public ActionResult ViewProductModal(int id, int supplierNumber, int quantity)
            string       userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            ShoppingCart cart   = GetCartFromSession(userId);

            if (User.Identity.Name != null)
                if (User.Identity.Name == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["developerIdentity"])
                    AuditUser.LogAudit(32, "Hit", userId);
                AuditUser.LogAudit(32, "Hit");

            ViewProductViewModel model = new ViewProductViewModel(id, supplierNumber, quantity, cart.Order.OrderNumber);

            if (model == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Departments", "Product"));

            return(PartialView("_ViewProductModal", model));
예제 #2
 public ActionResult ViewProduct(int id, string urlRedirect)
         ViewBag.Message = urlRedirect;
         ViewProductViewModel model = new ViewProductViewModel();
         ViewBag.Message = urlRedirect;
         if (Product.IsPrescriptionGlasses(id))
             PrescriptionGlasses p = new PrescriptionGlasses(id);
             model.Id              = p.ProductId.ToString();
             model.Name            = p.Name;
             model.Price           = decimal.Round(p.Price).ToString();
             model.PrimaryImage    = p.PrimaryImage;
             model.Lens            = p.Lens.LensName;
             model.Description     = p.ProductDescription;
             model.DiscountedPrice = decimal.Round(p.GetDiscountedPrice()).ToString();
             if (p.Quantity == 0)
                 model.Status = "Out of Stock";
                 model.Status = p.Quantity + " Item(s) available";
             model.Frame        = p.Frame.FrameName;
             model.FrameColor   = p.FrameColor;
             model.Images       = p.Images;
             model.IsSunglasses = false;
         else if (Product.IsSunglasses(id))
             Sunglasses s = new Sunglasses(id);
             model.Id              = s.ProductId.ToString();
             model.Name            = s.Name;
             model.Price           = decimal.Round(s.Price).ToString();
             model.PrimaryImage    = s.PrimaryImage;
             model.LensColor       = s.LensColor;
             model.Description     = s.ProductDescription;
             model.DiscountedPrice = decimal.Round(s.GetDiscountedPrice()).ToString();
             if (s.Quantity == 0)
                 model.Status = "Out of Stock";
                 model.Status = s.Quantity + " Item(s) remaining";
             model.FrameColor   = s.FrameColor;
             model.Images       = s.Images;
             model.IsSunglasses = true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         HandleErrorInfo error = new HandleErrorInfo(ex, "Home", "ViewProduct");
         return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { model = error }));
        public ActionResult ViewProduct(int id)
            ViewProductViewModel model = new ViewProductViewModel();

            model.Product          = products.FindById(id);
            model.PeopleReadyToBuy = carts.ProductCountInCarts(model.Product);
            model.RelatedProducts  = model.Product.Category.Products.Where(x => x.Id != id).Take(3);
예제 #4
        public IActionResult AddInCategory(ViewProductViewModel viewModel, int ProductId)
            viewModel.Association.ProductId = ProductId;

            return(RedirectToAction("Product", new{ ProductId = ProductId }));
예제 #5
        public IActionResult ViewProduct(int id)
            ShoppingManager      mgr = new ShoppingManager(_connectionString);
            ViewProductViewModel vm  = new ViewProductViewModel
                Categories = mgr.GetAllCategories(),
                Product    = mgr.GetProduct(id)

예제 #6
        public IActionResult Product(int ProductId)
            ViewProductViewModel viewModel = new ViewProductViewModel();

            viewModel.currentProduct = dbContext.Products
                                       .Include(p => p.Associations)
                                       .ThenInclude(pc => pc.Category)
                                       .FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == ProductId);
            viewModel.CategoryList = dbContext.Categories
                                     .Include(c => c.Associations)
                                     .ThenInclude(pc => pc.Product)
                                     .Where(c => !viewModel.currentProduct.Associations.Select(pc => pc.Category).Contains(c))
            return(View("Product", viewModel));
        public IActionResult ViewProducts(int Id)
            var viewModel = new ViewProductViewModel();

            viewModel.Products = _dbContext.Product.Where(p => p.ProductCategory.Id == Id)
                                 .Select(prod => new ViewProductViewModel
                Id              = prod.Id,
                Description     = prod.Description,
                Name            = prod.Name,
                Price           = prod.Price,
                ProductCategory = prod.ProductCategory

        public ActionResult ViewProduct(int id, int supplierNumber, int quantity)
            string       userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            ShoppingCart cart   = GetCartFromSession(userId);

            ViewProductViewModel model = new ViewProductViewModel(id, supplierNumber, quantity, cart.Order.OrderNumber);

            if (model == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Departments", "Product"));

            model.Reviews = ProductReviewsCollection.GetReviewsOnly(id, supplierNumber, 0);

            return(View("ViewProduct", model));
        public async Task <IActionResult> ViewProduct(int productId)
            ViewProductViewModel vm = new ViewProductViewModel();

            vm.Feedbacks = new List <FeedbackDetails>();
            var product = await _context.Products.SingleOrDefaultAsync(pd => pd.ProductID == productId);

            if (product != null)
                var inventory = await _context.Inventories.SingleOrDefaultAsync(iv => iv.ProductID == productId);

                vm.ProductDescription = product.ProductDescription;
                vm.ProductName        = product.ProductName;
                vm.ProductID          = product.ProductID;
                vm.ProductImage       = product.ProductImage;
                vm.StocksLeft         = inventory.Quantity;
                vm.Price    = product.Price;
                vm.Critical = inventory.CriticalLevel;

                var feedbacks = await _context.Feedbacks.Where(f => f.ProductID == productId).ToListAsync();

                if (feedbacks != null)
                    foreach (var fb in feedbacks)
                        var user = await _context.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Id == fb.UserID);

                        if (user != null)
                            vm.Feedbacks.Add(new FeedbackDetails
                                Rating          = fb.Rating,
                                FeedbackMessage = fb.FeedbackMessage,
                                FeedbackID      = fb.FeedbackID,
                                User            = user,
                                DateCreated     = fb.DateCreated,
                                IsArchived      = fb.IsArchived


        private async Task PinSecondaryTile(object sender, ViewProductViewModel vm)
                //Prepare the Tile metadata
                Uri    smallLogo = new Uri("ms-appx://" + vm.ProductDetails.ImagePath);
                string tileActivationArguments = vm.ProductDetails.Id;
                string subTitle = vm.ProductDetails.Name;

                //Create the Secondary Tile and set the VisualElements options.
                SecondaryTile secondaryTile = new SecondaryTile(vm.ProductDetails.Id, subTitle, tileActivationArguments, smallLogo, TileSize.Square150x150);
                secondaryTile.VisualElements.ShowNameOnSquare150x150Logo = true;
                secondaryTile.VisualElements.ForegroundText = ForegroundText.Dark;

                //Accent color for tile which will work if Foreground Text is either Black or White.
                secondaryTile.VisualElements.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 27, 161, 226);

                //Attempt to Pin the Tile
                bool isPinned = await secondaryTile.RequestCreateForSelectionAsync(GetElementRect((FrameworkElement)sender), Placement.Above);

                //Set the Pinned State from the returned status (nb: don't wait until system can find the tile as it may not happen until a few MS later)

                //Notify the User of the Pinned Status.
                if (isPinned)
                    MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("Product " + vm.ProductDetails.Name + " successfully pinned.");
                    await dialog.ShowAsync();
                    MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("Product " + vm.ProductDetails.Name + " not pinned.");
                    await dialog.ShowAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("There was an error pinning this tile. \n\n Message : " + (e.Message ?? "(Error Details Unavailable)"), "Error Pinning Tile");
                await dialog.ShowAsync();
예제 #11
        public async Task <IActionResult> View(int id)
            var productQuery =
                from product0 in StoreContext.Products.AsNoTracking()
                .Include(product0 => product0.ProductImages)
                where product0.Id == id
                select product0;

            var product = await productQuery.FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            if (productQuery == null)

            var viewModel = new ViewProductViewModel
                Product = product

        /// <summary>
        /// This method unpins the existing secondary tile.
        /// The user is shown a message informing whether the tile is unpinned successfully
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="vm">The Current Product View Model.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task UnpinSecondaryTile(object sender, ViewProductViewModel vm)
                if (SecondaryTile.Exists(vm.ProductDetails.Id))
                    SecondaryTile secondaryTile = new SecondaryTile(vm.ProductDetails.Id);

                    //nb: should always return true as we checked with Exists()
                    if (secondaryTile != null)
                        bool isUnpinned = await secondaryTile.RequestDeleteForSelectionAsync(GetElementRect((FrameworkElement)sender), Placement.Above);


                        if (isUnpinned)
                            MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("Product " + vm.ProductDetails.Name + " successfully unpinned.");
                            await dialog.ShowAsync();
                            MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("Product " + vm.ProductDetails.Name + " not unpinned.");
                            await dialog.ShowAsync();
                    MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("The tile for Product " + vm.ProductDetails.Name + " was not located.");
                    await dialog.ShowAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("There was an error unpinning this tile. \n\n Message : " + (e.Message ?? "(Error Details Unavailable)"), "Error Unpinning Tile");
                await dialog.ShowAsync();
        public ActionResult AddToCart(ViewProductViewModel viewModel)
            // Validate
            if (viewModel.ProductNumber == 0 || viewModel.SupplierNumber == 0)
                TempData["errorMessage"] = "Error: We could not add the item to the cart.";
                return(JavaScript("window.location = window.location.href;"));

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                string       userId        = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                bool         anonymousUser = (userId == null);
                ShoppingCart cart          = GetCartFromSession(userId);

                if (cart.Order.OrderStatus == "Locked")
                    TempData["errorMessage"] = "Your cart is locked because you are in the process of checking out. Open your cart to complete or cancel the checkout process.";

                    if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                        return(JavaScript("window.location = window.location.href;"));
                        return(RedirectToAction("Cart", "ShoppingCart"));

                // CheckQuantity
                if (viewModel.CustodianQuantityOnHand < viewModel.Quantity)
                    viewModel.SetInstances(viewModel.ProductNumber, viewModel.SupplierNumber);

                    if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                        return(PartialView("_ViewProductModal", viewModel));
                        viewModel.Reviews = ProductReviewsCollection.GetReviewsOnly(viewModel.ProductNumber, viewModel.SupplierNumber, 0);
                        return(View("ViewProduct", viewModel));

                FreeMarketObject result;
                result = cart.AddItemFromProduct(viewModel.ProductNumber, viewModel.SupplierNumber, viewModel.Quantity, viewModel.CustodianNumber, viewModel.SelectedPackageType);

                if (result.Result == FreeMarketResult.Success)
                    // New item added
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Message))
                        TempData["message"] = result.Message;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Message))
                        TempData["errorMessage"] = result.Message;

                if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    return(JavaScript("window.location = window.location.href;"));
                    viewModel.Reviews = ProductReviewsCollection.GetReviewsOnly(viewModel.ProductNumber, viewModel.SupplierNumber, 0);
                    return(RedirectToAction("Cart", "ShoppingCart"));
            // Validation Error
                // Prepare
                viewModel.SetInstances(viewModel.ProductNumber, viewModel.SupplierNumber);

                if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    return(PartialView("_ViewProductModal", viewModel));
                    viewModel.Reviews = ProductReviewsCollection.GetReviewsOnly(viewModel.ProductNumber, viewModel.SupplierNumber, 0);
                    return(View("ViewProduct", viewModel));