예제 #1
        private void DoSelect()
            //1 先取当前人所在的部门 一个人可能有多个部门
            sql = @"select GroupId from SysGroup where Type='2' and GroupId in 
                 (select GroupId from SysUserGroup where UserId='{0}')";
            sql = string.Format(sql, op == "c" ? UserInfo.UserID : ent.CreateId);
            IList <EasyDictionary> dics = DataHelper.QueryDictList(sql);
            string groupids             = "";

            foreach (EasyDictionary dic in dics)
                groupids += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupids) ? "" : ",") + dic.Get <string>("GroupId");
            //2 取该部门下的角色 且名称是'部门正职', '部门副职', '部门领导'
            sql = @"select GroupId from SysGroup where PatIndex('%'+ParentId+'%','" + groupids + "')>0 and Name in ('部门正职', '部门副职', '部门领导')";
            IList <EasyDictionary> dic2s = DataHelper.QueryDictList(sql);

            groupids = "";
            foreach (EasyDictionary dic2 in dic2s)
                groupids += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupids) ? "" : ",") + dic2.Get <string>("GroupId");
            //3 取该角色下所有的人
            sql = @"select UserId,Name from SysUser where UserId In (select UserId from SysUserGroup where PatIndex('%'+GroupId+'%','{0}')>0)";
            sql = string.Format(sql, groupids);
            PageState.Add("AuditEnum", DataHelper.QueryDict(sql, "UserId", "Name"));
            sql = @"select GroupId from SysGroup where PatIndex('%'+ParentId+'%','037b894a-198f-47fe-8d05-d8f136362dfa')>0 and Name in ('部门正职', '部门副职', '部门领导')";
            IList <EasyDictionary> dic3s = DataHelper.QueryDictList(sql);

            groupids = "";
            foreach (EasyDictionary dic3 in dic3s)
                groupids += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupids) ? "" : ",") + dic3.Get <string>("GroupId");
            //3 取该角色下所有的人
            sql = @"select UserId,Name from SysUser where UserId In (select UserId from SysUserGroup where PatIndex('%'+GroupId+'%','{0}')>0)";
            sql = string.Format(sql, groupids);
            PageState.Add("SecondApproveEnum", DataHelper.QueryDict(sql, "UserId", "Name"));
            if (op != "c" && op != "cs")
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                    ent    = VideoNews.Find(id);
                    typeid = ent.TypeId;
                    PageState.Add("DetailList", VideoNewDetail.FindAllByProperty("PId", ent.Id));
                    if (RequestData.Get <string>("InFlow") == "T")
                        sql = @"select * from Task where PatIndex('%" + ent.Id + "%',EFormName)>0  and Status='4' order by FinishTime asc";
                        IList <EasyDictionary> taskDics = DataHelper.QueryDictList(sql);
                        PageState.Add("Opinion", taskDics);
                        string taskId = RequestData.Get <string>("TaskId");//取审批暂存时所填写的意见
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskId))
                            Task tEnt = Task.Find(taskId);
                            if (tEnt.Status != 4 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tEnt.Description))
                                PageState.Add("UnSubmitOpinion", tEnt.Description);
                sql = "select DeptId,ChildDeptName,ParentId,ParentDeptName,len(Path) LenPath from  dbo.View_SysUserGroup where UserId='" + UserInfo.UserID + "' and Type=2";
                DataTable dtt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);
                if (dtt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    var DeptInfo = new { groupId = dtt.Rows[0]["DeptId"] + "", groupName = dtt.Rows[0]["ChildDeptName"] + "", deptId = dtt.Rows[0]["ParentId"] + "", deptName = dtt.Rows[0]["ParentDeptName"] + "" };
                    PageState.Add("DeptInfo", DeptInfo);
            IList <NewsType> ntEnts = NewsType.FindAllByProperty(NewsType.Prop_TypeName, "视频新闻");

            PageState.Add("TypeId", ntEnts[0].Id);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (this.Request["Id"] != null)
                VideoNews msg = VideoNews.Find(this.Request["Id"]);
                if (msg != null)
                    if (msg.State == "2")
                        msg.Ext1 = msg.Ext1 == null ? "1" : (Convert.ToInt32(msg.Ext1) + 1) + "";

                    if (msg.PostTime != null && msg.PostTime.HasValue)
                        msg.CreateName = ((DateTime)msg.PostTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
                    CollectionToUser[] cts = CollectionToUser.FindAllByProperties("MsgId", msg.Id, "UserId", UserInfo.UserID);
                    PageState.Add("collection", cts.Length > 0 ? "on" : "off");

                    VideoNewDetail[] imgdetails = VideoNewDetail.FindAllByProperty("PId", msg.Id);
                    if (imgdetails.Length > 0)
                        Url = imgdetails[0].ImgPath.TrimEnd(',');
                        for (int i = 0; i < imgdetails.Length; i++)
                            litcontent.Text += "<p id='p" + i + "' style='margin-top: 20px;' tag='" + imgdetails[i].ImgPath + "'>" + imgdetails[i].Content + "</p>";
                            litimgs.Text    += "<li><img src='" + imgdetails[i].Ext1 + "' /><tt></tt></li>";

            if (RequestActionString == "batchcollection")
                    //object[] pram = { new SqlParameter("MsgId", RequestData["Id"]), new SqlParameter("UserId", UserInfo.UserID) };
                    CollectionToUser[] Ctus = CollectionToUser.FindAll("from CollectionToUser where MsgId='" + RequestData["Id"] + "' and UserId='" + UserInfo.UserID + "'");
                    if (Ctus.Length == 0)
                        CollectionToUser Ctu = new CollectionToUser();
                        Ctu.MsgId      = RequestData["Id"] + "";
                        Ctu.UserId     = UserInfo.UserID;
                        Ctu.CreateId   = UserInfo.UserID + "";
                        Ctu.CreateName = UserInfo.Name + "";

                        this.PageState.Add("result", "已收藏");
                        this.PageState.Add("result", "已取消收藏");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.PageState.Add("result", ex.Message);
            else if (RequestActionString == "readstate")
                VideoNews msg = VideoNews.Find(this.RequestData["Id"]);

                msg.Ext2 = (msg.Ext2 + "").Contains(UserInfo.UserID) ? msg.Ext2 : msg.Ext2 + UserInfo.UserID + ",";
예제 #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            op     = RequestData.Get <string>("op");
            id     = RequestData.Get <string>("id");
            typeid = RequestData.Get <string>("TypeId");

            VideoNews ent = null;

            switch (this.RequestAction)
            case RequestActionEnum.Update:
                ent = this.GetMergedData <VideoNews>();
                ent.HomePagePopup = RequestData.Get <string>("HomePagePopup");
                ent.State         = "1";
                if (RequestData["param"] + "" == "tj")
                    ent.PostUserId   = UserInfo.UserID;
                    ent.PostUserName = UserInfo.Name;
                    ent.PostTime     = DateTime.Now;
                    ent.State        = "2";

                SaveDetail(ent.Id, ent.ShowImg);
                InsertCompetence(ent.Id, ent.ReceiveDeptId, ent.ReceiveDeptName);

            case RequestActionEnum.Insert:
            case RequestActionEnum.Create:
                ent = this.GetPostedData <VideoNews>();
                ent.HomePagePopup = RequestData.Get <string>("HomePagePopup");
                ent.CreateId      = UserInfo.UserID;
                ent.CreateName    = UserInfo.Name;
                ent.CreateTime    = DateTime.Now;
                ent.State         = "1";
                if (RequestData["param"] + "" == "tj")
                    ent.PostUserId   = UserInfo.UserID;
                    ent.PostUserName = UserInfo.Name;
                    ent.PostTime     = DateTime.Now;
                    ent.State        = "2";

                SaveDetail(ent.Id, ent.ShowImg);
                InsertCompetence(ent.Id, ent.ReceiveDeptId, ent.ReceiveDeptName);

            case RequestActionEnum.Delete:
                ent = this.GetTargetData <VideoNews>();

            if (RequestActionString == "ImportFile")
                string fileIds = RequestData.Get <string>("fileIds");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileIds))
                    string sql = @"select * from BJKY_Portal..FileItem where PatIndex('%'+Id+'%','{0}')>0";
                    sql = string.Format(sql, fileIds);
                    PageState.Add("Result", DataHelper.QueryDictList(sql));

            if (op != "c" && op != "cs")
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                    ent    = VideoNews.Find(id);
                    typeid = ent.TypeId;
                    PageState.Add("DetailList", VideoNewDetail.FindAllByProperty(VideoNewDetail.Prop_PId, ent.Id));

                string    sql = "select DeptId,ChildDeptName,ParentId,ParentDeptName,len(Path) LenPath from  dbo.View_SysUserGroup where UserId='" + UserInfo.UserID + "' and Type=2";
                DataTable dtt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql);
                if (dtt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    var DeptInfo = new { groupId = dtt.Rows[0]["DeptId"] + "", groupName = dtt.Rows[0]["ChildDeptName"] + "", deptId = dtt.Rows[0]["ParentId"] + "", deptName = dtt.Rows[0]["ParentDeptName"] + "" };
                    PageState.Add("DeptInfo", DeptInfo);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeid))
                NewsType newsType = NewsType.TryFind(typeid);
                PageState.Add("NewsType", newsType);
            EasyDictionary es = new EasyDictionary();
            DataTable      dt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable("select Id,TypeName from NewsType where IsEfficient='1'");

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                es.Add(row["Id"].ToString(), row["TypeName"].ToString());
            PageState.Add("NewsTypeEnum", es);