    Console.WriteLine("All tasks reached state Completed.");

                    // Print task output
                    Console.WriteLine("Printing task output...");

                    IEnumerable <CloudTask> completedtasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);

                    foreach (CloudTask task in completedtasks)
                        string nodeId = String.Format(task.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId);
                        Console.WriteLine("Task: {0}", task.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine("Node: {0}", nodeId);
                        Console.WriteLine("Standard out:");

                // Clean up Batch resources (if the user so chooses)
                Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")

                Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
예제 #25
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountName) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountKey) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountUrl) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(StorageAccountName) ||
                throw new InvalidOperationException("One or more account credential strings have not been populated. Please ensure that your Batch and Storage account credentials have been specified.");
                Console.WriteLine("Sample start: {0}", DateTime.Now);
                Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
                // Construct the Storage account connection string
                string storageConnectionString = String.Format("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={0};AccountKey={1}", StorageAccountName, StorageAccountKey);
                // Retrieve the storage account
                CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);
                // Create the blob client, for use in obtaining references to blob storage containers
                CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                // Use the blob client to create the input container in Azure Storage
                const string appContainerName    = "application";
                const string inputContainerName  = "input";
                const string outputContainerName = "output";
                await CreateContainerIfNotExistAsync(blobClient, appContainerName);
                await CreateContainerIfNotExistAsync(blobClient, inputContainerName);
                await CreateContainerIfNotExistAsync(blobClient, outputContainerName);

                // The collection of data files that are to be processed by the tasks
                // The collection of data files that are to be processed by the tasks
                List <string> inputFilePaths = new List <string>
                // Paths to the executable and its dependencies that will be executed by the tasks
                List <string> applicationFilePaths = new List <string>
                    // The DotNetTutorial project includes a project reference to TaskApplication, allowing us to
                    // determine the path of the task application binary dynamically
                // Upload the application and its dependencies to Azure Storage. This is the application that will
                // process the data files, and will be executed by each of the tasks on the compute nodes.
                List <ResourceFile> applicationFiles = await UploadFilesToContainerAsync(blobClient, appContainerName, applicationFilePaths);

                // Upload the data files. This is the data that will be processed by each of the tasks that are
                // executed on the compute nodes within the pool.
                List <ResourceFile> inputFiles = await UploadFilesToContainerAsync(blobClient, inputContainerName, inputFilePaths);

                // Obtain a shared access signature that provides write access to the output container to which
                // the tasks will upload their output.
                string outputContainerSasUrl   = GetContainerSasUrl(blobClient, outputContainerName, SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Write);
                BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(BatchAccountUrl, BatchAccountName, BatchAccountKey);
                using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                    // Create a Batch pool, VM configuration, Windows Server image
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", PoolId);

                    ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
                        publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                        offer: "WindowsServer",
                        sku: "2012-R2-datacenter-smalldisk",
                        version: "latest");

                    VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration =
                        new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                            imageReference: imageReference,
                            nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");

                        CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                            poolId: PoolId,
                            targetDedicatedComputeNodes: PoolNodeCount,
                            virtualMachineSize: PoolVMSize,
                            virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);
                        // Create and assign the StartTask that will be executed when compute nodes join the pool.
                        // In this case, we copy the StartTask's resource files (that will be automatically downloaded
                        // to the node by the StartTask) into the shared directory that all tasks will have access to.
                        pool.StartTask = new StartTask
                            // Specify a command line for the StartTask that copies the task application files to the
                            // node's shared directory. Every compute node in a Batch pool is configured with a number
                            // of pre-defined environment variables that can be referenced by commands or applications
                            // run by tasks.

                            // Since a successful execution of robocopy can return a non-zero exit code (e.g. 1 when one or
                            // more files were successfully copied) we need to manually exit with a 0 for Batch to recognize
                            // StartTask execution success.
                            CommandLine    = "cmd /c (robocopy %AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR% %AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR%) ^& IF %ERRORLEVEL% LEQ 1 exit 0",
                            ResourceFiles  = applicationFiles,
                            WaitForSuccess = true
                    catch (BatchException be)
                        // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                        if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                            Console.WriteLine("The pool {0} already existed when we tried to create it", PoolId);
                            throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                    // Create the job that will run the tasks.
                    await CreateJobAsync(batchClient, JobId, PoolId);

                    // Add the tasks to the job. We need to supply a container shared access signature for the
                    // tasks so that they can upload their output to Azure Storage.
                    await AddTasksAsync(batchClient, JobId, inputFiles, outputContainerSasUrl);

                    // Monitor task success/failure, specifying a maximum amount of time to wait for the tasks to complete
                    await MonitorTasks(batchClient, JobId, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));

                    // Download the task output files from the output Storage container to a local directory
                    await DownloadBlobsFromContainerAsync(blobClient, outputContainerName, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP"));

                    // Clean up Storage resources
                    await DeleteContainerAsync(blobClient, appContainerName);
                    await DeleteContainerAsync(blobClient, inputContainerName);
                    await DeleteContainerAsync(blobClient, outputContainerName);

                    // Print out some timing info
                    Console.WriteLine("Sample end: {0}", DateTime.Now);
                    Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}", timer.Elapsed);
                    // Clean up Batch resources (if the user so chooses)
                    Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                    string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                        await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(JobId);

                    Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                    response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                        await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(PoolId);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountName) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountKey) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountUrl) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(StorageAccountName) ||
                throw new InvalidOperationException("One or more account credential strings have not been populated. Please ensure that your Batch and Storage account credentials have been specified.");

                Console.WriteLine("Sample start: {0}", DateTime.Now);
                Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

                // Create the blob client, for use in obtaining references to blob storage containers
                (CloudBlobClient, CloudStorageAccount)cc = CreateCloudBlobClient(StorageAccountName, StorageAccountKey);
                CloudBlobClient     blobClient           = cc.Item1;
                CloudStorageAccount linkedStorageAccount = cc.Item2;

                // Use the blob client to create the input container in Azure Storage
                const string       inputContainerName = "input";
                CloudBlobContainer container          = blobClient.GetContainerReference(inputContainerName);

                // The collection of data files that are to be processed by the tasks
                List <string> inputFilePaths = new List <string> {

                // Upload the data files to Azure Storage. This is the data that will be processed by each of the tasks that are
                // executed on the compute nodes within the pool.
                UploadFileToContainer(blobClient, inputContainerName, "input.txt");

                // Get a Batch client using account creds
                BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(BatchAccountUrl, BatchAccountName, BatchAccountKey);

                using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", PoolId);

                    // Create a Windows Server image, VM configuration, Batch pool
                    ImageReference imageReference = CreateImageReference();
                    VirtualMachineConfiguration vmConfiguration = CreateVirtualMachineConfiguration(imageReference);
                    CreateBatchPool(batchClient, vmConfiguration);

                    // Create a Batch job
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating job [{0}]...", JobId);

                        CloudJob job = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                        job.Id = JobId;
                        job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation {
                            PoolId = PoolId
                        job.UsesTaskDependencies = true;

                        // Create the blob storage container for the outputs.
                        Task t1 = job.PrepareOutputStorageAsync(linkedStorageAccount);

                        string containerName = job.OutputStorageContainerName();
                        string containerUrl  = job.GetOutputStorageContainerUrl(linkedStorageAccount);
                        job.CommonEnvironmentSettings = new[] { new EnvironmentSetting("JOB_CONTAINER_URL", containerUrl) };

                    catch (BatchException be)
                        // Accept the specific error code JobExists as that is expected if the job already exists
                        if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.JobExists)
                            Console.WriteLine("The job {0} already existed when we tried to create it", JobId);
                            throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                    // Create a collection to hold the tasks that we'll be adding to the job
                    List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();

                    // Create each of the tasks to process one of the input files.
                    string lastTaskId = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        string    taskId = String.Format("Task{0}", i);
                        CloudTask task;
                        // first task
                        if (lastTaskId == null)
                            //task = new CloudTask(taskId, $"cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_TESTBATCHAPP%\\testbatchapp.exe {i}")
                            task = new CloudTask(taskId, $"cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_HPCAPP%\\testbatchapp.exe {i}")
                                ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                                    new ApplicationPackageReference
                                        //ApplicationId = "testbatchapp",
                                        ApplicationId = "hpcapp" //,
                                                                 //Version = "1.1"
                            // task = new CloudTask(taskId, $"cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_TESTBATCHAPP%\\testbatchapp.exe {i}")
                            task = new CloudTask(taskId, $"cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_HPCAPP%\\testbatchapp.exe {i}")
                                ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                                    new ApplicationPackageReference
                                        //  ApplicationId = "testbatchapp",
                                        ApplicationId = "hpcapp" //,
                                                                 //Version = "1.1"

                            task.DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnId(lastTaskId);

                        lastTaskId = taskId;

                    // Add all tasks to the job.
                    batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(JobId, tasks);

                    // Monitor task success/failure, specifying a maximum amount of time to wait for the tasks to complete.
                    TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
                    Console.WriteLine("Monitoring all tasks for 'Completed' state, timeout in {0}...", timeout);

                    IEnumerable <CloudTask> addedTasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);

                    batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(addedTasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout);

                    Console.WriteLine("All tasks reached state Completed.");

                    // Print task output
                    Console.WriteLine("Printing task output...");

                    IEnumerable <CloudTask> completedtasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);
                    foreach (CloudTask task in completedtasks)
                        List <Task> readTasks = new List <Task>();
                        foreach (OutputFileReference output in task.OutputStorage(linkedStorageAccount).ListOutputs(TaskOutputKind.TaskOutput))
                            // Console.WriteLine($"output file: {output.FilePath}");
                            readTasks.Add(output.DownloadToFileAsync($"{JobId}-{output.FilePath}", System.IO.FileMode.Create));


                    // Print out some timing info
                    Console.WriteLine("Sample end: {0}", DateTime.Now);
                    Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}", timer.Elapsed);

                    // Clean up Storage resources
                    Console.WriteLine("Container [{0}] deleted.", inputContainerName);

                    // Clean up Batch resources (if the user so chooses)
                    Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                    string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    if (response != "n" && response != "no")

                    Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                    response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                Console.WriteLine("Sample complete, hit ENTER to exit...");
예제 #27
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string storageConnectionString =

            // Retrieve the storage account
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString);

            // Create the blob client
            CloudBlobClient blobClient         = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            const string    inputContainerName = "batchinput";
            List <string>   inputFilePaths     = new List <string>

            // Upload the input files to blob storage
            List <ResourceFile> inputFiles = new List <ResourceFile>();

            foreach (string filePath in inputFilePaths)
                inputFiles.Add(UploadFileToContainer(blobClient, inputContainerName, filePath));

            // Get a SAS Url for the output container
            const string outputContainerName   = "batchoutput";
            string       outputContainerSasUrl = GetOutputContainerSasUrl(blobClient, outputContainerName);

            // Create the virtual machine image reference
            ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
                publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                offer: "WindowsServer",
                sku: "2016-datacenter-smalldisk",
                version: "latest");

            // Create the virtual machine configuration for the pool
            VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                imageReference: imageReference,
                nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");

            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(BatchAccountUrl, BatchAccountName, BatchAccountKey);

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", PoolId);
                    CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                        poolId: PoolId,
                        targetDedicatedComputeNodes: PoolNodeCount,
                        virtualMachineSize: PoolVMSize,
                        virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);

                    // Specify the application packages for the tasks
                    pool.ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                        new ApplicationPackageReference {
                            ApplicationId = "ReadWriteFile", Version = "1"

                catch (BatchException be)
                    // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                    if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                        Console.WriteLine("The pool {0} already existed when we tried to create it", PoolId);
                        throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                Console.WriteLine("Creating job [{0}]...", JobId);
                    CloudJob job = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                    job.Id = JobId;
                    job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation {
                        PoolId = PoolId

                catch (BatchException be)
                    // Accept the specific error code JobExists as that is expected if the job already exists
                    if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.JobExists)
                        Console.WriteLine("The job {0} already existed when we tried to create it", JobId);
                        throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                // Create a collection to hold the tasks that we'll be adding to the job
                Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} tasks to job [{1}]...", inputFiles.Count, JobId);

                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();

                // Create each of the tasks to process one of the input files.
                for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Count; i++)
                    string taskId          = String.Format("Task{0}", i);
                    string inputFilename   = inputFiles[i].FilePath;
                    string outputFileName  = string.Format("out{0}", inputFilename);
                    string taskCommandLine = string.Format("cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_READWRITEFILE%\\ReadWriteFile.exe {0} {1}", inputFilename, outputFileName);

                    CloudTask task = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);

                    // Set the resource files and output files for the task
                    task.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile> {
                    task.OutputFiles = new List <OutputFile>
                        new OutputFile(
                            filePattern: outputFileName,
                            destination: new OutputFileDestination(new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(containerUrl: outputContainerSasUrl, path: outputFileName)),
                            uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskCompletion))

                // Add all tasks to the job.
                batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(JobId, tasks);

                // Monitor task success/failure, specifying a maximum amount of time to wait for the tasks to complete.
                TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
                Console.WriteLine("Monitoring all tasks for 'Completed' state, timeout in {0}...", timeout);

                IEnumerable <CloudTask> addedTasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);

                batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(addedTasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout);

                Console.WriteLine("All tasks reached state Completed.");

                // Print task output
                Console.WriteLine("Printing task output...");

                IEnumerable <CloudTask> completedtasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);

                foreach (CloudTask task in completedtasks)
                    string nodeId = String.Format(task.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId);
                    Console.WriteLine("Task: {0}", task.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine("Node: {0}", nodeId);
                    Console.WriteLine("Standard out:");

                // Clean up Batch resources (if the user so chooses)
                Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")

                Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
예제 #28
        private static void StartBatchTasks(List <ResourceFile> inputFiles)
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(BatchAccountUrl, BatchAccountName, BatchAccountKey);

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                // Create a Windows Server image, VM configuration, Batch pool
                ImageReference imageReference = CreateImageReference();

                VirtualMachineConfiguration vmConfiguration = CreateVirtualMachineConfiguration(imageReference);

                CreateBatchPool(batchClient, vmConfiguration);


                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();

                for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Count; i++)
                    string taskId          = String.Format("Task{0}", i);
                    string inputFilename   = inputFiles[i].FilePath;
                    string taskCommandLine = String.Format("cmd /c type {0}", inputFilename);

                    CloudTask task = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);
                    task.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile> {

                batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(JobId, tasks);

                TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
                Console.WriteLine("Monitoring all tasks for 'Completed' state, timeout in {0}...", timeout);

                IEnumerable <CloudTask> addedTasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);

                batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(addedTasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout);

                // List tasks

                IEnumerable <CloudTask> completedtasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);

                foreach (CloudTask task in completedtasks)
                    string nodeId = String.Format(task.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId);
                    Console.WriteLine("Task: {0}", task.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine("Node: {0}", nodeId);
                    Console.WriteLine("Standard out:");

                // delete job


                // delete pool

예제 #29
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: DarkMindFX/Azure
        public void Start()
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = createCloudStorageAccount();

            CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            string contName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ContainerInput"];

            CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = getBlobContainer(cloudBlobClient, contName);

            List <string> files = getInputDataFiles();

            List <ResourceFile> inputFiles = new List <ResourceFile>();

            foreach (string f in files)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(f))
                    inputFiles.Add(GetResource(f, cloudBlobClient, cloudBlobContainer));

            using (BatchClient client = getBatchClient())
                // Create a Batch pool, VM configuration, Windows Server image
                string poolId        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PoolId"];
                int    poolNodeCount = 1;
                string poolVMSize    = "STANDARD_A1_v2";
                string jobId         = "DotNetQuickstartJob";

                Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", poolId);

                ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
                    publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
                    offer: "WindowsServer",
                    sku: "2012-R2-datacenter-smalldisk",
                    version: "latest");

                VirtualMachineConfiguration virtualMachineConfiguration =
                    new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                        imageReference: imageReference,
                        nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.windows amd64");

                    if (client.PoolOperations.ListPools() != null &&
                        client.PoolOperations.ListPools().Count() > 0 &&
                        client.PoolOperations.ListPools().First(p => p.Id == poolId) != null)

                    CloudPool pool = client.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                        poolId: poolId,
                        targetDedicatedComputeNodes: poolNodeCount,
                        virtualMachineSize: poolVMSize,
                        virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);

                catch (BatchException be)
                    // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                    if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                        Console.WriteLine("The pool {0} already existed when we tried to create it", poolId);
                        throw; // Any other exception is unexpected
                catch (Exception ex)


                    CloudJob job = client.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                    job.Id = jobId;
                    job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation {
                        PoolId = poolId

                catch (BatchException be)
                    // Accept the specific error code JobExists as that is expected if the job already exists
                    if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.JobExists)
                        Console.WriteLine("The job {0} already existed when we tried to create it", jobId);
                        throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                // Create a collection to hold the tasks that we'll be adding to the job

                Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} tasks to job [{1}]...", inputFiles.Count, jobId);

                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();

                // Create each of the tasks to process one of the input files.

                for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Count; i++)
                    string taskId          = String.Format("Task{0}", i);
                    string inputFilename   = inputFiles[i].FilePath;
                    string taskCommandLine = String.Format("cmd /c type {0}", inputFilename);

                    CloudTask task = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);
                    task.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile> {

                // Add all tasks to the job.
                client.JobOperations.AddTask(jobId, tasks);

                // Monitor task success/failure, specifying a maximum amount of time to wait for the tasks to complete.

                TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
                Console.WriteLine("Monitoring all tasks for 'Completed' state, timeout in {0}...", timeout);

                IEnumerable <CloudTask> addedTasks = client.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId);

                client.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(addedTasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout);

                Console.WriteLine("All tasks reached state Completed.");

                // Print task output
                Console.WriteLine("Printing task output...");

                IEnumerable <CloudTask> completedtasks = client.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId);

                Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

                foreach (CloudTask task in completedtasks)
                    string nodeId = String.Format(task.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId);
                    Console.WriteLine("Task: {0}", task.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine("Node: {0}", nodeId);
                    Console.WriteLine("Standard out:");

                // Print out some timing info
                Console.WriteLine("Sample end: {0}", DateTime.Now);
                Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}", timer.Elapsed);

                // Clean up Storage resources
                if (cloudBlobContainer != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Container [{0}] deleted.", contName);
                    Console.WriteLine("Container [{0}] does not exist, skipping deletion.", contName);

                // Clean up Batch resources (if the user so chooses)
                Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")

                Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
예제 #30
        static void Main()
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountName) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountKey) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountUrl) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(StorageAccountName) ||
                throw new InvalidOperationException("One or more account credential strings have not been populated. Please ensure that your Batch and Storage account credentials have been specified.");

                Console.WriteLine("Sample start: {0}", DateTime.Now);
                Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

                // Create the blob client, for use in obtaining references to blob storage containers
                CloudBlobClient blobClient = CreateCloudBlobClient(StorageAccountName, StorageAccountKey);

                // Use the blob client to create the input container in Azure Storage
                const string inputContainerName = "input";

                CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(inputContainerName);


                // The collection of data files that are to be processed by the tasks
                List <string> inputFilePaths = new List <string>

                // Upload the data files to Azure Storage. This is the data that will be processed by each of the tasks that are
                // executed on the compute nodes within the pool.
                List <ResourceFile> inputFiles = new List <ResourceFile>();

                foreach (string filePath in inputFilePaths)
                    inputFiles.Add(UploadFileToContainer(blobClient, inputContainerName, filePath));

                // Get a Batch client using account creds

                BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(BatchAccountUrl, BatchAccountName, BatchAccountKey);

                using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", PoolId);

                    // Create a Windows Server image, VM configuration, Batch pool
                    ImageReference imageReference = CreateImageReference();

                    VirtualMachineConfiguration vmConfiguration = CreateVirtualMachineConfiguration(imageReference);

                    CreateBatchPool(batchClient, vmConfiguration);

                    // Create a Batch job
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating job [{0}]...", JobId);

                        CloudJob job = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                        job.Id = JobId;
                        job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation {
                            PoolId = PoolId

                    catch (BatchException be)
                        // Accept the specific error code JobExists as that is expected if the job already exists
                        if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.JobExists)
                            Console.WriteLine("The job {0} already existed when we tried to create it", JobId);
                            throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                    // Create a collection to hold the tasks that we'll be adding to the job

                    Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} tasks to job [{1}]...", inputFiles.Count, JobId);

                    List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();

                    // Create each of the tasks to process one of the input files.

                    for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Count; i++)
                        string taskId          = String.Format("Task{0}", i);
                        string inputFilename   = inputFiles[i].FilePath;
                        string taskCommandLine = String.Format("cmd /c type {0}", inputFilename);

                        CloudTask task = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);
                        task.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile> {

                    // Add all tasks to the job.
                    batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(JobId, tasks);

                    // Monitor task success/failure, specifying a maximum amount of time to wait for the tasks to complete.

                    TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
                    Console.WriteLine("Monitoring all tasks for 'Completed' state, timeout in {0}...", timeout);

                    IEnumerable <CloudTask> addedTasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);

                    batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(addedTasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout);

                    Console.WriteLine("All tasks reached state Completed.");

                    // Print task output
                    Console.WriteLine("Printing task output...");

                    IEnumerable <CloudTask> completedtasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);

                    foreach (CloudTask task in completedtasks)
                        string nodeId = String.Format(task.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId);
                        Console.WriteLine("Task: {0}", task.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine("Node: {0}", nodeId);
                        Console.WriteLine("Standard out:");

                    // Print out some timing info
                    Console.WriteLine("Sample end: {0}", DateTime.Now);
                    Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}", timer.Elapsed);

                    // Clean up Storage resources
                    Console.WriteLine("Container [{0}] deleted.", inputContainerName);

                    // Clean up Batch resources (if the user so chooses)
                    Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                    string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    if (response != "n" && response != "no")

                    Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                    response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                Console.WriteLine("Sample complete, hit ENTER to exit...");